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The Human Person

(June 18 to June 24, 2014)

Call from God

June 18, 2014


Every human person has a call from God, a word placed in the deepest part of their person. God places this call at the moment of their conception, when he directly creates the human person. For so many, this call is a seed that never opens and the person’s talents are spent on other goals. Even with great worldly success, the person might never have fulfilled their divine call.

God’s whole purpose in creating mankind was that each seed would come forth. This seed is the person’s identity, who they are meant to be, what they should become and the good they should accomplish.

When society is ordered and filled with faith, many understand and respond to their call. When society is confused, then the person finds this difficult. I am speaking now for two reasons. First, people must become aware of this divine power placed within them. Secondly, people need help to understand and to fulfill their call.

Come, this will be an exciting journey. We will travel to the very center of your personhood and discover who you are. You will set aside the false images that flood your mind and grasp what is true.

Comment: Even amid our confusing society, Our Lady can help each person discover God’s call planted within.

Deprived of Divine Light

June 19, 2014


I want to bring you into the deepest mystery. The human person, has God’s plan stamped forever on the soul. This is man’s hidden identity, unique to each individual. Discovering and fulfilling this destiny was meant to be easy, like a journey on a road filled with light.

Sin changed all that. The straight road became difficult, narrow, twisting, filled with obstacles and plunged into darkness.

Jesus came as the light of the world. Many walked in that new light and society was bathed in light. Cultures of light came about. Many began to know God’s call and live it out.

Now, the darkness comes. The lights are extinguished, one by one. Yet, each person retains this force within themselves, this divine call. When darkness comes, people wait for the light to act. However, the divine call never waits. It persists. It cries out. It wants to shape every decision. This is the dilemma of modern man. He carries within himself a divine call but is deprived of the divine light. That is why I speak. My locutions will offer you, O reader, the light which your culture should have provided you. Listen carefully to all my words.

Comment: These extraordinary locutions are needed because the world has rejected God’s light.

The Mystery of the Person

June 20, 2014


The human person is infinite, able to exist only by a unique act of God’s will. The person is formed in the great mystery of the Trinity of persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and is called to a greatness, which is hidden in God’s will but gladly revealed.

How does each person arrive at their own greatness? This is the mystery I will explain.

Every person is born into a culture. If the culture is devout and filled with light, then the person can more easily find their way. God acts within them from the earliest years and the soul sets out in the greatest light. If, however, the person is born into a culture of darkness, they do not realize what God is doing within them. Their inner divine light is covered over and their choices are limited to earth.

This is the great struggle now taking place between the Woman and Satan. Millions of people live all their lives in darkness, their divine call is lost. As this darkness has spread, many have abandoned their faith and many more have never received it. So, I use these locutions to cast an inner light. They pierce the darkness and offer everyone an opportunity to discover God’s call.

Comment: The human person is caught in the conflict between light and darkness.

Personal Light in a Darkened Culture

June 21, 2014


Before a person can discover their call, they must be awakened. What a special blessing that is, a moment when the veil is pulled back and the great door opens. This moment comes at different stages. Sometimes, the person is very young (even a child). For others the blessing comes in adolescence or young adulthood.

As the years slip away and the opportunities are no longer present, it is more difficult but not impossible, for a person to be awakened and to realize, “This is my call. This is why I was created and to this I will give the remaining years of my life”.

This awakening is God’s gift. (What a special moment.) The moment is always prepared for. Those who receive the enlightenment as children usually have devout parents whom they obeyed. Those who receive this in adolescence or young adulthood have either been faithful for years or have had a conversion.

Right now, I speak to the whole world. My Immaculate Heart is pouring out extraordinary gifts of light. The growing darkness has covered over the usual ways of this awakening. I will circumvent the culture. I will conquer the darkness that surrounds you. I will come directly to your heart. Even though your culture offers you no door to God, you will know that I have given you a light. While darkness surrounds you, a new light will fill you. You will know this has happened and by these locutions you will know what to do.

Comment: When the culture was filled with light, God worked easily within each heart. Now, people need this extraordinary light flowing from Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

The Mystery of Human Existence

June 22, 2014


God does everything so that the human person discovers the mystery that God has placed in his heart. Unfortunately, each culture is filled with darkness and so many do not have the needed light to read what is within, to understand these inner mysteries. That is why I speak.

Within you, O reader, is an intellect which shares God’s power to know. You also have a spiritual will, quite independent of your lower desires. Do not confuse the two because they war against each other. Inside you also is a power deliberately placed there by your Maker.

He made you for himself. Deep inside that power is your call, who you are meant to be, whom you are to love, and to work with and what you are to do to fulfill your call.

All of these are powerful forces within you that lead to your happiness. God calls you to the deepest joys, the greatest accomplishments and, finally, a place with Jesus forever.

You are not free to rip these mysteries out of your soul. You cannot say, “I will no longer be a human person.” Even your death will not end your human existence. I come to you to help you. Together, we can discover the road to your happiness.

Comment: Man has no choice. He is created without any choice on his part. Our Lady promises that she can bring each person to eternal happiness.

The Center of Material Creation

June 23, 2014


The mystery of the human person stands at the center of material creation. All was created for the human person who alone can thank God. Does the heavenly Father just like to paint beautiful skies or form planets? Is he like a child in a sandbox building castles? God is a person and has created the human person to know and love him. He wants the person to become like himself and to live forever.

Like Adam, who enjoyed paradise but felt lonely without human love, so the heavenly Father wants the human person to give him divine love. The greatness of the human person is his capacity to be divinized, to be made like God and to love God as God loves himself. This call can only be fulfilled by the Holy Spirit of God poured out by Jesus.

Jesus stands at the center of all history, nailed to the cross from which he gave up his Spirit. The mystery of each human person is found only in Jesus’ opened heart. Go there and you will find your name written. Stay there and you will discover who you are. Surrender to Jesus and you will fulfill your call.

Comment: Every person is a unique mystery and discovers the answer to that mystery in Jesus Christ.

The Correct Surrender

June 24, 2014


I come to the heart of the problem, which is the heart of each person. The human person is like a fortress, with their will at the highest and most protected place, a free will that makes the final decision of what to surrender to. It is faced with daily decisions and says “yes or no” a hundred times a day. From these decisions, comes success or failure.

O soul, you say “yes” to this and “no” to that, but I am knocking now at the door of your will. A heavenly visitor has come. I offer you a heavenly choice. I offer you a chance to surrender to what is above you. The heavenly Father wants to lift you up and res
cue you from the frustration of human life. (This is his plan for the human person.)

Comment: Nothing on earth can satisfy the human person. God made the heart for himself.

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