Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Papal Resignation

(February 11 to February 14, 2013)

The Announcement

February 11, 2013


The world has been stunned by the great announcement of the papal resignation.  Would I cease to speak to my children at the very time that they need to hear my voice?  Not at all.  The words will flow each day as before.  The focus will be on the papacy and on all that will happen.  I will not hold back my words.  I will reveal the deepest secrets of my heart, so all my children can rejoice in this work of the Spirit.  All must pray, as fervently as possible.  All are part of this great work of the Spirit.


I rejoice that this has been accomplished and the heart of Pope Benedict has accepted the gentle urgings of my heart.  He has done what I have asked and now he steps aside at just the right time.  There are no questions swirling around him.  No one can really accuse him of abandoning the Church in a great time of crisis.  All is calm for now.  The great crises lie ahead.  No one can accuse him of abandoning the ship of Peter because a gigantic storm has come up.  He has acted promptly, at the right time, and in the right way.  I have already chosen his successor, the one who is deepest in my heart.

The Cardinal Messenger

February 12, 2013


Men will not oppose my will nor will I allow the Evil One to enter, although his deepest desires are to seat the Pope of his choice.  I will quickly narrow the field and allow the cardinals to focus on the smallest possible number, even though many could be considered fit applicants.  They will debate these names in a spirit of openness (even though behind the scenes different movements arise).  Then suddenly, my messenger (a cardinal) will come to the temple, he whom I have sent.  He will bring new light that is from me.  He will raise new questions.  He will ask, “What about Fatima?  What about Our Lady’s request for the consecration of Russia?  Should not this also be a question?  Why do we speak of human issues only, when this question is so urgent?”  All will pause.  Until then, no one had raised a voice.  The important question was off the table but this messenger will raise it clearly.


The Pope of the Promise

I hold him in my heart.  I have always held him in my heart.  Now, I am about to show him to the whole world.  I will place him on the chair of Peter.  He has always been the child of the promise.  When he was set aside, he held onto the promise.  When he was overlooked, he held on to the promise.  When he entered into the greatest darkness, he held on to the promise.  He knows only one thing – the promise that I placed in his heart decades ago, a promise he has never rejected, even when all seemed lost.  Now, he waits in the wings, knowing that his name will be chosen.  When he comes forth, all will say “Mary, the mother of God, has chosen him”.

The Search Begins

February 13, 2013


The long search begins.  The list of the names, who is ready and who is not ready.  Some are hopeful and others are fearful.  All of the cardinals experience a seriousness of purpose in accord with the great decision that they must make.  The casting of a vote is a great moral responsibility, carrying a weight and a burden.  All see it that way – a solemn duty.  Yet, their opinions will vary and whom they will agree upon is not at all evident.  Some would want a conservative.  Others would look for an intellectual.  Others would want a charismatic figure.  Who among the cardinals will be able to get the needed number of votes?  This is the surface question of the conclave.  There are much deeper questions that must be asked by each elector.  They must come into my presence and stay in my presence.  This election will be unique, quite different from the others.  Those who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit will be used in a mighty way and will rejoice forever.


The Beloved Cardinals

I will gather those cardinals who love me deeply and I will make them of one mind and one heart, even if they are unaware of what I am doing.  They will resist every effort that is not of me.  They will resist the political approach, as if the papacy were just another office.

They will be filled with awe.  For many of my favorite sons, this will be their first experience in a conclave.  I do not want them to be quiet.  I expect them to speak up, to be active and to move the conclave into the spiritual realm where it belongs.  If one does not speak up, I will get another.  When one speaks I will touch the hearts of others to see and to respond.  Many cardinals will be surprised to see the great devotion that quickly surrounds the gathering.  This is so important.  It will prevent a quick election that would not bring forth the right candidate.

Everyone Has A Divine Call

February 14, 2013


I call every person into a place in my Sacred Heart.  Everyone is created according to the divine plan.  Some never understand God’s plan.  They live in darkness and the great mysteries are hidden from them – the mystery of their own existence and why they were created.  Others, however, are bathed in great light from the beginning.  This is the gift of faith, given from parents to children.  In this light, the child sees and the mysteries of their divine call is open to them.

For some, this call is to the papacy.  Obviously, the call is given from the beginning.  Then, the person is awakened and the mystery is revealed.  This has already happened and the person who will be chosen already knows in his heart that he will be the one.  This is God’s plan and not man’s, even though the decision seemingly lies in the votes of the cardinals.


Mary’s Choice

Who is this person who lies so deeply in my heart that I would have chosen him for the papacy?

This is a truth wrapped in the greatest mystery, a hidden priest son whom I have deliberately kept out of the limelight and who will stay totally hidden until the great mystery is revealed.  Then, I will bring him forth from the greatest hiddenness.  I will reveal him to the world and say, “This is my son.  This is my beloved.  Listen to him”.  Then, all the nations will know what I have done.

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