Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Modern Problems

(January 19 to January 22, 2013)

The Future Events

January 19, 2013


I speak clearly and forcefully.  These words come from a vision that is total and complete in every detail.  I speak of future events as if they are seen right now.  I see the ways of mankind.  Even though he freely chooses these ways, they are not hidden from my eyes.  I know what is within man and I know the choices he will face.  I know the vagaries of the human heart and how quickly man forgets my favors.  All is clear before my eyes, so I will speak without any hesitation.


I cannot force people to do God’s will but I can make the circumstances such that they will act correctly.  I prepared the waiters at the wedding feast, telling them to do whatever Jesus would ask of them.  So, I can prepare mankind for the great visitation of Jesus.  Yes, he will come to bless his people, to bless his Church and to prepare the world for his blessings in this third millennium.

In spite of all that you see and hear, in spite of all the darkness that will come, you must believe that I am preparing my Church for a future time of the greatest graces.  The secret is the divine presence, in which all are purified and all see God’s will for their lives.  I am preparing you for Jesus’ power just as I prepared the waiters.  “Do whatever he tells you”.

Raising Up A People of the Spirit

January 20, 2013


All these blessings are in my heart but I cannot give them away because human hearts are filled with other things.  Their hearts have no room and no desire for my blessings.  What will I do? I must prepare a new people.  I must raise them up.  These will be people of my Holy Spirit, their hearts caught up in my divine fire.  Can I not do this? Is the Holy Spirit of God powerless? Is the divine fire weak and unable to overcome? Trust the fire of the Holy Spirit and seeks its warmth.


So many obstacles! So much darkness! So many people turned away from God! So many oppose him and kill those who love him! But look, the Spirit of Jesus is already raising up others.  This will be a new people, prepared for all and able to overcome, the flesh and the devil can throw against them.  The former realities, the former difficulties have given way to newer and greater darkness.  What the Holy Spirit has done in the past in not enough.  But look, the Spirit is doing something new.  Do not despise this.  Do not say it is impossible.  It is so needed if the new and powerful darkness is to be overcome.  Only I can lead my children to the new pastures of the Holy Spirit.  Follow me and do not despise my ways.

The Day of Infamy

January 22, 2013


Woe to this day! Forty years ago, millions of millions of children, some not even conceived, were condemned to death.  Who gave judges the right to change my laws? This day is forever stamped on the soul of America.  January 22nd is truly a day that will go down in infamy.

America’s ship will sink more than the ships at Pearl Harbor.  Already her ship is sagging in the sea and taking on water that cannot be stopped.  Why? “What is wrong with America people ask? What is happening?”

I will tell you clearly.  Listen carefully and you will understand.  America has destroyed itself.  It has sacrificed its children to political expediency.  For every child whose blood is shed in an abortion clinic, the blood of America itself is shed.  Blood drop for blood drop.

One life for one life.  A child is killed and a gun gets fired.  A child is sacrificed, and a business leaves America.  A child is murdered and the deficit grows.  Yes, a child, a child, a child – how many times each minute, like the clicking of a clock.  Your clock is ticking, America.  Soon, so very soon, as you continue to sacrifice your children, the clock will go off and the explosion will happen.  Your ship will not just sag but a hole will be blown in its side.  Do not forget.  You elected the president of abortions for four more years.  Do not say, Why has God done this to us?” You have made the decision, not I.  The blood of every unborn child that is sacrificed to abortion is on your hands, not mine.


All I see is blood.  Blood is everywhere.  Innocent blood.  No sin has stained this blood.  No crime caused its shedding.  The child invaded no one.  Hurt no one.  Had no say in its own existence or in its own death.  It was where God himself placed it, in the womb of its mother where it belonged, where it was safe and where it grew.  It performed only those natural functions of life and growth.  In a few months, it would have left her body, allowing her organs to return to normal.

Why did anyone shed its blood? Who acted as its defense attorney in the trial that condemned it to death? Where was its due process? Who were the members of the jury? And by what right does America stand by and allow this blood to be shed?

These are all the unanswered questions.  They are my questions and someday soon I will get answers.  How you ask? I will call America to trial and I will act as the judge, the prosecutor and the jury, just as happens now to the unborn.  I will not even allow you to defend yourself, just as you do not allow the unborn to defend themselves.  America, I will avenge their blood.

So, I say to you, “Before it is too late.  Stop the killing! Change your laws.”

With whom will I begin? Certainly not with those mothers who were caught, frightened, burdened, confused, pressured by others, talked to and convinced by professionals.  These mothers are not the problem.  It is your cold calculating politicians who value their elected office.  They are the ones who shed the blood.  The doctors and the providers who value their money, they shed the blood.  That is where I will begin, unless they repent.  These words are spoken solemnly and when I begin to act, I hope everyone remembers what I said.

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