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Virgin Mary: Nuclear War Involving Iran Being Plotted

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 @ 13:50
A Rosary
Roasry Beads

My child, much is happening right now in the world, as satan’s army continues to spread havoc everywhere.

They are trying to take control of all financial institutions, so they can inflict a terrible atrocity on my children.

They, the evil group driven by lust and power, are also trying to create a nuclear war in Iran.

You, my child, must pray that God the Father will, in His great Mercy, open their hearts to stop these things from happening.

Never lose faith, children, because your prayers are working.

Great evils, including abortion, euthanasia, prostitution and sexual perversities, are beginning to weaken in the world now.

Pray, pray, pray my Most Holy Rosary, children, in groups, if possible everywhere.

Satan is losing his power, quickly, as my heel begins to squash the serpent’s head.

It won’t be long now for my Son’s arrival on earth.

First, he will give you this last chance to convert.

Then he will prepare the world, quickly, for His Second Coming.

Time is short now.

Prayer is the weapon, children, to keep Satan’s army from the final persecution they are planning against humanity. Remember that my Eternal Father will through His Love and Compassion protect all of you, who believe in Him.

For those who will continue to disobey Him and deny the Truth of the Existence of my beloved Son, pray, pray, pray for their salvation.

The time is ready. Open your hearts to the Divine Mercy of my Son.

The skies will start to change now and then all will see this great miracle unfold before them.

Be ready.

Prepare your homes and pray my Holy Rosary at every opportunity to loosen the grip of the evil one.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

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