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Virgin Mary: Pray For Pope Benedict With All Your Heart

Saturday, January 28th, 2012 @ 21:00

My child Satan’s power is getting weaker by the day as the Holy Spirit continues to spread His wings over all of God’s children.

Faith and love of God is growing everywhere because of prayer and the special graces given to my children by My Father, God the Most High. Conversion is increasing. Many of my children may not be aware of this but you will see this if you open your eyes.

Please, my child, you must pray for Pope Benedict with all your heart. He suffers so much and in many ways is alone in his grief for the apostasy he sees both outside of and inside the Holy Vatican.

His days in the Holy See have been extended and because of this much of the havoc caused by the evil one has been averted.

Prayer my children is like a roll of thunder in the heavens. Your prayers are being heard and answered in Heaven children.

This is good. Continue to pray the crusades of prayer given to you my child.

Here is a special prayer Crusade Prayer (23) for Pope Benedict’s safety

O My Eternal Father on behalf of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ and the suffering he endured to save the world from sin

I pray now that you protect your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of your Church on earth So that he too can help save your children and all your sacred servants

from the scourge of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels who walk the earth stealing souls

O Father protect your Pope so that your children can

Be guided on the true path towards your New Paradise on earth. Amen.

Your heavenly Queen of the Earth

Mother of Salvation

Immaculate Heart of Mary Icon
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