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The Mysteries of Mary’s Immaculate Heart

(October 5 to October 11, 2014)

The Seal of the Immaculate

October 5, 2014


All do not believe my words. Others believe but shrink from putting them into practice. What good are words which find no hearts that practice them? They are like seeds which fall by the wayside, producing no fruit.

It is not just faith, but action that is needed. If you believe, then preach. If you hope, then spread the word. If you pray, then gather others to pray. My people must rise up.

I do not ask protests in the streets or confrontations with authorities. I ask gatherings of prayer, large and small. I ask that the message be received and go forth. I will multiply your efforts. All that you need is to have your heart sealed by my heart. You must carry the sign of the Immaculata. In this sign, you will conquer.

I am finally reaching the deep truths, the mystical truths that cannot be erased by hell. I promise to work great mysteries in the hearts of all who are dedicated to my Immaculate Heart.

These mysteries cannot be destroyed by hell because hell cannot understand them. In these mysteries, everyone will persevere, be protected, walk in my light and attract others. This is how I will raise up my army, by sealing every heart in my Immaculate Conception.

Comment: Our Lady brings us to a new mystery, some mystical action upon the hearts of all who believe in her.

Being Sealed with the Immaculate Conception

October 6, 2014


All can be sealed with my Immaculate Heart from the least to the greatest. We come now to the heart of the mystery. I have spoken so frequently of world events and my Immaculate Heart as the road to world peace. These events are out of control because the fires of my heart have not been released. But the great mystery of this age takes place within the heart and the new graces that God is giving to the human race.

The Book of Revelation speaks of the seal of God on the foreheads of the elect (C 7). Now, I speak of another mystery, revealed for this age which so needs the love and protection of a mother. My help is not just words or guidance or prophecy. I want to bring about a special grace for the whole world. I call it the seal of my Immaculate Conception.

Would anyone doubt that if I were living in this present age that I would persevere in any trials that are ahead? I suffered the greatest agonies and never wavered. No matter what the soldiers did to my Son, my own heart never wavered. I now want to give this same gift to all the world, from the least to the greatest. All of God’s powers were contained in the first grace of my Immaculate Conception and I want to place this grace in everyone’s heart. I call this “being sealed with my Immaculate Conception”.

Comment: Our Lady is revealing the great mysteries contained in her Immaculate Heart.

Plunged Into the Holy Spirit

October 7, 2014


The power of my Immaculate Conception must go forth in new ways and I must first explain this gift. From the very beginning, the Lord conceived me. I was always in his mind as the mother of His Son. When sin entered the world, I took on another role. I was the Woman, the Woman whose Son would crush Satan’s head and the Woman Clothed With the Sun.

Yet, I myself was to be conceived like everyone else, as a descendant of sinful Adam. I would be tainted by original sin. In light of the great mystery of Jesus, this could not be. So, the Father himself had to intervene with the greatest grace. I was physically conceived like everyone else, but as my soul came forth from the Father’s hand, he plunged me into the Holy Spirit (who would be my spouse).

Satan believed that by leading the first parents into sin, that he gained power over all their children, the entire human race. By this Immaculate Conception, for the first time, he had no control over a creature. I was not his. I was plunged into the Holy Spirit. This is the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. This immaculate gift is the door out of sin and darkness, a surprising escape over which Satan has no power.

The Immaculate Conception is everyone’s door to escape Satan’s darkness. With these words, I begin to reveal the great mystery, the only road to peace.

Comment: Our Lady reveals the hidden mysteries which happened over 2000 years ago.

Plunged Into the Immaculate Conception

October 8, 2014


The time has come to reveal the great mysteries placed in my heart from all eternity. These mysteries are linked to the darkness that now covers the world and can be seen by all. O reader, search into these mysteries for they are God’s saving actions for the present moment.

I was sealed with the Immaculate Conception and plunged into the Holy Spirit at the first moment of my conception. Even in my mother’s womb, I was filled with the greatest light. Love for God overwhelmed me and I frequently leapt for joy, just as John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb.

While I was in the womb, God was revealing his divine plan. All during my life, I saw this plan unfold, and as the gospels say, “I kept all these secrets in my heart.” Then came the culmination. As I was about to give Jesus back to the Father, he entrusted the whole world to me. “Woman behold your son”, he said (Jn.19,26).

Suddenly, every person in the world was placed in my womb and I was asked to give birth into life eternal for all. “What can I do?” I thought. Then, I realized what had happened to Jesus. He was plunged in to the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. This favor was the only way the Father could prepare me for being Jesus’ mother. I realized that the Father had created me without sin, not just for Jesus but for every person born into this world.

I speak of all these favors for you to know. I was conceived immaculate for you and I want to plunge you into my Immaculate Heart. These mysteries must be known to realize the Father’s plan. While the world is plunged into darkness, all can be plunged into my Immaculate Conception.

Comment: Our Lady is revealing why her Immaculate Heart is central to our salvation from all darkness.

Repeating the Gift of the Immaculate Conception

October 9, 2014


My protecting hand will be upon everyone who is sealed with my Immaculate Conception. The Father plunged me into the Holy Spirit before he sent me into my mother’s womb. This seal prevented the Evil One from gaining any control over me. This immaculate seal exercised a constant power over me, touching my body, my senses and all the faculties of my soul. The daily events and decisions had a much different effect upon me. Let me explain.

I experienced life on earth like anyone else, the normal growth of my body, the cares, the sorrows and the daily joys. However, everything within me was perfect because I had been conceived without sin. Darkness, disorders, fears, unjust anger, moods and so many other inner turmoils that plagued everyone else, had no power over me. I was sealed with the Immaculate Conception. All know that I deeply loved Jesus and saw him nailed to a cross, a suffering which I experienced daily because Simeon had prophesied that my own heart would be pierced with a sword. Although not spared these sorrows, because of the immaculate seal I was able to persevere because I enjoyed an unbelievable inner peace.

This is my gift to the whole world. The events will come. They will affect the good and the bad. (These are events that need not have happened if only my words were obeyed) because mankind has made its decisions. However, those sealed with my Immaculate Conception will share fully in the inner peace and, more important, in my perseverance to the end.

Let me repeat. “In these trials, I will never, never abandon my children. That is why I am revealing these secrets kept hidden until now. I will pour out the powers of my Immaculate Conception. I will seal the whole world (if it believes and so desires). In this way, I will defeat the Evil One just as the heavenly Father did when he plunged me into the Holy Spirit.” The gift is meant to be repeated according to the capacity of each person.

Comment: Our Lady reveals a great mystery, our own sharing in her Immaculate Conception.

Behold Your Mother

October 10, 2014


On Calvary, when Jesus said to the Beloved Disciple, “Behold your mother”, God’s plan unfolded before my eyes. I felt that the whole world was placed in my heart which had been prepared by the Immaculate Conception. I understood all my privileges and why I was so lowly. I understood all the events of my own life and all the mysteries of Jesus’ life. I saw all of history, the ages past and the centuries to come. I saw the long lines of human persons who would be born and die. I saw everything, just as I saw the great mystery of Jesus’ conception when explained by the Angel Gabriel.

Would I accept the Beloved Disciple as my son? Would I accept the whole world as my children? Would I be willing to experience their sufferings and sorrows, as I did with Jesus”? How difficult to explain that moment. I was to begin again. Start over. Be a mother to everyone until the end of time. I was prepared for this by the Immaculate Conception, except that these children would not be sinless as Jesus had been.

My Immaculate Conception was not to preserve their sinlessness but to bestow it. This is the mystery being revealed in these latter times, the riches of the Immaculate Conception must pour out upon the world.

There are two rivers, the river of hell and the river of my Immaculate Conception. In which river will mankind bathe? Which river will pull him along? Look at the world events! All can see clearly, the river of hell pulls mankind into its suffering.

There is another river, a river of grace flowing from God’s throne. This river, from the beginning, always flowed through my heart. This river is my Immaculate Conception and I want these waters to flow into your heart.

Comment: Our Lady reveals her inner secrets which are so important for the whole world.

Why is Mary Rejected?

October 11, 2014


I want to cover the whole world in my Immaculate Conception. I want its power to enter every heart and to wipe away every sin. I want to bring about a new world by plunging it into the Holy Spirit. That happened to me at my conception and it can happen to everyone. This is the mystery I am trying to reveal.

Why am I set aside? Why am I rejected? Because this mystery of my Immaculate Conception is misunderstood. The mystery is not about me, but about the Father’s gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Immaculate Conception was the Father’s first action in fulfilling his promise of sending a Redeemer. By extending the Immaculate Conception to the whole world, Jesus wants to do to you what the Father did to me. He wants to plunge you into the Holy Spirit. Did not Jesus come “to take away the sins of the world”? How will he accomplish this task? He will use me as his instrument, like a flaming torch that burns away sin with the most gentle touch.

How many images must I use? The message is clear. The mystery is now revealed. In this final age, the Father has moved me onto the world stage. What was hidden can be seen by all. At the very moment when the fires of hell lap up the world, the Father reveals the greatest fire.

Through the mystery of my Immaculate Conception, God will send the Holy Spirit to cleanse the whole world.

Comment: This series of locutions is now complete. The power of the Immaculate Conception is available to everyone.

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