The Resignation As A Sign
(February 23 to February 28, 2013)
The Resignation As A Sign
February 23, 2013
The highest chair in the world will soon be vacant. It is not a position created by man or sustained by natural powers. This office has endured for centuries and will be present even when I return in glory. It is sustained by my promise that the gates of hell would not prevail against my Church. The papacy, like other institutions, has seen high points and low moments.
Yet, this boat of Peter has navigated the tides and has never been shipwrecked. Now, this chair of Peter has been brought to this special moment by a pope who obeyed my inner word that he should hand over the keys of the kingdom to another.
What a solemn and unique moment in modern history. A living pope surrenders his powers so another pope can gain them. A living pope removes himself from the chair of Peter so another could take his place. Only I could have brought this about as my Holy Spirit stirred so forcibly in the heart of Benedict. He would have served as long as I wanted him to.
Understand the greatness of this act. Even more, understand the uniqueness of what I have done. See it as a sign that I have only begun to act. Would I bring about this highly unusual resignation and then allow the conclave to proceed in its usual manner. Why have I done this?
What am I doing? All the cardinals must see this. They must not approach the conclave as they previously thought. Let them be ready for my special stirrings in their hearts and for my special actions within the conclave itself.
The cardinals cannot pull a curtain so that no one sees what they are doing. All the eyes of heaven will be upon them. All the eyes of earth will see someday what has taken place in these extraordinary meetings. The events will be recounted down through the ages. I know there is secrecy but secrecy does not pertain to heavenly actions and divine interventions. These must not be kept secret.
In the beginning of the conclave (and even before it begins) there will be divine signs. The cardinals will speak of “coincidences”. There will be so many of these that any cardinal with great faith will realize how much I am guiding this process. These signs will greatly influence the thinking of many. More important, the cardinals’ level of faith in direct divine interventions will grow strong and firm. This is the first stage – hearts that are ready to believe because they have seen.
As the cardinals gather more intensely in the days before the conclave, this will provide me with a greater opportunity. I will work in the hearts of my special cardinals by an illumination. They will begin to see, not a certain candidate, but a vision of the purpose of this conclave. This will shatter all their false reasoning’s and will purge them. They will be cleansed in my heart and made ready to act on by behalf in the conclave itself.
I will speak here only of the initial days of the conclave. There will be great confusion. Cardinals from all over the world, with totally different thought will gather, many for the first time. The opening days will be in the human spirit. This is quite natural. Let this human spirit be quickly spent, like morning clouds that pass away with the heat of the sun.
The Outbreak of Darkness
February 24, 2013
The events will unfold, all led by the Holy Spirit. He will raise up voices that will speak the truth and confront the issues. This is a conclave of the greatest darkness. The world will soon be overcome by events that are far beyond its resources to respond. The turmoil that will follow will be greater than the world has ever seen. This is what I mean by “the hour”. It is the hour, the hour of the great clash between the two kingdoms, the hour when what lies hidden becomes clear to all. The hour is not just a short time but an extended period of great warfare.
Who should lead my Church at the beginning of this outbreak? Who has the light, the wisdom, and especially, the holiness to sit on the Chair of Peter. These are the questions the cardinals must ask.
During these days I take my priest son deeper and deeper into my heart. He knows not to speak out. His task is to be immersed in my Immaculate Heart. I nourish him with the greatest faith.
He has absolutely no doubt that I will raise him up. He has no control of the events that will lead to his election. He has no need to lift a finger because my mighty arm will set him in the center of the conclave. When he is called forth, he will respond, knowing that this is God’s will.
Many Dead Ends
February 25, 2013
Every option is on the table. The cardinals will consider everything. Then, I will bring to their minds new thoughts, that at first they had never thought of. I will let them go down their own paths and come to their dead ends. I will let them search and search for the answer.
Whom should they raise to the Chair of Peter? Only when they have seemingly exhausted every possibility will the thought enter their heart. Then, they will move in my direction and I will lead them quickly.
No one knows the candidate hidden so well, so deeply, in my heart. I have deliberately kept him buried in my love. He will not stir. He will not cry out. He will be covered over in great darkness, just as the cloud covered and protected the Israelites in the desert.
Only when I part the sea of confusion and show the cardinals where to walk, will this cloud lift. They will see clearly to walk where they thought they would never walk. I must assure them, just as God assured the Israelites, that it is safe to walk between the parted waves.
A Pope For All Nations
February 26, 2013
Because I open my heart to all nations, to all cultures and to all peoples, I will raise up a pope for all the nations. All will see in him a hope for salvation and a deliverance from the worldwide darkness that will soon envelope the earth, a darkness of confusion, doubt and, at times, even of hysteria and self-destruction. These will be the forces that will soon be unleashed. Before that happens, I will set in place a pope who will speak my word and release the powers of the kingdom. He will not teach in his own name nor bring forth human wisdom. He will speak my word, exactly as I have trained him to do.
Now that the time is so close I will reveal the deep secrets of my heart, kept hidden for so long. I have prepared this pope by the greatest of graces. I have fashioned him in the darkness of my womb and soon, so very soon, I will bring him into the light of day. Upon him shall be the anointing of Jerusalem, because that is where he will go and there he will end his days in the papacy.
He already knows my plan and will fulfill it just as I have laid it out before him. He will not swerve, to the left or to the right. He will discern all the world events, for himself and for the Church. He will raise his voice like no other pope because the Spirit of the Lord is upon him. When the years of his short papacy are completed, the seeds of new life will be planted. His papacy will prepare the Church for all that will follow in this third millennium.
The Messenger Pope
February 27, 2013
How much time has been lost. The gifts of God set aside. So many times I have spoken to my servants, the prophets. I have given them heavenly messages for all the world to hear. I entrusted these messages to my Church, my bride. To whom else would I given them? She has come forth from my side. She is the new Eve. I would not give these messages to another. I want my bride to be exalted. Yet, how haltingly she accepts my words. Years go by and she does not see the treasure lying in her very bosom. She delays and delays. She keeps hidden what should be proclaimed on the housetops.
No more. The time is too short. The need for my prophetic word is too pressing. I can no longer just send messengers. I must send a pope who himself is the messenger. To him I will speak, directly, heart to heart, even face to face. All the world will know that this pope is a prophet to the nations.
For so long I have kept this future pope in my bosom, hidden from the nations, yet called to be their light. I have trained him in my word and he has frequently brought it forth. He is no stranger to prophecy. He understands the gift. He is familiar with my voice.
Know that I am raising up much more than just a pope. I am lifting up a prophet to the nations. All the world will listen because he will not just speak a word of wisdom but a clear prophetic word. He is not shy or bashful. He will not hide the gift. He will not be lifted up to place the lamp under a bushel basket. He knows where my word belongs.
Suddenly, a new light will shine forth, a surprise, a new help for my children who are so confused by the darkness of the world. I will raise up this pope and prophet for my little ones who believe that I can speak directly to them.
Pope Benedict’s Final Day
February 28, 2013
The end comes to the pontificate of Pope Benedict. The Church salutes him for all that he has done. He retires with great dignity, a true blessing for all. I take him aside into a new and deeper solitude. Yet, he is at hand, ready to guide and help the one whom I will raise up. His role is not finished, just changed. Even he cannot see all that I have in store for him as he embraces his successor for the first time. Only then will he realize the great blessing he has been to the world by his resignation. This part is still hidden from his eyes. Someone whom he helped in his younger days by his writings, he will help in his final years by his presence and wisdom.
The day has come. The final steps will be taken. The Church will have no pope. This is not a time of mourning, as in the past. It is the time of a decision, taken in faith and brought forth by my hand. I will lead Pope Benedict into his place of solitude. I will be present to him as never before. I will fill him with the greatest wisdom. His value will increase and grow. He will come to understand the new role that I have for him. He will live in the shadows of retirement but will dwell in the light. He will be a guiding light to the new pope who will constantly seek out his wisdom. I relieve him of his other duties so his advice can come forth like a flowing stream.
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