The Good Samaritan
February 13, 2014
Suffering pours out from Satan’s kingdom. By sin mankind has been stripped of God’s protection against them. These two factors combine to produce greater and greater suffering.
“Your opponent, the devil, is prowling like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (Pt.5:8). That devouring has many beginnings but only one goal – to draw each person and the whole human race into the darkness and suffering which Satan himself has endured since his decision not to serve God.
Originally, the loving Father surrounded creation with a protection, but that loving wall was pierced and broken. Man has no defense. He is an easy prey. Like the wounded man he lays helpless by the wayside.
Jesus is the Good Samaritan, who lovingly comes, bends over mankind and offers all that is needed to relieve man’s sufferings. However, mankind has no idea of its own wounds or why it suffers so much. It claims no need for this Good Samaritan. It rejects him, reviles him and claims it can heal its own wounds.
Jesus and I will not go away. We will remain close and continue to offer our help, waiting for the day when mankind realizes who Jesus is and all that he wants to do.
Comment: Mary highlights three factors, Satan’s power to inflict sufferings, mankind’s vulnerability and the Good Samaritan’s ability to help.
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