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Revealing the Mysteries

(March 25 to April 3, 2015)

God’s Surprising Decision

March 25, 2015


I speak constantly because these times are like none other. Every event is part of the great clash between good and evil that has gone on since the beginning of time. In the past, there have been special moments of that clash, sometimes resulting in a great flow of blessings. At other times, there was a collapse of goodness and a destruction of blessings.

Since this struggle goes on each day, I must speak each day. Not a single day can be wasted, when my words do not go forth. Today, I begin to speak special words from the inner depths of my heart. These words will reveal my inner thoughts, my deepest fears and my greatest hopes. Let us begin.

As maiden of Nazareth, I heard the angel’s words. The message was clear but difficult to believe. I was to conceive a Son by the power of the Holy Spirit. In my innermost self, I believed and He was conceived. I was pregnant. My body had received God’s power.

How alive I felt at that moment because I was lifted up so high. At the same time, I was totally immersed in human life. God brought me into His vision of history and I began to see all that had happened and how the word had reached that moment. I began to understand all that would take place. The vision was dim at first but gradually became clearer, especially as Elizabeth spoke her words to me.

In the stillness of Israel, unknown to all the world, God had begun to respond to all the forces of evil by His astounding decision to become man and live among us. This mystery I will unfold for all of you.

Comment: Our Lady promises to share with us her vision of the world’s history.

A Somber Mother

March 26, 2015


Words cannot express the depths of my feelings. I have watched the world that was bathed in light be taken captive by a darkness that grows ever more powerful. How much I have tried to break through and to establish God’s reign.

I have appeared in so many places, always trying to make my voice heard. I have raised up many faithful messengers who suffered much. My words were planted in their hearts and they tried to awaken the world.

Now, I am somber, like someone who sees the reality which lies ahead. How I have tried to divert mankind from this path. I have used my Church. I have sent my messengers. I have made my promises. I have spoken of the future. I have both warned and encouraged.
I have shown visions of hell to children and also revealed the glories of heaven. By all of this, I reveal the intensity of my feelings and the gravity of the situation. So, I am somber like someone who has tried everything and accomplished little.

All who know me know that I will not stop, not even for one moment. I refuse to admit defeat. I will not abandon my original plan, to raise up the church as the light to all nations and to use the Holy Father as my instrument in saving the world from destruction.

This plan still lies in the center of my heart. It still has its time. It will not fail but you are not to wait. Spend each day with me and my plan will come forth more quickly. We will not be defeated by darkness.

Comment: Our Lady calls herself “somber”, an excellent description of one who has tried so hard and not yet succeeded.

The Papal Visit

March 27, 2015


Why do I pour out my heart like this? Why expose the wounds that history has inflicted upon me? Would it not be easier to be silent? Yet, if I did not speak out, no one would understand the mysteries of good and evil.

How important for the world to understand that it is entering into a time of unprecedented darkness. Do world leaders speak in these terms? Do any of them understand? Do they lead their people into God’s presence? They see only the here and now, the problems and their solutions. Yet, their solutions are no solutions at all.

I want to speak about the Holy Father. He, indeed, sees the full perspective. He understands in the depth of his heart that all of the calamities come from the Evil One whom he detests. He knows that there is no dialogue with the devil. When he comes to the United States, he will speak of these deeper mysteries. He will appeal to the spirit of faithful people. I will guide his words, which will be sent throughout the world. On each of these days, I will give him the world’s greatest stage. He will go from place to place and be with many. At every moment, he will be the person dressed in white. I have brought about his visit and it will be a special moment, an invitation to the whole world to return to the mysteries of my heart. I will guide him but all must pray so that his visit becomes much more than a media event.

Comment: The pope understands the clash of good and evil. Let us prepare for his visit.

A Pope of Mercy

March 28, 2015


Let my heart pour forth its sorrows, for in sorrow much can be learned. The desires of man are so great that they push him on, even when his path is evil and destructive. Vindictive and angry hearts, which can destroy the world, have the means of communicating their evil to millions of other hearts.

Quickly, peace turns into war, and calm into violence. You have seen this in country after country. Stable governments collapse. Society is ripped apart. Victory is followed by slaughter of opponents. All of this comes from evil hearts that now have the means of communicating with millions. Earth has never seen this before. Mankind has never had these powers of worldwide communications.

Now, I have raised up a new Holy Father with the message of mercy. His voice goes forth. He is exalted even by the secular press. He pushes on to his goal, step by step. He does not fear. If he makes a mistake, he corrects it and moves on. The message comes from his heart and he has lived from his heart for decades. Such is the person whom I have placed on the throne of Peter. He calls people to conversion and away from division and hatred. His message is preparing the way. Another pope will follow him who will complete the gift and consecrate Russia.

Comment: We must see the great popularity enjoyed by Pope Francis as an important part of Our Lady’s plan.

Pope Francis – Preparing the Way

March 29, 2015


What is hidden must come to the surface. All must be revealed before it is too late. Otherwise, the evil in man’s heart will pour out upon the whole world and completely destroy its beauty. Unless I revealed the deep truths and mysteries, no one could understand and all would succumb.

Let yourselves be drawn into my mysteries. With your natural eyes, you can see only evil, constantly spreading and devouring, changing whole nations in just a short time. Where peace had reigned, there is discord, strife and endless civil war. These are the mysteries of evil, a burning lava destroying everything in its path.

Centuries ago, from the heavenly Father’s heart, came forth all of creation. Two thousand years ago, again from the Father’s heart, came forth His only begotten Son, Jesus. Now, I reveal the great mystery. A new stream has again come from the Father’s heart, awaiting for this moment. It is hidden in the most unlikely place, the heart of God’s mother. I am ready to pour out these mysteries, these powers which alone can turn back the lava of destruction.

I have raised up Pope Francis to prepare the way. Even he does not realize the role that I will have him play. So many important doors were closed to faith. So many hearts were shut tight. Many were unwilling to see truth or to consider God’s existence. They were far removed from the light of faith. I have sent Pope Francis to go after these strayed sheep, to reach out and embrace all in God’s mercy. So many are hearing his voice, that many others are forced to listen. He has become the most important figure on the world stage.

Rejoice in this wave of goodness. It prepares for my great gift which will quickly follow his papacy.

Comment: Our Lady rejoices in the work of Pope Francis. She knows the role he must fulfill in God’s plan.

Pope Francis and Stray Sheep

March 30, 2015


Now I come to the center of my heart from which flow the deepest mysteries. When someone turns to me, I embrace them and bring them as quickly as possible to my heart’s center so they never leave. Yet, they are free to leave and to return to a world that also embraces them and captures their heart.

This battle between myself and the world has been waged for centuries but now it comes to a crisis. More and more people have been drawn away and are now engrossed in a world that will soon collapse under its own weight. The structures can no longer hold. The violence escalates and the economies shake. When this happens many will have nowhere to go.

That is why I send Pope Francis. He is the herald of God’s mercy. He seeks out the stray sheep. He opens hearts that have been entrapped. He shines the light of faith into new areas. His messages ring true. People see his goodness and his love for all. For the first time, some people are awakened to faith. They feel one with him. They rejoice in his spirit and see the attractiveness of God’s kingdom. This Francis effect will go far and wide and is not limited to the inner walls of the Catholic community.

Do you not see that I have already begun to act, that Pope Francis is the early dawn of the new day? Let the good will pour forth. Let all speak well of him. Let all bask in the warmth of his love which truly reaches out to everyone. I will use all of this to prepare the world for my great gifts which lie ahead.

Comment: Our Lady speaks constantly of Pope Francis preparing the world for her great gifts which will soon follow.

When the Iran Nuclear Treaty Is Signed

March 31, 2015


Pens will be put to the paper and the nuclear treaty will be signed. All will be lies. The West deliberately closes its eyes to reality. Iran, the future nuclear power, delights. Suddenly, it is propelled into a new, unthinkable position in the Middle East.

How did this come about? Step by step, the powerful nations of Israel and Saudi Arabia have been set aside. Their interests go unheeded. Iran has been chosen to come forth and to assert its power, when clearly it fosters terrorism everywhere. This is totally unexplainable unless you realize Satan’s plan against Jerusalem and that he controls powerful leaders to do his bidding.

What I have said at the beginning of these locutions, “Keep your eye on Jerusalem” is proving true. God plans to use Jerusalem as the center of worldwide evangelization, a place of unity for all the Christian churches, and the one place where the Church and Israel can finally be united.

This is the Father’s plan of worldwide evangelization that is being prepared for by Pope Francis and will be carried out by the next pope. Satan sets his own strategy, to destroy Jerusalem before any of this takes place.

Both kingdoms have an urgency to fulfill their plan first. Satan wants to destroy Jerusalem. God wants to exalt it to its highest and most important moment.

Comment: Our Lady, more clearly than ever before, outlines both God’s and Satan’s strategy concerning Jerusalem.

All Look to the Church

April 1, 2015


What began as a small group of Jesus’ disciples has become a worldwide Church, headed by Pope Francis who is trying to lead the Church into deeper waters, engaging it with the problems of the average person. His approach has won wide acclaim and he, himself, is seen as a prophetic figure upon the world stage.

He will continue to move along the same path. His stature will spread and grow. Many will learn the simplicity of his heart and will see the Church in a new light.
This is so important. I must strip away all the prejudices and false ideas that have accrued. I must have the world see the Church in a new light of its true simplicity, a return to the simplicity of Jesus’ lifestyle, a stripping away of worldly signs and symbols.

When Pope Francis has completed his tasks, when many have a new interest and a different view of the Church, I can then bring forth the pope of Fatima. It will be late but the consecration will be done and the graces of my heart will be released. No one will be able to stop this enormous flow of graces.

It will be late and many events will have taken place. Many will have lost hope and some will have succumbed to the darkness. The trials will have begun with their great difficulties. The two parts will converge. Pope Francis’ simplicity and the world events will cause everyone to look to the Church as their only hope. For this moment, I have prepared my priest son.

Comment: Our Lady describes the importance of Pope Francis in getting the world to look to the Church for hope.

Jerusalem in God’s Plan

April 2, 2015


Listen to my sorrows and learn of my deepest wounds. These come from the Church. How close I have held my Church for all of these centuries. I saw it detached from its Jewish roots. I watched it severed in two, East and West, and then cut again into Protestant and Catholic.

Each of these divisions wounded me deeply. How I want all to believe in Jesus and be one.
This must take place in Jerusalem, as the passion of my Son is relived, as blood is shed in love for Israel and as Jerusalem becomes the home of all truly revealed religions, united in full diversity of worship and cultures, rejoicing in a unity that I have final brought about.

These are the hidden secrets of my heart. I speak so all can understand what is truly taking place. Only in Jerusalem, was Jesus’ blood shed and the nations redeemed. Only that city still holds the divine blood in its soil, the blood that both purifies and unites, the blood that alone can wash away division and unite the nations.

In the new era of faith, when all believe, they will naturally turn their eyes to Jerusalem as the holy city, the city of cities, the heavenly city which alone can unite the world in faith.
In all of the Middle East turmoil, keep your eyes on Jerusalem. The heavenly Father always regards it with love and Satan eyes it with envy and jealousy. Jerusalem is both the prize and the reason for the turmoil. Now it faces new dangers.

Comment: The Middle East events can be understood by all who realize how the Evil One wants Jerusalem to be destroyed.

I Am Already Among You (Good Friday)

April 3, 2015


I have poured out the sorrows of my heart and revealed its deepest secrets. Now, I must bring this to a conclusion.

Many are confused and scared by the world events. Their eyes are opened. They see that technology cannot promise peace. The world is safe only when human hearts are not filled with evil and when hatred does not control human decisions.

People see that these problems will not be resolved soon. They can see that evil grows and the climax has not been reached. They do not know what lies ahead and they feel helpless in the face of powers far beyond their control.

They welcome my words, knowing that I will watch over them and that the heavenly Father has given me the task of guiding human history. They have found new faith and a great confidence. They experience fear from world events and hope from my words.

Let me end on this note of hope. I am already present in the world events. Without my intercession, they would have already destroyed the earth. I have constantly pushed back the plans of the Evil One and delayed the hour so I can prepare my little ones. I will continue to push back and to mitigate, never allowing Satan’s evil to hit full force.

Now, I come to the great secret. Every heart must watch for me. I am coming, in little ways and big ways. Already, I have begun. No need to wait for some future moment that will never happen. By then, it will be too late. My presence and my gifts are already upon you and your family. This is my message. I am already among you, preparing you for the hour.

Comment: Our Lady gives this locution on Good Friday, which Jesus always called “the Hour”.

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