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Part II: Requirements of the Ideal

To Imitate Me, Have Confidence in My Mother

My Ideal, Jesus Son of Mary
Madonna and Child - Bartolome Esteban Murillo - 1670


My brother, every child has confidence in its mother. I had supreme confidence in Mine. I trusted in her for My material needs. I feed the birds of the air and I clothe with their splendor the lilies of the field; but I wished to have the same material needs as all other children of men. I entrusted Myself to My Mother. She nourished Me, clothed Me, and took care of Me.

My life was menaced. I did not worry—My Mother carried Me into a strange country while I tranquilly slept in her arms.

2. I entrusted Myself to My Mother for the accomplishment of My mission. Soon after I became Man, I wished to sanctify My precursor, to manifest Myself to the Jews and the Gentiles, to the aged Simeon and to the Prophetess Anne. My Mother took care of it all. In order to make reparation for original sin, I, the new Adam, willed to associate My Mother with Myself as the new Eve by a co-operation of will, of prayer, and of sacrifice. She understood perfectly, and generously consented.

3. I entrusted Myself to her in the agonies that this mission caused Me.
My soul was sorrowful beyond the power of man to conceive; sorrowful at the sight of the entirely material worship—often hypocritical—rendered to My Father; sorrowful because the multitudes did not understand Me, enemies opposed Me in bad faith, and even My friends were inconstant and had only earthly ideals; sorrowful above all because numberless souls were being lost, souls infinitely dear to Me, for whom I was going to shed My blood in vain. I was sorrowful unto death even to the extent of asking My Father to let this chalice pass from Me.
And yet, I had an immense consolation: My Mother. She understood Me; she knew how to adore in spirit and in truth; she took part in My failures and in My anguish; she loved Me just so much more when the Pharisees hated and attacked Me, or when My disciples disappointed Me by their cowardice; she watched and prayed with Me during the whole time of My hidden life and likewise during the whole time of My public mission; she was at the foot of the cross, steadily believing when everyone else was hesitating in his faith; in her My work of redemption completely succeeded; she was My supreme triumph!

4. Follow My example and trust in My Mother. Have confidence—she is all-powerful. Have I not made her the Distributrix of all graces? Is she not able to give all she wishes, to whom she wishes, and at any time she wishes?
Have confidence: she is goodness itself. Since I made her all-powerful, could I have failed to make her at the same time all-merciful? Have confidence: I am her Child. What could I refuse My Mother? Have confidence: you are her child. Does a mother ever refuse her child anything she can give to it? Have confidence: you have given yourself entirely to her. Could she be less generous than you? Have confidence: in giving to you, it is to Me that she gives, for she knows that I live in you and that whatever is done to the least of My brothers is done to Me. When you invoke her, you give her the joy of continuing to take care of Me: to nourish, carry, shield, and rear Me. Have confidence: she desires to give you more than you desire to receive, because she loves you more, and loves Me in you more than you can ever love yourself. Have confidence: because you would grieve her by hesitating, because hesitation implies doubt of My Mother’s love for you and for Me.

5. Why is it, then, that your confidence is not always unshakable?
You do not merit to be heard by her, you say, because of your lukewarmness in her service. Your negligence is great, indeed, yet it will never be so great as your Mother’s love for you. You ought to have confidence not because you are good, but because she is good. Does she cease to be good when you are bad?

6. But you do not know whether your request is conformable to God’s designs upon you, and so you hesitate. Listen, I am going to teach you a way of praying which is always in accord with His designs, and which you can always use with unshaken confidence. 

First of all, understand this very clearly:
a) Your Mother has loving intentions regarding all your needs.
b) Her intentions are always in conformity with the designs of God and they are always capable of realization.
c) They are always worth more than your own intentions, for Mary knows better than you just what you need, and she has greater ambitions for you than you have for yourself. 

Every time you desire something, therefore, ask your Mother to make her intentions in the matter come true, and rest assured, infallibly so, that you will get either what you desire or something better; and that you will get it not according to your own narrow views, but according to those of her immense love.

The Faithful Soul:

But then, Jesus, it will be wonderful! Henceforth, in order to have a faith that can move mountains and to be heard even beyond my fondest hopes, it will be sufficient, in every need, to ask my Mother to make her intentions in my regard come true.

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