The Two Fires
June 4, 2014
Which fires will light up the skies, the fires of the earth or the fires of heaven? This is the question which mankind will face in the next few years. Yes, I must say the next few years because this question will be answered soon.
Out of love, the heavenly Father has constantly postponed the purification of the world, always hoping and hoping that the Church would choose me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun, and that the world would also embrace this truth. Now, these many years have passed by and the Church has still not responded to my command. So, the destructive fires of earth light up the skies. They burn brightly and their darkness covers more and more of the earth’s surface.
If I am lifted up and acknowledged as the Woman, I will release heavenly fires from my Immaculate Heart. People will see. They will be enlightened. They will repent. They will change their ways. They will bring about deep and lasting social changes. There will be great movements of the Holy Spirit.
The soul of man is capable of great deeds, heroic deeds. Touched by the heavenly fires mankind can bring about a new era. This will be my gentle purification. Without the heavenly fires, mankind can only bring about the great destructive fires which will envelope whole nations. This will be a different, more painful and more destructive purification. Which fires will light up the skies – the fires of heaven or the fires of earth?
Comment: What a promise – heavenly fires that change the world by touching each person’s heart.

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