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The Economic Collapse

(September 1 to September 4, 2015)

An Evil in Man’s Bloodstream

September 1, 2015


My words grow serious because the time is so short. I am not speaking of nuclear war but of the shaking of the established order of life. Many cracks appear, but with a crack the wall continues to function and life goes on. A collapse changes the order of things and claims everyone’s attention. Life cannot go on as usual. All is disrupted. The pieces must be picked up and put together again so life can continue as usual.

This is what the world desires – that life go on as before. However, life cannot continue in this way. An economic reckoning awaits the nations. There have already been little shakings, which are called “correcting the markets.” Would that your markets were able to be corrected!

The problems lie in the spirit of mankind and in the world leaders who have allowed this economic system to be formed by selfish interests and to move out from under God’s wisdom. The wisdom of man is folly and his greatest folly surrounds greed and money.

I look at the whole world and I see danger spots everywhere, arising from evil decisions made decades ago and multiplied in recent years. Now, I must speak to this issue, serious words, spoken to my children who will also be caught up in this collapse.

I can prevent nuclear war and if the Church turns to my Immaculate Heart, I will show the way to world peace. That is a future issue. The economic collapse is a different question.
Millions of selfish and deceitful decisions have led to this moment. It is not a question of one nation or one leader. Every nation and people have shared in this evil. The problem is in man’s bloodstream. All I can do is to alleviate the suffering. I will be with you in every possible way when the collapse comes.

Comment: Our Lady’s words grow much more serious. As always, she promises her presence and her help.

The Coming Economic Collapse

September 2, 2015


There is no more delay. These events are at hand, already unfolding before your eyes. All see the shaking of the markets. Many try to analyze and to understand. Causes are assigned and steps are taken to stabilize and to shore up. However, the deeper layers of the economy do not provide a solid foundation. The foundations themselves are weak and ready to collapse.

Who understands the many flaws in the worldwide economies? Who has the resources to stabilize the hidden foundations upon which everything else depends? This is impossible. So, the collapse cannot be avoided. All realize that it is a matter of time. Sooner or later? Near at hand or far away? These are the questions. Dare I speak about them? I always, always think of my children.

Sometimes, in her great love, a mother speaks. At times, she keeps silent. At other times, she just says a few words. I do not speak as an economist, but as a mother. I speak so you know that I will be with you. I can no longer hold back my words. The foundations can no longer support the weight of world debt. The past decisions to constantly postpone the needed actions and to cover over financial responsibilities are about to have their effects. There will be a collapse. The weight is too heavy.

I will be present to all my children. I will not hold back the light needed for their decisions. I will pour out hope to sustain them. When my children see the new reality, they will no longer be blinded by their fascination with the world. Their inner light of faith will mean everything to them. They will also have my words as their daily guide in the darkness.

Comment: Our Lady is reluctant to speak these words. Yet, she must speak for her children’s welfare.

The Pope’s Visit and the Collapse

September 3, 2015


I cannot say that the economic collapse is distant when really it is near, or that it will be short when really it will be long, or that it will be easy, when really it will be quite difficult. Only truth gives the light needed for hope. So, I will now speak words of truth.

This collapse has been a long time in coming, preceded by many incidents that should have awakened the world. God is not the cause of the collapse and the collapse is not a divine chastisement. The collapse comes because of man’s free will and the choices he has made. The collapse has no purpose. It results from purposeless decisions made from self-interest.

The collapse will not come before Pope Francis comes to America but it will happen while he is in America. I deliberately brought the Pope to America, the world’s financial center, to be here when it takes place. I want him to be part of the picture. I want him to be present. His presence in America will be my sign that the Church is very important in saving mankind from its own follies. Toward the end of his trip, he will have to shift his message and address the new world situation. In this way, I will begin to exalt the Church as a beacon of light in the darkness.

During September, Congress will be voting on the Iran treaty. Terrorism and economic difficulties are the twin evils which will mark the years ahead. All of these good and evil forces, papacy, economic collapse and nuclear war will be merged in a single unforgettable moment, as they all come together in September, 2015.

Comment: This is an extraordinary locution.

A Flood – But Not Noah’s

September 4, 2015


A change will come over the whole world. Many will be confused. World leaders will not know what to do. The full extent of the collapse will not be realized at first. Like a flood that claims more and more of the dry ground, people will think that they are safe from its effects. Then, they realize that the flood claims them and their homes.

I hate to speak of this. Yet, it is important for my words to go forth. So much of human life will be touched by these waters of debt. Even so, some areas of the economy will continue, even though it is serious. This collapse is not like the floods of Noah that covered the whole earth.

Most important, how will mankind respond? Will the bankers again tinker with the books? A change here, a change there and all will be as it used to be. Such will be their wisdom but my words go much deeper.

This collapse will offer to the world a great invitation, while there is still time. A new reality will set in. Mankind will have a new perspective. Many, many will just continue as before, cursing what has happened and intent on restoring the previous order. Others will be more perceptive, especially as they listen to my words.

“This is not the time to rebuild but to repent. It is not the time to build new economic skyscrapers but to lay a new foundation of faith deep within. It is time to restore the structures of faith. This collapse will not be the end but it will be a final warning. Other warnings have not been heeded. This warning, you must listen to.”

I have so much to teach. I do not expect you to understand on your own! I do expect you to act according to the words I give you.

Comment: Our Lady gives two truths. The floods of this collapse will be extensive but they are not the floods of Noah which destroyed the whole earth.

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