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Why the Violence?

(December 15 to December 17, 2012)

The Power of Past Decisions

December 15, 2012


Mankind is mired in its own decisions, those made long ago and those made just yesterday.  They all pile up.  None is set aside.  All continue to have their power.  Who can set mankind free of its past? What power can deliver him?

To forget the past gives these decisions hidden power, like buried memories that refuse to come to light.  Yet mankind refuses to see its sins and closes itself to repentance.  These hidden powers force mankind to repeat the past evils in greater ways and in more powerful dimensions.

I stand as man’s liberator, able to purge and cleanse.  However, mankind avoids me and claims no need to come to me.  I await and welcome every repentant heart.


There was no darkness as mankind came forth from the heavenly Father’s hands.  Mankind chose the darkness and it entered his heart.  Every human being must battle the forces of darkness which lie within.  So many are unaware of this original sin and the personal sins that multiply the darkness.  Mankind creates a culture of darkness, which exists within and without, a darkness which constantly multiplies.

Where is the light that can cast out this darkness? My Son, Jesus, is the light of the world, but he, too, was cast out and crucified.  The heavenly Father raised him up in the mystery of Jesus’ rising from the dead.  This is what we will explain to the world.

The Needed Purification

December 16, 2012


The human soul must be cleansed and set free.  This is my liberating action which mankind despises, seeing no value in this cleansing.  Yet, this purification is exactly what man needs.  Without this purification, man is bound to continue even more quickly down his self-destructive path.  He cannot help himself.  With each passing decision he becomes more addicted to the evil.  Man’s problems are within himself and only I can purify the person’s inner spirit.


There are some moments when this evil hidden within man comes to the surface and explodes in violent acts.  All are taken aback, wondering how this can happen.  O foolish world, you are sick and you refuse to name your disease.  You have a doctor and you banish him from your society.  You must deal with the violence that lies deep in every person’s heart.  You must deal with it alone.  You must grapple with a power that is far beyond you.  If my words are not enough, then let the violence that constantly erupts before your eyes preach to you.  America, I speak to you as a sorrowful mother who has seen too many of your children killed.  Until you fall to your knees, violence will always erupt in your cities.

Violence Does the Preaching

December 17, 2012


Now is the time to speak no more.  I will let the violence speak for itself.  What is going on in the hearts of mankind? All is disturbed and troubled.  The violence which mankind sees now will not be the end.  Violence has become endless, one sad story after another.  How many chapters does mankind need to read until it comes to the conclusion, “We must seek God’s help or we will end up destroying ourselves”? There is no need to keep speaking.  The violence itself will preach to you saying, “This is the world when the power of God is set aside”.


I want to bind up the wounds but new and greater violence lies ahead.  Therefore, I must speak to those who will listen.  Soften your heart.  Forgive anyone who has hurt you.  Remove harsh words from your speech and renounce violence.  Do no strike back and do not retaliate.  Take no vengeance.  Speak a kind word even when kind words were not spoken to you.  Do this and you will be an invitation of peace to all.  It is not easy.

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