The Face of Terrorism
(February 4 to February 12, 2015)
Terrorists With Fire In Their Hearts
February 4, 2015
The powers of terrorism have touched so many places and have been so openly displayed, that all are realizing the full extent and purpose of those who would shake the earth so they can control it. But what is seen is so small compared to what is hidden, and what has happened is so little compared to the full powers which they seek. So, I must speak again about the full and complete darkness of worldwide terrorism.
For years, they have grown, protected by a secrecy which they, themselves, fostered. Now, they grow by publicity and by events that are televised. Their many names are known everywhere. They have become a household word, known to all. Being known, they can more easily recruit. Being feared, they can more easily destabilize. Without lifting a finger or even having a plan they cause nations to spend millions on security, due only to fear of an attack. They enjoy power to cause fear, even when they have no power to cause destruction. All of this is on the surface and easily seen. I must go to the heart, what cannot be seen by eyes that think only in human terms.
Terrorism is Satan’s weapon, which he has carefully fostered for centuries, fueled by hatred, by poverty, by clashes of civilizations, by lies, by the interests of the rich, by mistakes of political leaders, by violence and by deaths. The Middle East and Northern Africa are cauldrons of boiling water which have just begun to overflow.
The West, as always, replies with weapons. However, the West does not experience the fire of peace in its heart like the terrorists experience the fire of hatred and destruction. So, this war is quite uneven. The West has the greater weapons but the terrorists have the greater fire in their hearts. So much more to say.
Comment: Our Lady asks if we are ready to look deeper, into our hearts. What does the West lack in its war on terrorism?
The Endless Fuel for the Fires
February 5, 2015
The very depths of hell are now opening up, endless depths that will continue to pour forth its fire, enveloping all. The world sees but does not understand. The fires have no reason. They follow no logical path. They are diabolical fires, guided by hell’s evil intelligence, kept hidden so they could grow, but now manifested so they can strike fear. Nations rush in, only to be burned by the fire, and later enveloped by it.
Mankind has never seen the like of this because the fire has endless fuel, the oil of hatred present in the hearts of millions of young Muslims who always nourished hope of a different life. Now, this life is seemingly offered to them through the radical groups that had been so marginal.
The events have caused these young people to face a decision. Their own societies are being split in two and they must decide. Destabilization of their cultures, a tearing away of existing structures, all of this I prophesied long ago.
Now, these endless fires, burning for so long beneath the surface, are seen by all, Muslim and non-Muslim. For many, these are fires burning in far away lands. For young Muslims, the fires have already entered their lives and are shaping their future. “Should I join the radicals? What other options are left to me?” These are the burning questions which every young Muslim must face. They are the constant fuel for these new fires.
Comment: Terrorism has roots in a Muslim culture and draws its constant fuel from the young.
Terrorist Groups United for Satan’s Goals
February 6, 2015
The wounds have festered. Now there is just one, gaping wound that has spread everywhere. All are being drawn in. Nothing remains as it used to be. New wounds, new deaths, new violence every single day. How much can the body take and sustain life? Never has anything been seen like this.
I speak today of the linking up of the terrorist groups and their joining forces. They do not need to have political unity to fulfill Satan’s commands. All act in the spirit of Sharia Law. All speak of Allah, of Jihad, of death to the infidel.
Many point out that rivalries exist between the groups but they miss the deepest unity. Although they vie among themselves, and at times destroy one another, they share the same evil intent. By their very diversity, they spread more quickly, each with their own plan and goals, each with their own inner structure. This is the genius of Satan who will continue to use this diversity, and even this enmity between the groups, to bring about more gaping wounds.
Suffering is Satan’s goal. Inflicting pain is his only choice. Who inflicts it or how it is administered is of little importance. He wants pain and suffering inflicted upon friend and foe alike.
Who can heal the wounds and quiet the anger? Can bullets and drones and airstrikes bring this about or, is the whole world caught up in an endless inflicting of pain, even in efforts to be of help? Until the West turns to heaven, there can be no solutions, but only a continuing downward spiral into hell’s sufferings. This is my view which I have spoken of so many times and in so many words.
Comment: Understanding the events demands an understanding of Satan’s true goals.
The Twisted Faith of the Terrorists
February 7, 2015
Let the whole picture come together so the face of terrorism can be seen by all. The evil is placed so deeply in the heart of their culture and has been nourished for so long a time, that superficial solutions cannot be effective.
The evil is rooted in their beliefs about Allah and what pleases him, in their faith that violence is Allah’s will, and that self-inflicted martyrdom gains eternal life. Who can erase these beliefs from their hearts? Who can turn them to the heavenly Father of Jesus, who preached just the opposite – non-violence, forgiveness and a martyrdom that was freely accepted at the hands of persecutors? The West has its weapons but has forgotten, lost, set aside, and, has often ridiculed its own faith. Now, it faces a foe who gathers its zeal from its beliefs, as distorted as they are.
Is it too late? Do we have any chance at all? These should be your questions. Instead you fight over policies and discuss strategies, when you should be talking about a return to faith. Do you even see the connection between the millions of your own unborn children whose blood you have shed and the blight of terrorism that now sheds your blood?? Do you at least see that you are trying to defeat a foe blinded by a false faith when you place no importance on clinging to your own true faith?
I say this now because as the face of terrorism becomes clearer and the extent of terrorism touches everyone, these questions will grow much more important.
Comment: The terrorists have faith, albeit a twisted one. The West has set aside its faith.
The Culmination of the Drama
February 8, 2015
Bombs, explosions, deaths on every side, peace talks, and failed negotiations – a constant cycle which now takes center stage. But what has not been seen in this unfolding drama?
What waits in the wings? You can see what is present. The future is hidden from your eyes.
I have said that the events would begin in 2015 and that all previous events were just a preparation. The events would then speed up, one after another, each one linked, each one the next act of the drama, until all comes to a conclusion. These are the present moments.
The curtain has opened. The drama has begun. Satan has written his script, prepared his actors, placed them in their positions and now actively guides their steps. He knows the story he has written, quite a different script from God’s original plan. He has the stage all to himself, having removed all those who would be able to oppose him. Only the Church remains, the one light that still shines, set aside by world leaders and rejected by so many.
This is my message. This drama of death, wars, terror, destruction, the division of countries, the millions who must flee their homes, the intense and useless sufferings, the failed plans, the weak initiatives, and the quick spread of evil will continue and become even more serious. If allowed to go to its conclusion and end according to Satan’s script, nothing would be left.
The only hope lies in the Church because there I will begin my intervention. I will enter this drama only through one door, the Roman Catholic Church. This will be evident to all. There will be signs from the very beginning, as clear as the sun rising. In the beginning, the world will only know that the Woman has begun to act. What I will do and how I will accomplish this will still be hidden. By that time, the darkness will be so great, that all will receive and welcome this rising sun. This hope and welcoming is extremely important. Then, I can accomplish all that I intend.
The vision has its time. The Fatima vision will be the culmination of the drama. The death of the pope, the bishops, priests, religious and laity in Jerusalem will be like a new Calvary, the greatest moment of darkness before the light of the resurrection. After the death of the pope, the forces of evil will be spent. The tides will be reversed and will flow in the opposite direction. I will have gained the victory, the purification of the human race in the most merciful way of all. The pope will take upon himself the sins of the world and relive the great mystery of the Lamb of God.
Comment: This locution is a very deep revealing of both the events and their meaning in God’s plan. Our Lady alludes to the saying in Habakkuk, “The vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment and will not disappoint. If it delays, wait for it. It will surely come, it will not be late” (2:3).
Satan’s Many Weapons
February 9, 2015
In this war, what will be held back? Nothing. This is the final battle, the culmination of centuries. When total victory is in sight, no need to plan for tomorrow. Everything and everyone goes into the war. Everything will be drawn in, like wooden houses in an enormous fire.
The focus is upon the Middle East, Russia, the Ukraine and Africa, but the sparks of the blaze have fallen also in Europe. With very few operatives, the terrorists have forced these nations to spend millions on security. This is money which they do not really have, money which they just print.
Satan does not fight his war with just weapons. A building can be destroyed by fire or by a collapse. It really doesn’t matter, because the building is useless. The economic collapse of the West is closer than anyone believes. The structures already shake. The burden of debt grows. The price of fighting terrorism increases. Satan links all of his evils.
He holds many different cards in his hands and he knows when and where to play them. His important ploy is surprise. He attacks whatever is not protected. He always has his enemies looking in the wrong direction.
Where terrorism works, he uses that. Where economic instability works, he uses that. Where fear and confusion work, he uses that. Where poverty dominates people’s lives, he uses that. How many cards he holds and how well he knows to play them.
Only heavenly wisdom understands him and only heavenly power can defeat him. That is why I must reveal Satan’s works. More and more battles will be lost until mankind learns to call upon heaven.
Comment: The world’s focus is upon the terrorists and Russia, but Our Lady warns that Satan uses many evils to gain his victory
The Day of Accounting
February 10, 2015
The costs are high and resources are stretched beyond the breaking point. Yet, this is only the beginning. There will be more and more money dedicated to weapons and security, and new walls that are meant to protect but will also limit freedom. Satan builds his pressure and extends his power. It has become impossible for leaders to keep their eyes on every aspect. The power to govern correctly slips from their hands with too many issues to confront at once.
These are the hidden problems which seep into a nation’s bloodstream and wear down the system. Who can take these into account? All just assume that a nation can absorb all of these burdens and not collapse.
Satan has many approaches. He knows well the weak links, the parts that cannot handle the coming burdens. He knows that the economies of the West operate on money that does not exist. In the Middle East he uses the fires of terrorism to quicken his victory. In the West, he uses spending to arrive more quickly to the day of accounting.
The days of accounting will soon come for the West. No country is an island. When the day of accounting arrives for one, it affects all. No country can divorce itself from the global economy.
O West, Satan turns his eyes to your economies. His terrorism has cost you millions, but that is not his most powerful weapon. Nations have become tired of austerity programs. They have rejected leaders who took them on that path. They have chosen others who, like true politicians, have promised what they cannot deliver. A confrontation, a tremendous clash, will cause a splintering and attempts to patch things together. The great economic weakness of the West will takes center stage.
Comment: While some terrorism attacks in Europe have gained the headlines, the greater problems lie in the weakened economies.
The One Who Wields the Key
February 11, 2015
How great the nations must struggle to maintain life and the security of their citizens. Strains appear everywhere. Violence within and violence from without. All is falling apart. Where are the rays of hope? Who even dreams of a brighter future, indeed if there is to be a future? Pain, panic, violence, fear, destruction, and a great uneasiness prevail. Darkness grows and hope dwindles.
Who appears on the scene as s savior? Who can be raised up? Many people will arise, trying to claim the mantle of savior, attempting to show that they are the one called to restore peace. I have reserved that role to the one who wields the key. I have not given it to another.
No one will rise up in his/her own powers. No one will climb the mountain and claim the fire of life. No one will be able to disperse the coming darkness. I will allow all the world leaders to fail. All will see that even those who have great nations at their command cannot quell the destructive fires. As these events, of every kind, spread their evil, world leaders will become helpless. The whole world will see the futility of their efforts.
Then, and only then, I will raise up my priest son who will wield the key; placed by me in his hands, my special son whom I have prepared for decades. I will bring him on the scene at the darkest moment. In him, the nations will place their hope and he will not disappoint because he is a child of Fatima.
When he assumes the Chair of Peter, the Fatima graces will be released and the great battle will begin. Until then, human responses will be of little avail.
Comment: Our Lady explains that there will be a total failure of world leaders to limit the present evil. Having seen their hopelessness, the world will rejoice when she raises up her priest son.
The Only Light in the Darkness
February 12, 2015
So, where does this road end? One day leads to another and one era opens out to the next, but where does this time of terror and destruction lead? That is still not determined. This year is still being lived out. Its legacy is far from final. Nothing is settled. The battle still rages. The forces are still being brought forth. Much is still hidden. In fact, most of what will happen still lies in the background. I have said this clearly. The events before 2015 have prepared for this year. From now until October 13, 2017, will be the decisive years. By then, the world will see either the great destruction or the great victory of the Woman Clothed With the Sun.
Clearly, not much time is left. During these years, the world leaders will walk in great darkness because their own hearts are not purified. They see no need to turn to heaven and they do not call upon the people to seek heaven’s aid. The people also are to blame for they have chosen sinful lifestyles, rejected religious faith, deliberately chosen secular goals, killed the unborn and walked in their own personal darkness.
America is to blame. The nation that I chose to be a light to the world and to bless the world by its abundance cannot even pay its own bills. I say all of this to convince everyone that the world leaders walk in their own darkness and are totally helpless to bring about the light.
Now, I come to the last remaining hope for the world, my Church, my Roman Catholic Church, with its pope and its Fatima powers. Catholics are so unaware that they, who have suffered so much and have been set aside by so many, hold within their Church the only light and power that can overcome the darkness. My message is so clear. Go back to Fatima. All the events, especially the darkest and more destructive events are meant to have one tremendous blessing. The Fatima light which has been hidden under the bushel basket of denial will finally be freed and set upon the lampstand.
Go to Fatima. Read the story. Believe the promises. Live the messages. Go to Medjugorje, for it shares in the great Fatima gift. As all the lights of the world go out, everyone will see that one candle remains that alone can light up the whole world. The proud and the mighty cannot understand the wisdom of God. This is only revealed to the little ones.
Comment: Our Lady provides a clear summary of her basic messages.
Terrorists With Fire In Their Hearts
February 4, 2015
The powers of terrorism have touched so many places and have been so openly displayed, that all are realizing the full extent and purpose of those who would shake the earth so they can control it. But what is seen is so small compared to what is hidden, and what has happened is so little compared to the full powers which they seek. So, I must speak again about the full and complete darkness of worldwide terrorism.
For years, they have grown, protected by a secrecy which they, themselves, fostered. Now, they grow by publicity and by events that are televised. Their many names are known everywhere. They have become a household word, known to all. Being known, they can more easily recruit. Being feared, they can more easily destabilize. Without lifting a finger or even having a plan they cause nations to spend millions on security, due only to fear of an attack. They enjoy power to cause fear, even when they have no power to cause destruction. All of this is on the surface and easily seen. I must go to the heart, what cannot be seen by eyes that think only in human terms.
Terrorism is Satan’s weapon, which he has carefully fostered for centuries, fueled by hatred, by poverty, by clashes of civilizations, by lies, by the interests of the rich, by mistakes of political leaders, by violence and by deaths. The Middle East and Northern Africa are cauldrons of boiling water which have just begun to overflow.
The West, as always, replies with weapons. However, the West does not experience the fire of peace in its heart like the terrorists experience the fire of hatred and destruction. So, this war is quite uneven. The West has the greater weapons but the terrorists have the greater fire in their hearts. So much more to say.
Comment: Our Lady asks if we are ready to look deeper, into our hearts. What does the West lack in its war on terrorism?

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