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The Conclave

(February 21 to February 22, 2013)

The New Spirit of the Conclave

February 21, 2013


The whole world waits in expectancy for the news.  Who will be the new pope? They scan the lists of the cardinals to see who is “Popabile” (able to be pope).  This is the normal way to proceed.  Even the cardinals will review in their minds the needed qualities of the pope, his age, his health, his background and experience.  They will assess the needs of the Church and weigh the “pros” and “cons”.  This is their responsibility and they will fulfill it well.

However, as the conclave begins, they will be caught up in a new spirit.  Their previous thinking will be set aside.  A whole new list of values will be put before them.  They will reject many of their former thoughts because the Spirit is breathing his wisdom into their hearts.  (That is where true wisdom resides – in the heart).  As many are caught up in the new actions, something very unique will happen in their hearts.  They will have a new face of the pope, a new idea of what they should look for in a pope.  Some candidates that they thought were strong will be seen as lacking.  Other candidates whom they had never considered will seem quite plausible.  All of this will be the beginning and important action of my Spirit.


The Mystery of the Conclave

What a mystery! The cardinals will enter this mystery.  Some will enter the mystery fully.  They will come to the center of the mystery.  They will see all the truths and all the ramifications.  They will have full and perfect wisdom for this conclave.  There will be just a few of them.  Their hearts will be fixed on me and will have been prepared by me because of their deep devotion to me for so many decades.

Others will enjoy great wisdom and see many parts of my choice, but the great mystery will not be given to them.  They must be humble and recognize that they see much but do not see everything.  They must recognize those cardinals whom I have chosen.  They must stand with these cardinals and look to them for wisdom in their decisions.  If they do this, they will forever share in the glory of having chosen the pope of my Immaculate Heart.

Other cardinals will share partially in the mystery.  They are cardinals of good will who have allowed some parts of their spiritual call to come forth.  Many of these will have great difficulty in grasping what I am doing and in opening themselves up to a new action of the Spirit.  However, even to these I hold out the greatest of life’s opportunities – to share in an election of a pope who will by my special son and will guide the Church through its darkest hour.

Finally, there are some whom I cannot invite into the mystery.  I must say this openly.  They have closed their hearts to me.  They have rejected me, not just once or twice, but time and again.  They have set me aside and denied my rightful prerogatives.  I will not name them.  They know who they are.  I will not condemn them.  I am merely saying that when the time comes, they will be totally unable to be swept up into this mystery.  Yet, even here I will not close the door.  If they repent, even in the secrecy of their own heart, I will gladly accept them and give them, also, a role in this great mystery that will shape the future of the world.  Otherwise, I can only have them stand outside of the mystery.

Furthermore, if any cardinal decides to actively oppose this mystery, I will cut him off entirely.  He will experience only the darkness of the night that he himself has chosen.  I have spoken clearly.  Let the cardinals read this before they enter the conclave.

The Conclave – An Integral Part of History

February 22, 2013


I am coming closer to the world than ever before.  The more the world rejects me, the closer I will come.  However, the results of my coming will vary according to the dispositions of the world.  When a father comes to a rebellious child, he must confront, and sometimes even chastise.  When he comes to a loving child, he can pick the child up in a loving embrace.

Mankind must decide whether it will be a rebellious or a loving child.

The conclave does not stand alone, as an isolated event, detached from all the rest of human history.  The conclave is integral to history, just as the Chair of Peter, for all these centuries, has shared in and has formed human history.  That role of the pope will continue.

The role of the new pope will be more integrated and more central to human history than any other pope.

I speak so simply, yet so seriously.  The conclave and the choice of the pope is one part of the whole picture of history.  The cardinals must expect that my hand will be upon this conclave more than any other.  I need to awaken them.  They must be drawn into supernatural wisdom so they cast their ballots correctly.  Even more, they must bring supernatural wisdom into their discussions with other cardinals.  The whole conclave must think supernaturally.  I will come.  I will find the cardinals to be either rebellious children who want to put forward their candidate, or loving children who seek only the candidate of the heavenly Father.


Mary’s Conclave

I ask the cardinals, for a moment, to set aside all of their calculations, to settle their minds and to come before me.  If they do this, I will speak to them as a loving mother.

Listen attentively.  I have a special son in my heart.  He is hidden from you.  Just who he is you do not know.  I want you to go about your discussions as cardinals have always done.  I see your efforts to prepare yourself.  I see the seriousness with which you take this burden, this charge that has fallen upon you.  Do what cardinals normally do.  Do not grow anxious.  I ask only your normal human cooperation.

Now I come to my special request.  What is important is not all the knowledge that you can acquire in these days, but the spirituality in your heart.  Time and again, look to that life of devotion.  Plunge yourself into the solitude of prayer.  Come aside often, giving far more time to the Blessed Sacrament than you have ever done in your life.  I will meet you there.

Your heavenly mother will prepare you for her task.  This conclave is not your task, it is mine.

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