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The Importance of the Locutions

(April 1 to April 9, 2014)

The Locution’s First Word – The Family

April 1, 2014


The world must struggle with so many problems. It has overreached and stretched itself too thin, believing that it can accomplish far more than its resources will permit. Its plans have gone beyond its true powers. I will now speak about these issues and what has happened.

From the beginning, God wanted the family as the central foundation of the nation. The child was to be born from the mutual love of a man and a woman, totally committed to their marital union and willing to accept this responsibility for a new life. From the parents, the child would learn its language, its name and its place in the wider community. This was God’s plan and the community was to foster this and keep the family as its primary goal, realizing that its strength and vitality came from family life.

The family is in shreds. Outside forces have destroyed it, placing pressures that so few can withstand. What can be done? The problem began with over-reaching and wanting too much. The families must scale back, placing their focus on intimacy and relationships, rather than on things and income. I will help every family who calls on me. The rosary is the means to accomplish this goal.

Comment: Even the strongest of families is pulled in so many directions by the pressures of modern life.

The Locutions Speak About Human History

April 2, 2014


Mankind always stumbles and falls, never reaching the heights to which God calls it. Human history is filled with frustrations. Goals are gained for a moment and then lost. Eras of greatness are soon followed by decline. The highest altruism gives way, in time, to selfishness and venality. Some make great sacrifices to gain peace followed by others who squander the victory.

I do not speak of just one moment of human history, or of just one era. In all of history, growth turns into decline. What was built soon falls apart. Such is the human condition.

However, what is happening today flows not just from the selfishness of mankind but from the intelligence and hatred of hell itself. The very linchpins of civilizations are loosened.

The structures themselves will collapse. What is happening is not just a cycle of human history which will correct itself, but a complete collapse from which there will be no return.

I must awaken the whole world. I must enlighten every intellect and stir every heart. Only the gifts placed in my Immaculate Heart can prevent and save. O reader, do not wait for others. Come and bring others to me. The rosary is the door of entrance.

Comment: Mary constantly tries to awaken the world to the uniqueness of these problems.

The Locutions Speak of Satan’s Plan

April 3, 2014


In the great light given to me by the heavenly Father, I see all of reality. I see the causes of illness, of strife and of war. I also see all that sin destroys. I want to speak of these realities (which mankind takes for granted) and how they change the original plan of the Father.

All of human history is not what God intended. From the very beginning, human life was stolen from the Father’s hands, pulled away from the orbit of his love and set upon this path which mankind calls inevitable, namely the rise and fall of nations, the collapse of family life, the constant wars, and violence. These are inevitable only because mankind, from the beginning, walked away from heaven’s blessings. From the beginning, the Father also promised a Woman whose Son would offer mankind a new moment of life, a way of reversing that original moment of sin, and a chance to be freed from what seems to be the inevitable cycles that plague human life.

However, this has happened only infrequently, when in eras of great faith, a new civilization was born, with ideals born from His words and His Spirit. The world has put away this gift and instead, has plunged ahead into unimaginable darkness.

The world has not just come into a destructive moment in the cycle of history. Mankind comes to a moment of unbelievable destruction, carefully plotted out by the Evil One. He wants to tilt the whole world in his favor, so that all of mankind slides to him and only the few are able to gain God’s life.

He sees this moment on the horizon. He is not interested in just a particular nation. He wants the whole world. He wants to complete the result of that original sin. He wants to destroy those helps which God promised immediately to Adam and Eve, specifically the promise of the Woman and her Son.

We are in a war, and sides must be chosen.

Comment: Mary’s vision is clear. The violent and destructive world events are not just the usual cycle of history. They are much more dangerous.

God Must Intervene

April 4, 2014


The human person and human history are blessed when God comes first. This is the order of creation. When God is not given his rightful place, human life unravels and mankind falls into many unforeseen dangers. God himself is the very core of human life. When he is rejected, nothing fits together. All is subjected to destructive forces that inevitably bring about confusion and decay. At each of these moments, God must intervene to correct human life and restore balance.

This is what I have been describing so clearly. Because God no longer comes first, destructive forces have torn apart human life, which is constantly more vulnerable to even greater evils. Evil upon evil. Destruction and violence. Do you not see this every day?

However, I do not come to emphasize what you know, but to speak of what is hidden. As always, God wishes to intervene, to gather mankind, and to bring order out of chaos. Was this not his original intention in creation? When his creation was ruined by sin, did he not promise a Woman whom he would use to intervene? The Woman is ready. When she is invoked and when Russia is consecrated to her heart, order will begin to return to creation.

Comment: Without God, creation inevitably returns to chaos.

The Locutions – Mary’s Stream of Light

April 5, 2014


When man does not know or believe in God, the lights go out. Although walking in darkness, man believes that he sees. With great love, the heavenly Father pierced these clouds of darkness and sent his only Son, Jesus, who offers light to the world. However, time and again, mankind rejects this light and casts itself back into the darkness.

At this moment, fateful and irreversible choices are being made. Human history is different.

The stakes are higher and the consequences are stark. So, the Father has sent me, the Woman Clothed With the Sun, to release a great light, never before given to the human race. At a moment when all could become total darkness, man will be able to choose the light.

I say this again and again. The hour of Jesus’ death was a moment of darkness. This present era is a similar moment of darkness and only heaven’s light can save the world. Do not be surprised that I speak every day. The darkness will be so complete that the whole world will depend on these locutions. They will be my stream of light.

Comment: These locutions are extraordinary but they are helps needed to understand what is happening.

Speaking Every Day

April 6, 2014


“No one knows the day and the hour. Stay awake”. So many sleep! They are taken up with the daily cares and engrossed in their own pursuits. “The heavenly Father knows all that you need. Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be given you besides.” This was Jesus’ teaching.

I must speak every day because modern man hears so many voices. These voices penetrate his heart and bombard him. He cannot escape their constant knocking. They always vie for his attention.

I speak a different word, which contradicts the world’s daily message. My word is about a kingdom that is coming in great power. God will come to save man in the day and hour unknown to everyone. Stay awake! Do not let your spirits be bloated. My word is daily calling you every day. Whoever stays awake will see. Whoever is asleep will miss out.

Comment: Mary wants a daily life of prayer. This is the only way to watch.

Roar Like A Lion

April 7, 2014


The days grow fewer. The time runs out when other solutions would have been possible. Soon, the only option that will exist is war, the final battle between heaven and hell which will take place on earth and within human history.

Yet, the world goes along as if all is well. The battle cry that issues form my heart is heard only by a few. I have raised up many voices but these are quieted and put in their place. “This is only private revelation” says the Church. “It can be accepted or rejected. It does not belong to the Deposit of Revelation”. Such is the reply that I so often hear.

Why do I speak, if people are not to listen? What good is a warning, if no one heeds my words?

This is my promise. I will raise up my special son and no one will quiet him. He will roar like a lion even thought his heart is like a tender lamb. He will speak my words to the nations and all will hear. No one shall “put him in his place” because, suddenly and without consulting anyone, I will put him in my place and all will know that he speaks in my name.

Such is the gift that still remains hidden in my Immaculate Heart.

Comment: When Mary speaks, especially when the Church has approved her word, she expects people to act.

Locutions That Save

April 8, 2014


Mankind is like a child lost in a forest, who long ago left the road to chase after the butterflies of momentary pleasures. Although the child realizes that he is lost, he knows nothing else but to continue seeking the passing delights. As the pleasures increase and as the way of satisfying his cravings grow, then the sense of loss is assuaged. He begins to enjoy the forest and forgets that he is lost.

However, a moment comes when truth forces itself upon him. Who will be there for him in that moment of his despair? Who will say, “All is not lost. A path exists to bring you back to the road of your childhood faith. Then, you can take up your journey to God as you did before”.

I am that voice and these locutions are my words They resound right now in your heart. O child of God, you are lost. You have set aside the goals of your faith. You have abandoned your religious pursuits for passing delights. But I have a new life for you. Do not believe that your past wanderings condemn you to remain forever in the forest of sin. Come, take my hand. I will lead you back.

Comment: Mary describes so many Catholics who have left their practices of faith. These locutions are her motherly actions to recall her children.

The Surprising Light of the Locutions

April 9, 2014


So soon! The events will happen soon. Many will be unprepared. Therefore, I must speak and speak and speak until the Church understands that this voice must be listened to, and even exalted, so that more can listen.

These locutions began as a tiny voice, heard only in the heart of the one I chose. “How long will they continue? What topics will they explain?” These were the early questions. It is clear that I will speak each day and I will speak on every topic that is important to the trials that face mankind today.

These locutions are a surprising light which Satan never planned for. They are sent forth under obedience and made available immediately to the whole world. The locutions go step by step. They are bold, but not reckless. They speak of terrible events, but always with hope.

They are my means of speaking quickly and accurately to the whole world.

These locutions are signs of my care and concern. They will continually pour forth and, in the moments of great darkness, their light will grow stronger. No one will put out this light because no one can stop me from speaking to the one whom I love and have chosen.

Satan will attempt to destroy this website but those whom I have chosen will constantly find ways to communicate the messages.

Comment: Mary described her own work during these three years in speaking to the world.

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