Rosary Prayer Guides
The Rosary is a very powerful prayer but also one that can seem to be a confusing and impossible task in the beginning. Our Rosary prayer guides below may help.
The Rosary in 2012
I began to learn to pray the Rosary in 2012, having never seen it before and literally knowing nothing about it and I was lost. At the time, I was protestant and didn’t become catholic until 2019. The reason I even attempted this was because I read a book “Our Lady of Kibeho” and it had such an affect on me that I was determined to be like the family in the book (read my story “My Catholic Conversion – A Marian Journey into the Church”).
I began to research the Rosary on the internet and quickly became aware that what I found was inadequate. And also, there was not near as much available material as there is today. I realized that I needed a guide and a complete one at that.
Complete guides were made for each mystery (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous) that included the beginning, decade and ending prayers. Also included in the guides were the scriptures that the rosary called for.
All of that is available below for the downloading. And all are stored in pdf format with which most are familiar. If you are new to this wonderful and powerful prayer, I would suggest downloading these guides and printing them out.
To download, click on the arrow below the images to explode them to full page. You will see the download symbol next to the print symbol in the top right corner.
Rosary Prayer Guides

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it is our desire and prayer that you benefit from our efforts.