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The Present Distress (The World and the Church)

(September 17 to September 28, 2013)

The Proposed Missile Strike

September 17, 2013


I will explain the present times so you are filled with hope and not fear. The world has made great mistakes. Satan, in so many ways, placed before the world some apparent good. It always involved a compromise. The world would choose the good. People would applaud the decision though it was the first step down Satan’s road.

This is so evident. All of these roads, which I will fully explain, have led to this time of darkness. Never has the world had such luxuries. Yet, does the world feel secure? What have we built? Where have we foolishly walked? These are the questions that arouse great fears.

How close the world came to a massive disaster in Syria. Pope Francis called for the day of prayer and fasting. Heaven responded and a peaceful solution was sought. This is my teaching.

When asked, heaven will always respond. Do not wait. Call upon heaven for all of your needs.

Now, I give you a task. You are so blessed by these locutions. Tell others. Be a missionary. Others will be blessed and you will be the door of these favors.

Global Economy

September 17, 2013

Editor’s note: There were two separate locutions given on this day.


I want to take you into the hidden secrets of darkness. More and more, the world moves into a global economy but this economy is shaped by forces that seek wealth and power that has never been dreamed of before. With the global communications, this goal is within their reach. What was far off, is now close at hand, almost within their grasp, a system of total control where the powers of local banks and even of sovereign nations are swept away. Each day, this power lies more and more in the hands of the few.

I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. This title and all of its prerogatives are given to me for this era. Who can stop these forces? Who can rescue the world? The global economy is not stable. There are many flaws. It can be attacked and brought to its knees from many different points.

I must raise your level of faith. I am not just the woman who helps individuals, or churches or even just nations. I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun who can blind those who want to establish themselves as the world masters. Begin now. Invoke me as this woman and believe in the powers given to me by the father.

Three Dark Forces

September 18, 2013


The world today is like an ocean with many waves. These are the daily problems that constantly beat upon the shores. These difficulties come and go, reported in the news but they are quickly forgotten.

Far greater darkness is buried deeply in this ocean. If released, these forces will change the world forever. Two are obvious – the dark forces of the global economic systems and of the great weapons that are being amassed. However, other forces also exist. Because of the global communications, large numbers of people can be stirred to violence quickly. Even more important, they can be filled with fears that will cause panic. Besides these two, I want to speak of the greatest of dangers. With global communication, leaders can be raised up by Satan who cleverly guides mankind onto false roads by decisions made over a period of time.

These are fatal steps that can never be retraced.

When good people realize what has happened, they will cry out, “Only heaven can help us”. My message today is this, “O mankind, you have already reached that point. Only heaven can help you. By these messages I say that heaven is quite ready to help you. Return to the faith of your childhood. Do not despise the little acts of devotion that turn your heart to heaven. If you do this, I will help you”.

The New Forces of Darkness

September 19, 2013


What are these dark forces that lie hidden in the ocean of human life? Why do they exist and how did they get there? They are new forces, never before present in human history. They come from all the inventions and the new technology. These powerful forces have fallen into the wrong hands. There are many scientists and other intelligent people who work for Satan (even when they are unaware of that). They are his instruments, unlocking God’s secrets placed in creation, but then using them for selfish goals.

After these technologies are developed, they are used with no reference to heaven’s lights. The world is like children attracted by butterflies, wandering off of God’s paths and led into unthinkable dangers. This is the current state of mankind.

I must repeat the message. “Only heaven can rescue you. Turn back to the devotions of your Catholic faith. O reader, do not wait for the world. It will never turn back. I invite you personally to come back to me.”

The Darkness of World Leaders

September 20, 2013


The greatest darkness is those who currently guide the world. Look at the world leaders. Is there even one who would lead the world according to heaven’s light? Begin with the Muslim brotherhood and the terrorist groups. Will they lead the world to peace? Look at Russia. They are supplying arms to terrorist nations. Look at the European leadership. Their union has renounced its Christian foundations and thrown off heaven’s protection. Look at America. Can a nation that refuses to protect its unborn keep the whole world safe?

World leaders are the great darkness. Centuries ago, there was a Christian West that allowed the pope’s voice to be heard. Now, his voice is silenced, quoted only when it serves their purposes.

Do you not see my plan? I would exalt the papacy. I would make it the greatest force in world peace. The three Fatima children believed my words. I promised them a sign and vindicated their faith by the dance of the sun. Have I not promised the conversion of Russia followed by a great period of peace if the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart? Is this consecration not to be done openly, in full faith for all the world to see? Would I then do nothing? I want to exalt the papacy, not make it a laughing stock. Remember, I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I will act on the world stage but I wait to be asked.

Mary’s Breath of Peace

September 21, 2013


The world is so engrossed in evil that the heavenly Father has no choice. He must purify the world. However, how will this come? With my help, the purification can be quick and effective.

Without my help, the purification will be a terrible chastisement.

I speak now of a surprising breath of peace. Let us leave aside, for a moment, the enormous darkness that lay hidden in the ocean. Let us look around the world for places where I can breathe a new air of peace.

I turn my eyes to the Philippines where people always look to me. I see the struggle that they have had for many decades to defend their lands. If they raise their voices to me day and night, even beyond their present devotions, I will breathe peace upon them.

I also see the violence in the little towns and villages of Latin America. Here, too, people hold me dear. I promise that if any town or village cries out to me day and night, I will breathe peace.

I also see the homes in all the world where peace is endangered. Let the family call upon me, with constant, daily faith, and I will breathe peace upon the home.

And you, O reader, are there not parts of your life where no peace exists? Cry out to me and I will breathe peace.

This peace is not the great peace that I promise when the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart. However, I cannot wait. I must give my breath of peace now.

Peace for the Nations

September 22, 2013


The forces of violence are everywhere, always looking for the best opportunity to inflict the greatest suffering at the least possible price. The West spends its money in trying to safeguard its people but so many places lie unprotected. “Where will the next attack come?”

That is always the question. Can you not fight back? Can you not push away this evil force?

Not with your own powers (how powerless you are!) but I offer to the nations this breath of peace.

If I put forth this promise decades ago, many nations would quickly respond. Now, the faith has grown dim and the light of hope is almost extinguished. I must act quickly. Let the words lift up your hearts. Call upon me. Gather publicly. Invoke me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun. Wherever there is violence, hatred and strife, I will breathe peace. Many people will hope again. These will be the beginning steps. I must wait for you to act.

The Dark Secrets of the Rich

September 23, 2013


The world contains many dark secrets – pacts and understandings between powerful people. These evil designs come from the rich who would control the world by their mutual cooperation. All of these evils are hidden, unknown and done in secret.

The world is in bondage to the rich and the powerful. These people owe their status to Satan, who enslaves them by their greed and ambition. He tightens the noose around the world’s systems, hiding his plans even from the rich and powerful whom he uses so cleverly. They, too, will be caught in his trap.

The moment comes ever closer. He waits until the whole world is in his hands. Then he will act and everyone will be enslaved.

I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I reveal these things to my children. When they see the world’s systems thrown into great confusion, they will trust in me. Begin now. The closer you are to me, the more I can help you. When will Russia be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart?

War and Peace

September 24, 2013


Do not judge by surface events. You must see more deeply. All of human history is played out on the world stage. Every human being plays a part which they freely choose – a role of good or evil.

Heaven and hell are the real forces, attracting each person to make decisions. When the person has finished their days in human history, they will have decided to live in heaven or in hell.

It is the world after death, after their time on the world stage, that is really important for each human person.

Each person lives in a different age. When the age is peaceful and the culture is filled with faith, then many go to heaven. When the age is filled with war and the culture abandons heaven, then many go to hell. That is the main issue. The importance of world peace is that many are saved. The great price of war and violence is that many are lost.

Who Will Be Mary’s Instrument?

September 25, 2013


Look at all of these destructive forces – world leaders who act in darkness, the rich plot to control the world, the terrorists plot to destroy and to conquer the world. I am looking for an instrument that I can use to destroy these plans of Satan, which are already far advanced.

With each new evil decision, with each new outbreak of terror, his plan moves forward. His great designs have not yet happened, but they are close at hand.

To whom shall I turn as my instrument? To Europe that has reversed its Christian roots? To America, that is in disarray and covered with new darkness? To Africa or to Latin America which struggle just to survive? None of these will do. Europe and America have forsaken their great call. They must sit on the sidelines, useless instruments at a time when they are so needed.

I look to you, my Catholic Church, the largest of the Christian churches. You act everywhere in the world. You are filled with people of good will who work tirelessly for others. These are my words to you. “It is for such a time as this that my Son founded you and has guided you. I will raise you up as a light to the nations to lead the world out of this satanic darkness. However, you must turn to Fatima. Your power over Satan (the source of all these evils) has already been given to you at Fatima. Heed that message and you will become my instrument. Reject that message and I cannot use you.

The Church Has Lied

September 25, 2013

(Second locution given this day)


O Catholic Church, I come to your sins against Fatima. Before you can be my instrument, you must openly repent. It has been almost 100 years since I gave you this gift and you have sinned grievously against Fatima.

Soon, you will raise Lucy to your sacred altars, proclaiming her blessed. But how did you act toward her in her lifetime? You were like Israel toward its prophets. You ignored her, silenced her, misrepresented her and, at the very moment when you supposedly released her greatest gift (the third part of the secret), you committed your most grievous sins.

You claimed, and you still claim, that the vision of the bishop clothed in white, had been fulfilled. (Ed. Note: The Vatican stated that the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II fulfilled the prophecy.) In this, you have deceived the faithful and deprived them of their gift. You filled the world with your lies and your pretenses. “Fatima is a vision of the past” you claimed. “Forget about this vision. It has nothing to say about the future”. That lie still has not been repented of. Until it is, you cannot move forward.

The Church Must Repent

September 26, 2013


I must use a knife to pierce the heart of the Church. No progress can take place until the sins against Fatima are purged. I will strip the Church naked, the child of my womb born on Calvary? I cannot just clothe her in the garments of Fatima. First I must strip her of her evil clothing because she still clings to her evil.

When I told Lucy that the time had come for the pope to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, she faithfully communicated this message. It was ignored and another world war began, exactly as I had said. Even then, Fatima was ignored.

With Pope Pius XII, doors were opened and devotion flourished. However, those around the pope slowed the momentum of Fatima, and no consecration took place.

Then came the great year of the secret (1960) which all Catholics looked forward to. A decision was made not to reveal the secret. The year came and went. The burial of Fatima had begun. Fatima devotion was seen as a product from a past culture.

Now, the Church’s armies march forth but not under my banners. I was “put in my place”. “I integrated into the Church” was the phrase they used. O Church, what has happened to your armies? So many dead and wounded. So many caught in the thickets. Have these been glorious years for you? O Church, you are not an army in battle array. You are in disarray because you have refused the banner of Fatima. These are your past sins.

Preach your message of repentance but preach it first to yourself.

Darkness at Noon

September 27, 2013


All is in darkness, even in the Church. When it is midnight and all is dark, no one fears.

They know that the sun will soon rise. However, when it is noonday and darkness covers this earth, then the whole world will fear. That is the moment which human history is approaching.

At Jesus’ death, from noon onward darkness came over the whole land. However, his death led to a day of light, the surprising light of the resurrection which scattered Satan’s kingdom of darkness. For 2000 years, through lies, deceptions, and the sins of mankind, Satan has once more gathered his darkness. He has plotted how he will cover over this new sun of the resurrection. That moment is what the world is now experiencing.

To overcome the darkness, the heavenly Father has made a decision. God has clothed me with the sun and Satan has no capacity to cover over the sun that clothes me. This is what I try to reveal. When the Church opens the Fatima gift, the world will experience the sun of Jesus’ resurrection with which I am clothed.

The Source of All Darkness

September 28, 2013


I have spoken of darkness. Now, I must take you, O reader, into the very kingdom of darkness.

The heavenly Father decided to give angels and human persons the power to say “yes” or “no”.

One angel named Lucifer, meaning “light bearer”, was so proud of his light that he thought the light was his when really it was God’s gift. When he said “no”, God took away his light and the kingdom of darkness began.

When human persons join in this “no” to God, this kingdom of darkness spreads. That is what I have been describing in these locutions. The suffering, the violence, the wars, the economic difficulties come from the kingdom of darkness.

That darkness now covers the whole world. However, the Father has clothed me with the sun. This sun is contained in the Fatima light. O, Holy Father, when will you place that light on the lampstand?

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