Hail Holy Queen Prayer
Prayers of the Holy Rosary

The Hail Holy Queen Prayer (or Salve Regina) is a powerful Catholic prayer asking the Blessed Virgin for help and intercession. It honors Mary as the Mother of Mercy and seeks her guidance as Catholics journey through life. This queen prayer is often prayed at the end of the Rosary, reminding the faithful of Mary’s role as their mother and advocate.
This holy queen prayer expresses the struggles of life, calling this world a “valley of tears.” It reflects on human suffering but also points to hope in Christ. Catholics ask Mary to turn her eyes of mercy toward them and lead them to her Son, Jesus. The Hail Holy Queen is not just a prayer of devotion but also a reminder that Catholics are not alone in their struggles.
Hail Holy Queen Prayer
Hail, holy Queen,
Mother of Mercy!
Our life, our sweetness, and our hope!
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley, of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious Advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus;
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Pray for us,
O Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
What Does "Hail Holy Queen" Mean?
The first words of the Hail Holy Queen prayer honor Mary as the Queen of Heaven. The word “hail” is a greeting of respect. It is the same word the Angel Gabriel used when he greeted Mary at the Annunciation:
“And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” (Luke 1:28)
By saying “hail,” Catholics acknowledge Mary’s high place in God’s plan. She is not just any woman; she is the holy Queen chosen by God to bring Jesus into the world.
Mary, as the Mother of Mercy
The Hail Holy Queen prayer calls Mary the “Mother of Mercy.” This title reminds Catholics that God’s mercy was made known through her. Through her womb, the Blessed Virgin gave birth to Jesus, who is the source of Divine Mercy.
In the Gospel of Luke, Mary sings:
“And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him.” (Luke 1:50)
Mary carried the Lord in her womb and brought salvation to the world. She continues to show mercy by praying for sinners and leading them to Christ.
Why Do We Call Ourselves "Poor Banished Children of Eve"?
The Hail Holy Queen describes Catholics as “poor banished children of Eve.” This refers to the Fall of Man in Genesis. When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost paradise and brought suffering into the world. Because of this, life on earth is full of mourning, weeping, and sighs.
“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth, out of which thou wast taken.” (Genesis 3:19)
The prayer reminds Catholics that they live in a fallen world, but there is hope. Mary, the new Eve, leads people back to God through her Son, Jesus Christ.

"This Valley of Tears" – Why Life is Full of Suffering
The phrase “valley of tears” describes the pain and struggles of life. It comes from Psalm 83:7 (84:6 in modern Bibles):
“In the vale of tears, in the place which he hath set.”
Life is not always easy. People face sickness, loss, and hardships. The holy queen prayer acknowledges this suffering but also reminds the faithful that Mary is with them. She understands pain and sorrow, and she prays for her children in their struggles.
Mary, as Our Advocate Before God
In the Hail Holy Queen prayer, Catholics call Mary their “gracious Advocate.” An advocate (someone who speaks on behalf of another) is like a defense lawyer. Mary intercedes for sinners and prays for them before the Lord.
At the Wedding at Cana, Mary showed her role as an advocate when she asked Jesus to help the hosts who had run out of wine. She told the servants:
“Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.” (John 2:5)
Just as she interceded for the couple at Cana, Mary continues to pray for her children today.
"Turn Thine Eyes of Mercy Toward Us" – Asking for Mary's Help
The Hail Holy Queen prayer asks Mary to turn her eyes of mercy toward the faithful. This means looking with kindness and compassion. Mary is not distant—she watches over her children with a loving heart.
Catholics believe that just as a mother watches over her children, Mary watches over them. She prays for them and leads them to God.
"After This Our Exile, Show Us Jesus" – The Goal of the Christian Life
The holy queen prayer ends with a powerful request:
“After this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.”
Life on earth is temporary. Catholics are on a journey toward Heaven. Mary helps guide them to their final goal—eternal life with Christ.
St. Paul reminds the faithful:
“For we have not here a lasting city, but we seek one that is to come.” (Hebrews 13:14)
By praying the Hail Holy Queen, Catholics ask Mary to lead them safely to Jesus in Heaven.
The Final Petition: "Pray for Us, O Holy Mother of God"
The prayer ends by asking Mary to pray that the faithful may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. This means living a holy life and staying close to God.
Mary always points to Jesus. As she told the servants at Cana, she tells all believers:
“Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5)
By following Christ, with the help of the Blessed Virgin, Catholics can receive the rewards of Heaven.

Why Pray the Hail Holy Queen?
The Hail Holy Queen prayer is a prayer of trust in Mary’s intercession. It helps Catholics remember:
- Life is full of mourning, weeping, and sighs, but there is hope in Christ.
- Mary is a loving mother who prays for her children.
- The goal of life is to see Jesus face-to-face in Heaven.
This queen prayer is a reminder that no one walks alone. Mary, the Mother of Mercy, is always near, leading the faithful to her Son.

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In addition, you can explore our dedicated webpage, All Prayers of the Rosary, where you’ll find each prayer clearly listed and explained.
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Charles Rogers is a resident of South Carolina and a retired computer programmer by trade. Raised in various Christian denominations, he always believed in Jesus Christ. In 2012, he began experiencing authentic spiritual encounters with the Blessed Virgin Mary, which led him on a seven-year journey at her hand, that included alcohol addiction, a widow maker heart attack and death and conversion to the Catholic Faith. He is the exclusive author and owner of Two Percent Survival, a website dedicated to and created in honor of the Holy Mother. Feel free to email Charles at twopercentsurvival@gmail.com.

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