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Locutions to The World - The Final Words of the Year

(December 24 to December 28, 2012)

Clouds Filled With Rain

December 24, 2012


No one sees what lies ahead.  The future is hidden in the heavenly Father’s heart.  Some things must be revealed so people can know that the Father cares for them and will provide.  His testimony is his word and when the word is fulfilled people know that he is watching over them.

Right now the sky is filled with the darkest clouds and the rain seems inevitable.  However, even at this point, my word can blow them away without a trace of rain.  Yes, even at this late date, all things are possible, but who will have the faith to cry out night and day? When my people turn to me, I will hear their cries.  As yet, no one grasps or understands how close and how powerful is the darkness.


Can we speak any more plainly than this? The darkness is powerful and it is everywhere.  The flood waters are about to fall upon the whole earth.  All will experience this darkness.  There will be no light in anything that the world provides.  Light will exist, but only in my Immaculate Heart.

Do not trust what you have trusted until now.  Those safeguards will not be enough and when they are washed away you will appreciate the importance of my words.  You will say, “Our Lady told us this would happen”.  In this way, fear will not capture your heart.  You will have faith and believe even with the events that happen.

Always With Us

December 25, 2012


All is not hopeless only because I have come into the world, born of a virgin mother.  I dwell with mankind and abide with him.  I will not withdraw, even though mankind withdraws from me.  To withdraw would be to surrender the world to the Evil One and to lose the hard-earned victory paid for by my death.

I will never do that.  I will never withdraw.  I am with mankind until the end of the world.  It is mankind who withdraws, who does not want me, and who rejects me every day.  This is my great sorrow.  I see what is ahead for the human race as it walks away from me.  There comes a point where many will never find their way back.  They will be lost forever.  That is why I must act soon.  Everything has been held back so people would have a chance to repent and turn back.

Instead, more and more are being drawn into the road of darkness.  So, the Father can no longer delay the needed remedies.


On this night, centuries ago, the world lay in darkness, when I gave birth to Jesus.  The darkness was profound and widespread.  The light of Judaism had grown dim and most of the world lay in idolatry.

When the child was born, the day of light and victory began.  The light spread to all of Israel as Jesus preached and proclaimed the kingdom.  The world put out the light.  He was killed, only to rise into an eternal light that will always exist.  Jesus is risen.  He is the light of the world.  The gift remains.

However, mankind has changed.  “I am a secular mankind” it has proclaimed.  What does “secular” mean? It means a world that has decided to return to the darkness, as if I never gave birth to Jesus and as if he never redeemed the world or rose from the dead.

So, I address my words on this sacred night to the “secular person” and to the “secular culture” and to the “secular world”.  I say these words slowly and deliberately, so you can listen carefully, “Very, very soon events will happen and the secular world that you have created will face problems that cannot be solved.  Every secular solution will only multiply the problems.  Every secular leader will put forward nonsense, which is no solution at all.

Some will be defiant and march forward deeper into the problems.  They will be totally destroyed, proud men who are ignorant.  Others will be confused and hesitant.  Others will despair and give up hope.  Some, however, will hear my voice and my invitation to come close to me.  These I can save.

Why has the human race come to this point? Because it has decided to be secular, even militantly secular.  That is your choice.  As long as you cling to your choice, I can do nothing for you except to invite you to come to me for help.  I will never, never remove that invitation.

The Sacrament of Confession

December 26, 2012


With these words, I try again to call people to repentance.  I will be very specific and give clear direction.  The sacrament of repentance is confession of sins to a priest.  This sacrament has not changed and the necessity of using it has never been removed.  It contains all the helps needed to reform your life.  Use it monthly, if not more often.  This sacrament will bring about a true conversion in your life and you will be prepared for whatever lies ahead.


People languish along the roadside, like the man who fell in with robbers.  Jesus is the Good Samaritan who would gladly bind up their wounds and pay for their full recovery.  I speak to restore belief in the sacrament of confession.  Go to the priest.  Unburden your soul.  Confess your sins as best as you can.  I will guide the priest.  He will speak kind words and encourage you.  You will rise from your illness and we will walk together.  Hurry now.  The hour is late and you must not delay.

The Final Word

December 26, 2012


My heavenly Father always has the final word.  He allows men to speak and act.  Each person determines the role that they play.  However, only the Father has the final words.  After all have spoken and acted, when all have made their decisions, he intervenes, and brings the story to serve his glory and man’s well-being.

This is slow and often unseen, but the Father is always working his way into human life.  He asks some to help him.  When they fail to do so, he seeks out others, always pressing on to his goals.  Do not be fooled by his patience, nor be dismayed that he always waits for people to cooperate.  These are the means he will always use until the end of the world.


The year draws to a close but the problems carry over.  So soon, man will awaken to all the harm that has been caused this year.  However, the Father refuses to take away man’s free will or a nation’s free will.  He will attack the problems in his own way, by raising up those who hearts are firmly committed to the spread of his kingdom.  This coming year will be a time for raising up the most important of all leaders.

Bringing America To Its Knees

December 27, 2012


The chastisements result from the unrepented sins of the world.  They are the only remaining means that can purify.  They are used only when all else has failed, when mankind responds to no other voice, except to a total disruption of his normal activities.  When all activity is stopped in its tracks and when man is blocked in his daily life, then he is willing to listen.

This has happened many times, but America has not listened.  It has continued to march on its defiant path.  If what has happened in the past was not enough, what will be needed in the future? What will bring America to its knees in repentance?


For so long, America has walked away, now with an ever-quickening pace.  Before, people would at least question.  They would ask, “Is this the right path or are we offending God?” Now, all restraints have been shattered.  The question of God’s law, of “right or wrong” is not asked.  Man feels free, without any restraint, to do whatever is within his power.  What are the consequences of such decisions? The waters of sin pile up until the walls burst and no one can stop the floods.

America, the Rebellious Child

December 28, 2012


I want to speak of repentance, a turning back to God.  America has walked away.  It has chosen a path of sin.  This decision has been made many times by the officials whom it has elected.  By their public decisions, they have set America on a course that is at cross-purposes with God’s design.  America wants to go where God does not want it to go.  It is a rebellious child, unwilling to listen.  The country conceived with divine promise has forgotten its heritage and has exchanged it for another.  Only after much suffering and sorrow will I be able to recall America to its original greatness.


The sins are too numerous to mention and the number caught up in them grows every day.  Nothing is sacred to America.  All has been secularized.  Man places his hands on what is forbidden and says, “I can do this if I please”.  America has carved out a new religion.  She sacrifices to her contraceptives and worships at her abortion mills.  No divine laws are left standing.  All has been overturned.  How can America repent when it does not even know the way back to God?

Begin Again

December 29, 2012


Let us begin again.  That is always my invitation.  I am always ready to begin again and to start over.  No matter how many times a soul has walked away and offended me, I am always ready to begin again.  To you, reader, who have walked away so many times, I speak so clearly.  Return.  Come back.  I will begin again.  Even if your sins are scarlet red, I will make them white as snow.  It is never too late.  Never say, :”It is too late”.  While you still breathe.  While you still are alive, it is never too late.


Soon, this year will end and all will be history, part of a past that is completed.  But this is not so with me.  With me, all can be changed.  All can be forgiven.  All can be washed away.  If this has been a year of sin, come to me with tears in your eyes, and what you cannot change, I will change.  I will plead with my Son, Jesus, who always hears my prayers for forgiveness.

Shortening the Trial

December 30, 2012


I speak now to the discouraged soul who finds the burdens of life becoming too heavy for them.  By my words I want to lift up your hearts.  Do not take your eyes off of your heavenly riches.  No matter what burdens you carry on earth, this life will end.  The burdens are not forever.  Also, I promise to shorten every earthly trial.  I always do this for the elect, so that they can persevere.  Keep your eyes on heaven and I will shorten the trials of earth so that you never turn away.  This is my Divine Providence.


I must speak to the problems which so many experience because life has changed.  Evils have been introduced that never existed before.  Insecurity has invaded so many lives.  The very foundations of life seem to be shaking.  What can the average person do when the problems exist on such a grand scale?

I say this.  Even if the foundations collapse, I can still save those who trust in me.  Life will change.  Everything will be different but I still have the power to help and to console.  In all of the economic collapse, come to me.  In all of the shaking of the foundations, turn to me.  Let others turn to their own financial securities.  You turn to me.

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