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The Hidden Mysteries of Mary’s Immaculate Heart

(December 8 to December 18, 2013)

I Open Wide the Gates of my Heart

December 8, 2013


I open wide the gates of my heart. Why hold back any gift when the time is so short? Why limit my abundant graces when the forces of evil are being poured out without measure? These will be my new themes as I reveal treasures up to now hidden and known only by a few. I want the whole world to know the secrets which the heavenly Father has placed in my Immaculate Heart. I want all the world to know exactly what God has done for me. I will begin with my Immaculate Conception.

In the fullness of time, the hidden plan of the Father came to its first fruition. In my Immaculate Conception, for the first time since the creation of our first parents, a soul existed on earth which was full of grace and independent of all evil. How the Father, Son and Holy Spirit rejoiced. The long wait of centuries of darkness was now over. The true Light was about to come into the world.

Comment: On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, Mary begins her teachings on the hidden secrets of God’s actions in her Immaculate Heart.

Every Person’s Identity

December 9, 2013


As the new Eve, the mother of a humanity restored to grace, I received the whole human race into my heart. Now, I hold within me the identity of every person. This is God’s secret plan for everyone who exists.

God’s plan for all of human history flows out from my Immaculate Heart. Oh, how great is my sorrow when God’s plan does not go forth, when mankind chooses its own path and its own goals.

Just as Jesus came forth from my womb as the Word made Flesh, so every person is meant to come forth from my Immaculate Heart, formed totally in Jesus’ image. This secret will only be known to the whole world when the Fatima gift is finally released.

Comment: This is a beautiful theology of Mary’s role in bringing about God’s plan for us.

The Decision to Create

December 10, 2013


From the moment of my Immaculate Conception, the Most High revealed all of his mysteries. He began with the mystery of creation, of how he formed the heavens and the earth, with the mystery of life and living plants and animals.

Then he brought me to the great mystery of when he formed man and woman. He spoke of his decision to have them share in his own powers to know, to love, to choose and to decide. He gave them a free will, able to say “yes” or “no”. He equipped them with every possible blessing and told them to increase and multiply and fill the earth.

This began the great mystery of human history which still unfolds today. He revealed all of his mysteries. He held back none of his thoughts. These I will reveal now to all the world.

Comment: One by one Mary will reveal God’s secrets.

The Father Reveals Everything

December 11, 2013


The heavenly Father revealed to me all of his sorrows to see mankind pursue the road of sin, to watch as people killed other people and all the disorders that began to happen. He revealed his desire to rid the world of sin. Then, Noah found favor in his sight.

These revelations included everything placed in my heart, the faith he found in Abraham, the strength of Moses, and the heart of his King David. Yet, no one in Israel had found full favor with him, all were touched by sin.

Even while in the womb, the revelations began, filling my soul with every possible gift. I knew that at the proper time all would come forth. He who is mighty rejoiced in what he had done in creating me and choosing me to be his mother. That part of the mystery was hidden from me until the angel Gabriel came. Then I understood that I had found favor and would become the Mother of Jesus.

I knew that Joseph would believe and that the baby would be born in Bethlehem, according to the Davidic prophecies. I knew that all would unfold in the greatest of all mysteries. This is what I want to reveal to you. All was revealed. I needed only to believe the Lord’s words to me.

Comment: Who can recount the mysteries, the secrets and the revelations which God placed in Mary’s mind?

Exalting the Fatima Secrets

December 12, 2013


For all of these centuries, the Father’s secrets have been hidden in my heart, waiting for that moment when they will be so valuable to his beloved human race. Now, these secrets are meant to flow forth in every possible way.

However, as long as the Secrets of Fatima are withheld, not only withheld but put into the background as if they are not important, then the outpouring is just a tiny stream and not a vast ocean.

The Fatima secrets must be exalted by the Church. All must know what I have revealed out of my deepest love for mankind. Only then can I pour out all of my secrets, all of the revelations in my heart, so that the whole earth will be covered with the knowledge of the Father and his plan.

The Church is walking in a very dim light. It makes many mistakes and does not see the Father’s secrets. All of that must change.

Comment: Much light will be released when Mary’s Fatima secrets are revealed.

2014 Opportunities

December 13, 2013


Every day, human history unfolds but not always according to God’s plan. Man needs God’s light to see which events lead to darkness and which ones lead to light. The human mind is often mistaken and people of darkness can appear in a good light.

Such is the case with America which plunges into darkness by calling everything light. This has happened for so long that true light is painful to America’s eyes. The light is quickly criticized and, if possible, extinguished. Darkness gains complete control.

These locutions provide my light, even while America is still plunged in darkness. In 2014, I will offer America another opportunity to return to the light. People will begin to understand that they have chosen the darkness. A new freedom will be in the air. Fresh voices will be raised. A new generation of leaders whom I have prepared will take center stage. It will not be as it has been in the past. America will have a clear choice to walk a different road. I will provide the opportunity. Only America will decide its path.

Comment: Mary promises that 2014 will be a new opportunity for America.

New Life and New Beginnings

December 14, 2013


To everyone who enters my heart, I will reveal the secrets of the heavenly Father. Each will receive a different light, according to God’s plan. The light will show them the road they should walk and the helps which God offers.

They will also see their past decisions, good and bad. They will understand the people in their lives, those who lead them to God and those who lead them away from God. They will see their faults and their addictions. This is so important so they are not caught up in powers that destroy God’s plan.

Especially, they will see my love. They will experience great hope. No matter what needs to be changed or what decisions must be made, they will know that I will help them.

Come, O reader, enter my heart now. Receive my light. You will quickly see all that God intends for you. Other goals which have fascinated you and led you astray, will be put aside. Your new life will begin. Yes, I hold out to you new life, new hope, new desires, new beginnings, while you still have time on this earth. Do not delay.

Comment: God wants everyone to know his plan for them. How do you enter Mary’s heart? Just ask her, every day, to place you there.

Darkness Instead of Light

December 15, 2013


The light is meant to go forth, like an ocean flowing out to the whole world. Mankind is meant to walk in light and to understand God’s plan. Every person should be filled with the greatest light and easily see all that the heavenly Father intends. This was the Father’s original plan by which man could easily respond, could easily say “yes” and enjoy eternal life.

Instead, the light does not go forth. People walk in unbelievable darkness. Heaven is set aside and man seeks only earthly goals. God’s plan was for the greatness of man, to exalt man to divine life. This is completely lost in the darkness. Now, the darkness increases. Greater darkness waits in the wings. Instead of waves of light, mankind suffers waves of darkness while God’s light remains stored in my heart.

Only when the Fatima light is placed on the lampstand will this ocean go forth from my heart. Holy Father, act quickly. You do not know the darkness that will soon cover the world if you do not act.

Comment: Mary describes our situation. Darkness replaces the light.

Mary’s Firm Promise

December 16, 2013


I promise that, someday, the fullness of this light will burst forth, released by the Holy Father as he consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart and as he reveals the full Fatima secret. In the meantime, you have only my promise.

Also, you know why the events of darkness continue to surround the world. You are not confused because I have explained the situation. Darkness, at this point, has no enemy powerful enough to scatter it or to cast it out.

You also know that such a power of light exists and is waiting to be released. Lift up your hearts and lift up your voices. Ask for the Fatima light in my heart to be released. Let your voices become like a chorus pleasing to my ears.

This will console me in my sorrows until the great moment arrives when I can pour out my light and all the world sees me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun. How I await that day and my precious priest son who will bring it about.

Comment: Our Lady’s words give us hope and light in the darkness.

Mary’s Priest Son

December 17, 2013


I have spoken of the deep secrets of my heart but there is one secret that lies hidden. My deepest secret concerns my priest son who was chosen from all eternity to place the Fatima light on the lampstand.

I have openly promised that someday Russia will be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart and a period of great peace will ensue. Who will be the one who will do that? He is still hidden in my heart, protected by my greatest favors.

Only after some darkness has fallen on the earth will I bring him forth. If I brought him forth in the light, he would be rejected. When the darkness begins, the Church will be more ready to receive my light and my choice.

Know that I will use the beginning darkness for my purposes. Because of the darkness, the Church will seek the Fatima light in all its fullness. Only when the Church begins to ask, “Who can lead us to Fatima” will I bring my priest son out of the hiding of my heart.

Comment: Mary has promised that the Consecration would take place, even though it will be late.

A New Humanity

December 18, 2013


When all the events are consummated, when the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart is fulfilled and when the Fatima secrets are revealed, when all of the light goes forth from my heart, then the era of peace will begin.

Slowly at first, like the dawn rising in the East, and seen only by a few.

But who can stop the sun from taking its place? Who can place an obstacle to its course? The sun of peace will traverse the whole world. All will know its presence and feel its power. Historians will record the changes. They will note carefully the new humanity which is brought forth.

This has been my promise from the very beginning. Who would question my word? When will the Church come to that point? What trials and sufferings will happen first? Why the delay? Why does the Church not move forward? So many do not believe my promises. I must continue to speak. The world events will speak even louder, crying out for heaven’s intervention.

Comment: Mary’s promises are very clear. She says that the consecration will take place, but very late.

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