Messages from Locutions to the World

Ukraine Messages from Locutions to the World is collection of the private revelation messages given by a Pennsylvanian soul concerning the Ukraine and what is currently happening there. I know this looks like a lot of reading and it is, but I believe it will be will worth your time if this subject is of interest to you.
Locutions to the World are a large number of private revelation messages given to a Pennsylvania soul, by the Virgin Mary and Jesus, beginning in December of 2010. They were to be given to the world.
The soul was under the direction of their diocesan priest who was a spiritual advisor to Mother Teresa and had Padre Pio for his own personal spiritual advisor.
Below is an extraction of only the messages containing the word “Ukraine.” All titles are in red and the date the message was given to the soul is below the title.
Also, every occurrence of the word “Ukraine” is in bold red.
All messages are listed chronological order given which has no bearing on the occurrence chronological order.
Prophecies Involving Ukraine
in the Locutions to the World
March 14, 2014
Treasure my words. Hold onto my light. These are all that you will have in the days ahead.
I must turn my heart to those world events that are suffocating and destroying. These actions are putting the whole world on notice that the foundations of peace are very shaky.
Even though events are happening in the Ukraine, these are not the final or central events.
However, this invasion reveals the frailty of the West and its inability to stand firm and repress the forces of evil.
This helplessness is evident everywhere, in Iran where atomic weapons are being built, in Iraq where order has collapsed, and in Syria where the dictator strengthens his stranglehold upon the country.
The leaders will speak at the United Nations. Words will flow abundantly but few will be the actions that can turn back this invasion. Another piece of the world will fall into darkness.
Only those who listen to my teachings, really understand what is happening.
Comment: The invasion of the Ukraine reveals the helplessness of the West but the great events will happen elsewhere.
March 17, 2014
My words will take on new meaning and greater clarity. I will not just speak of past events or of events too far in the future. I will speak of all that is unfolding before your very eyes. I want you to trust these words because, when the events begin, they will guide you and help you to understand.
Today, I will speak of America and the problems that are erupting all over the world. America has withdrawn. It has sheathed its sword and its voice no longer has power. Because America has chosen this path, the timetable has moved up. Evil moves more quickly.
In the past, America has made serious blunders because its foreign policies were directed by big business. To help or not to help, to invade or not to invade was decided by its money people, not by those who wanted the best interests of the people.
America’s money interests have devastated countries, removed true leaders, established puppet governments and ruined social structures that could have served well. So much of this business- driven foreign policy has been hidden from the people.
Now, a new policy is in place that refuses to accept the role that I have given to America. I have blessed this nation so that freedom and truth might reign everywhere. America has withdrawn. It refuses to step forward, like a timid dog that only barks loudly and is quickly seen as harmless.
The result will be a total loss of the Ukraine and a Putin who will soon look for other places to devour. These policies were impossible just a few years ago. Now, all seems possible.
China will quickly read the evidence and know that it can move forward with aggression. Iran will realize that the terms of its agreement are meaningless and will never be enforced by a cowed America.
America’s allies also see the change and no longer count upon its strength. All of this inevitably happens when the great protector, America, whom I have blessed and chosen, throws down its arms and surrenders.
Comment: Mary has often spoken of the timetable of destruction being moved up by American withdrawal. Now, she speaks of very concrete events which are soon to happen.
March 29, 2014
When danger is far away, a mother speaks in a general way, trying to prepare her children.
She gives them no specifics so they are not filled with fear. As the trials come closer, she can tell them how to prepare. When the trials are upon them, she gives very specific words, so they know exactly what is happening. In this way, she lessens their fears and takes away their confusion. A mother’s words console and give peace.
My words are specific and will grow even more so. Amid your many fears, you can fully trust that I will speak to you. Trust my words. I will not lead you astray. Now I must speak of the growing evil.
These months will focus on the Ukraine and the great desires of Putin. Now that he has Crimea, where will he stop? Is there some magic line that he will draw to say “this far and no farther”? Will the West draw a line and be willing to back up their words with military force?
These questions and answers are obvious. Unfortunately, devouring Crimea will not satisfy Putin’s appetite nor end his aggressions. These months of the Russian bear are just beginning.
Comment: Putin’s aggressions will lead him wherever he finds an opening.
April 11, 2014
The locutions are a small but tested stream, given now for three years. They speak of political events and worldwide events but they do so only within this little stream of faithful readers.
It is time to take new action. The seeds of these locutions must be planted in the great field of the world itself. Many will be surprised as the prophetic words are verified by world events. People will understand that heaven is giving forth its light.
I want to march against the darkness that surrounds the world and dispel it. Let everyone who reads these locutions become messengers of the locutions. Take them everywhere – to the television stations, to the radio stations, to the newspapers and magazines. These locutions must be known everywhere.
I want these locutions to go forth first of all to the world, not to the Church. The Church has many streams of private revelations and these locutions seem to be just one of many.
However, if the locutions go forth to the world and the world shows great interest, then the Church itself will begin to investigate and see that these locutions are not just one among many.
As these locutions go to the world, I will increase their power and clarity so the world is convinced that heaven is speaking. I will begin with Russia and the Ukraine.
Russia will surround the Ukraine with its darkness and its fire. The pressure will be intense. As the time goes on, cracks will appear in the Ukraine and divisions will take place. The Ukraine has various cultures, with ethnic groups and sub-divisions, almost too numerous to describe (due to the centuries of its history).
Russia will apply its darkness by surrounding the Ukraine and keeping out the West. It will also apply its fire by the internal pressures that cause divisions. Very soon, many parts will appear and separate, all in different ways and in different degrees. Political unity will be shattered and its restoration will be impossible. New forms of political life will emerge. All will evolve into something new and all will be to Putin’s gain. How much he will gain, no one can foresee now, but he does not need a crystal ball. He needs only to apply the Russian darkness and the Russian fire.
The Ukraine will self-divide because its political ties are already weak. Some regions will divide quickly and move politically out from under Kiev. Others will form a different relationship with Kiev. These first steps will not be the final steps.
Larger sections of the Ukraine will move more slowly but their movement will shake the Ukraine even more. The final stage of the Ukraine will be hard to recognize, far removed from the political arrangement that formerly existed.
April 15, 2014
Destruction is everywhere in the Ukraine. The very ground of stability is being pulled away, not just from the Ukraine but from all of Western Europe. No natural wall exists that will protect it.
Western Europe is not dealing with an old Russia, based upon a corrupt Communist Party and a closed economy. Putin’s Russia is different. It has infiltrated Western economies and welcomed Western businesses. Putin has removed anyone who was against him and has changed the political system. He has complete command.
In the Ukraine, he feels completely confident. Russia is geographically close and the Ukrainian economy compares poorly with Russia’s. Many people are of Russian descent and seek to be reunited with Russia. The Kiev government is both new and weak. Putin knows that the Ukraine is his and he has various ways of gaining it.
More important, these same factors hold true in other, nearby nations. Already, some peoples who sought independence a few decades ago, are unhappy with the results and believe that they would do better to return. Putin’s formula has appeal in many places. All of this will shake Europe, and even America. All will be shifted. Putin is Satan’s perfect instrument.
There is also the Muslim world of Iran, Syria and others whom he has befriended. All share a hatred for the West and a desire for world domination. They will see themselves as more and more united in this hatred, especially as the West appears so defenseless and an easy prey. I have spoken before of international groupings that pay no attention to national boundaries.
Even the West will no longer have a stability. All will be destabilized. There will be many events, one greater than another.
Comment: No one can see how Putin’s action will affect Western Europe and America.
April 16, 2014
The story unfolds in a surprising way. What was thought to be stable and decided, namely, the allegiance of the nations after the collapse of Communism, is suddenly making a different choice. The tide is being reversed. Voices that clamored for independence now want to be united again with Russia.
Where does this force come from? What has turned the people around so quickly? Have they forgotten so soon what their former life was like? Do they know what awaits them?
What is taking place rests totally and completely in the soul of one man – Vladimir Putin. For years, Satan guided and protected him, keeping him out of the limelight and always fostering his career. At the right moment, he lifted him up. No one expected him to last long but he moved quickly to grab, to consolidate, and then to cling to his power.
Putin sits in the very center of Satan’s plans. He has kept alive the dictator in Syria and has provided scientists to Iran. He has fostered relationships with all who hate the West and has clearly made them dependent upon himself. He grabs wealth that is not his and fashions everything according to Satan’s plans. The Western leaders are not his equal, even though their resources are much greater.
Putin will be the hammer which Satan uses again and again to weaken the West and cause unforeseen troubles. His stealing the Ukraine rips a massive hole in the protection surrounding Europe. At this point, nothing in Europe is safe. The European leaders thought they had built a strong city. Now, they do not even have a wall protecting their interests.
Comment: The events in the Ukraine threaten all of Europe much more than anyone suspects.
April 18, 2014
A tunnel of darkness lies ahead which mankind must not enter. Oh, how Satan wants the world to enter his tunnel. It will seem like the perfect solution to all the crises and events.
The tunnel will be a leader whom Satan will raise up. I will explain his methods, which he is now using in the Ukraine and elsewhere.
First, he destabilizes a region. He causes unrest and protests. He causes sufferings and shortages that cause people to grow dissatisfied. When he brings a group or a people to this point, he leads on to the scene a leader whom he has prepared. Even though people have many reservations, they willingly accept this leader, believing that he will end their hardships.
The is the formula he used in Russia to raise up Putin and the formula which Putin uses to gain the Ukraine and other places.
Right now, the West does not experience hardships like the Ukraine. Satan’s powerful destabilizing action has not yet been fully released. However, events will begin, one after another, that will shake the West. Be assured, that Satan already has his leaders prepared to come forth. They are hidden now but, at the right moment, they will begin to proclaim themselves as the saviors. Each one in a different place on a different situation.
People will surrender their freedoms and will accept a leadership that they would easily have rejected in more stable moments. This was the path taken by Hitler and many others. People forfeited their independence and their human rights to gin a stability. Instead they entered Satan’s tunnel and could not turn back. Only in the future, will Satan’s greatest leader arise. He will not be national or regional. He will be international and worldwide. It will always be the same formula. Worldwide unrest and a leader who promises to be the solution, but is really Satan’s tunnel.
I want to avoid all of this. I spell this out so the whole world is enlightened. Do not give up your God-given rights. Do not be drawn into false alliances. Foster diversity. Stand alone. Refuse to accept unworthy leaders, no matter what they promise or no matter how desperate is the situation.
People rightly ask, “How can we resist? How can we not go along?” You need the Woman Clothed With the Sun to help you. I can change world events and I will do so for those who call on my name. It is easy to surrender and difficult to resist but a moment of victory comes when the battle has been won.
Comment: A powerful locution revealing Satan’s strategy which unfolds before our eyes.
April 23, 2014
Kiev is like a raw nerve. The main question in the Ukraine is how close will the fighting come to Kiev? What will happen as it approaches? The West has never declared its intentions concerning the Ukraine.
The Kiev government is new and weak. Many people still feel a loyalty to the ousted president and are now questioning that decision which Putin used as his excuse to seize the Crimea.
The new government and the West are totally unprepared for these surprising events. Who will broker any truce when Putin claims that this is a civil uprising due to discontent with the new government?
My message is this. Kiev is a great flash point that could easily burst open. Putin works with a demonic intelligence which mocks the West and grabs all that is left unprotected.
Comment: The Ukrainian situation is very dangerous , much more so than the West understands. Just like Syria.
April 27, 2014
The fires burn everywhere, always more brightly and with greater destruction. What was considered safe, becomes endangered. O West, you think you are far from the fires. You think that they can be contained in the Middle East or in the Ukraine. Really, they are ready to consume your houses also. First, they will surround you on every side. As they continue to burn (because you have forsaken the only means to extinguish them), they will weaken your foundations, cut you off and isolate you. Your resources will grow smaller and you will even begin to say, “Let us begin to cooperate with this fire of Russia”. This will be the fatal mistake, when you lose all your courage to expel the fire and you invite it to enter. At first, it will enter with its ingratiating smile, but then, the hatred and danger will appear.
Your house is divided and a divided house soon topples.
As the Woman Clothed With the Sun I, alone, offer the waters needed to repel and, if totally obeyed, to extinguish the fires and restore world peace. Who even speaks of world peace these days? That is my promise, my total and complete promise. I will give to the world a time of peace. Who believes me? Who listens? Who acts? That is why I am raising up messengers of these locutions. The fires are at the door and the West has forsaken the only means which can extinguish them.
Comment: Our Lady’ predictions are dire and her promises are clear.
April 28, 2014
Putin is rejoicing because he is inflicting suffering upon the Ukraine. Suffering is the key which he uses to steal what is not his. He inflicts more and more suffering until those in possession of the land and of the goods are willing to let go, so that the suffering stops.
Who is ready to stop him in his tracks? No one. The West, too, applies sufferings but compared to Putin’s sufferings and the great gains that he is acquiring, they are as no suffering at all. So, he is rejoicing and he will continue to use this method. He will cause sufferings everywhere and will increase them until he gains what is not his.
April 28, 2014
I give these locutions because I love the Ukrainian people and they love me. How they suffered under Stalin and Communism, more than any other group. Yet, their love for me did not waver. I hold them in a special place in my heart and I use these locutions to tell them, “I love you and I have not forgotten you”.
The problem is that the West sees the Ukraine from a political point of view and that of the mass media. For the people of the Ukraine, this is not a mass media event. This is an event of blood, blood on their streets, blood in their towns and cities. This is about the sufferings of their young people and the total uprooting of their country. For the West, it is a matter of policy issues. For the people it is a matter of life and death, of darkness, of untold sufferings and of total despair.
The West will not help. The sanctions are not the answer. I must look around. To whom will I appeal? Poland loves me. They know that I have miraculously saved this nation on many occasions (as at the Vistula).
To you, O people of Poland, I appeal. You know the true stories. You see the blood. Many of you have relatives. Do all you can. Reach out to the Ukrainian people. You are not powerless. Your hearts are strong and wide open. Reach out to the Ukraine. I will be with you and you will be surprisingly successful.
Comment: Sometimes grassroot actions are more effective than government initiatives.
April 29, 2014
There is no time to waste. The supposed walls of protection around the West are like paper in the presence of fire. The destruction in the Ukraine will move much more quickly and decisively than anyone can imagine. What has been set in place (supposedly dedicated to Western-style democracy) will crash and a totalitarian regime will be quickly established.
Right before the eyes of the West, Russia has suddenly become once again a totalitarian regime under the control of one person whom Satan has led to the top.
I have promised the conversion of Russia when that nation is consecrated to me. Let all the world, not just the Church, know of my promise and what is still lacking. If the Holy Father and all the bishops of the world in union with him would consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, I have promised that Russia would be converted and a great period of peace would follow.
There has been no such consecration and no conversion of Russia. There has only been the removal of a wall and economic intertwining. Satan still holds the country in his grasp. He will continue to use Russia as his instrument, just as he did in the past century.
Comment: Russia will grow as an evil force in Satan’s hands until the Holy Father fulfills Our Lady’s wishes.
April 30, 2014
Poland is weak, no longer the militant, aggressive Poland that existed under Communism and under Pope John Paul II. It has traded its militancy for the goods of Western society, becoming soft, penetrable and ready to go along. It is no longer resistant and ready to destroy any foe that would compromise its principles. With the events in the Ukraine, Putin now turns his glance to Poland. He enjoys a new window of opportunity in Poland. He knows the former Poland (the staunch ally of the Pope) and he knows the present Poland, no longer rooted in an iron-willed determination.
He knows how to plan his attack, which will be a mixture of threats, policies and enticements.
He wants to change Poland’s current status. He cannot do in Poland what he is doing militarily in the Ukraine. However, he will develop other plans to draw Poland closer to Russia. This will affect all of Poland, as people realize that their status quo is being challenged by a force that NATO cannot fight because it is not primarily a military force. This force will be even more real, a relentless force that cannot be destroyed and which always has access to people’s hearts. Putin always manipulates the events so they serve Russia’s purpose. Putin will be seen as a new force within Poland itself, a pernicious force that will not withdraw, like a wolf always seeking its prey.
Baltic States
A similar, but greater influence will extend to the smaller nations along the Baltic. They are more vulnerable because their population and their resources are smaller. These nations will experience Putin’s newly revealed aggressiveness even more than Poland.
Destabilizing the European Union
Putin has his eyes set on destabilizing the European Union. Cracks have appeared in this European house because it is not well-built, or founded upon rock. This Union has never been built upon the Catholic faith. European unity is based upon self-interest. For many, self-interest in the European Union is fading quickly.
Putin knows that the European Union is a house filled with many cracks. He will apply every sort of pressure. He has one goal, to exploit those cracks and to increase their power so that the whole European Union faces serious threats to its future viability. This is almost within his reach. Putin has a wrecking ball and wants to use it to tear down the European house. He wants to fulfill the dreams of Stalin, the collapse of Western Europe and the emergence of Russia as the world power.
All of this is possible and its fulfillment can happen much more quickly than any European or American leader can conceive. The timetable is moved way ahead and Putin, as Satan’s perfect instrument, will not hesitate one moment.
I am putting the European leaders on notice of what can happen. In their foolishness, they have abandoned the faith and have built their secular union. They have no defenses against Putin, Satan’s instrument. America will be deeply shaken by this destabilizing of the European Union.
May 2, 2014
When this series of events concludes, a rearrangement of Europe will have taken place. The European Union will be diminished in power and size and the new reality will dawn upon everyone. Russia will once again emerge as an evil force, set upon its own path. How naïve was the West. It saw in Russia what it wanted to see and never made the effort to grasp reality.
It will not be a renewed Cold War because Putin has other means to gain his goals. The world is quite different than decades ago. The Muslim world, with its great hatred against the West, has come forth. Putin has friends in the Middle East whom he has cleverly gathered. He has multiple spheres in which to increase Russia’s influence.
Such will be the state of the world when these events in the Ukraine and in Western Europe come to a cooling point, when what is gained or lost is finally settled. For now, all is still to be decided. Much depends on the determination of the West which is so compromised and vulnerable.
In this current battle, I still sit on the side lines. My only hope is to send these locutions far and wide. “O Church, you must awaken. Only you hold within your grasp the ability to have the Woman Clothed With the Sun come powerfully upon the world stage and call everyone to repentance and conversion.”
Comment: Our Lady gives a picture of Europe after these events.
May 4, 2014
Pope Francis opens the Church to study the issues and many rejoice that what formerly could not be discussed is now on the table. But, they do not see. The important question is all of the world events that are taking place. The events that have begun will lead to the annihilation of nations. The Egyptian revolution, the war on Syria and now the turmoil in the Ukraine are not just isolated events. They are the beginning of a long series of events that will culminate in the annihilation of nations.
The important questions do not regard self-study of the Church but who will stop these events? Who has the power to bring these events to a halt before the nations are annihilated? Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun can do this and only the Church can bring my mother onto the center of the world stage. No one seems interested in doing this. So, the timetable of destructive events moves along at a furious pace. She has already promised world peace if Russia is consecrated to her Immaculate Heart.
Comment: God has placed tremendous power in the Catholic Church to bring forth the gift of peace.
May 25, 2014
Nothing in human history stands alone and isolated. All events converge. One event leads to another, setting the stage for a new good or new evil. All the events of these centuries have led up to the present age, in which a culmination will take place. These years are an extremely important moment in human history.
The events which you see – the revolutions in Libya and Egypt, the continuous civil war in Syria, the breakup of the Ukraine, and soon, the emergence of a more aggressive China, are the beginning. They are not just historical events. They are the door to unthinkable events, culminating moments. At least, that is Satan’s plan. There will be an ever-more aggressive Russia and a Putin who enjoys the world’s spotlight. There will be the hidden works of Iran, which has every reason to continue its nuclear program.
These forces now control the world scene. America is nowhere in sight. Europe is fearful and unsure. No human force exists to change this course of events.
My children understand this history. They see the events in their true perspective. They are not fooled. They will not compromise. They will not turn away. Their faces are turned totally to me and their hearts are completely mine. These will be my instruments. I must move quickly. I must raise them up and put them in high positions. I cannot wait any longer.
I must have Church leaders who understand that I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun.
I will multiply the power of these locutions. I will use them to cry out in the loudest possible voice. Mankind is headed into indescribable darkness unless the Woman Clothed With the Sun is given her place chosen by the heavenly Father.
Comment: Our Lady will not be silent. The heavenly Father has chosen her as his instrument to destroy Satan’s plans.
May 26, 2014
Events twist and turn, as if no one is in control. They often involve many people, at times even thousands and millions. Yet, there is always a center to each event, good or evil. This is my theme.
An event whose center is evil will bring about evil. How great that the evil is will be determined by its own inner resources and by all the subsequent events that follow. Look at the so-called Arab Spring. Are the people better off? Has there not been constant turmoil?
Did not the Egyptian army have to reject this Spring and take control, so as to limit the evil?
The inner resources of evil are still powerful in Syria, where the death and destruction continue, bringing great social evils to neighboring countries like Lebanon and Jordan. In the Ukraine, the evil center will continue its work. In spite of the presidential election, peace will not return.
This is my message. In the years ahead, greater centers of evil will arise, especially China which will come more and more onto the world scene. As Russia sees China as a willing partner, these two centers of evil will cooperate and pool their inner resources to protect their interests and to insure that outside forces cannot turn them away from their goals. The constant rising of new centers of evil and, especially, their joining together, will cause the events that will shape the world’s future.
Comment: Our Lady gives an easy-to-understand description of the causes of the world’s problems.
May 26, 2014
Even after the presidential election, the Ukraine will not enjoy peace. As the dust settles, Putin will see the true state of the Ukraine. He sees those parts which are firmly his, those parts which want to belong to Russia and those parts that lean toward Russia. He also sees the weaknesses and divisions in those parts that choose the Ukraine.
His method will be constant disturbances. A government and its president must provide security or else they are seen as weak. By continuing to cause problems, Putin will constantly weaken these already shaky foundations. The Ukrainian government does not have great resources and would have difficulties even in times of peace.
Putin’s method will be to constantly cause turmoil. He needs only to continue to disrupt in order to claim more and more of the Ukraine.
The election will not end these disturbances nor bring peace. The election is on the surface while the divisions are deeply engrained into the Ukrainian culture.
Comment: The problems in the Ukraine will not end quickly.
June 2, 2014
Putin is in the ascendency. No need for Satan to find someone else. Pieces of the world will be broken off. These will be on the borders, on the frontiers. Like a person devouring a loaf of bread, he will first break off the parts that are easily in his grasp. This has already begun in the Ukraine. However, the Ukraine is not enough to satisfy his hunger. He eyes the Baltic states, especially Estonia and Latvia. Even with their ties to NATO, they are endangered. Putin will see how big a bite he can take. He will test the resolve of the European powers and will be surprised by their feeble reaction. Europe does not want to risk a war. Yet, the risk will be greater, if Europe is not strong.
Comment: Russia and Putin are the main problems to world peace.
June 5, 2014
The world is filled with confusion. No one can understand the events. All, however, realize that this is not a time of peace, nor does anyone even know a road to peace. When I speak about future events, I cannot speak of victories. I can only speak of defeats. Do you think I want to speak only about the new darkness or the new destruction? Do you think I want to speak only about the spread of terrorism, the problems in the Ukraine and the growing strength of Putin?
This is not the news that I want to bring to the world, but I must honestly speak of what lies ahead. I must truthfully describe the road that mankind has chosen.
So, I must say again that there is no force present in today’s world that can stop the spread of terrorism and destruction. I wait on the sidelines, my Immaculate Heart filled with every power of the heavenly Father, (This is the mystery I am constantly revealing), ready to blind Satan and to rout his armies, ready to free mankind and to usher in an era of unprecedented peace.
I wait and wait. Someday I will be invited, but the constant delays have been costly. Much has already been lost. I invite people to cooperate and they consider something else more important. Soon, I will just have to act unilaterally, sweeping aside those who do not understand and giving authority to the one whom I have prepared.
Comment: Until Russia is consecrated, Our Lady sits on the side lines.
July 22, 2014
The path to peace will continue to narrow. Doors will close. Options will be taken off the table until mankind realizes that no path to peace exists. Even at that moment, I will not act. I will delay and delay until the whole world realizes that mankind is powerless and that no human force can restore peace. Then, and only then, will I act. All the world will know that peace came only from heaven.
The Iraq terrorists are cleansing the cities of all who do not hold their faith. They are gaining much ground. Even more important is what is happening in the hearts of the people who are not terrorists and have no sympathy for terrorism. They see the flow of the tide. They see what happens to those who do not agree with the terrorists. They see that America has withdrawn and will not come to anyone’s aid, no matter how valiantly they resist.
An inevitability sets in. The people lose all hope and any will to resist. In this way, the terrorists gain far greater victories over the people’s hearts.
Also, the impact of the temporary closing of Israel’s airport cannot be overestimated. For the first time, the West has withdrawn. A message has gone forth and the Hamas have won a signal victory. They have accomplished by their offensive what had not been done before. People’s eyes are open. Israel, with all its military might, cannot fully protect its citizens and its interests. The wound is not deep but Hamas has drawn blood which all can see.
Israel is rightly upset by this decision of the West. Satan has cleverly used the shooting down of the plane over the Ukraine to get the West to close down air traffic to Israel.
Comment: All the Mideast events are interlocked in Satan’s plan, which is now unfolding quickly.
August 29, 2014
The world finds itself caught up in sweeping events that seemingly have no answer. Leaders are confused by the quick rise of ISIS and by Putin’s activities in the Ukraine. Rockets have been flying into Israel and the destruction of Gaza has been brutal. China has begun to emerge as a nation on the move, emboldened and aggressive.
In the past, I have spoken about the timetable of events and how that timetable has been moved ahead because America has withdrawn. Now, the whole world can see the truth of my words. So, I will begin to speak again and to comment on all that is taking place. As the events continue, more and more will become students of my words which pour forth divine wisdom.
I will begin with Syria. I said clearly that the revolution in Syria was quite different from the revolutions in Egypt and Libya. Those revolutions burned themselves out quickly as the dictators were overturned. I prophesied that Syria would be different. That the dictator would not be quickly deposed, that the revolution would drag on and on, that the region would be destabilized and that larger terrorist groups, more unified, would emerge. All of this has now happened and the world is confronted with a totally new reality, a terrorist group that claims its own country, with all of its resources, a group that does not overturn governments but itself governs.
Listen carefully again to my words. I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. Only my armies can overcome the Evil One. Where are my armies? I must gather them quickly. I must spread devotion to my Immaculate Heart throughout the whole world, in unprecedented ways. When you see these signs and events, know they are a call into my army.
Comment: Locutions speaking about Syria were given in 2012 on February 12, and in 2013 on April 28, 29, May 5, August 23, 26, September 2, 4, 6 and 17.
August 30, 2014
“Why wait” says Putin, “when all of the Ukraine waits for me to take what I can hold? I can redraw the map and gain what I have coveted for many years.”
So, the Ukraine waits for the reaper who comes not just to take its harvest but also to claim its soil. Once these parts are swallowed up, they will not be returned in Putin’s lifetime.
I have said before that he is Satan’s perfect instrument. No need to look for another. No need to seek another source of evil. The evil flows from Russia, as it did throughout the twentieth century.
This is not a replay. Putin’s Russia is quite different. He has many new alliances and has shaped a modern Russia that can withstand the obvious actions that the West will take. He has seen them all. Nothing surprises him. He has fashioned many other sources that can help him. He will remain on the scene, directing the evil wherever he sees weaknesses.
I have spoken of him before and my words were true. He is an adversary who will not go away. For years, he has plotted his course and has had no qualms about the means he needs to employ. The West has been deceived.
Comment: Our Lady has spoken often about Putin and the Ukraine. Consult the following locutions: In 2012, October 5, 6 and 7; in 2014, March 14, 24, April 10, 11, and 28, June 2.
September 8, 2014
I can no longer hold back the secrets that lie hidden in my Immaculate Heart. They must be revealed because the time is short. I will reveal places and events.
Much depends on the free will of man. Also, what God now decrees in his justice can be changed by his mercy. So much depends on how responsive man is to my pleadings. What is certain is that I must begin to reveal. To wait any longer would be foolhardy. The human race has long ago passed the point of no return. Certain events will definitely happen but much can be changed. Most important the Church and all who believe can be spiritually prepared for these events.
All eyes look to the terrorists and to the Ukraine, but few now look to the economies of the world that are so shaky and ready to topple. No one tackles the difficult issues of restraining the false economic policies.
The foundation is eroded. The countries can no longer pay for their arms and their lifestyles. No one preaches restraint and the people have no desire to tighten their belts. In the time ahead, I will speak often, always more clearly, of the economic disturbances that will rock the markets. Do not judge by the boom. No solid foundation exists. All is debt driven.
Comment: Our Lady will point out the problems.
September 23, 2014
Let us pierce to the very heart of hell, which is the free will of all the angels who rejected the light. By their own choice their wills are filled with an unquenchable fire. God made them angelic persons with the most piercing intellects and the firmest of wills, mighty angels in his image and likeness, far outstripping any human person. It is impossible to conceive the perfection of the angelic beings or the great powers which they received.
However, when invited to use these powers for love and for service, they were blinded by their own perfections and cried out with one voice “We will not serve!” Immediately, all of their great powers turned in upon themselves. Their free choice began an eternal fire because their wills chose only themselves.
In that moment, hell began in the heart of each fallen angel. They hated themselves and each other and were bound together in this fire of hatred. Such are the flames of hell, which now spread so rapidly in human history and can be seen everywhere.
Do not say that the destructive fires of Syria, Iraq, ISIS, the Ukraine and Gaza are human fires. They are the fires of hell, flowing from the hearts of those who would turn the whole world into a hell. This is the mystery I am trying to reveal.
Comment: The world’s destruction can only be understood and defeated by those who believe in hell. Everyone else does not know what is going on!
December 6, 2014
These words must be recorded now so all the world will know that I have issued the gravest warnings. The words must go forth, published openly, “written on the walls” so to speak, so that when they come true, all must say that I had been a true mother and did not hold back my wisdom.
This is the year of the events. Many, many dangers are present. They are already in the headlines, but I am speaking of new events, surprising events which no one foresees. This is already happening in the racial divide that is now appearing in America, when all thought that the issues had been resolved by the Civil Rights legislation. That is only the beginning of new events.
These forces are already imbedded in human history, forces that will divide and separate, forces that will break forth in great destruction.
The greatest events will be the collapse of the economic structures. This will lead to even more enormous problems. There will be rivalries among nations, breakups of friendly cooperation that has been in place for years. The causes of these divisions will vary but when you see various nations pulling away from each other, when you see relationships being strained and even broken, then you know that I have told you ahead of time.
All of these divisions come from the Evil One. The divisions are not the final steps, but they prepare for greater problems. When nations are together in peace, they can overcome and work out difficult situations. When they are separated by divisions, they cannot adequately respond to new crises, those which they did not foresee.
Comment: In the past, Our Lady has spoken of the Arab revolutions, the problems of Syria, Russia, Ukraine and ISIS. These are now seen by all. They are evident. She now begins to speak of what cannot be seen.
December 7, 2014
I plunge you into the great mysteries and reveal all that is possible because I can no longer hold these events in my heart. Like a sorrowing mother, I must speak to relieve the burdens.
Russia will continue to persecute my people in the Ukraine. The sanctions will not turn Putin back. Even though they inflict great wounds, he will absorb the punishment, like a fighter who will not give up,
Russia will become like Syria, a constant source of disruption. However, something even deeper is happening. Just as the Syrian revolution has destabilized the Middle East because it has perdured for many years, so will Russia become to Europe. Russia had become an important part of the European economy. President Obama insists upon economic sanctions and refuses to aid the Ukraine militarily. He is weakening the European economies. This is the long term fallout from the sanctions, which will have many repercussions as other problems come forth this year.
All of this is not foreseen but I see Satan’s plan all too clearly. He hides his real goals and gets nations to walk along his paths. This year it will be step by step, one event at a time with each event linked closely to what has happened and will happen.
Man’s intellect is no match for his. Human solutions are like paper walls placed in his fires. Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun knows the true path to peace and I am trying to enlighten the world.
Comment: Without heaven’s light, human solutions only play into Satan’s hands.
January 28, 2015
No one can see the future because all of the events have not yet converged and come to a culmination. Difficulties are everywhere. Some places have become explosive. Everyone is conscious of terrorism, but other evils are kept hidden from view, especially the weaknesses in the economic systems. Those trying to resist and confront these evils use only human means, totally unaware of the supernatural powers that are the true forces behind the evils.
Such is the secular age which has rejected belief both in the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Darkness. Modern man cannot grasp the true source of these evils because he does not even believe that they exist. He cannot reach the only power that can save him because he has long ago set his religious faith aside, and proclaimed his world as “secular”. I stand on the world’s battlefield and watch this tide of destruction and collapse. I know exactly where it is going to happen next and what will be evil’s newest victories.
I will once again speak of what is to happen. My previous words have already been fulfilled. The American withdrawal has speeded up the timetable of terrorism. The weak response in the Ukraine has emboldened Putin. The failure to confront deficits has weakened economic systems. China sees its opportunity for new aggressions. I call all of these external problems. The real difficulty is secularism. Modern man has cut himself off from God’s help.
This is my moment. As the Woman Clothed With the Sun, I will come upon the world stage, just as the heavenly Father has decided. I will move up my timetable also. Then the battle will begin.
Comment: When faith is lost so is the true understanding of human events.
February 9, 2015
In this war, what will be held back? Nothing. This is the final battle, the culmination of centuries. When total victory is in sight, no need to plan for tomorrow. Everything and everyone goes into the war. Everything will be drawn in, like wooden houses in an enormous fire.
The focus is upon the Middle East, Russia, the Ukraine and Africa, but the sparks of the blaze have fallen also in Europe. With very few operatives, the terrorists have forced these nations to spend millions on security. This is money which they do not really have, money which they just print.
Satan does not fight his war with just weapons. A building can be destroyed by fire or by a collapse. It really doesn’t matter, because the building is useless. The economic collapse of the West is closer than anyone believes. The structures already shake. The burden of debt grows. The price of fighting terrorism increases. Satan links all of his evils.
He holds many different cards in his hands and he knows when and where to play them. His important ploy is surprise. He attacks whatever is not protected. He always has his enemies looking in the wrong direction.
Where terrorism works, he uses that. Where economic instability works, he uses that. Where fear and confusion work, he uses that. Where poverty dominates people’s lives, he uses that. How many cards he holds and how well he knows to play them.
Only heavenly wisdom understands him and only heavenly power can defeat him. That is why I must reveal Satan’s works. More and more battles will be lost until mankind learns to call upon heaven.
Comment: The world’s focus is upon the terrorists and Russia, but Our Lady warns that Satan uses many evils to gain his victory
February 20, 2015
In the Ukraine, only two options remain, to allow Russia to take the land or to make war. There is a brink. For now, it will remain unsettled but that cannot last for long. Soon, there will be a definite settling. The land will be gone. No one is willing to totally confront. The risk is too great.
But the deeper problem is Europe itself and even NATO. All is being questioned. At this point, everything is shaking and there is no final settling. This will not be postponed indefinitely. The factors are too powerful and they are at hand. There is certainly the problem of Russia and the Ukraine but this problem has opened wide the deeper problems about the future of Europe.
Comment: As problems multiply, the urgency becomes more evident.
February 24, 2015
The dire consequences which lie ahead can now be seen by everyone. No longer does Satan try to hide his works because it serves his goals that what he is doing now should be seen. The growth of terrorism and the constant videos of their cruelty are meant to strike fear and to raise the level of security, so more money is spent to safeguard the population.
All of this converges into a powerful central force. The evil forces that for so long operated on the fringe, have become mainstream, their names known by all and on every tongue.
What will be Satan’s next steps? He will use the very responses of the leaders who try to stamp out his fires to spread them even further. The recruiting will intensify. The radicalization will deepen. All will be drawn into his fires, on one side or the other.
Populations who seemed far away from his conflagration will suddenly see themselves on the edge. People who felt they did not need to make a choice, will suddenly be confronted by terrorism at their front door.
This spreads quickly because Satan so cleverly uses the social media of communications. The names of his terrorists are spread to the ends of the earth, like a new gospel of destruction. Once that word goes forth, he touches some hearts everywhere. Then, he just waits for the right moment to recruit. The seeds of this new harvest are planted everywhere. No place is exempt.
All will intensify. Radical Islam on every side, guided by the demonic intelligence. It would be bad enough if this were the only problem, but Europe is weak and divided, with its economies burdened by debts, its religious faith long ago abandoned, and the Ukraine being dismembered. All of these pressures will multiply and the future of Europe will be in the balance.
Such is my plea, the plea of the virgin mother of Jesus. “O Europe, accept me again. Claim me once more as ‘Our Lady’. I will embrace you and save you from the fires.”
Comment: Our Lady describes clearly the future of terrorism.
February 25, 2015
The time is coming when Europe will have very few options and will be forced into decisions that it does not want to make. Inevitability looms. This is happening now in the Ukraine. Step by step, what was once possible is taken off the table. The constant pressure of Putin and his resolve have forced Europe to abandon many of its hopes.
The problems (in so many areas) lie not just with Putin. They are constant pressures. Always many deadlines to meet and bills to be paid.
This is my message. The decisions of the centuries are coming to their full flowering, the decisions of the enlightenment when reason was exalted and faith was dismissed, the haughtiness of secular rulers who wanted to reunite the map of Europe, the pride of Hitler and Mussolini, and then of the European Union that refused to accept its Christian foundation. Even now, there is a belief that a truly vibrant Europe can be formed upon secular ideas and economic unions.
Everything is coming apart. What you have so recently constructed will not stand. You will be forced into decisions that you never wanted to make. The options are coming off the table. Your life will narrow as your economies are shaken.
Will you ever say those words, “We have walked away from Our Lady. We have set aside the mother of Europe”?
In your pain and your sufferings, I will come to you through my priest son. He will consecrate Russia and offer you the only chance you have to be restored.
Comment: Our Lady recalls Europe’s many decisions since the French Revolution that took the continent away from her protection. She invites a return.
June 7, 2015
Cannot light come down from heaven bursting forth suddenly in unexpected ways? Heaven is limited, powerless, unable to act. Only in the mind of man who refuses to allow my words to reveal heaven’s light.
At Fatima (1917), I spoke of the great darkness of Russia, a darkness that was not yet perceived by the world. How cruel, how powerful, how extensive became this darkness. For a while, the darkness became a false angel of light. Many even believed that the conversion of Russia had taken place.
Then, from its dark bowels, Putin arose, able to destroy the democratic structures and gather power to himself. Now he sits, enthroned in power, a product of Satan’s darkness. He holds a knife at Europe’s throat. European leaders feel Russia’s threat.
Putin is not limited by structures. He acts alone, in a fullness of power, weaving back and forth, like the judo fighter that he is. The Russian threat cannot be ignored. Large parts of Europe are endangered. The West has neither the resolve nor the means to stop him. The Ukraine is in great danger of collapsing. Other nations will be threatened, the Russian evil will spread. Putin sees his moment. America is weak. Terrorism grows. Europe is divided, plagued by economic woes.
I proclaimed this at Fatima and nearly 100 years later, I must proclaim it again. Russia is the great center of evil, spanning two continents and embracing many cultures. Now, it marches forward, ready once again to find its place and spread its evils.
Only light from heaven can destroy this satanic darkness. How foolish has the Church been to set aside my request for Russia’s consecration. As the Russian evil marches forth, let my words ring out. “Only the light of my Immaculate Heart can defeat and scatter the Russian darkness.
Comment: Putin’s rise has confirmed the great wisdom of Fatima which alerted the world to Russian evil.
August 27, 2015
When night falls, mankind is limited. He cannot perform all the deeds of the day. Even with artificial light, he must accept limitations and await the dawn to return to full activity. The darkness limits his freedom.
Mankind must accept this daily truth that half of each day will be spent in darkness. This has been imposed upon him from the very beginning, when God separated the light from the darkness. This darkness fulfills God’s plan and conforms to His love.
Satanic darkness is different. It destroys God’s plan and interferes with his love. It closes off God’s paths and blinds man to the roads he should walk.
Little by little, event by event, the light has given way to Satan’s darkness— the terror groups, the so-called “Arab Spring,” the Syrian revolution, the Ukraine, ISIS, and now the Iran nuclear treaty. I said that the Syrian revolution would last a long time and that Satan would use the Syrian revolution to destabilize the Middle East. Now, Putin sees it in his interest to bring it to a close, and to work out a treaty. However, the evil will have been accomplished. Also, a greater evil will arise.
All that I had said about the evil flowing from Syria has happened. Now, the darkness moves on to its next step and will center itself in Iran, another close friend of Russia.
Comment: Our Lady speaks of events already fulfilled and, more important, the greater evil in Iran.

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