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The Sweeping Modern Events

(August 29 to September 6, 2014)

The Syrian Revolution

August 29, 2014


The world finds itself caught up in sweeping events that seemingly have no answer. Leaders are confused by the quick rise of ISIS and by Putin’s activities in the Ukraine. Rockets have been flying into Israel and the destruction of Gaza has been brutal. China has begun to emerge as a nation on the move, emboldened and aggressive.

In the past, I have spoken about the timetable of events and how that timetable has been moved ahead because America has withdrawn. Now, the whole world can see the truth of my words. So, I will begin to speak again and to comment on all that is taking place. As the events continue, more and more will become students of my words which pour forth divine wisdom.

I will begin with Syria. I said clearly that the revolution in Syria was quite different from the revolutions in Egypt and Libya. Those revolutions burned themselves out quickly as the dictators were overturned. I prophesied that Syria would be different. That the dictator would not be quickly deposed, that the revolution would drag on and on, that the region would be destabilized and that larger terrorist groups, more unified, would emerge. All of this has now happened and the world is confronted with a totally new reality, a terrorist group that claims its own country, with all of its resources, a group that does not overturn governments but itself governs.

Listen carefully again to my words. I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. Only my armies can overcome the Evil One. Where are my armies? I must gather them quickly. I must spread devotion to my Immaculate Heart throughout the whole world, in unprecedented ways. When you see these signs and events, know they are a call into my army.

Comment: Locutions speaking about Syria were given in 2012 on February 12, and in 2013 on April 28, 29, May 5, August 23, 26, September 2, 4, 6 and 17.

The Mystery of Syrian Evil

August 30, 2014


Syria will continue to be the problem, the great mystery which continually sends forth evil.

Syria is not just one evil, the evil of Assad. It has become a collection of evils. Because the revolution was not quickly ended by the overthrow of the regime, it became an attraction for evil. Various terrorists groups saw an opportunity to topple the regime and claim control of an entire country. It did not happen that way. Instead, the fires within Syria burned and eventually spread to other parts of the Middle East, just as I had said.

Now, Syria is a greater mystery. The West cannot figure out a strategy, how to use its weapons. This is the enigma that exists and the source is Russia, which saw Assad as an ally and continually strengthens his role, giving him the needed support to survive when so many predicted his quick downfall. Go back and read my locutions for I spoke of all these events in great detail even before they took place.

Comment: Our Lady was clear from the beginning that Syria would light the fuse although it will not be the place of the explosion.

Putin and the Ukraine

August 30, 2014


“Why wait” says Putin, “when all of the Ukraine waits for me to take what I can hold? I can redraw the map and gain what I have coveted for many years.”

So, the Ukraine waits for the reaper who comes not just to take its harvest but also to claim its soil. Once these parts are swallowed up, they will not be returned in Putin’s lifetime.

I have said before that he is Satan’s perfect instrument. No need to look for another. No need to seek another source of evil. The evil flows from Russia, as it did throughout the twentieth century.

This is not a replay. Putin’s Russia is quite different. He has many new alliances and has shaped a modern Russia that can withstand the obvious actions that the West will take. He has seen them all. Nothing surprises him. He has fashioned many other sources that can help him. He will remain on the scene, directing the evil wherever he sees weaknesses.

I have spoken of him before and my words were true. He is an adversary who will not go away. For years, he has plotted his course and has had no qualms about the means he needs to employ. The West has been deceived.

Comment: Our Lady has spoken often about Putin and the Ukraine. Consult the following locutions: In 2012, October 5, 6 and 7; in 2014, March 14, 24, April 10, 11, and 28, June 2.

Infection in the Blood Stream

September 1, 2014


Let the entire stream of events flow out so that all can see the evils contained in human history. They have been planted there for years by past decisions and wars. They have been fed by the fires of anger and injustice. They have grown, hidden from the eyes of all. Now, this stream begins to come to the surface, all that I have been speaking about. All see these events happening everywhere. The evil is not limited to one country or to one region. Evil is in the very blood stream of mankind, flowing to every part of the body, and growing more powerful.

The body is too weak, daily losing its battle to overcome the infection. Mankind tries to stir itself to battle. Leaders call for solutions. Yet, the evil grows and spreads. The body seems helpless. No aid in sight.

This is why I speak. You can see the truth of my words before your very eyes. Let my words be your comfort, and also your guide. Act upon my words. Look into your heart. You believe. You know that God exists. You have faith. Treasure that faith. Stir that faith into action. As all the events pour forth, you will wonder how you can be saved. Suddenly, your faith will take on a much greater value.

Comment: Through all the events, people are beginning to grasp the power and extent of this evil. They must also see the power and extent of the faith God has given to them.

The Annihilation of the Nations

September 2, 2014


I must come to the deepest sorrow of my heart. Only reluctantly do I speak of the annihilation of the nations. This annihilation is not imminent. It will not happen tomorrow but it does loom on the horizon.

Right now, this annihilation cannot happen because the people who can bring it about are not yet in place and they do not yet have the weapons that are needed. However, everyone is quite aware of how situations can shift quickly. The pattern has not become familiar. What seems stable begins to shake. New factions arise. Leaders are toppled. Chaos and instability enter.

A door opens for those who want to take advantage of the opportunity and they, who had no power, suddenly control a new portion of the world. This process, taking place everywhere, will open the world to a future moment when the annihilation of the nations becomes a distinct possibility.

My real sorrow in this annihilation is not just death, but the manner in which death take place. Millions will lose their lives quickly. There is no time to repent, to prepare for death, no opportunity for God to use the time of sickness to pour out his graces of conversion or to help devout souls to better prepare for the moment of their divine judgment.

In the annihilation, all are caught short, both sinners and saints, both those with faith and those without. The divine mercy of God, which saves so many people as they gradually face the reality of their coming death, is robbed of this opportunity.

You can see my sorrow as I perceive the possible annihilation of the nations that looms on the horizon. I will not speak much about this now but I have to begin this revelation. Later, I will speak more fully.

Comment: A possible annihilation of the nations is seemingly part of the Fatima secret that is still not revealed. If so, then it should be revealed.

The Woman and George Washington

September 3, 2014


I must begin to prepare, especially since all are seeing, for the first time, the extent of the evils and the possibilities for destruction that they hold. Many evils are still hidden, soon to appear, claiming even more of what seemed to be so stable. A hopelessness and an inevitability set in, as if the only choice is just to watch passively as this new force makes its conquests.

My message is quite different, “Prepare”, I say. “Awaken to the powers that lie in your faith. Your faith alone can save you. This is my promise, ‘Fill your churches and I will raise up leaders who will guide you in my ways. I will strengthen the hearts of the people and make firm their resolve. They will sweep away the years of debauchery. They will instill new ideals of morality. The hearts of the young will turn back to me (for they especially will see their future being taken away)’”.

The Spirit of God must come upon America. The conversions must be true and deep. All of these evils would never have arisen if America had stayed true to the light. It is not too late but there must be no delay. An unprepared America will shatter into many pieces. An America prepared by an outpouring of the Spirit will respond. I prophesied these times to George Washington, the son of the Republic. Read my words. They will reveal a woman who has always cared for America and has promised her salvation.

COMMENT: One morning at Valley Forge, a woman appeared to George Washington and prophesied three events. First, he would win the Revolutionary War and bring about the union. Second, there would be a civil war but the woman would preserve the union. Both of these have happened. The third event concerns ten nations that come against the United States, which is saved only by the actions of the woman. This account was published in the Philadelphia Tribune and is available on the internet.

Mercy or Justice

September 4, 2014


Before continuing, I must reveal the secrets of my own heart. I saw creation as it came forth in all of its beauty from the Father’s hand. I saw the power of the redeeming love of my Son pour out from his heart. I personally experienced the sanctifying fire of the Holy Spirit. I see all that God has done for the human race. I also see the pitiable state of mankind and, even worse, the future state, the path that he has taken because of Satan’s deceptions.

I speak from this abundance of knowledge and I use these little locutions to share with all the world my own understanding. This is man’s only saving light, to see the works of the Father, Son and Spirit, all that God will do, if only mankind turns, repents and seeks his intervention.

This is my message of hope. God will intervene. He is ready and waiting. He will not delay. He wants to find a mankind humbled and repentant so he can pour out his mercy. If not, when he intervenes, it will be his justice that pours out. This is why I speak.

Comment: Today’s locution is a pause along the road to reflect with Our Lady.

A Day Claimed by Evil

September 5, 2014


You see events exploding in many different places. This is the way it will be because evil is spilling over wherever there are openings in the society. Evil resides in the heart of human history, placed there by men’s countless sins. When this evil is not purged by repentance and God’s forgiving power, it grows and boils over wherever the society is weak.

On September 11, 2001, this evil broke forth in an extraordinary way. America was damaged. The terrorist world rejoiced. Ever since that decisive moment, the terrorists have taken heart.

They saw concrete evidence of their power. 9/11 has become their battle cry. They are emboldened and give the impression that the future belongs to them. The West is on the defensive. Even with its much greater resources, it has no battle cry. Such is the world without faith to unite hearts and to lead to victory.

However, the future is not determined. Man is free and evil flows according to man’s free decisions. If there is repentance and a turning to God, these events can be avoided. What voices are raised? These locutions are a tiny voice but if their message is carried by others, then all the world can hear.

Comment: Each year, on September 11 the West braces for new outbreaks. Where will we be in 2015? We must act quickly to turn the world to repentance.

Help in the Trials

September 6, 2014


When all the events converge, the world will see Satan’s plan emerging. Now, this plan is hidden. When it is revealed, the world will see its own mistakes, its poor choices and the helplessness of human wisdom. But a greater question exists, “Will there be any solution to the ever-increasing problems?” Efforts will be made. Mankind will continue to foolishly believe that it controls its own destiny. (That control has really not existed for a long time because these events go back almost 100 years.) All efforts will be futile. The powers and the intelligence behind the evil far surpass all human forces.

What will happen? I must speak clearly and loudly. My words seem small and reach only a limited group for now, but it is important that the words be recorded. Later, they will be flashed like headlines to the whole world.

I will never forsake mankind. I will always hold out my saving gifts. I will deliver all who call on my name, not from the evils that affect all, but from the despair that will accompany these evils.

The time is short. The preparations are already being made. Do not delay. Gather up your loved ones and say, “We must return to the Virgin Mary. She will sustain us in the trials”. And, I will.

Comment: Mary’s messages always bring hope, but only if we respond.

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