Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Culture of Confusion

(September 29 to October 3, 2012)

The Burden of Sins

September 29, 2012


Trials and sufferings burden mankind and make it difficult for him to turn his eyes to God for help.  I continually speak of heaven’s helps but man is unable even to lift up his head.  This is the plight of mankind.  He needs heaven’s help but he is burdened.  I come, therefore, to ease this pain and to lift these burdens.  After I complete my work, man will be able to look upward and receive.  Let us begin.

The first problem is the great burden that man puts upon himself.  He burdens himself with sins.  He chooses some present delight and does not see that he stores up a burden of debt.  Now, this burden of sins crushes him.  This is where I must begin.  Repent.  Go to confession.  Get freed of the burdens.  Heaven’s helps seem so impossible to you because sin is your master and holds its foot on your neck.  It need not be so.  You can never repay your debt but you can quickly get it cancelled.  Begin there.

A Blinded Will

September 30, 2012


Man’s second problem is confusion.  No longer knowing right from wrong, man chooses his own way quite blindly.  Passions and disorderly tendencies push man away from truth.  Once man allows the lower appetites to gain control, he never wants to hear this voice of conscience.  He loses all interest in trying to know what is right.  This is the second burden of modern man.

A Deformed Culture

October 1, 2012


The third burden of modern man is the culture which has so quickly moved from a Christian to a secular and even to a diabolical culture.  Values are upside down.  Self-expression is valued over self-control (when the former is so easy and the latter is so difficult).  Moral norms are pushed aside.  They are seen as belonging to a former age which supposedly did not understand.  The former age understood all too well.  It is modern man who has been cut loose from truth and is afloat in a morass.

Culture should form and shape.  Modern culture deforms and distorts.  Modern man has lost his rich heritage and does not sense that he is poor.  He does not know to search to regain what has been stolen from him.  That is why I speak.

Thou Shalt Not

October 2, 2012


Who else points out a true path? Who else leads mankind upward to the heavens? What voices are being raised? I must speak clearly.

Truth requires a great struggle.  Truth is like a hill that can be climbed only at a cost.  Truth must be woven into life.  Truth must be lived.  Thousands of decisions for truth must be made, small decisions and big decisions.  If the small ones are neglected, the big ones will never happen.  Truth is to live in light.

Many do not want the light.  They prefer darkness and do not want the truth to challenge their style of life.  Man wants to do what he wants to do.  He does not want a clear voice saying, “Thou shalt not”.  Every person, at some moment, needs to hear the words, “What you want to do, what you would prefer to do, you are not allowed to do”.  Happy the man who hears those words and restrains his selfish desires.  He has saved himself great agony.

An Invitation To A Straight Road

October 3, 2012


Now, let me come to the end.  Mankind can be saved only by light and by truth.  These two qualities do not allow the person to wander from the path of life and they do not allow for selfish desires.  They point out a road that is straight and narrow.  Every other road leads to darkness, confusion and death.  Darkness because the person has no guide.  Confusion because all becomes subjective.  Death because that road leads away from the living God.  Take my hand.  We will walk my road and I will always be with you.

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