Virgin Mary: The Era Of Peace I Spoke About In Fatima Has Been Forgotten
Monday, April 9th, 2012 @ 10:00
My child, the world is about to undergo the final changes as the battle for souls intensifies.
Satan will hurt the Catholic Church and I, the Mother of God, will be implicated in the division of the Church.
My role as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate is not being accepted by divisions in the Catholic Church.
I am not accepted in many quarters as to the role I must play in the salvation of souls.
My poor Son is so hurt by the way in which I, the Mother of God, have been dismissed.
My role as the destroyer of the serpent is not understood.
I have been blessed with the graces, and the power, to defeat and destroy the Evil One.
He, the Evil One, has many followers from inside the Catholic Church who want to oppose the power I have been given by God the Most High.
The Era of Peace I spoke about in Fatima has been forgotten.
This Era of Peace will take place after the Second Coming of My Son and will last 1,000 years.
This will come about when Heaven and Earth will merge as one glorious New Paradise.
Because of the faith of my children and their devotion to me, their beloved Mother, many souls will enter the New Paradise.
Satan is now working hard to persuade members of the Catholic Church that this is not to be.
My role as the Mother of Salvation, and Co-Redemptrix working alongside My Beloved Son to herald the Second Coming is being denied.
Children pray that those souls, victims of the deceiver within the Catholic Chruch, do not drive my children away from their moment of salvation.
Pray that Pope Benedict can stop this evil from permeating throughout the Catholic Church.
Never give up children in your fight to stand up to the truth.
My Sons’s promise to return to bring humanity to eternal life in Paradise is about to be fulfilled. But He will be opposed every step of the way by those souls who have allowed the deceit of the Evil One to turn their heads.
Loyalty, within the Church, towards My Son will weaken.
My role as Co Redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate will not be accepted.
Pray that My Son’s priests will stay strong and that they will defend the truth.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of God
Mother of Salvation

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