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The Two Forces

(August 2 to August 9, 2015)

God’s Infinite Stream of Goodness

August 2, 2015


In the infinite goodness of God and the tenderness of my heart, a stream will go forth to mankind which no satanic action can stop. Satan does not know the secret plans of God which the Father has revealed to me fully.

Mankind will try to regain his equilibrium and rebuild his systems. Such is the natural force of self-preservation, but Satan knows these plans and has prepared for these responses. He holds back some of his powers for a later date, not spending his forces all at once.

This will be the great mistake of mankind. People will believe that the early events are all that are coming and that they can rebuild. They will not use this time to repent of their evils and turn to God. They will continue in a human wisdom which is no match for Satan’s plans. They will not have learned the teachings which I am pouring out.

Mankind has lost its way. It has lost its ability to hear God’s voice or to see his light. When confronted with the satanic evil, it will have only its natural light as a guide.
A stream of God’s infinite goodness flows continually through my Heart. None of this stream is lost. I pass every blessing on to mankind. In the events, all that mankind needs to do is to seek these blessings in my heart.

Remember my words, “I will not abandon you. My heart contains all that you will need. There will be a great stream of blessings. Day after day, sufficient help for you and your family. I will not abandon anyone who seeks me.”

Comment: Our Lady constantly speaks of human wisdom being inadequate.

Casting Out Hell’s Fires

August 3, 2015


All know that hell is filled with fire but I have been speaking of hell’s fires here upon earth.  Satan’s fires are different from all others, because natural solutions cannot extinguish them.  They feed upon human responses.  This confuses the world.

The fires broke out in the events of terrorism, highlighted by September 11, 2001.  Ever since then, the world has been on guard, in constant fear of terrorist attacks.  Yet, hell’s fires are not limited to these groups.  They spread everywhere and touch every fabric of human life.

They feed upon suffering and death, especially at abortion clinics.

They feed upon greed in the economy and upon daily selfishness.  They feed upon false treaties, government deficits, drug trafficking, alcoholic addictions, adultery, and pornography.  They feed upon social injustices.  They multiply when suffering and poverty reign.  These fires find breeding grounds everywhere, hidden pockets of deceit, lies which open doors to riches.  How much food these fires find everywhere.

O reader, come away from these fires.  I will create in you a pure heart and a pure soul.  I will put out the demonic fires in your life.  If you would allow me, I will extinguish them all.  Do not compromise.  Do not say, “This is just one small fire.” All the fires of hell must be cast out.


I am the Woman and my great task is to cast out hell’s fires from the earth so that they burn no more and peace can begin.  There can be no peace when hell is welcomed and when the fires of hell are tolerated.  Cleanse your lives.  Seek out the powers of confession and use them regularly.  That is a good beginning.

Comment: The best preparation for the future is to refuse to tolerate any satanic fire in our personal lives.

The Fires of Hell

August 4, 2015


The powers of hell rip everything apart and cause division and separation. They destroy in one day what it took years to build. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, a fire can be built.
Times of neglect prepare for instant conflagration because the wood becomes dry when God’s consolations are set aside.

Because God’s rain has fallen so little, such dry firewood exists everywhere. How much of the world and even parts of the Church are too dry? When the fire comes, it will set a forest ablaze.

Far easier to preserve than to rebuild, to prevent a fire rather than try to put it out. How soon and how powerfully will the demonic fires sweep upon the world, guided by Satan’s great intelligence?

Do you not see this before your very eyes? Does Satan not sweep your young into the fires of impurity? Does he not sweep your leaders into false treaties? Does he not sweep your economies into gigantic debts? Does he not sweep your people into the great addictions? All go into his fire, each using a different door. But what does it matter? All are consumed by the flames.

The whole world is going up in flames and no one grasps the urgency or sees any solution. This is my word. I will save what can be saved. I can only rescue those who hear my voice. This is not the time to wander. This is not the time to build, to construct and to dream of future years of wealth. The focus must be to preserve and to keep safe, to gather, to return to faith, and to remove any demonic fires from your life.

I speak now in this little way, using these locutions. Soon, I will speak fully and completely in my Church. However, the message will be the same. Do not wait. The gift of my words is yours today.

Comment: We all believe that these little locutions are so special. Why are they not given to the whole Church? Someday they will be.

What Legacy Will Be Passed On? (Feast of Mary Major)

August 5, 2015


Why the delay? Why do my armies not take to the fields? Why are the forces of good not sent forth? As always, good and evil contend every day. The battle goes back and forth. This has always happened in human history.

Sometimes, great triumphs come forth, as at Lepanto. At other times, there are huge failures, like the two world wars. After these events, history moves in a quite different direction, good or bad.

These coming years are also a turning point. They will be filled with events which forever leave their mark. Will these years be a triumph for good or for evil? So much hangs in the balance.

The triumph of good or of evil is not inevitable, as if written into history before it unfolds. God has placed the story of history into man’s hands. Mankind chooses, both for himself and for others. By his choices, others are blessed or cursed, lifted up or thrown down. One generation leaves a legacy (good or evil) to the next. These are the decisions that mold history.

Now listen carefully to my words. These coming years will be years of the greatest battles.
Nothing is decided, as yet. Everyone living on earth, the important and the seemingly unimportant people, will all decide the future of the world. When this time is over, the issues will be settled and the legacy of war or peace, blessings or curses, will be passed on to others.

The burning question is, “What will be passed on?” What will the world look like? Those decisions are made now, today, in your very midst and before your eyes. Wake up! You must bless the world today. You must fashion human history by your prayers and sacrifices. My armies do not go forth because my children do not understand. What will I do? I must speak with a greater voice and with more powerful words, which give the clearest direction.

Comment: How important is your day today. Do not waste these hours.

The Fires of Peace

August 6, 2015


Before the fire goes forth from my heart, the world must be prepared. Otherwise, people’s hearts are not ready to receive and the fire pours out uselessly.

How can I prepare the world for this special coming? How can I get the Church ready for the Fatima gift, for it is the Fatima gift which contains all the fire, a fire which still burns so brightly in my heart and is ready to be poured forth in these final days.

So many mysteries to explain, mysteries which will suddenly burst into human history, mysteries which must be known and understood ahead of time. Right now, mankind is entering into years filled with mysteries and all the events cannot be understood without faith. Let me summarize these mysteries and then speak of the future.

The heavenly Father decided to prepare for the great Fatima gift by my many appearances in the 19th century. However, even as God bestowed the gift, the government opposed it and hindered some of its effects. (Heavenly gifts must be received.) If received correctly, World War I would have ended immediately. As it was, I was able to shorten that war.

World War II should never have happened. I would have put out the fires of Communism, Nazism and Fascism long before they were allowed to cause that terrible conflagration. There would have been no dropping of the atomic bomb, no Cold War, no Iron Curtain. By these words, I let you see the extent of my power over world events and to see what I have been saying. By rejecting faith, mankind has chosen a terrible path of darkness and suffering.

I come to the present and the future. The world is much further along this path of self-destruction. Parts of the world are totally immersed in darkness. Yet, the fires of peace burn brightly in my heart, waiting, waiting and waiting to be poured out, able to completely turn mankind around and to scatter this darkness over which he has no control. However, the world and the Church are not prepared. If poured out now, my fire would be wasted and foolishly spent.

I can only promise a future moment when it will not be so. Not just the Church, but even the world, will welcome my fire. Then peace will be firmly established.

There will be two sets of events. My events will directly prepare the Church for that moment.
Satan’s events, while shaking the world, will also remove the blindness of the secular spirit.

Comment: We must believe that Our Lady possesses the fire of peace and prepare.

The Isolation Coming from Darkness

August 7, 2015


When night descends, all work must cease because people cannot see each other. Darkness divides and isolates. Each person is on his own. Light joins and people can share their talents, helping one another to build a city of God.

But what if man decides to build his own city, with monuments to his own skills? When he abandons God’s light, darkness comes. This is the present state of the world. Man builds for himself. I am not speaking of his physical buildings that tower to the sky, but of the human world that he has fashioned.

In the beginning darkness, he uses all his resources for himself and forgets his neighbor. As the darkness grows, he uses resources for himself which he does not have. People and nations accrue debts and become enslaved to their spending. The final stage of darkness is a collapse of the structures which held life together. Darkness has completed its task – the complete separation of man, total isolation, and the inability to help one another to build the city of God.

Then come the wars, the divisions, the breaking off. Parts of society are abandoned. Due to the darkness, mankind can only think of itself, and of survival. People do not see that all the problems arise because mankind has abandoned God’s light. It is like putting out the sun and covering over the moon.

What can reverse the darkness? Is there some other source of light? Can light suddenly break upon the world, reversing this darkness? This light has already been given at Fatima. It only waits to be released. It lies totally in the Catholic Church, the light of the nations. When released, the Catholic Church will rise to its greatest height and will remain as the light upon the lampstand for all to see. Many events will happen before that moment. I speak so all maintain their hope.

Comment: When deciding to set aside God’s light, mankind does not see all the consequences.

The Gathering Storm Clouds

August 8, 2015


Even as the storm clouds cover the heavens, all know that the sun still pours out its blessings. This is why I speak. Even as the events cast darkness over the world, my children must believe that I am more powerful than Satan’s clouds and that the victory will be mine.

What storms lie ahead! What great faith will be needed. These are not trials sent by God. They result from mankind choosing the darkness and subjecting himself to Satan’s plan. Every day, mankind constantly chooses Satan’s path. He knows only this road because he has banished the light. Now I must speak.

The storm clouds will gather. This is not a time of light (although the Father wanted it to be so). These clouds, as always happen, will cover over the sun and cast darkness upon the earth.
This darkness will grow and many will lose all hope. The darkness will penetrate everywhere.

No part of human life will escape its effects. I will shelter, by great inner gifts of light, all my children. Although they will also suffer from the external darkness, this darkness will not cause them to despair. They will discover my new touches upon their hearts. They will experience my presence accompanied by extraordinary desires to gather with others for mutual support. All of this will be new, my special outpouring, which my children will know from my words, and experience from my actions upon them.

Still, the darkness will grow. No world leader will rise up, able to confront it. No group of nations will be able to scatter it. Many will believe that this new darkness will become the future state of mankind, the next era of human history. This will not be so, only because of the great gifts placed in my Immaculate Heart and released through the Catholic Church. O Church, I must awaken you to the Fatima gift which you have spurned and set aside. You, too, have chosen foolishly but you have never rejected me as your mother.

Comment: Our Lady carefully uses symbols to describe the future.

The Church and Satan

August 9, 2015


The world is moving quickly and Satan’s events face no obstacles. They freely march ahead, setting in place all that is needed to bring about their destructive goals. Why does my Church not awaken? Why are my people not preparing? It is always like this. The world knows its goals and seeks them every day. The Church moves slowly and awkwardly, often trying to find its way. So, I must speak.

The world, with all of its powers, cannot conquer Satan. It is totally vulnerable to his works and even cooperates, without actually seeing itself as his instrument. The world has blanked out the Satanic world, erased him from all of its thinking. This makes the world an easy prey and a ready tool.

The Church is different. The Church realizes that Satan exists. It contains great powers to cast him out and to bind him! In Jesus’ name, the Church can free anyone and any group or nation. The Church can form a society that is free from his influence and does not accept any compromise.

As the Satanic fires move quickly ahead to enslave the whole world, the world itself is totally helpless. Only the Church has the faith and the powers to destroy his plans.
Satan knows who has the power and he has wisely led the world away from the Church. Otherwise, he would enjoy no victories. Centuries ago, he withdrew many away by the false prophet, Mohammed. In modern times, he has raised up many other false prophets and the world has listened to them. Forsaking the light of faith, the world has cast out God instead of Satan and taken on Satan’s slavery instead of Jesus’ freedom.

My Church, you are my only hope. As frail and unprepared as you are, you are my only instrument. I must begin to work in your very bowels, in your depths, in your heart, in your spirit, in your soul. I must do a great work in you. You are not ready to confront these powerful works of Satan, but you will be as I stir you to new greatness.

Comment: The Catholic Church, with all its weaknesses will still be God’s instrument to cast out Satan.

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