Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Secrets of the Immaculate Heart

(July 4 to July 10, 2015)

Revealing God’s Plan

July 4, 2015


I want to reveal the great powers and blessings which come from my heart. No mind, human or angelic, can grasp these mysteries by which the heavenly Father sent His Son into my womb. The Son, himself, deposited greater mysteries and, in the fullness of time, the Spirit himself completed the gifts. Like a loving mother, I kept all these treasures, not losing a single grace.

In these little locutions, I give only the smallest hint of what lies buried within me. Yet, even these few words will turn every mind to the light.
First, I see the Father’s plan for the whole world and for each individual person. No one, even the greatest saints, can grasp the fullness of His desires and all that He wishes to do.

Who can know the mind of God? Who can understand what He desires for His children? His light would be too bright and His love too overpowering. He places everything in my heart, so I can reveal His plan like a mother, piece by piece, part by part, in ways that the children can be fed.

Children of the Locutions, come to me and I will reveal God’s plan for your lives. I will reveal His love (so inexpressible!). You will see without being blinded. You will accept without being overwhelmed.

If you have walked in my light for years, I will provide greater light. If you have lived in darkness and sin, I will release a gentle light which will attract you to goodness. Come, everyone. If only you saw the Father’s plan, you would say, “I have found the true light. I have discovered why I was created. I have finally found the path of life.”

I promise this to all who come to me. These secrets are meant to be revealed. This light must go forth. You are beginning to understand. Jesus has placed all of God’s treasures in my Immaculate Heart to be given to the whole world.

Comment: Our Lady is always easy to approach and she holds all of God’s favors for us.

Words amid the Bloodshed

July 5, 2015


There must be an end to all wars and a path to peace that can come only from my heart. I hate violence and I treasure every person who comes forth from God’s creative hands. No one should have their blood shed by another. Yet, this has been so since Cain killed Abel and the earth for the first time tasted blood.

Now, the earth is filled with the blood of the slain. Lives which should have produced good fruit are cut down like trees in their youth. Do I not sorrow to see these wars? What is my sorrow in what I see lying ahead? Are there answers to the violence? Can anyone foresee an end? Just the opposite. More and more nations are caught in the web of destruction. Wars, clashes, and terrorism grow on every side. Structures of peace and order collapse. No place is safe, not even America. In the midst of all this bloodshed, I will speak from my heart.

The usual cause of war was a disagreement, a dispute that flared into violence. These were the tribal wars. Then nations came into existence and wars became wars of self-interest and expansion. Yet, even these wars could be ended, contained and concluded with a peace agreement. The wars began and ended. Peace returned and lives were restored to normal. These were conventional wars, understood by all.

Now, violence has gone viral. Who is the enemy? What uniform does he wear? Where is the fighting taking place? Who are his generals? Where is his capital? Wars have taken on an entirely new life, flowing into the bloodstream of mankind. How can violence be purged without the death of mankind itself?

I want you to understand. Foolish mankind, you cannot save yourself, but you have a heavenly Mother who has not forgotten you. Let everyone come to me. Let everyone be filled with my wisdom. I will be your general. I know how to defeat the Evil One. I only need children who listen and act on my words.

Comment: Our Lady gives an accurate description of these new wars of terrorism.

The Greek Vote and the Iran Treaty

July 6, 2015


The die will be cast when the decisions are finalized. There will be no turning back. The events in Greece and the nuclear treaty with Iran will begin the next phase of the darkness.
Now, I must use different words, “soon” and “imminent.” How often I have spoken of the world plunging into darkness and of the timetable always being moved up. I have not held back my light. I have spoken clearly.

Now, my words change. With these two events, walls of protection will crumble and security will suddenly be removed. There is no power to contain the two evils of economic chaos and terrorist violence.

How often I have spoken of the evil boiling beneath the surface, which will inevitably flow over somewhere and somehow. These two events are the greatest boiling over that have so far taken place.

The disorders flowing from Greece will be evident, but the evil flowing from Iran is much deeper and more important. The Middle East will never be the same. Powerful Iran will have a treaty to wave in the face of its enemies and, more important, a written guarantee to delight its friends.

No one ever conceived this as possible, such has been the foolishness of America. Israel never dreamed that she would be scorned and Iran would be chosen.

Great and unimaginable evil lies behind this treaty. All is cleverly hidden from the eyes of America. The treaty is no treaty at all. It is really a linking of America to Iran, filled with the hope that Iran will become the great power in the Middle East and America will be its friend. Such are the delusions brought about by the Evil One.

Israel, O Israel! The world powers have forsaken you but I have always had my eyes upon you. I am your daughter. However, the events will quickly unfold by which you will also see that I am your mother. As you see and experience the power of my protective mantle over you, you will also accept my Son, Jesus. Only then, can peace go forth from Jerusalem.

Comment: Our Lady calls the Iran treaty a greater problem than the Greek economic difficulties. The two evils of Greece and Iran are turning points.

The Present Plight of Mankind

July 7, 2015


Before going further, we must stop and see what is taking place. On the world stage, light seems to claim no victories while darkness spreads with little resistance. Leaders are helpless and their efforts only multiply the darkness.

Like multiple fighters in the same ring intent on destroying each other, all the world has become a clash of selfish interests. This problem will multiply as people realize the shortage of resources. There is no one answer because there is no one problem. The entire landscape is filled with lightning points where interests clash.

So often I have tried to explain what is not seen, the hidden forces behind the scenes. Modern man has walked away from these beliefs. The supernatural world lies in his intellectual trash bin. Mankind has rejected the saving wisdom which should have guided these centuries, and has enthroned instead his own goddess of reason. Oh, modern man, look where reason without faith, intelligence without hope, and knowledge without love have led you. You thought that you had “come of age” when, in fact, you had regressed to a world shorn of the light of Jesus.

What will I do with you? How in the world can I help you? You are so entangled, so complicated, so intertwined, so vulnerable, so helpless in the face of the spreading darkness.
Your wounds are so gaping and the fever of your illnesses climbs quickly.
These are my words. Believe them and act on them. You must let all these events preach to you.

They will be my preachers. They will remind you of the faith you have spurned and of the religious practices that you have left behind. They will call good people to fervor. They will set captives free from the chains of unbelief. I promise to use these events. Millions will turn to me, especially as I raise up the one I have chosen. In him, I have placed all my wisdom.
Comment: Our Lady gives a total overview of what we all experience every day.

Mankind at a Tipping Point

July 8, 2015


How small and tiny are my words compared to the greatness of the problems and the darkness which fills the world. Yet, anyone with faith will believe that my words, my plans and my actions will save the world. I must, therefore, speak of the future so my children understand.

Do not expect me to openly intervene by great visions to world leaders or by great miracles that turn back the violence. Do not expect me to sweep over the world and, in one day, return all to sanity and peace. These actions are too apocalyptic, reserved for Jesus’ final coming.

My plans are not for a final coming, but for a drawing of all creation into a heavenly reality, for a restoration of earth and a continuing of human history. Obviously that history is being challenged by the greatest evils that have ever existed. Mankind is at a tipping point, when life suddenly might go from light to darkness, from order to chaos. These are not apocalyptic words as if some heavenly power is about to chastise. These are earthly words, the daily realities that fill the news.

What will take place? The events will preach to all who care to listen. The true state of affairs will become evident to all. I am speaking now, before all the events happen, so my words can be recorded and believed. They will be believed more after the events than before.
Even then, it will not be too late. However, the time is very, very short. I prophesied that 2015 would be the year for the beginning of the events and that October 13, 2017 (the 100th anniversary of Fatima) is a very important date. So, you can see that history is moving quickly into this time period.

I would speak to different groups. To you who know me and love me, whom I call Children of the Locutions, now is the time for the greatest fervor. Your families must grow and your children must experience joys, but you also must gather much more for family prayer and daily devotions. You must examine your lifestyles and act according to the words of St. Paul, “I tell you brothers, time is running out. For the world in its present form is passing away” (1Cor.7:29-31). I will be with you in your quest for a deeper life of faith.

To all the others, I say this. Let these events preach to you. You have been blinded by the world and its passing glory. Let the events help you, now, to see that the world in its present form is passing away. If you but ask, I will come to you and show you my new path for your life.

Comment: Our Lady is speaking of events that all can see taking place. Through these events, many will see a need for faith.

Two Years to Stir the World to Faith

July 9, 2015


With each passing day, the hopes and dreams of my heart are crushed. The image of God in man and in history is twisted beyond recognition. A new image arises which has nothing to do with the face of Jesus. It is born out of selfishness and violence, from a human reasoning devoid of faith.

The diabolical fire finds so many houses as fit wood for the flames. The floods find so many homes built upon sand. What is happening now has been prepared for by many centuries.
Everything began in man’s heart. As the modern world was built, reason set aside truth.

Greed, avarice, raw political power and wars shaped everything. Now, comes the culmination. Mankind is trapped. He has foolishly chosen a road that leads nowhere. He is surrounded by his enemies and has cut off the supply lines of heaven. He has left the Father’s house and has lost even his memory of how to return. He believes that technology can save him. However, technology only makes him more vulnerable, multiplying what can go wrong. Is there any answer? Any hope?

Any way to salvation?
The forces that have already been unleashed have quickly devoured parts of the globe and threaten human life everywhere. Political and economic structures are tottering and efforts to save them will fail. What will be the results of these events? Will mankind continue to look to his own powers and fail? Or, will mankind choose a different direction? Will it turn to heaven? Will it ask, “Why have I left my Father’s house?”

So much depends upon these two years. Is it possible to stir the whole world back to faith? Is it possible to rekindle millions of hearts that have grown cold? Is it possible to save the world from its present path of darkness? Let the word go forth from these little locutions.

Everything is possible but the surrender to heaven must be deep. The turning to me must be complete and without compromise. Begin with Sunday, the Lord’s Day. Why are your stores open?
Why does your secular world steal God’s day? Every evil has come to America because it has robbed God of the day He claimed for His own.

Comment: It is late, yet Mary promises extraordinary help but only with a profound conversion that must begin with restoring Sunday to God.

Human History Entrusted to Mary’s Heart

July 10, 2015


I have opened my heart and shared my secrets. Everyone sees my sorrow and my hope. I must constantly repeat my basic message. The only path to avoid the annihilation of the nations lies in my Immaculate Heart.

Foreseeing all of these modern evils and wanting to save the world through Jesus Christ, the Father has entrusted this part of human history to my heart. He has done this to bring forth a new moment in Jesus’ kingdom, a time of the greatest blessings.

Jesus would offer a new gift to mankind, rekindling the original flame of the Holy Spirit and drawing all into the bosom of the Catholic Church. This promise seems impossible, given the divisions of the churches and the great loss of faith. Yet, the heavenly Father intended these blessings and I promised them at Fatima when I spoke of worldwide conversion and a new era of peace. These were not vain or idle words. They were serious promises.

Seeing this new era of the Father’s plan, Satan gathered his armies and boldly marched forth, taking the field first, almost totally unopposed. The Father’s plan was not acted on because my words were set aside, even including the grave warnings of future disasters.

What has happened? Fatima’s warnings about disaster are being fulfilled and the promises are not. Yet, the promises still hold. Their powers remain and wait to be released. I do not speak powerless words or give empty promises. I reveal heaven’s plan and bring forth heaven’s secrets. It is late. Much ground has been lost but massive battles lie ahead. The Church must immerse itself in Fatima and in heaven’s promises. This is the only path to victory and to world peace.

Comment: This locution summarizes and completes the revelation of Mary’s secrets.

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