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World Events

(March 14 to March 21, 2014)

The Invasion of Ukraine

March 14, 2014


Treasure my words. Hold onto my light. These are all that you will have in the days ahead.

I must turn my heart to those world events that are suffocating and destroying. These actions are putting the whole world on notice that the foundations of peace are very shaky.

Even though events are happening in the Ukraine, these are not the final or central events.

However, this invasion reveals the frailty of the West and its inability to stand firm and repress the forces of evil.

This helplessness is evident everywhere, in Iran where atomic weapons are being built, in Iraq where order has collapsed, and in Syria where the dictator strengthens his stranglehold upon the country.

The leaders will speak at the United Nations. Words will flow abundantly but few will be the actions that can turn back this invasion. Another piece of the world will fall into darkness.

Only those who listen to my teachings, really understand what is happening.

Comment: The invasion of the Ukraine reveals the helplessness of the West but the great events will happen elsewhere.

The Blindness of the World

March 15, 2014


World leaders think that they walk in light when, in truth, their hearts and minds are filled with the greatest darkness. They have no faith and the words they speak do not come from a love of God. They are like Old Testament Israel which foolishly entered into foreign alliances instead of trusting God. So, I must be like the Old Testament prophets, speaking God’s words to leaders filled only with secular light.

You attack the wrong places and protect only your own interests. Having no faith, you do not form alliances based on faith. Your foreign policies have become like your political policies, based on fragmented visions and selfish goals.

You are leading the West down the wrong road. Your vision is blurred. Your goals are selfish. Your means are inadequate. Your oneness is broken and your hearts are in the wrong place.

I want to turn your hearts. I want to explain why I have lifted my protective hand from you.

Although you will not listen, although you will say this is not important, that it does not even deal with foreign policies, I must say it anyway, “You, selfish leaders and blind guides, how can you protect those who are born, when you foolishly refuse to protect the unborn.

Protect your unborn, and I will protect you. Continue to sacrifice them to political expediency and I will sacrifice you on the altars of war.”

Comment: Mary uses the fiery words of the Old Testament prophet.

A Special Leader

March 16, 2014


There is a leader whom I hold in my heart and whose ascendency to office I want to bring about. I have given him all the qualifications needed to lead the free world. I have advanced him according to my plan and he, himself, is willing to make the sacrifices needed to seek election.

I ask of him only one thing. He must protect human life, all human life, no matter how it is conceived. He must stand clear and firm that human life begins at the moment of conception.

Let him put his name to the Life At Conception Act. Let him not fear. This is the step I want him to take. If he commits himself to protect every unborn life, I will protect him in his bid for the highest office.

To all world leaders I say clearly that there can be no compromise in this matter. None of you are allowed to sacrifice the unborn for the sake of your political lives. God cannot bless America while America kills its unborn. This is the cause of your decline, a decline that will happen even more quickly if you do not change your laws.

Comment: Hopefully, the person who Mary speaks about will read this!

Collapse of American Protection

March 17, 2014


My words will take on new meaning and greater clarity. I will not just speak of past events or of events too far in the future. I will speak of all that is unfolding before your very eyes. I want you to trust these words because, when the events begin, they will guide you and help you to understand.

Today, I will speak of America and the problems that are erupting all over the world. America has withdrawn. It has sheathed its sword and its voice no longer has power. Because America has chosen this path, the timetable has moved up. Evil moves more quickly.

In the past, America has made serious blunders because its foreign policies were directed by big business. To help or not to help, to invade or not to invade was decided by its money people, not by those who wanted the best interests of the people.

America’s money interests have devastated countries, removed true leaders, established puppet governments and ruined social structures that could have served well. So much of this business- driven foreign policy has been hidden from the people.

Now, a new policy is in place that refuses to accept the role that I have given to America. I have blessed this nation so that freedom and truth might reign everywhere. America has withdrawn. It refuses to step forward, like a timid dog that only barks loudly and is quickly seen as harmless.

The result will be a total loss of the Ukraine and a Putin who will soon look for other places to devour. These policies were impossible just a few years ago. Now, all seems possible.

China will quickly read the evidence and know that it can move forward with aggression. Iran will realize that the terms of its agreement are meaningless and will never be enforced by a cowed America.

America’s allies also see the change and no longer count upon its strength. All of this inevitably happens when the great protector, America, whom I have blessed and chosen, throws down its arms and surrenders.

Comment: Mary has often spoken of the timetable of destruction being moved up by American withdrawal. Now, she speaks of very concrete events which are soon to happen.

An Earthly Michael

March 18, 2014


All the cards are on the table. Satan has all the kingdoms of earth in his sight. How he covets these and wants them for his own. Even though they are passing away, earthly kingdoms are all he can possess. Heaven is denied to him. Its gates are closed. Michael and his angels have cast him out. So, he roams the world, fighting against my children.

Gradually, his plan unfolds. His strategies change according to the acceptance or rejection given to him. He moves where he can easily conquer. He waits where he finds no acceptance.

Like any general, he consolidates his victories and plans his next attack.

In this world, where faith is so weak, he seldom suffers any defeat and almost never is made to withdraw. So it is in the Crimea. He has gobbled it up quickly. It is already in his stomach and what power can make him vomit it up. His hunger grows with each victory. His pride increases.

It is his pride which will be his downfall, as it was in the beginning. I will raise up another Michael, a Michael of earth who will defeat his pride because I will clothe him in my humility.

Comment: Mary promises to raise up a special person as her instrument against Satan.


March 19, 2014


All the events are culminating. The seeds of destruction, planted so carefully by Satan centuries ago, are coming to a full harvest. I will remove the veil that covers over his plan.

All the world sees the events. They are known to everyone – the destabilizing revolutions in northern Africa, the long-lasting revolt in Syria that has touched the neighboring counties, the ravaging of Iraq, the nuclear plans of Iran, the destabilizing of Afghanistan and now the invasion of the Crimea with more to follow.

In the middle of all these events lies Israel, seemingly small and unimportant. As far as the West is concerned, Israel is an appendage, an anomaly. It exists but its existence does not seem vital to the West. If it were suddenly gobbled up, it would mean no more than the Crimea. This is the great deception. Satan’s prize is to destroy Israel, that Holy Land where he suffered his great defeat and that city which still contains the redeeming Blood of Jesus.

Comment: Mary has spoken of the importance of Israel throughout these locutions.

The Plans of Russia

March 20, 2014


Putin will not stop. He will move on and claim as much of the former territory as possible.

When this stage of reclaiming the satellites is completed, a new order of relationships among world leaders will be formed. The full integration of Russia into the West that seemingly was happening will be shattered. The Cold War will be re-established, although in a different way, more in keeping to Russia’s advantage.

All of this will set the stage for the next series of events. Russia will grow closer to China. It will continue its significant role in the Middle East through its allies, Syria and Iran. Russia, under Putin, will use its geographic setting to its advantage, with doors open both to the West and the East.

In spite of Putin’s grabbing as much as he can, the European leaders have little recourse.

They foolishly opened their doors. They gave Russia a place at the tables and respectability.

They can only pull back a little bit. Their economies are intertwined and Putin will cleverly deflect the harm of the sanctions. He has strengthened Russia before beginning his military advances.

What does all of this portend? How does it fit into the picture that I have constantly painted in these locutions? The pieces all fit together. Satan’s timetable moves ahead, much more quickly. All of his friends see opportunities everywhere that they never dreamed would happen so soon. Many, many more events will happen. All of these are preparatory. Evil spreads because the good are so weak. The West refuses to act because the unity of faith and the motivation of faith are lacking.

More important, the clarity of vision and the decisiveness that I would give to the world through the Church has not gone forth. Both the Church and the West bear the blame.

The West will continue to lie in great darkness until the great light comes to the Church and attains the lampstand. In those days, it will not be the wisdom of man (even of the priest son whom I have chosen) but my wisdom and my light which will go forth. Oh, it will be late, so very late. Many will ask, “Where is heaven’s help?” God has placed all light and all help in my Immaculate Heart but I must wait until the Holy Father invokes that help by consecrating Russia.

My final question is this, “Is there anyone in the world or in the Church who does not now see clearly what I proclaimed at Fatima? World peace will only come when Russia, not the world in general, is consecrated to me.”

Comment: Mary explains what is happening and why.

The Global Economy

March 21, 2014


The fire is all-consuming and the plans of evil involve the whole world. No one is left out.

When all of these events begin and the established order begins to shatter, you, O reader, must already have my word planted in your heart.

The world’s economies are built on very shaky foundations. Many nations have debts that they will never repay. Even established nations have growing debts. The money flows into the most dangerous nations. Economies no longer stand alone. All are entangled in what is called “the global economy”.

The backbone of world order was the diversity of the nations, so clearly willed by God. Powerful forces are destroying this diversity, calling all into a one world order. Do you not see that this repeats the pride and foolishness of Babel? In this area, also, the world totters on the brink.

As the wars spread, the economies will be pushed further and further, until some are broken.

All the world’s problems are interrelated. They are not happenstance. They come from the intelligent design of the Evil One. Mankind, with its limited intelligence is no match.

Comment: Even without the wars, the world economics are in trouble. The wars only compound the world’s problems of economic weakness.

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