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The Next Pope

(March 1 to March 12, 2013)

A Non-European Pope?

March 1, 2013


What is hidden will be revealed as the days go on.  First, the hidden design and plans of the cardinals.  Many nourish a secret hope that they will be the choice.  Others nourish the hope that they can push forward their candidate.  This is their greatest hope because they see themselves as too unknown to ascend the papacy.  All of this will be a pushing back and forth, a sparring of various personalities and ideas.  This will wear off and give way to a serious discussion of the candidates – really too many and too diverse.  The field is not limited to Italians, or to Europeans.  The cardinals are thinking of the world and asking the question, is it time for another part of the world to bring forth a pope? This thinking is important because it will stretch out the timetables.  These cardinals will refuse to give up their hopes.  They see that Benedict tried to win back Europe and was not successful.  Why try again?

Why place the Church in the hands of a European? This will be a main issue in the discussions.


Many will question the wisdom of a non-European.  Is not the papacy located in Europe? Is not the pope the bishop of Rome? So, there will be a great resistance on the part of many to accept, even the premise that a non-European should be elected.  The scales are weighted in Europe’s favor, yet the tide to move the papacy out of Europe is strong.  This will be an on-going battle, even before candidates are named.  Neither side will give up quickly, nor allow the others to push through their candidates.  Those who favor a non-European pope do not have the power to elect but they exert a great power to stop an election.

A Pope With A Burning Heart

March 2, 2013


When all begins to become clear to the cardinals, they will see the greatness of their call and the overwhelming responsibility that has fallen to them.  They will see the state of the world, so ready to rip apart at the seams.  They will see a Church, bringing in a full harvest in some continents and having little to show in others.  They will see the Muslim threat, ever growing and always menacing.

Yet, they will see more.  They will see my Sacred Heart, filled with love yet so many times rejected, even by my Church.  Into my heart they must enter.  Only there will they see and understand.  No one should sit upon the Chair of Peter unless he is close to my heart.  I have not called an intellectual.  I have not called a charming personality.  I want one kind of pope – a pope whose heart burns with mine, whose wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, and whose papacy will follow my direction.  Anyone else is not acceptable at this moment in the history of the world and the Church.


I will speak clearly.  The words must be like a knife, cutting to the heart.  Do not give me a pope who will not consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart.  Let him not be vague on this issue.  It is already late, very late.  This must be his primary goal.  Consecrating Russia must have been in his heart years ago.  I will reject every candidate for whom the consecration of Russia is not first in their hearts.  If their names are put forth, I will personally defeat them.  I will act through those who are my closest friends.

I have foreseen this conclave.  I have inspired Pope Benedict concerning those whom he selected as cardinals.  I have many cardinals who cherish the consecration of Russia.  Some do this more openly than others.  This issue is not to be set aside.  If those who lead the conclave want to put it under the table, then I will raise up those who will put it back on the table.

Consecrating Russia must be the pope’s first dream, not his afterthought or something that he might get to.

The Lord’s Choice

March 3, 2013


I do not abandon my servants.  I do not give them my promise and not keep it.  My word is this.

The conclave that is about to begin will bring forth a startling pope, one that no one would ever have thought of because he is so hidden in my heart.  He walks in my Spirit and he knows my desires.  He follows a light that has been with him for years and years.  The same light that guided him to the papacy will continue to guide him.  Because he follows my light, both the world and the Church will be blessed.

I will not allow anyone to block his ascendency to the Chair of Peter.  Although many will be totally surprised, I will not allow them to stand in the way.  I will clear away all the obstacles and will present him to the cardinals as the one whom I have chosen.  Even with these clear signs, some will not accept my choice, but they will be in the minority.  Most will say, “The Lord has clearly shown us his choice”.


He will wait very calmly, knowing that there is nothing he can do or should do.  He is the chosen one and upon him I have set my seal.  His has been a life of prayer and devotion, of activity and solitude.  He waits, not anxiously, but expectantly.  He has no idea of how I will bring about his election, even though he knows that I have chosen him.  He holds my secrets in his heart and carefully guards them.

He is seen by many and yet remains unknown.  He waits for that moment when I call him onto the center of the stage.  When the lights go on, he will be totally prepared, better than any other pope in history because he has dwelt so long in my Immaculate Heart.  He knows exactly what I will expect from him and he will give this to me as a faithful son.  He will give me everything.  He will hold back nothing.  He will follow only my plan, setting aside all of his own ideas.  He is the one of whom I say, “He will bring my light to the nations”.

The Treasures Within the Pope’s Heart

March 4, 2013


I do not burden those whom I call.  I prepare them and give them all the inner graces needed for their task.  This was true of Benedict whom I prepared for years by his work in Rome.  The future pope I have also prepared, immersing him in many types of pastoral experiences and leading him to search out every action of God.  He has been an explorer, looking into all that is new and accepting into his heart all that could bless the Church.  These are the fresh blessings that he will bring to the Chair of Peter.

There is more, so much more.  It will not just be a sum total of his experiences that he will share, but all that I have told him, all that I have explained to him.  For so many, many years I have been speaking to his heart.  Even he does not realize all that I have stored up within him.  He only knows that I will lift him to the papacy and all that he has received, all the wisdom I have placed in his heart and all the directions for the future of the Church must pour out.  There will be new treasures and new directions, all given quickly in a short period of time that will mark this papacy


Do not be surprised that I have prepared my priest son for this great task.  Immediately, his papacy will be immersed in the greatest darkness.  The forces of hell will realize what I have done.  They will see, better than others, the full gift.  They will realize what I have accomplished.  These forces were poised to destroy the Church.  They were lurking along the path, ready to steal and even to destroy.  Suddenly, the Church is no longer on that path.  All of their plans will come to nothing.

My pope will lead the Church on a new path.  He will say to all, “This is the way we must walk”.  Even though he is the pope, many will not agree.  Many, and I stress this, many will oppose him and even threaten him.  However, this new pope is like a little child who knows only the voice of his mother.  He will respond to all of his critics, “This is the way my heavenly mother wants me to lead the Church.  Is she not the mother of the Church?”

The Holy Spirit’s Actions

March 5, 2013


The hour is at hand when all the love that I have in my heart will pour out over all the Church.  Benedict has made this possible by his resignation.  Suddenly, the Chair of Peter is empty.  The Church has no human leader.  All the world awaits the decision of the cardinals.  An opening exists.  The Church is praying and expecting.  I will give the Church more than a new pope.  This is the moment of an extraordinary action of my Spirit.  All will see, whether they are Catholics or not, that I have done what was never expected.

This will open my Church to a new expectancy.  If I have taken this surprise action at the highest level of my Church, will I not do the same at every level? All will see that the Holy Spirit has acted in a unique manner.  Everyone’s eyes will be open.  A new era will begin when every Catholic will once more be open to the actions of the Holy Spirit.


The time is too precious and the hour is too momentous to allow this decision to rest in the hands of man.  The cardinals will vote and, according to the established procedures, their votes will elect the new pope.  That will not change.  It is before they elect a candidate that the Spirit will move in a surprising way.  He knows the choice of my heart.  He knows what needs to be done to bring forth this priest son.  He will invite the cardinals to yield to his promptings.  If they do not, then he will increase his manifestations.  If those in charge continue to resist him, then he will raise up other cardinals.  They will come forth with the Spirit’s words of direction.  However, the human cooperation of the cardinals is needed.  The new pope must receive their votes.  That will not change but the way the cardinals arrive at that vote will be seen by all as the clear promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Trying to Destroy the Pope

March 6, 2013


How long can this mystery be delayed? How long before all is revealed and when all I have done and all that I have prepared in the heart of my chosen son is revealed? Soon, so very soon, the powers of hell will tremble at what I have done.  In so many ways, the Evil One has tried to destroy the new pope.  In so many ways, he has blocked his ascendency.  In so many ways, he had him set aside.  Then, came what the Evil One thought was his final blow, but I miraculously preserved what was essential.  Much was torn away, but I did not let the papacy be stolen from him.  These are the deep secrets that are buried in his heart.

What darkness he experienced.  Had he failed me? Had he walked on the wrong path? Had I really spoken to him? For a while, even he set aside my word of the papacy.  Little by little, I restored it to his heart.  The word that was buried, but never rejected, took on new life.  The stream flowed again in his heart.  He listened to my word, followed my every direction.  Now he stands where he never thought he could be, on the verge of becoming my pope.


What a path I have led him on.  It was not the usual path at all.  It was a hidden path.  Often, I explained to him why I led him this way.  In his heart, I would tell him to believe and, in his life, I led him further and further away.  Oh, I explained everything and he believed my word.  Then, I plunged him into the greatest darkness.  He knew that this was a great gift but it seemed too great for him to handle.

How I remember those days when he saw so clearly my protective hand.  All was shattered.  All was broken.  His years of believing and trusting – how could he ever have believed? But his eyes saw the miraculous protection I placed around him.  On every side, I kept him safe.  No one pierced the dark cloud of protection that surrounded those days.  He sees those days for what they are – the final stage of his journey to the papacy, a stage in which he remains until I lift him high.  When I do this, my mighty works can begin.

Regaining the First Love

March 7, 2013


No one will stand in my way.  No one will block the object of my will – that my chosen priest will sit upon the Chair of Peter.  These are my designs and why I am bringing this about.  For too long my Church has trusted in her own strength.  She has grown.  She extends to all the world.  Her numbers continue to increase.  However, something is wrong at the heart of my Church.  She has lost her first love.  She glories in her riches.  She prides herself on her numbers.  She trusts in her institutions.  All along, she has wandered from her first love.  She has strayed from me, the source of living waters.

Now, when she faces problems and scandals, she is perplexed and goes on the defensive.  Her enemies rejoice.  They continue to pound her, using all their ammunition.  To all of this, the Church tries to respond as an institution.

O, my Church, I will lead you on a different path.  My priest son whom I will raise to the papacy has nothing except me.  He brings only the fire in his heart.  He has not forgotten his first love and that is where he shall lead you.


How I have protected him.  He, alone, knows all the parts to this inner story.  He is alive today because of me.  He lives only in my Immaculate Heart.  In my heart, is the only place he can exist.  Outside of my heart, he has no life, no existence, no call, and especially, no papacy and no ability to lead the Church.

He will bring only one gift to the Church, my Immaculate Heart.  But is this not enough? Does not my heart contain every gift? Did not the Holy Spirit come upon my heart and bring forth the Word of God? What else is the purpose of the Church? Does it not exist to bring forth my Son in every heart?

O Church, have you forgotten why your exist? Have you forgotten the fire that led to the great martyrs, like Perpetua and Felicity.  I am bringing you a pope of fire, not his own fire but my fire.  He knows only my Immaculate Heart and the divine fire placed there by the Holy Spirit.

What else do you need? You have forgotten your first love.

Twists and Turns

March 8, 2013


No one sees the many twists and turns which this conclave will take.  All the cardinals see the overwhelming importance of their choice.  They take their responsibility seriously and will do all in their power to select the right person.  However, they do not as yet see how unexpectedly I will guide their decisions.  They have no idea of how I will actually take over the proceedings, not in an outward fashion but by the inner turning of their own hearts.

They will see a change, a turning away from some candidates and a favoring of others.  They will see this clearly as the votes are cast and then counted.  They will begin to chart the flow, the back and forth.  Why is this happening? Why does one candidate surface and then another, yet no one gains the decided advantage that would cause the cardinals to come to the needed oneness to elect? All they can do is to stay with the process which they must follow.


I do not allow the choice to slip from my hands.  Just as I have held this priest son close to my heart, so I now hold tightly in my hand the only process that can raise him to the papacy.

Within the limits of my will, the cardinals will act and even vote.  I will not interfere with their free will nor their free decisions or free discussions.  However, I will not allow any candidate whom I have not chosen to gain the needed number of votes.  Everything else will flow as usual.  There will seem to be no direct intervention.  Yet, when it comes to gaining the nod, no one will gain it.  As the time goes by, the cardinals will wonder why all of their efforts are in vain.  It is because my choice has not yet come forth.

From Darkness to Light

March 9, 2013


I come to each of the cardinals and I offer to them my light.  Each must accept it and walk my road.  Only slowly is the darkness of their minds overcome by the great light of my Holy Spirit.

When light first enters the darkness of the mind, there is confusion.  What was grasped as true is challenged.  What was held tightly as a firm truth must be gently taken away.  The light purifies and calls out of darkness.  All of this takes time.  Some will come more quickly than others.  Some will never leave their darkness.

What do I mean by darkness? Darkness means the candidate whom they would choose by their own natural understanding and dispositions.  Light means the candidate of my choice.  Oh, how long it will take me to bring the cardinals from their darkness into my light.  Yet, I will succeed.

I will allow this conclave only to choose the one whom I have chosen.


I put forth my hand and I cover the conclave with my mantle of protection.  In this way, no darkness penetrates the minds of the cardinals and the Evil One cannot bring about his choice.

Such is the special protection which I offer to the Chair of Peter.  I protect it and allow no one to ascend to the position who would destroy the Church.

How the Evil One covets that chair.  If only he could possess it! If only he could place there someone whose heart he controlled.  Then, the gates of hell would have an entrance and would prevail for a time.

Each conclave is important, some more than others.  At times, the papacy has fallen into the wrong hands.  How did this happen? Man has free will.  My Son entrusted his Church into the hands of man.  So, there were moments when the popes were unworthy.  These were sad moments, moments in which the Church suffered losses.  However, those conclaves were not like this one.

Right now, the world does not see, nor do even the cardinals see.  Everything is at stake.  This is the moment of crisis.  This is when the war between heaven and earth breaks out when I must have the right general, someone who walks in my light and guides the Church by my ways.  That will be the candidate who will come forth.

A Successful Conclave

March 10, 2013


All is set.  Nothing is missing.  Everything is in place, exactly as I want it to be.  Nothing will go wrong, even though the cardinals will enjoy a total freedom with the liberty to choose whomever they wish.  How can this be? How can the divine choice be guaranteed and yet the human electors remain free to choose whomever they wish? This is the divine mystery and the power of God which I will explain.

The Father sees centuries ahead.  He plans long before the time.  There are certain realities that he does not destroy.  The great reality is the free human will.  Cardinals can choose to cooperate or not cooperate.  They do this according to the lights and inspirations which they receive.  There is an interplay of man’s free will and God’s divine inspirations.  The Father knew all those whom he needed to have in the conclave and he already has them there.  He knows the divine light that they will need.  This, too, has already begun.  Each day of the conclave, the cardinals will receive more light.  Some will reject the light.  They will act and vote like the other cardinals, but their actions and votes will be useless, set aside and of no lasting value.

The other cardinals will go from light to light, from one understanding to another.  In this way, the process is respected and will prepare for the great light that will be given toward the end of the conclave.  This light will bring the conclave to a successful conclusion.  The conclave will bring forth the exact result which the heavenly Father wants and the freedom of each cardinal will be safeguarded.


This conclave is so important that nothing must go wrong.  There will indeed be a back and forth, and the normal process.  Who leads in the beginning is of little consequence.  The conclave has one goal – to choose that priest son who is dearest to my heart.

The cardinals cannot see all that is ahead.  They cannot see where this son of mine will lead the Church.  They cannot see all that I have placed in his heart.  His papacy will be my papacy.

He will bring to the papacy only those gifts which I have put in his heart.  They are already there, waiting to be opened for the good of the whole Church.  Would I place these gifts in my chosen one’s heart and not lift him up to the papacy so he gives these gifts to the Church?

Once he is pope, my gifts will begin to pour forth immediately.  This outpouring will continue all during the few years of his short papacy.  When all the gifts are given, he will give his life as the final gift.

A Conclave That Reveals God’s Power

March 11, 2013


The conclave is a great mystery which I will explore more and more so that, when the desired result comes forth, all the world will know exactly what has happened.  I do not mean to reveal the votes or the number who voted for each candidate.  That is only on the surface.  There are much deeper issues and I want the whole world, yes the whole world, to understand.  So, I will begin to speak even more specifically of the forces that lie beneath the surface, the hidden forces that shape the whole world and which determine the course of history.

These forces are especially active in the conclave which begins tomorrow.  I want to use the conclave as a window to this hidden world.  So many do not believe in the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of darkness.  However, all eyes will be on the conclave.  All are interested in this process.  I will use this moment when the glare of the television lights transmits the news to all the world.  This is my moment of teaching.  Even more, it is my moment of revealing.  I will reveal to the world the power of the kingdom of heaven.  I deliberately say this ahead of time so the whole world will believe when it happens.  The conclave will be much, much more than a moment to elect the new pope (as great as that moment is).  The conclave will be my moment to bring the world back to faith.  To accomplish this, I must speak every day.  I must teach the basic principles of divine intervention.  I must bring the whole world to great faith.  Then, when I act, the full impact of what I will do will have its effect.  The world must be prepared and brought to a point of expectation.  When I act and these expectations are fulfilled, a great wave of faith will suddenly envelope the world.  The gift will be freely given.

People will speak about it, wonder at it and be awed by it.  It will dawn on many, for the very first time, that the heavenly Father is quite active in human history.  This will begin the return to the Age of Faith and will be quickly followed by even greater blessings.


So much lies at stake.  That is why I actively participate, stirring the hearts of those cardinals who will put forward my candidate and not allow others to gain the ascendency.  My intervention will take place in the normal course of discussions and voting.  The process will not be bypassed.  It is the only process that can bring forth the successor to Pope Benedict.

Because of this, my actions will take place within the conclave and among the cardinal electors.  Even so, this will be my conclave and the whole world will say, “Mary has chosen the new pope”.  So, there are two parts.  The new pope will be elected by getting the needed votes from the cardinal electors.  Yet, at the same time, the whole world will see quite openly, that I have chosen this priest son who will calmly accept the office for which he has been prepared.

The Keys of the Kingdom

March 12, 2013


As the cardinals enter the conclave all is dark.  There is no consensus and even they do not know what lies ahead or what road they will take.  Although everything is in their hands, so much is unknown.  What will happen as the votes come in from all over the world? What direction will the Holy Spirit lead the conclave? All is unknown and lies ahead.

I will be there.  I have died for my Church and guided my Church for all these years.  Peter was my choice.  I gave to him the keys of the kingdom, bestowing full power in heaven and earth.  I have never withdrawn that power of the keys from the papacy.  It remains there and will stay there until the end of time.

Yet situations shift.  Times change.  Nations rise and fall.  Amid all of this, my Church remains and the papacy remains.  I will lead this conclave to choose a pope who is a turning point, giving the Church a new direction and a surprising new life.


How much I want my Church to grow and to prosper.  I am like the gardener, always cultivating the tree so that it brings forth more fruit.  This is always my question, “What more can I do so that my Church brings forth more fruit?” These are the gifts that I have already planted in the heart of my priest son whom I will raise up.  These seeds of new life are already in his heart.  They have been planted for years.  These seeds contain the future of the Church.  They are new seeds, living seeds, seeds that will bring forth great fruit.

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