The Good Seed and the Bad
(November 14 to November 25, 2013)
Seed Planted in a Field
November 14, 2013
Human history is like seed planted in a field, containing many powerful forces which can bring forth an abundant and beneficent harvest. However, other seeds have also been planted in history. These strangle the good and bring forth a harvest of corruption. The heavenly Father has wisely decided that, until the end of history, the good and the bad seeds will grow side by side, lest in ripping out the evil, the good is also destroyed.
This decision, so wise and prudent, leads to confusion. People say, “Why does God allow this?” Please know that it is only for a time. The complete separation of the good and the bad will inevitably take place when the good are safe in the kingdom. Until then, O reader, you need the wisdom that you will receive from my lips.
Comment: Mary sets the stage for her teachings that will describe the forces (good and bad) that form human history and shape our world.
Examining Your Own Heart
November 15, 2013
The wheat and the weeds are planted in every human heart. They live in the feelings, the hopes and especially in the choices and decisions. Every day, the person experiences an inner stream of happiness or sadness, of peace or of turmoil. They look to outside forces as the cause of their inner emotions, but they seldom look within. They do not ask, “What forces are within me that cause these problems?”
To look within and to see these evil weeds is the beginning of conversion, the great grace of turning fully to God. O reader, will you have the courage to travel with me into the recesses of your own heart and to honestly see the evil seeds that Satan’s work has placed there? If so, great inner changes can take place. Do not worry about the locutions changing the world. It is much more important that they change you.
Comment: A disciple once said to St. Francis of Assisi, “We must change the world”. St. Francis answered, “That is an excellent idea. Let us begin with ourselves”. Mary wants us to begin with ourselves.
Guarding the Tongue
November 16, 2013
If the person’s inner stream is a mixture of good and evil, then the words that flow from his lips will also be good or bad. When someone speaks, they feel justified. They have spoken from their heart, but they do not realize that their heart contains evil as well as good.
After evil words are spoken, the evil holds an even more secure position. The person is amazed at the clarity of his own words and the evil becomes entwined within him.
O reader, guard your tongue for it releases into the world the evil within your own heart. How difficult to take your words back. They are planted in the hearts of the listeners where they bring forth another evil harvest. “If anyone does not sin by the tongue, he is perfect.” (James 3:2)
Comment: Both good and evil fill the world. Mary begins these teachings with our inner world. Unfortunately evil does not remain within. Human speech can give it a new existence outside of us.
The Inner World of Darkness
November 17, 2013
Before explaining the good and the evil in the world today, I must continue to speak first of the human heart. Later, I will speak of the world events that flow from human decisions.
The great problem is inner darkness. Man cannot see the evil within that pushes him to false goals. One darkness leads to another. Eventually, they plunge the person into the greatest darkness.
At some point, the person no longer desires the light and no longer wants to be awakened from his sleep. But, O reader, I cannot let you sleep in your darkness. I will flood you with the greatest light. I will even plunge you into my light. Do not doubt that I have this gift for you.
Comment: Human beings think that they are smart, that they are “in the light” in making decisions. Really, we are filled with much darkness. If we had Mary’s light, we would make quite different decisions.
Purifying the Heart
November 18, 2013
I see people battling within themselves, confused about so many things that happen to them. They do not understand that evil is sown in their hearts. These hidden seeds constantly try to ruin all that God has planted. No solutions are possible until this root problem is faced.
O reader, the way to do this is quite easy. That is why I speak. First, you must realize that this power of evil is planted deeply within you and is constantly covered over. Second, you must uncover the evil and let it be revealed. This is called a good confession. Third, you must ask God for his power to overcome these evil seeds.
Do this frequently, because the weeds are always growing. Do not forget that you must not try to pull them out by yourself. God, who created the field and planted good seed within you, knows the weeds that need to be removed.
Comment: Many human enterprises like marriage, friendship or career, are destroyed by our own inner sinfulness. Purifying our hearts gives new possibilities for success.
The Cause of Failures
November 19, 2013
Even though I speak of the evil placed by Satan in every heart, no one needs to be afraid. My words are warnings that protect. However, if my words are set aside, then the evil grows. People set out on their own. Even nations set great goals. They embark on grand enterprises. The dreams are great and hopes are high. Then comes the moment of reality, when the dream becomes a nightmare and the hopes come crashing down.
They forget the evil called original sin, that universal power which corrupts everything that is human. They forget the basic teaching. Man always needs divine help. Alone, man cannot overcome the evil within himself.
O reader, do not waste any more time. The forces of evil within you are too great. They grow unaware, like weeds that always spring up. Come to me and I, the sinless Mother of God, will crush the evil and set you free.
Comment: Mary teaches that so much fails because of selfishness planted in man’s heart. Ask her to remove this evil and you will not fail.
Evil on the World Stage
November 20, 2013
So great was the evil in men’s hearts and so deep was their ignorance of God’s law that the heavenly Father revealed his commandments. Yet, even these were not enough because man was powerless and unable to keep these laws.
So, in the fullness of time, God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, whom I conceived in my womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus, dwells the fullness of God’s help. Evil cannot exist in his presence. In Jesus, all is purified.
This is the mystery, revealed in the gospel. Without Jesus, man cannot overcome the evil that grows and grows within. He is helpless in the face of these forces which claim everyone’s heart.
These forces will shape the history of the world and lead mankind to the greatest means of destruction. These evils will twist everything. They will cover over God’s laws. They will subvert everything good. They will manipulate the political system. From these evil forces come forth lies, deceptions, untruths. Without Jesus, the whole world returns to chaos.
Can I be any clearer? Can I speak more boldly? In this modern world, these evils have greater outlets, weapons fashioned by man’s mind, weapons that should never have been invented and never allowed to spread. Now I weep. I see exactly where mankind is, perched at the edge of the precipice with the forces of evil ready to push him over.
Comment: Mary shows that the evil forces inside each person affect world history and the events that all of us experience.
Mary’s Help in Extraordinary Times
November 21, 2013
Now the forces of evil are breaking through on every side like a swarming army of locusts. How can the world respond? A crisis here, a crisis there. Problems on every side. Will the defenses be secure? Will the enemy break through this time?
O mankind, my Son has saved you so many times. So often you were on the brink. You take your safety for granted. “It will never happen to us”, you say. “Life will continue as usual”. What I have constantly said is that life will not continue as usual. These times are different, the forces are extraordinary and growing. Agreements are made that remove obstacles and push ahead the timetable. People walk in ignorance, not knowing that they are on the precipice. What will I do?
First, I give these locutions. Read them and spread them. Second, I send new and extraordinary devotions with great promises. These are fresh invitations. Third, I stir in your heart, O reader, to undertake a life of reparation. I invite you to deeper devotion and abandonment to my cause. Fourth, I will not allow the events to crash suddenly upon the world. There will be beginning events, obvious breakthroughs of evil. These will be warnings. At this point, I will flood the world with special graces. I will raise up a special person to speak in my name. This will be a moment of great graces, offering to the world an opportunity of turning to God. Those who turn will be saved. The needed graces will be poured into their hearts so they do not despair. How extraordinary will be these times and how precious will each person be to me.
Come, let us begin. Do not wait. Enter now the Ark of my Immaculate heart.
Comment: Mary describes the present world crisis and promises her helps so we know to take advantage of them.
Understanding Middle East Events
November 22, 2013
So, the stage is set. The forces of evil have taken their place. The obstacles are removed due to the policies of the Obama administration. The timetable is moved forward. What was unthinkable is now coming forth, a nuclear Iran.
Look, at the events. Are they not all intertwined, like a clever artist who slowly unveils his master plan? I will be very specific. First, there was the Egyptian revolution. In this way, a protective ring around Israel was removed. Then came the Syrian revolt which continues to this day and has destabilized the region closer to Israel.
Iran is the final stage. When nuclear weapons are in place, Satan will have completed his preparation. Only heaven stands between these plans and their execution.
When will the Holy Father consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart? If this happens, I will reverse these plans and dismantle these weapons and there will be peace. That is my promise. Can no one see that Russia is the problem?
Comment: Mary shows us the evil that has been behind these worldwide events.
Avoiding the Great Destruction
November 23, 2013
All the destructive forces of hell are ready to break forth. They wait and continually gather strength. If the fire breaks forth, it will be too late. There will be widespread destruction that will never be reversed and the forces of evil will claim parts of the world for centuries.
Now is the turning point. I have appeared at Fatima and now appear at Medjugorje. I have spoken in many places but only a few have truly listened. My word is like a light, hidden under a bushel basket. I must take this light and place it on the lampstand. Only when the light of my words floods the Church, only when the Holy Father consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart, only when the whole Church knows the full secret of Fatima, will God’s power be released to avoid the great destruction.
Comment: Mary outlines the two forces at their greatest strength. We all must act now.
The Iran Agreement
November 24, 2013
The deal is done. The signatures are affixed to the document that makes Israel a living sacrifice upon the altar of false negotiations. Iran walks away with all that it needs. The money will again flow in to fuel its economy. Russia walks away, vindicated by these events. Israel, and other nations, walk in a new darkness, a darkness now perfectly secure by an agreement, made from false hopes and political motives.
Just as I have predicted, the evil is now secure and able to grow. The agreement is a lie, a pretext, a cover, a shield for the nuclear program which will continue. Satan rejoices. He sees his plan moving ahead.
When will the Church move ahead with my plan? The time grows shorter and the window of opportunity narrows so much more. Holy Father, consecrate Russia. Reveal the full secret. Then, my plan will also be secure.
Comment: Mary reveals the true nature of the agreement signed by Secretary of State, Kerry.
Legitimating Iran’s Leaders
November 25, 2013
The effects of this agreement will not go away. They are set for good in the stream of the future. The legitimacy of the Iran government has been accepted, even though it builds nuclear weapons and has threatened to use them against Israel.
The ink is not even dried and already there are disagreements about the accord. Iran sits in a new place, a co-signer of a treaty with the West. The regime now has status and acceptance. It has been vindicated, set above any possible attack, even from its own people.
A protective wall has been placed around the evil. Iran will assess its new position, rejoicing in what has been accomplished and plot new ways to gain its goal. Do you think that it has suffered all these years and now will give up its goal of having nuclear weapons? Such is the foolishness of America.
Comment: Iran now has a wall of protection around its nuclear facilities.

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