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The Opposing Forces

(December 19 to December 27, 2013)

Darkness and Light

December 19, 2013


So few understand these mysteries or even believe that these opposing forces exist and can change the course of history. That is why I speak and teach. The forces of evil stay hidden because they appeal to selfish instincts present in every human heart. They do not want to be known or even believed in. They multiply in the darkness and want no light thrown upon their works.

The forces of good are quite different. They appeal to man’s highest aspirations and invite him to put away selfish practices. They flourish only when they are known and understood.

I will now begin to explain these mysteries of good and evil. So many of my children walk in darkness. The great lights remain in my heart because my children are unaware of the gifts that they can easily receive.

Comment: Mary begins a new series, always opening up mysteries for us.

The Growing Army of Weapons

December 20, 2013


All of this will soon come to a climax. The opposing forces will be totally poured out in a cosmic battle. At first, only those who believe will truly understand. Others will assign different reasons for these events. Soon, however, all will grasp that this is not the usual back and forth of human events.

With all of its modern technology, man will stand helpless before these forces. I have spoken before, saying that these events began with the war in Syria. Does not the world just look on, helpless, as millions suffer? This is my first sign and those who believe see it clearly.

Now, I must look to the future. What will occur is far beyond and far greater than Syria (which is only the fuse for the explosion that will take place elsewhere). The army of chemical weapons grows daily. The means to deliver these are being worked out. Nowhere in the world is really safe. Even the most secure of protections can be easily pierced. These events cannot be averted by human means. Mankind is walking a road of darkness and destruction that inevitably leads to all that I am describing.

I wait. I wait. I wait. When will the Holy Father release the powers in my heart by exalting the Fatima promise?

Comment: Mary speaks in great detail.

Government Interference

December 21, 2013


No one can oppose this darkness. It will soon be everywhere. It already permeates every corner of the world and every part of the Church. I must say this so clearly even though many will be astounded. That is how important is this truth.

How I looked forward to pouring out the light of Fatima. I sent the Angel of Portugal to prepare my way. The angel, by his visitations, prepared the children. Their hearts were ready for the apparitions. They received as much as they could, given their human frailty.

But even during the visions, I grew sad. The government interfered with the gift and the children could not receive everything. Even at its inception, some of the Fatima light could not be given and some blessings were never received.

This is the great mystery, which I will continue to explain in the days ahead.

Comment: In 1917, the government of Portugal was Communist. (They were ejected by the people five years later). Since the crowds were growing each month, the government put the three children in jail on August 13, 1917. As a result, there was no vision on that day and thousands were disappointed. Mary did appear to the children on August 19, 1917, after they had been released.

The Light Across Europe

December 22, 2013


Do not be fooled. The road without the Fatima light is bound to be filled with darkness. No other alternative exists. To save the world from the darkness which he foresaw, the heavenly Father placed all his light into my Immaculate Heart so that it would be easily available.

I rejoiced when I began to pour that light out upon the three children. They were so faithful in receiving it and transmitting it to all. My joy turned to sorrow as I saw the obstacles rise up. Oh, how many obstacles, from every side.

Poor Lucy, the suffering she endured. She knew the power of this light. Yet, in spite of all her efforts, she could not break through the walls of resistance. Then, she experienced the sign, the light I had promised, that signaled the beginning of World War II. How sad she was that night. Who could console her?

These are the stages of a darkness which continues to unfold because the Church and the world is deprived of the Fatima light.

Comment: Our Lady told Lucy that World War II would begin after a great light shone across Europe that would be seen by all. This light recorded by scientists and by the press, happened on the night of January 25/26, 1938. The scientists called this an Aurora Borealis. However, their findings showed that this light was different and really unexplainable. Only Lucy knew that the light was a sign. The war began a few weeks later.

Lucy’s Death

December 23, 2013


Darkness will break out everywhere. When night comes, does it only come to one spot? Do not people say, “Night has fallen?” At night, no place enjoys light. So it will be if God’s light has not gone forth from my Immaculate Heart.

As the years went on, the Fatima light grew dim. Lucy, the messenger of Fatima, was set aside. She became an embarrassment to the Church that did not want the Fatima light. Much truth and teaching resided in her heart. She would have explained everything, yet her words never went forth. At her death, the great witness to Fatima was extinguished.

I selected another. He is the one I will raise up. I have prepared him. He is still hidden because I need to protect him. I will not allow the Fatima light to remain only in my heart. It will go forth but it will be late.

Comment: It is difficult to understand why the Church wanted Lucy to be silent but, clearly, that is what happened. Even when the third secret was revealed (2000), she was not present.

Lightening the Sentence

December 24, 2013


Many more secrets lie at the depth of my heart and I will continue to speak until all come forth. Mankind must both know and be confronted with my sorrows and my hopes.

The world cannot just continue down this road. There must be a quick and total turning away from the darkness that entices mankind. How will this occur? The answer to this question causes me to weep so many tears. I am a mother who sees her child guilty and worth of punishment. Does such a mother just step aside and allow the chastisements? No, she pleads for a lighter sentence.

Mankind has a choice to accept the full chastisements merited by its decisions or to come to me, so the sentence is made lighter. This is the secret of my Immaculate Heart. The earlier mankind comes, the more I can do to lighten the sentence. O reader, come now. Others have not yet learned of these locutions.

Comment: “Coming to Mary” means that each day is filled with devotion to her. Today, lift up your thoughts often to your heavenly Mother.

Lucy’s Voice Now Silent

December 24, 2013


As I look at the world, what do I see? The final living witness, Lucy, has come to heaven. Her voice no longer lifts up the Fatima gift. Others strive to be heard but their voices are too weak to capture the heart of the Holy Father. Many other concerns flood in upon him and no strong voice says, “The world needs Fatima”.

I cannot let this continue. I cannot allow the consecration of Russia to be pushed further and further into the future. So, I will begin to act decisively. I must put in place all the events which will lead to this consecration. These events will happen both in the world and in the Church. The world events will convince many that no human powers can resolve the problems. The Church events will also be a shaking. I do not need more decisions and more actions, more plans and more proposals. In the Church, I only need someone to listen to me and do what I want. In the coming year, I will begin to raise him up.

Comment: Mary’s primary request is to consecrate Russia. She promises to bring that about. She, seemingly, is saying that this will not happen in 2014 but world and Church events in 2014 will be shaking.

A Light Still Concealed

December 25, 2013


On Christmas day, the heavenly Father sent into the world his only begotten Son. He was the fullness of light who would overcome the darkness. But he was opposed, even from the very beginning. Soon, he would leave Israel for safety in Egypt. Often, he had to escape for his life, even at Nazareth. This constant hatred of the light continues today. Jesus, light from light, true God from true God has entered but the world still lies in darkness.

I have tried to explain these opposing forces and the battle which plays out on the world scene. On this day, the light of the world came forth from my womb. What if he had stayed in my womb? Would not the whole world have been deprived of his light? This is the mystery which I reveal. I shout it from the housetops. I use these locutions. The great mystery is this. The Father has placed the most powerful light of Jesus in my Immaculate Heart but it will only come forth when my requests of Fatima are fulfilled. Pray. The time is so short. The darkness spreads. The mystery still waits to be unveiled.

Comment: Mary gives a powerful image. What if Jesus had remained in her womb? She speaks of a great mystery, the light has not gone forth from her heart.

Clash of Opposing Fires

December 26, 2013


Many do not see this clash of opposing fires. A few get some glimpses. I see it fully. I see all that has happened in these 20 centuries since the birth of Jesus and I see all that might occur.

The future is not firm. All can change. I am trying to lead mankind down a path of peace. Dangers can be avoided. The darkness can be moved off to the sidelines. No reason exists to give darkness the center of the world stage.

Can you not see my plan? Yes, there are great forces of darkness but they can be moved off target, like a storm that goes out to sea and spends its fury where no harm takes place.

Instead, mankind invites the darkness, enjoys the darkness, makes money from the darkness and even propagates the darkness. I want to remove these fateful decisions. I want to remove those leaders who are choosing the darkness for their own political gain. Everything can change but the time is short and few are listening.

Comment: Mary reveals her plan – not to destroy the darkness but to rescue mankind from its power.

Where is Mary’s Army?

December 27, 2013


All will come to a conclusion but what that conclusion will be is still to be decided. The coming months are very important. I do not say the coming years because the resolution of these opposing forces cannot be pushed back. They are at the door, ready to enter and intrude into human history.

Satan has prepared his forces. He has appealed to all that is evil and selfish. He has promised the world the same enticements that he promised Jesus in the desert. He promises the bread of pleasures, the acclaim of popularity, and the power over the kingdoms of the world which he controls. Many have chosen these enticements and, long ago, have lost their way. He has them where he wants them. He owns their hearts.

Where is my army? Are they ready? It is the last minute and they have not gathered. I cannot allow the battle to begin now. What will I do at this last minute? Yes, it will be late, even the last minute, but I will act. The full battle will not begin until Russia is consecrated and my army begins to gather.

Comment: Mary brings this series to a conclusion. She describes the world as we see it. The forces of darkness seem unopposed at this moment.

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