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Role of the Woman

(September 14 to September 18, 2015)

The Two Armies

September 14, 2015


I bring my children into the full light, so that even in great darkness, they can see that my plan is unfolding. When the events begin, while Pope Francis is in America, all my children will have their great sign that the plan of Fatima and the role of the Woman Clothed With the Sun have been released.

After this event,there will be no turning back. Heaven’s powers will be released. I will come, more and more, onto the world stage. The battle will begin because war has been openly declared.

This means the clear joining of sides. Both armies, good and evil, will gather in battle array. All will be forced to make a decision. Whom will you serve? Who is your king?

It will seem that Satan’s army is much larger and that darkness will certainly win. That is why I must come onto the scene and give forth many clear signs. How can my children enlist in the army if they never see the general and they do not know their king?

I will recruit by signs and by words which interpret the signs. All will experience these signs but, only those who know my words, can interpret them correctly.

You are entering a period of great faith. There will be both darkness and signs in which you can only walk by faith. Other lights will be taken from you. I will train you. I promise you sufficient signs outside of you and enough faith within you. Listen to my words. They will guide you in the darkness that is coming.

Comment: By the September events, we will know that Mary begins her tasks as the Woman confronting Satan’s army.

Interpreting the Events

September 15, 2015


As the time grows closer, I must pour out greater gifts of light and understanding. World leaders are concerned with difficulties coming from every side, totally unable to cope with these problems.

In the midst of all these social upheavals stands the world’s economic system, filled with its great weaknesses. The financial resources are not present to deal with the demands, caused so much by the ongoing Syrian revolution. All of these factors will lead to civil unrest that will also be beyond the power of governments.

My words, spoken years ago, that the Syrian revolution would light the fuse by causing structures to fall and stirring unrest are being fulfilled. This instability flows everywhere, with great suffering and no end in sight. This multiplication of problems is Satan’s plan, constantly diverting attention as leaders are forced to confront constantly new disruptions.
The events in September will bring all to a head, a culmination of many weaknesses that breaks out, like a pot that finally boils over for all to see.

This is my teaching. Satan sees it to his advantage to manifest his power in order to encourage those who want to overthrow the West. They will take great joy in the collapse and will see their timetable moved up by many years. They will see the great vulnerability of the West which has allowed itself to become so weak. This will only add to the woes.

However, my children will see the events quite differently. The events will be a sign to them that I have actively begun to assume my role as the Woman and that all I have prepared will also begin to manifest its power. How important are my words to interpret these events.

Comment: How much we will need Our Lady’s words to guide us.

Led by the Woman

September 16, 2015


So many forces converging from so many directions! Has anyone seen or foreseen such a moment?
Yet, none should be surprised. I have spoken often of the uniqueness of these times, when all the evil planted for centuries comes to fruition and all the good promised so many times in my apparitions comes to the surface.

This is what the world is witnessing, a culmination and a crisis, a cross roads, a breaking forth, a release of good and evil powers, locked in mortal combat.

I say all of this so the world realizes that these forces are beyond all of its resources to respond or to push them back. You are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers.

Refugees flee the Middle East. Iran builds its nuclear weapons. Putin extends Russian influence. Nations slip more and more into debt. Where will this all end? All must see human history is locked into mortal combat. Heaven and hell are at war. Each struggles to gain control of man’s heart. The human race lies helpless. Yet, the human race is the prize which goes to the winner. I cannot speak any more clearly.

I must recruit my army. To do this, I must come upon the human scene with both signs and words, signs for all to see and words that teach and explain. I must be more present, more seen, more visible, more active among my children so that, in all the events, they grow in faith, knowing how close I am to them and how great are my helps.

Come, we must begin to walk this new way. We are pilgrims on a journey of faith. Fortunately, you will be led by the Woman Clothed With the Sun.

Comment: Our Lady continues to highlight this present age, marked with so much evil but also the recipient of so many helps.

The Mission of the Woman

September 17, 2015


Overwhelmed by the difficulties, mankind will seek various answers. Many will seek out false paths that will lead nowhere or to greater ruin. Such is the nature of man, to seek security and to find it from his own powers. But this will be different and soon man will see that his many solutions are inadequate. This will lead either to a state of despair or a time of faith.

Man does not come to faith by his own resources. He needs heaven’s helps. As I speak so clearly, I bring heavenly aid. I come as close to man as possible. I offer the clearest teachings and the greatest lights, ready to penetrate the deepest part of his intellect and to bathe him in an enormous hope. All he must do is to open himself to heaven.

This will be the state of the world, filled with the greatest satanic darkness and, at the same time, filled with the greatest heavenly lights and graces ever given. It was for such a time as this that the heavenly Father began what is called the Age of Mary.

So, the road will be clearly marked out and the Church itself will quickly embark on this surprising path, placed there from the beginning but only now manifested in its fullness.
Yes, from the beginning, because I stood at the foot of the cross and Jesus again called me“Woman”. “Behold your son”, he said. This was the beginning of the mystery, whose fullness will soon unfold. Then to the beloved Disciple, “Behold your mother” and he took me into his home.

The Catholic Church has always held me in great honor but only in these days will it fully realize the gift that I am. The Church will lift me high and honor me as never before in its history. I will also draw Israel and all the other churches into a unity which no one can conceive. Do not be overwhelmed by the darkness. Realize that heaven has prepared a surprising path.

Comment: Our Lady unfolds the great mystery of the woman.

The Woman – Present in the Dark Moment

September 18, 2015


A moment happens. A breakthrough which no one foresees. Looking back all can see what has led to this moment. I am speaking about such an event, buried now in human life but so soon to break forth.

Many evils have been planted in human history. All of these are coming to the surface. Need I mention them all – the children who never saw the light of birth, the weapons sold to the highest bidder, the trillions of dollar spent which did not exist, the false agreements and the secret decisions that forged selfish alliances. All of these lie buried, waiting to break through.

I hold all of these in my heart. They are my sorrows. Because I hold them, the heavenly Father holds back his chastising hand because He would need to harm His beloved daughter. Yet, these evils must be purged. They cannot remain and fester. So, there is another solution, a different way.

That is what I call “the breakthrough moment”. This is not God chastising. It is the normal result of sinful and foolish decisions. That moment will confront mankind, like a moment of truth when all must look and see, no longer able to postpone or look away. All will be exposed in a blinding moment of truth.

I will be there. I will enter into that moment. My voice will go forth, stronger than ever, calling my children and telling them to come. I will offer my salvation to all. I will save all who listen and respond. That is why I speak so clearly every day. My words will be the greatest light in the greatest darkness.

Comment: Our Lady explains, prepares and promises her helps.

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