Time and Eternity
(December 21 to December 31, 2014)
Today Vanishing Into Tomorrow
December 21, 2014
Human life takes place within time. One moment opens out into the next in an endless series.
No one can stop this process because God has created time. Man, therefore, is helpless. He can record time and assign a date to today, but he cannot stop today from vanishing and giving way to tomorrow.
A person who appreciates the passing nature of earth and the short moment of every life can grasp what I am saying. A world which lives by faith understands that no one can hold on to today. No one can build a permanent earthly city.
A world without faith is foolish and spends all of its time trying to build permanency upon the shifting sands of time. Satan uses this foolishness to build his cities and gather his armies. He has brought human history to this point where humanity has left behind the light of eternity and has chosen the darkness of time.
How many false beliefs flow from this foolishness, as if time heals all wounds, or that problems will be solved in due time, or that time is a cycle in which darkness is always followed by light and problems always have solutions.
My message is clear. Time is not an inevitable cycle. Time is a story, with man’s free will playing an important role. Time is a road and man has chosen the road of darkness. The light does not come automatically, like day following night. At this present time, humanity is walking a road that is so dark, it will lead to permanent and disastrous changes to earth. I cannot and will not allow that to happen but man must stop thinking about the passing goals of time and begin to seek the changeless riches of eternity. To act otherwise is complete and total foolishness. The greatest fools are the rich and the powerful.
Comment: Man’s thinking is totally confused when he takes no account that everything on earth passes away.
Manifesting Her Presence
December 22, 2014
All history is in my hands. I know the movements of every heart and of every event. I see all that has happened and all that will happen. Nothing is determined. Events are shaped by human decisions. This was God’s plan from the beginning.
I am not a passive spectator, who merely watches the drama unfold. I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun who has power to intervene. I am part of human history. I was born into the world and lived in the world as everyone else.
My role now is more extensive and, in the Father’s plan, I must assume greater and greater responsibilities for the safety and protection of humanity. I have been announcing this plan for years but now it its taking place, right before your eyes.
As one event leads to another, as one problem begets greater ones, you can see the importance of my coming on the scene, of making myself known, of lifting up my special son and of manifesting my presence all over the world.
Right now, I am only interested in you, the reader. I have led you to these locutions and I want to give you extraordinary blessings. Others, who do not know me, will receive later.
You will receive now. You do not understand everything but you want to receive. You have read all of my promises. You have studied my ways. Most important, you believe. Why should I delay? You are prepared to receive.
Close your eyes. I am with you. Experience my presence. Do not move. Stay still until the gift is complete. Repeat this often. Each time, I will act more deeply within you.
Comment: Our Lady does not wait. You, O reader, are ready to receive. Do so, again and again.
The Year 2015
December 21, 2014
See what springs forth, surprising waters which no one can imagine. These waters are still hidden and can only be explained when they come to light and are seen by all. I do not hold back my words but speak as clearly as possible.
2014 has been a year of turmoil, of the appearance of many evils. However, life has continued on. The struggles are confined to certain areas of the world or to certain parts of society. The protecting walls built by man to assure a normal life have remained in place. There have been no breakthroughs.
2015 will be quite different. Even in the first six months of the year, new and different events will break through. However, not to the extent that life is totally disrupted. It will seem like these problems have been adequately responded to so that normal life can continue, even though limited.
In the Fall, however, the great problems will break forth and all will see that human life has seriously changed. This will be the mood as the year comes to an end.
All of these events will serve a purpose. They will awaken the Church that it needs my help and those voices which have been declaring that the messages of Fatima must be studied more closely will be given a greater hearing.
Comment: 2015 will awaken the world to the importance of Fatima.
Comment: Man’s thinking is totally confused when he takes no account that everything on earth passes away.
One Hundred Years of Fatima
December 24, 2014
When the waters burst forth, who will tell them where to go? They will have a mind of their own, going where Satan has plotted for so long. They will be released at different times and different places. Such will be the coming year of 2015.
I will plot out this year for you. In the early months, new flood waters will break through. There will be human responses that seemingly work for a time limiting the effects. It is only in the latter months of the year that the great floods come and continue for the first half of 2016.
By July 2016, the world will see what has happened. On July 13, 2016 will begin the one hundredth year of my speaking about the consecration of Russia. How important will be that year, leading up to the one hundredth anniversary of my appearing at Fatima (2017).
As these flood waters rise, let the voice of Fatima grow louder in your ears. What other voice should you listen to?
Comment: To speak and not to be heeded for 100 years is being very patient.
The Spurned Gift of Fatima
December 25, 2014
As the days and the months stretch forth, the mysteries will be seen by all. In the next few years, leading up to the 100th anniversary of Fatima, all will be revealed. The mysteries of evil buried within human history and human hearts will slowly come to the surface.
In the beginning, many will see these events in the old perspective. However, as they continue to surface, the eyes of many will be opened, especially the eyes of the Church and of the Holy Father. It is no coincidence that these events will occur as the anniversary approaches.
Should not this 100th anniversary (1917-2017) be a great time of rejoicing, a time when the Fatima gift is poured out in its fullness? That was my plan. This entire century was meant to be 100 years of blessings, all leading up to the anniversary. A blessing that has been rejected becomes an accusation. A gift spurned becomes a great issue.
If the Church and the world had only listened, if they had fully welcomed the Fatima gift, there would have been no World War II, no atomic bomb, no arms race, no Cold War. Russia would have been converted. A great period of peace would have begun and the whole world would know that the 100th anniversary would become a time of the greatest blessings.
Now, the anniversary looms on the horizon as an unfulfilled promise, rejected by those who should have had faith. What will I do? What will happen in these next 2 ½ years? This is not settled. However, the quicker the Church fully responds to Fatima, and as devotion to the Woman Clothed With the Sun multiplies, the blessings will come. Otherwise, Fatima remains a gift that is still rejected.
Comment: Our Lady gives a clear timetable, an explanation of the causes of twentieth century destruction and a path to peace.
New Powers Flooding Forth
December 26, 2014
Some powers that shake the existing order have already been released. These prepare the way. They occupy and distract mankind who then cannot see the greater difficulties which lie ahead.
Currently, the world focuses upon the external threats of terrorism and Russia, while totally ignoring the internal problems of morality, abortion (which kills far more than all the terrorists) and spending.
2015 will see not just the continuation and expansion of the 2014 problems, but new powers that break forth. These are more internal to economic systems and the daily life, new leaks and new breakdowns in society, new divisions among people. Governments will be exhausted, unable to adequately respond. The 2014 strains upon their resources will have weakened their ability.
All will stretch and stretch until the resources cannot stretch any more. At that moment, comes the breakthrough, the flooding where no one suspected, for who can foresee the path of a flood?
What voices will be raised to give light. Who will be able to guide the world on these dark hours? In this very darkness, my light will shine. Do not wait. Time spent in devotion prepares the soil. The effects in coming together in my name are indispensable.
Comment: Our Lady does not speak of external causes but internal difficulties built into our systems.
The New Year
December 27, 2014
How many events will flow forth this coming year. They will be linked, one to another. Yet, at the same time, they will flow from the free choices of humanity. This is the great mystery. Time opens out. Day follows day. Time gives each person a chance to decide, one decision after another.
Some persons, however, hold great power and their decisions affect millions. Also, ideas, such as terrorism, dominate many hearts at once so that thousands act in unison. Systems have been built and nations work within these systems.
Human life is complex and each day it depends upon many factors for its very existence. Whole nations can be wiped out and grave crises suddenly arise. This is the picture of life upon earth. Time moves on and the world is subjected to many forces that bring about change.
A new year is about to begin. As far as time is concerned, 2014 will flow quite unnoticed into 2015. The early days of the New Year will flow as if it were 2014, but not for long.
2015 will be much different. There will not be continuity but a breaking off. There will not be a smooth flow but troubled waters. There will be war in places that are now enjoying peace and instability, in nations that seemed to be strong.
A shaking will take place, followed by a settling. Then a second shaking that will be more serious. By the end of the year, life will be much different. Even as 2016 opens, the full battle between Satan and the Woman will not have been fought.
Comment: Our Lady tries to prepare us for the next few years that lie ahead.
The Blessings of the 100th Anniversary
December 28, 2014
As the new year begins, the events will happen slowly. Most important, people will not recognize their importance or how these events prepare the way for others. The events will be new and surprising sources of unrest and breakdowns.
Even as it becomes evident that this new reality will not pass quickly, people will still not grasp the importance of this year. Only toward the end of the year will the events take place that will seriously change the existing structures. Even in these cases, people will not see clearly. They will believe that the change is temporary and can be rolled back.
Only as the year ends, will people see the decisiveness of these events. Even here, their full force will not have been released, for there will be the years leading up to the 100th anniversary of Fatima.
I continually see these coming years in the light of that anniversary. A while ago, the world focused on 2000 and the new millennium. Human life moved into the new millennium without any serious change. The 100th anniversary of Fatima will be quite different because I will not abandon my children or my Church.
Comment: Our Lady speaks of new difficulties that are ahead as well as the special blessings of Fatima in 2017.
Opening the Fatima Gift
December 29, 2014
In the beginning, many will be confused wondering why many opportunities have been cut off.
This is the first stage. Then, they will see that the wounds to society are even deeper and that life itself is endangered. This will be the progression of events in the next few years leading up to the 100 years of Fatima revelations.
Mankind need not walk that path. Another is available, a true path to peace, the path of Fatima. All must read the story of the three children, of the appearances and of my requests.
There is also the great promise, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”. It will be late, but Russia will be consecrated.
Do not wait. Consecrate yourself and your family. Read. Learn. Live the Fatima message.
Fatima is God’s gift, the short cut, the easy way. Fatima is filled with my love and my tenderness. I visited the earth to protect you. I spoke so you might listen. I gave signs so you would believe. I did all of this for you. Please, open my Fatima gift.
Comment: The Church must fully open the Fatima gift but you can open your gift immediately.
A Summary of Teaching
December 30, 2014
I have raised up these locutions and in these few years, many have seen their value. This was to prepare their hearts and show them that my words will guide them. Filled with this light, they know much about human history. I have clearly taught the following:
1) Human history is a battle for souls and cannot be understood merely by reason.
2) This battle is between light and darkness. The great victory of Jesus took place on the cross.
3) For 2000 years, Satan has regrouped his forces and has put his plan in place through human beings who cooperate with him.
4) I foresaw that this battle would come to its greatest moments, so I appeared at Fatima to defeat Satan.
5) This defeat has obviously not happened because the responses to my requests were not lived out, causing the world to be plunged into a greater war and then constant conflicts.
6) Mankind is now entering a very dangerous time. The 100th anniversary of Fatima is a signal moment. Keep your eyes on that date. It can still be a moment of great victory.
7) I will continue to speak each day in the coming year. I will not hold back my words. My people need to know the secrets of my heart and its desires.
Now, I must take you on a new path, a road of strength and fortitude, a road of firmness and fidelity.
Comment: Our Lady sums up her recent teachings.
No Consecration of Russia in 2015
December 31, 2014
The decisions are made. The story of this year is written. The book is closed, only to open quickly. Time does not stop, not for a single moment, like an unending stream. Mankind lives one moment at a time, able to see the past and experience the present, but incapable of seeing what lies ahead in 2015.
This year will be filled with wrong roads and terrible decisions, all because man’s heart is so separated from God’s will. A rude awakening awaits. Severe jolts of great warnings. Who will heed the message? Who will even know the message? That is why I speak. What good are chastisements unless accompanied by a message that shows the way to mercy?
The chastisements will come, inflicted by man himself, who holds great destructive powers in his grasp. Some of these will be warning blasts which signal deeper troubles ahead. In the long series of these events, there will always be my clear voice, showing the way. During 2015, my voice will grow much stronger. The urgency of my message will be seen. However, Russia will not be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Even so, as these events occur, a great stirring will begin in the Church which will prepare for Russia’s consecration in 2016.
Comment: This locution must be read very carefully. Our Lady says three things. First, Russia will not be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart in 2015. Second, events in 2015 will cause stirrings that the consecration take place. Third, these stirrings will prepare for a consecration in 2016. However, the consecration depends on human decisions and Our Lady does not say “it will take place”. In 2016, the Church will be prepared for the consecration.
The New Year Promise
January 1, 2015
Believe, so that this will be a year of faith. I will be with you guiding you with my words. When I give you promises, believe. When I give you directions, obey. When I teach you, remember. Natural light will not suffice. Supernatural light must show you the path. Now, let us begin a new year with a promise.
I will be closer to you than ever before. You will know that your love for me has never been greater. All of this is a gift, poured out right now before this year unfolds.
Walk into this year with faith. Do not look at your material blessings and think, “I am secure. Nothing is at risk. The year will be filled with abundance”. Rather, say, “I have Mary with me. She will accompany me. She will never leave my side. She will show me where to walk and what to avoid. I am safe in her arms”. This must be the theme of this year, which holds so many surprises, in which what seems powerful crumbles and what seems weak grows strong in faith. The new year is upon us. We have no choice except to let it unfold.
Comment: The year begins with a promise. Let us believe.
Inviting Mary To Come
January 2, 2015
I want peace and I will work until the world has peace. I have already laid the foundation for peace. Within the Catholic Church, these forces for peace are already present in the clear teachings of my role as Mother of the Church and in all of my revelations that are approved or are still taking place. These are reservoirs of peace which are waiting to be released.
Look at what I have already accomplished. I have given many promises, released many powers, converted many hearts, given many signs and stirred much devotion. Most important, I have pointed out the path to peace. I have asked people to live by God’s laws, to say the rosary, to use the sacrament of Penance, to fast and to keep the First Saturdays of the month.
If people would just believe me, I would come close to them. This is the secret I now want to reveal. What power is contained in these little acts of devotion? They are invitations, not my invitation to you but your invitation to me, to come, to be close, to protect, to bless, to calm and as always, to spread peace. Using these devotions opens doors that I can easily enter. Setting aside the rosary, keeps the doors closed and when totally rejected even locks the door.
I want to come but I wait until my children invite me. When the door is open, I bless everyone in the house.
Comment: Our Lady teaches that by our devotions, she can freely enter our lives.
Like a Trapped Army
January 3, 2015
Mankind has a path, a choice, a decision. However, a time comes when he finds no paths, has no choices and decisions are taken from his hands. Events overtake mankind and he has few choices. Unlimited opportunities suddenly narrow, and few remain.
Currently, people feel unrestrained. Many options are at their fingertips. More and more choices are made available. The time is coming when all of this will be reversed. Options taken away. Opportunities no longer available. Human life reduced to the necessities.
Opportunities have been squandered. Calls to repentance have been scorned. Mankind has chosen the wide road instead of the true one. Like an army that has foolishly allowed itself to be drawn into a trap, mankind has chosen the wrong road and has arrived at the wrong place. Nothing can be done because the darkness which guided man still has power. No one listens to me.
So, the events will come. The illusions will be destroyed. When freed from that false light, mankind will have a second chance. The events of darkness can become a door into light. The dark events hold a hidden blessing.
Comment: At this moment, mankind seemingly has endless options that promise happiness. When these are taken away people will be more responsive to Our Lady’s voice.
True Paths To Light
January 4, 2015
Amid all the darkness, many paths to light will suddenly appear. Those who have faith will see them and those who believe will walk them. How important will be these locutions, the words of your mother. They will describe everything.
In the midst of the difficulties, my words will point out the false roads and the false leaders. Indeed, many, in their great anxieties, will throw away caution and will follow those leaders. They will choose roads that, in more normal times, they would have easily rejected. Such will be the anxiety that grips so many.
Those who listen, believe and walk in my words, will experience a peace, even amid great difficulties. Those with even a mustard seed of faith, will find great strength. How many hearts I will stir to great devotion. Many will help others. Families will be united because they so need one another. Those who have abandoned the faith, will see how important it is to return.
These are the true paths to light. Reject quick and easy solutions which have no power to touch the heart. My new paths to light will take place within. Amid the greatest difficulties, I will pour out my greatest lights. I must speak through these locutions so all know where to look for my gifts.
Comment: Amid anxieties, people choose solutions that they would otherwise reject. Our Lady offers true help through inner graces.
Events Affecting America
January 5, 2015
The path is so dangerous that only those who take my hand will walk safely. They will know that a special guidance is coming from the words that I speak.
Right now, all is light. Life continues as usual. The problems seem so far away, just reports of news in other parts of the world. Fear does not grip America. Its eyes are on the stock markets, the drop in gas prices and on all the playoff games. These absorb people’s hearts.
But I speak deep within, of events which will deeply disturb this way of life, events which begin slowly. At first, they will not be seen as serious. However, they will continue and grow. I speak of moments when the news is not just about far away events which affect the lives of others, but of national events, that pierce America’s lifestyle.
When these happen, will you turn away from your games? Will the seed of faith still be alive in your hearts? For some, yes. For many, no. When I promise to take you safely by my hand, I am speaking about your life of faith. That will be the only power which can help you to survive the future events. My words will keep that faith alive.
Comment: Americans read of destructive events but their lives go on as usual. The new events will change that.
Stars in the Darkest Night
January 6, 2015
I want you to see and to understand. When the events take place, people will react. One darkness will lead to another. Human decisions will cause greater darkness and suffering. When events take place, they affect everyone, the good and the bad, those who caused the events and the innocent ones. Everyone’s life is changed.
What can I do? I can give light. I can give the words of a mother. My children will see. They will understand. First, they will know that I have spoken ahead of time. They have already experienced my words. They have hungered and looked forward to my words. Their hearts are already open and they have already learned how to receive.
I will not hold back my words, and with the words come my greatest helps. My words will have a strange power. They will pierce the heart. I will bring my words to their minds again and again. My children will cling to my words. They will look to my words as stars in the darkest night. They will be like Columbus of years ago who made his way across the ocean by the light of the stars. Such will be my words in the darkness.
Comment: Those who read these locutions have come to love them. How important the words will be during the events.

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