Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Future of America

(November 10 to November 12, 2012)

The Election Day Decision

November 10, 2012


There are steps that a nation takes to become blessed and steps which it takes to lose its greatness.  These are the choices and decisions, made at many different times.  However, at some moments, there are key decisions, turning points when a nation can choose either direction, like a person standing at a crossroad.

America stood at the crossroad on election day and chose the path of deep darkness.  It will plunge now into that darkness.  There is nothing to hold it back.  There are no more restraints.  They have chosen a political party which openly denounced my commandments and trampled on my laws.  They have said, “This is the party of our choice”.  If that is the party of your choice, then you must go where that party takes you.


People stumble and fall but they are able to get up and start again.  However, when people choose a direction, they will continue in that way unless there is a change of heart and a change of mind.  “We have made a mistake.  We must turn around.” America, you cannot turn around.  You have held an election.  The candidates will be placed in their offices.  They will be your leaders.  You will go where they take you.  You have given them their mandate.  I will save the little ones, those who come to me and those who do not agree with this direction.  These I can save.  The country itself must follow its leaders.

True Leaders

November 10, 2012


It is time to move on, to see what can be gathered among the ruins.  Who is there who will speak for the righteous, especially for the unborn? Who will be their voice? Many will come forth, wanting to carry the standard, but whose hands are worthy, whose heart is clean? This is what I demand.  I want my leaders to have hands free of bribes and hearts free from evil.  I call many to serve.  Let them come forth.  I need only their good intentions and a willingness to be purified in my blood.  This is the path to true leadership – to be a disciple of the Lamb who was slain.


There is always a future, a time to move on because the great gift of my Son’s return in glory has not yet happened.  Only then, will the Father’s plan for creation be fulfilled.  So, I say these parting words to those who have listened.  Never let your hearts be troubled.  Behind the darkness, indeed at the very moment of the greatest darkness, I will come for you.  I will be with you and I will remain until my Son returns in glory.  Let us await him together in great hope.  Come, Lord Jesus.

A Country Without Restraints

November 11, 2012


Shall I describe the road that lies ahead for America? The deficits will soar.  The banks will not know what to do.  The currency will lose its value.  The economic system will shake.  All because you have chosen a leader who shows no restraint in any way.  Everything has broken loose.  The barriers of my laws are cast aside.  America rewrites the commandments.  If there is no restraint concerning my laws, why should there be restraint in spending money? Americans voted for the Democratic Party because they wanted no restraints on their lifestyle.  That is what they will get – a country with no restraints.


It is too late.  You have voted.  Where will President Obama take this nation? There will be surprising roads.  He knows where he wants to take America.  He has not yet seen how to do it.  He ponders his strategies and weighs his options.  He does not have much time.  The goals are gigantic ones and many would oppose him, so he must plot carefully and keep his true goals hidden until they come in sight.  Then, he can reveal all.  There is so much hidden and stored deep in his heart.  America does not really know all that is there.

America’s Place in God’s Heart

November 12, 2012


Yet, my hand remains upon America, my hand of blessing and protection for all those moments of kindness and thoughtfulness, past and future, which flow from her generosity.  America is my only hope in a world that will be plunged into great darkness.  America has always held a special place in my heart and I am not about to displace her with another.  She is my love, chosen from the beginning of her birth as a nation.  Would I abandon one whom I have chosen? Would I set aside my first born? I banish such thoughts from my mind.

I will work with America.  In the day of her darkness, I will not abandon her.  In the days that she turns away from me, I will not cut her off or reject her.  I will await her.  I will await her return and she will once more embrace her Maker, as she did in the beginning.  The ties are too great, too strong, too long lasting to be shredded in these moments of her foolishness.


Now, I must bring this teaching to a close.  America, you have been a foolish child, rejecting your heritage and being led to a pasture where you will feed upon poisonous herbs.  Such will be your fate until your sickness grows and you are near to death.  But I will not leave go of you, nor will I allow the wolves to devour you.  Yes, those wolves who would steal your greatness and leave you lying half-dead by the roadside, are at your door.  I will come, like the Good Samaritan when you are deeply wounded.  I will care for you and nurse you back to health.  All of this will be in time for you to fulfill the great destiny for which you were founded.

America, you have not yet reached your greatest moment.  The truly great moment of your history, the moment when you will save the world still lies ahead.

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