Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Safeguarding Human Freedom

(April 17 to April 24, 2014)

Against the One World Order

April 17, 2014


When did this begin, the moment when the course of world events no longer lies in the hands of mankind? Man has never been able to decide his own history. Unforeseen events have always happened but these did not affect what man could decide. Parts of the world remained in his control and the human race would reestablish a center of order and culture.

Before this century, there never existed a truly world-wide power. Various empires rose up that conquered parts of the world but much of human life was beyond their control. How the heavenly Father loves the diversity of nations and peoples! These guarantee the future of the human race. He wanted man to spread out, over the entire globe so no one person or one power could ever gain complete control. He guaranteed this at the tower of Babel with the multiplicity of languages.

Now, a one world order is emerging. Nations give up their uniqueness to enjoy a greater share in the world’s goods. The growing crisis will only hasten this process which Satan is ready to use. As the one world order begins, the heavenly Father’s plan for the diversity of the nations will be reversed. All will come together but not to celebrate the banquet of the Lamb. The world will become like an army, trapped with nowhere to go, an easy prey for its enemies.

These are powerful forces that already are causing profound changes. Satan’s crises will be used as proof and excuses that mankind must hurry – this path of one world order, one government, one currency. “Nations can no longer survive on their own”, they will say. “National currencies and natural interests must be sacrificed”.

I say all of this so the Church understands that these worldwide forces will sweep the Church itself into its stream. When will the Church understand.? Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun can stop the creation of a one world order and bring about God’s original plan of diversity. Nations will flourish in their diversity as they truly help one another and allow each nation to retain its sovereignty.

God’s plan and the world’s plan are totally at odds. The world’s plan is Satan’s ploy. He wants a total, worldwide destruction which he can accomplish in one swoop if only he destroys God’s diversity. Only the Woman can thwart his plans.

Comment: This locution gives a powerful overview of Satan’s plan and reveals where he is leading the world through his individual, destructive events.

Satan’s Leaders

April 18, 2014


A tunnel of darkness lies ahead which mankind must not enter. Oh, how Satan wants the world to enter his tunnel. It will seem like the perfect solution to all the crises and events.

The tunnel will be a leader whom Satan will raise up. I will explain his methods, which he is now using in the Ukraine and elsewhere.

First, he destabilizes a region. He causes unrest and protests. He causes sufferings and shortages that cause people to grow dissatisfied. When he brings a group or a people to this point, he leads on to the scene a leader whom he has prepared. Even though people have many reservations, they willingly accept this leader, believing that he will end their hardships.

The is the formula he used in Russia to raise up Putin and the formula which Putin uses to gain the Ukraine and other places.

Right now, the West does not experience hardships like the Ukraine. Satan’s powerful destabilizing action has not yet been fully released. However, events will begin, one after another, that will shake the West. Be assured, that Satan already has his leaders prepared to come forth. They are hidden now but, at the right moment, they will begin to proclaim themselves as the saviors. Each one in a different place on a different situation.

People will surrender their freedoms and will accept a leadership that they would easily have rejected in more stable moments. This was the path taken by Hitler and many others. People forfeited their independence and their human rights to gin a stability. Instead they entered Satan’s tunnel and could not turn back. Only in the future, will Satan’s greatest leader arise. He will not be national or regional. He will be international and worldwide. It will always be the same formula. Worldwide unrest and a leader who promises to be the solution, but is really Satan’s tunnel.

I want to avoid all of this. I spell this out so the whole world is enlightened. Do not give up your God-given rights. Do not be drawn into false alliances. Foster diversity. Stand alone. Refuse to accept unworthy leaders, no matter what they promise or no matter how desperate is the situation.

People rightly ask, “How can we resist? How can we not go along?” You need the Woman Clothed With the Sun to help you. I can change world events and I will do so for those who call on my name. It is easy to surrender and difficult to resist but a moment of victory comes when the battle has been won.

Comment: A powerful locution revealing Satan’s strategy which unfolds before our eyes.

Against Satan’s Sufferings

April 19, 2014


Suffering causes man to set aside important values, even much of what he treasured and believed. Satan’s plans always include much suffering so he can shake a person away from their beliefs.

In the twentieth century, he used the two great wars to tear Europe away from the church. The foundations of the people’s faith were shaken because the established order was overturned.

Instead of heaven, they saw hell on earth. Satan’s plans for the future will be the same. He will fill the world with suffering. He will shake the established order so he can steal faith in God from people’s hearts.

I hate Satan’s suffering and I will raise up people who will protect the human race. Through them, I will cast my mantle over the whole world. I want the whole world to know that I am the Woman and my great interventions will come through people whom I place in high positions.

All must begin now in the West because until Russia is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, my powers over that country are limited. She will continue to pour out Satan’s sufferings.

Comment: Sufferings are always a mystery. Faith can grow amid suffering but faith can also be endangered by widespread sufferings. This is one of Satan’s tactics.

Staying Free

April 20, 2014


The time is coming when people will be willing to trade their freedoms for security. Then, the great doors of danger open and changes can be introduced that no one ever conceived. The human race becomes like cattle, all herded into a common field. Diversity is stripped away.

All are branded as if owned by others. How I want to avoid those moments and destroy the forces that bring them about.

Each person is unique, made in God’s image. All creation exists so the human person can come to a fullness of God’s image in a complete and individual way. Only the religious spirit resists the state. Only the religious spirit clings to God’s plan. Those who want a one world order know what they must do. The must first kill the religious spirit of God in man.

I have come to awaken that spirit and to stir the hearts of all. If you want your freedoms then worship God. Keep holy his day. Without God, no one is free, no matter how much they might claim their selfish freedoms.

Comment: The battle for freedom is no longer just in the individual heart but in all of society.

Opposing A One World Government

April 21, 2014


I must begin again, always raising my voice to protest what is happening and to direct my children before it is too late. In some parts of the world, human freedoms do not exist.

They have already been stolen. In the West, these freedoms are supposedly guarded by constitutions and laws. However, all of these are endangered by the crises that have happened and, especially, those that will happen.

There is an inevitable march to a one world order, in a future that is not too distant. I must speak clearly because God formed nations, giving each a particular culture and a distinct geography. Each nation is meant to prosper and all are meant to help one another. Each people must be allowed to grow according to its own unique life. All governments must respect this individuality of each nation, fostering it and helping it to prosper.

Instead, people want to destroy these rights of nations and have them sacrificed for the sake of a new world order. This only plays into Satan’s hands, gathering all the nations into a false unity and directly opposing God’s plan. Why did God split the continents? Why did God create mountains? Why did he bring about various diverse languages? Because he wanted nations to evolve. The safety of the human race lies in its diversity.

When Jesus returns, he will gather the nations. Until then, any attempt to gather the nations into a one world order comes from Satan. It is a false gathering of the nations, a counterfeit, and must be totally opposed.

Comment: Mary outlines God’s plan so clearly that we can see the One World Order as a Satanic counterfeit.

A Song of Hope

April 22, 2014


I will place everything before your eyes so the world will see. Mankind marches to Satan’s tune. He plays his sweet music and attracts the hearts of many, like a pied piper. Mankind only hears the music and pays no attention to his path.

So, I put forth these locutions. They have their own attraction. They resonate deeply in the heart. People say, “These words are true. I must listen more and more”. The more I speak, the greater are the numbers who listen. They find in my words new lyrics and truths that give peace.

Come, my children, just listen and I will sing you a song of hope. My songs are of a new life that comes only by faith in Jesus. I will be the new pied piper and soon the world will hear two songs, Satan’s song of death and my song of hope.

You will dance to my music and your hearts will be light. You will say, “Yes, it can be done. Mankind can turn away from selfish pursuits. He can live in harmony. Individual freedoms can flourish and goals be accomplished without surrendering our freedoms.” The secret lies in the music. I am a different drummer, playing a new song. Listen for my music in your heart. It is already playing, the band has begun.

Comment: Very few understand the great joy of those who learn Mary’s secrets. She now reveals them to the world.

Preserving Human Freedom

April 23, 2014


Before all else, the heavenly Father desires the good of human persons. He created the whole universe for the human person and brought human persons forth as his final accomplishment.

When sin had so destroyed his plan, he sent his only Son, Jesus, to restore the human person to freedom and dignity.

The human person does not exist for the government. The state must serve the good of the person, the full good of his body and soul. However, all of creation has been twisted and distorted and the Father’s plan set aside. Now mankind has enormous powers to form society against the human person and to take away his freedoms.

No one has the power to resist these forces or to turn them aside. All leads to centralization, to gathering of information and, ultimately, to total control by those who avidly seek this worldwide power. The human person is caught up in a powerful force that removes any choices.

Does not a mother love each of her children according to their individual personalities? Does she not delight in their differences? She does not force them all to be the same. As the Woman Clothed With the Sun, I want to prevent the forming of a one world order and to establish the uniqueness of nations, allowing each to flourish to their own genius. I must come quickly onto the world scene and pour out a new flame. It is late. It is so late. Only the gifts placed by God in my Immaculate Heart can save the world.

Comment: Our Lady continues the theme of the importance of the human person’s freedom in God’s plan.

Safeguarding Human Freedoms (Special Locution)

April 23, 2014


Kiev is like a raw nerve. The main question in the Ukraine is how close will the fighting come to Kiev? What will happen as it approaches? The West has never declared its intentions concerning the Ukraine.

The Kiev government is new and weak. Many people still feel a loyalty to the ousted president and are now questioning that decision which Putin used as his excuse to seize the Crimea.

The new government and the West are totally unprepared for these surprising events. Who will broker any truce when Putin claims that this is a civil uprising due to discontent with the new government?

My message is this. Kiev is a great flash point that could easily burst open. Putin works with a demonic intelligence which mocks the West and grabs all that is left unprotected.

Comment: The Ukrainian situation is very dangerous , much more so than the West understands. Just like Syria.

Closing Words

April 24, 2014


Events do not just unfold. Forces behind the events bring them about. I reveal these forces and their goals so that they do not unfold. Once a road is taken and once changes are introduced, they obtain a force that is difficult to dislodge.

Rich and powerful people want a one world order. They seek to control the world so that even sovereign nations are subjected to them (even though these nations still exist and seemingly are autonomous). When a one world order is established, all nations must feed into a higher, supra-national order and follow its dictates. Very little room is left for natural sovereignty.

Crises will be used to foster this one world government. There will be pleas that humanity will be better served if nations submit their particular goals to the greater one world goal and to these superstructures.

I have spoken clearly enough. Leaders must be elected who cling strongly to national sovereignty and foster close ties among nations that respect individual nationalities and refuse to erase the boundaries created by God’s plan. Any other path is a road to Satan’s goals of a counterfeit gathering of the nations.

Comment: Mary could not be more clear. Elect leaders who will resist the giving over of a nations’ power to supra-national structures.

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