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The Growing Threat of Nuclear War

(May 28 to June 8, 2013)

The Warnings

May 28, 2013


The heavenly Father has given to me the key of knowledge and of divine revelation so these can be poured forth upon the earth. I speak so all can know ahead of time. My words are warnings for all the earth. These words will be given slowly and cautiously, couched in the clearest words. They will carry great graces. Everyone must listen. They are my gift to my children who listen to me. They are the gift of a mother who sees what is ahead and warns her children so they are safe. Let us begin.

Sin and sinful practices have weakened the foundations of human life. Formerly, some parts of the world were strong and could help others. Just a few decades ago, the resources could extend to all. Now, the hopes are stilled. Wars rage and money is spent on arms. Terror grows and fear paralyzes many nations. These are the beginning birth pangs. More will certainly follow.

The Course of War

May 29, 2013


The nations have placed their security in weapons and that is the road that they have freely chosen. Weapons that are produced are weapons which someday will be used. What is stored up will come out of storage.

How I weep over these weapons. I know how they will be used. I know those who will be killed and those whose lives will be shattered. I know the hatred that will grow when these wounds are inflicted.

This is the course freely chosen by the nations. Even those nations that cannot afford weapons still purchase them in self-defense. A mobilization takes place. Men and women are trained to kill others. When will this come to a halt? When will the pope consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the waves of peace begin to wash away these weapons? I wait to be invoked.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

May 30, 2013


So great is the buildup of weapons that a new reality has been created, never before seen in the world. A small group can inflict great damage, if they are willing to lay down their lives for their beliefs.

This is the new menace. There are weapons of mass destruction and people willing to give their lives. They answer to no nation and are not limited to one country. They move where they wish and are willing to accept these great sacrifices for the cause that they believe in.

They cannot be attacked in the usual way because they work secretly. Their union is a matter of the heart, their common belief in the rise of Islam. Such is the nature of the great threat that encompasses Israel and my beloved Jerusalem, where my Son’s blood was shed.

Demonic Goals

May 31, 2013


The world has chosen the road of weapons and no human force can turn back the human race from this fatal and disastrous path. The weapons stockpile and grow in sophistication. Enormous sums purchase new and better weapons. All must run this race which ends only in oblivion, the destruction of humanity and of earthly life.

These are the demonic goals and how many helpers he has, those whom he has raised to power and whom he safeguards in their positions. I will disrupt his plans and undo many of his strategies but this is not enough. It will just mean a delay, a putting off and a pushing back. There must be my full and complete intervention. I must be invited onto the world stage by the pope. He and all the bishops must ask me to come by consecrating Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Only then will the world see my loving care to save humanity.

Nuclear Proliferation

June 1, 2013


I now come to the horror of nuclear war. I cannot hold back my words any more than I can hold back my tears. Many nations are now walking this road, storing up nuclear arms. For years, these arms have been in the hands of established countries which have much to lose if they ever unleashed them. This has been the protection for the world.

However, as these arms proliferate and fall into the hands of those who have no such motive, those whose only goal is to inflict terror and suffering, then mankind will enter a new and more dangerous stage. The protection is peeled away and the temptation to use these arms is multiplied.

I have spoken clearly of the path on which mankind has walked. I do not say “has chosen” because it is demonic forces that have plotted out this path and enticed mankind. No human power can change this. I wait and wait and wait to be invoked. Only your heavenly mother can save the world from the prospect of nuclear destruction. Petition the Holy Father to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart.

Note: This message was given on a First Saturday. Reader, please fulfill Mary’s request of the Five First Saturdays:

  1. Receive Holy Communion (on Saturday or Sunday)
  2. Go to confession (8 days before or after)
  3. Say the rosary
  4. Pray for 15 minutes on some mystery of the Rosary
  5. Offer these prayers as reparation to her Immaculate Heart

The Annihilation of Nations

June 4, 2013


No one knows the road that lies ahead. There are too many variables – the free decisions of human beings, the plans of the Evil Ones and the power he has over those dedicated to his cause. All is volatile. The weapons grow each day. The constant fires of war and terror wear away hope. The situation always grows worse. No relief in in sight and no plans exist to correct the situation.

I watch. I see. I weep. I have given my great gift of Fatima. This is the greatest and most powerful gift, containing all that is needed to unlock other gifts. My Fatima gift remains unopened. This gift was in Lucy’s heart and how heavy was that heart as she saw that her gift would be rejected.

The gift still remains, waiting to be opened. If not opened, then the forces of destruction have no enemy. They own the field of battle and their goal is the annihilation of the nations.

Who will be safe?

The Birth Pangs of Destruction

June 5, 2013


In all of the wars and insurrections, in all of the turmoil and confusion of the Middle East, you are seeing only the birth pangs. However, what will come forth is not a child of life but a demon of death. The demonic goal will have been realized. Death and destruction will be planted deeply into human history. He will claim a part of the world as his own, something that he has not been able to do since the death of my Son on Calvary.

How clear can I be? These are not just wars and insurrections. This is a turning point. The world teeters. It is being shaken to its very foundations. The Evil One wants to claim as his own the very birthplace of civilization and the very place where the Spirit of God was poured out upon the disciples. The Middle East is his prize goal and Jerusalem is his target.

Losing Hope

June 6, 2013


I do not say these words easily. They flow from my heart with much pain and great sorrow. I speak about the destruction at the end of this road that mankind has been led upon.

Each day, the fires grow greater and the pace quickens. What touched ten yesterday, touches 100 today. Walls of protection are collapsing. People grow fearful and no longer have the hope to resist. An inevitability sets in, as if the future belongs to darkness.

This cannot be. I have never surrendered. I do not believe that what my Son paid for by his blood will be handed over to the Evil One. I will gather my children into my light. Even if they are few in number, I will give them great light. New waves of hope will go forth. No matter how great is the darkness, at least their light will offer constant encouragement. Then will come the great light, the surprising light, when, finally, Russia is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart.

Happening Now

June 7, 2013


Why have I spoken so much about this topic of war and weapons? Because I am not describing future realities, what will happen at some future moment. What I describe is right before your eyes, happening in your very midst. It is the news that you hear and see each night. The fires are already burning and no human power can put them out.

Each response is met by a greater response. Only when the fires have burned away the walls of protection (as has happened in Egypt and Libya) do they quiet down.

I have constantly said, from the very beginning, that Syria is not the same as Egypt and Libya. There the fires will find constant fuel. These fires will burn and burn, destroying so many protections and attracting terrorists who see a surprising opportunity. All of that is happening before your eyes.

The Rosary

June 8, 2013


In these floods of destruction, I hold out my Immaculate Heart. This is the new ark of Noah and it openly invites all the world to enter. O reader, I am with you, close to you, saving you. You need not seek me in faraway places (although my shrines are filled with blessings).

You need only believe my words. Let me speak them again so they are written on your heart.

I am your mother. I foresee all the events that are unfolding. These events are chosen by mankind who has set aside the light and teachings of my Son, Jesus. Although mankind has chosen this path, I will offer to each person a different way. By believing and trusting in me, everyone can enter into the safety of my Immaculate Heart (the new Ark). The door is the rosary. If you say the rosary every day, you can be sure that you are safely in my heart and I will care for you.

The Volatile Middle East

June 8, 2013



I must speak. I can no longer hold this truth in the confines of my own heart. Mankind is on the path to war, to nuclear war that cannot be avoided by human means. This path will swerve, to the left (when it seems inevitable) and to the right (when it seems to be distant) but the path is still the path to nuclear war. The weapons exist. The hearts of those who would destroy mankind are set upon these weapons. The protections that now surround them are eroding every day. America is withdrawing from the Middle East. New levels of instability will be introduced. The safeguard that now exists will quickly erode. The region will become filled with the greatest disorders. All of this is Satan’s plan to arm those who have no fear to use nuclear weapons.

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