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Revealing the Great Secrets

(April 10 to April 19, 2015)

The Complicated Phenomena of Evil

April 10, 2015


The time has come for the whole world to know the great secrets. Let all be revealed so that the Evil One cannot destroy the truth or bring about confusion in the hearts of those who believe.

There will be two groups of people, those who try to walk by natural light and those who have received my light. The natural light will slowly dim as the world is cast into greater and greater darkness. What people placed their hopes in and on what they relied for security will be taken away. My light will grow greater and stronger as these natural lights are put out by the Evil One. So, let me begin to reveal the great secrets.

The time is very short. I have acted in powerful ways to delay and delay the darkness, but there are too many forces in too many places. If one is held back, then the other is allowed to come forth. Often one evil opposes another, as can be seen by the conflicts in the Middle East in which one terrorist group wars against another. Suppressing one natural enemy allows another to flourish. Evil is a very complicated phenomenon, not easy to understand because it violates truth. Satan often allows one evil to be attacked so a greater evil will come forth. This is why the undiscerning mind, devoid of my light, often becomes Satan’s instrument.

Minds and wills guided by only natural light will inevitably be the unwitting causes of greater evil. Only hearts bathed in God’s light can see the true path to peace. Expediency always takes the wrong road. Faith alone shows the way. That is why I must reveal the great secrets, even if only a few will accept my words.

Comment: Our Lady shines a great light on what is happening as Iran seemingly is defeating ISIS, but is establishing its own kingdom.

Why Heaven Must Wait

April 11, 2015


The time is not yet ready for the full saving action of God’s power to flow forth from my Immaculate Heart. How I wish the world and the Church were ready. However, to pour out the fullness of my gifts at this time would not have the effects that are needed.

I will explain the visions of my heart. The world is not ready because it has not yet come to the brink of hopelessness. The full darkness has not descended. If I were to release all of these graces and destroy all the evils, the world would not realize that anything truly of heaven had done this. It would attribute the changes to natural causes and go merrily along its way.

Much more important, the Church is not ready. The great expectancy about the gifts flowing from my heart is not present. In spite of all my apparitions and revelations, the Church is not awake. Few realize that the Father has placed these mysteries in my heart. Few seek them avidly and there is no great, widespread fervor centering on my Immaculate Heart. The Church looks in other directions for answers or sees itself as passive and helpless, not realizing its power or that the true path to world peace lies in these mysteries that I am revealing.

How much Jesus wanted to begin his ministry to Israel, but he had to wait. First, the Baptist had to appear and prepare the way of the Lord. Only when the fervor of Israel had been stirred did Jesus know that it was His time to appear at the Jordan and be baptized by John.

These are the mysteries, the way heaven interacts with earth. Heaven cannot just pour out its gifts. Earth must be looking and searching, so the gifts are welcomed. These are the mysteries.

Comment: Our Lady tries to enlighten us about our role in preparing for her gifts.

A Hundred Years of Evil

April 12, 2015


Despots and tyrants come and go, but the forces of evil always move on, finding new ways to break forth and destroy. Each wave builds upon the past and prepares for the future. Each has its time and place in human history. An evil man arises, cloaked with great power, destroys parts of society, passes from the scene and leaves behind new forces of evil which prepares for the new evil that lurks in the wings, waiting to come forth.

Today, the final forces of evil are slowly coming on the scene, prepared for by the two world wars, the dropping of the atomic bombs, the arms race, the Cold War, the Vietnam War (that so changed American society), the rise of militant Islam, the debacle of the Iraq War, the Arab Spring, the Syrian Revolution, the rise of ISIS, and now the growing hegemony of Iran. One follows another, each with its purpose that often is not seen. Each destroys some element of society, softens the resolve of the nations, and opens new doors for future evils to enter freely. As a result, the world finds itself in a strange land of endless evils, helpless to restore order.

Such has been the mystery of evil in this century since I appeared at Fatima to prescribe the road to world peace, a road that has not been followed. Even more, this road has been hidden, covered over and ignored even by the Church that was meant to follow and to reveal it to the nations.

The road of Fatima is still the only road to peace. I have plotted out that road and have watched my pleas constantly ignored and turned aside. I do not change my message. I cannot change what the heavenly Father has decided. He has provided this path to peace. I am only His messenger. The road to peace must pass through my Immaculate Heart. It is easy to find if the Church merely looks in the right direction. It is late, but not too late. I must raise up my priest son on whose heart I have inscribed this message.

Comment: Our Lady reviews these 100 years of war that should have been a century of peace.

The Power of the New Eve

April 13, 2015


Many watch and look, but they do not understand. They see the various leaders of nations with their goals and ambitions. They see the flow of arms and the secret alliances. They see the shifting nature of military power which always tries to gain the advantage. But they do not understand the powers of heaven and hell. They do not know how to mobilize or how to attack the enemy at the heart of his strength.

As a result, this war grows greater. Yesterday’s armies and their weapons are replaced by greater numbers and newer means of destruction. Evil constantly grows and no one speaks about the powers of hell which lie at the center of this evil. So, I must reveal the mystery and the satanic plans.

The heavenly Father conceived a plan to bless the whole world and to have it enter into a new garden of peace. This would happen through the new Eve, the Woman in whose Immaculate Heart all the world could easily discover Jesus and experience all of His blessings. This era of peace began when I revealed the miraculous medal and led the pope to declare the dogma of the Immaculate Conception (1854). By this act, the foundation for world peace, never seen before, was set in place.

After that, I appeared often, leading to my great appearances in Fatima. How I rejoiced in those days. In the middle of the Great War (1917), I was unveiling the Father’s plan of peace. In these nearly 100 years, what has happened? Has there been peace? Why not?

Satan understood. He had already unleashed World War I, but now he was to be vanquished, and even banished. His victory over the first Eve was to be overturned. He could not allow this to take place. He has brought about the most destructive century of all, and his powers flow forth with greater and greater intensity. Meanwhile, God’s plan for the Woman has been set aside, hidden in a Satanic darkness. Yet, the plan still has its power to destroy Satan and bring forth peace. These are the great mysteries.

Comment: Our Lady explains the mysteries which lie behind the events of this century.

New World Leaders

April 14, 2015


Doubt and fears spread and many wonder what the future holds. They do not understand the great mysteries that I now reveal.

Certain people have given their hearts to evil. No one chooses evil directly. They choose a selfish good that includes some evil. Once they taste that good, they also accept the evil, which begins to claim their heart. Success after success accompanies their decisions and soon they accept total evil, the power of Satan. They do not understand his control because he has blinded them by their stunning success. They have risen to the top, occupy a powerful positions and are acclaimed by many. All the while, they strew evil everywhere, an evil wrapped in good paper.

Who can debate with them? Can they not point to all their successes? But these successes are built upon evil, just waiting for the moment of testing. They appear to be sound but they are built upon sand which the floods will quickly wash away.

These are the modern mysteries. During this century, Satan has raised up many false leaders, especially in the fields of economy and politics. They have made sinful, evil and destructive decisions, while building empires that gained their acclaim, false empires that carry within the seeds of their own destruction.

Now, the floods will begin to come and the structures will not stand. Let no one blame the heavenly Father. It is man, influenced by Satan, who has put all of this in place.

Is it too late? I have promised that the road to peace lies only in my Immaculate Heart. This road includes the economic and political areas. It extends to every aspect, especially the family. Let this message be preached. It is late. It is very late. This road to my peace is not the journey of one day and it is not a path of ease. However, if the whole Church commits itself completely to my Immaculate Heart, I will raise up world leaders formed by the Holy Spirit to take the world in a different direction. Nothing else will be sufficient to withstand the floods.

Comment: Our Lady requires a total consecration if she is to save the world through new leaders.

Casting New Fire Upon the Church

April 15, 2015


I have poured out my mysteries so all the world can understand. Now, I must speak even more clearly so the Church sees and acts.

O Church, I have come to you in great light and great power. I come to you because you believe and have faith in my role. You understand all the basic truths – that I was conceived without sin, that I conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit and brought Him forth while still remaining a virgin. You know that I was assumed, body and soul, into heaven and that I am crowned in glory as Queen of heaven and hearth.

All these truths are firmly established within your sacred teachings. You also know that I appear to chosen messengers and you have approved the supernatural nature of these revelations. You gather all this history and make it available to the Catholic faithful.
Many times you are criticized by others who do not understand your teachings and who believe that you exalt me too much. Yet, you stand firm in these teachings and have outlined them for the believers. You also exalt those saints who have written about me so eloquently. The Holy Spirit has done all this and, for all of this fidelity, I praise you.

Now, I must speak to you as Jesus spoke to the Church of Ephesus. All of these were moments of great fervor, a first love, a new enkindling. I must say this from my deepest mystery and sorrow. You have lost your first love. You have dampened the fires. After accepting my words and great promises, you have promptly forgotten them and put them aside. You have taken up human thoughts and human ways, setting aside the great fires of Marian devotion to give yourselves to what you think is deeper theology. You write all your beautiful documents and you elaborate all your theories about Church life, but you have no fire. You fail to enkindle devotion and people find no attraction to your services. You need new fire, a new enkindling.

I am ready to cast fire upon the Church. How I want it to burn! Let those who have ears, listen to these little words of my locutions.

Comment: In revealing her deepest mystery, Our Lady speaks about casting fire on the Church.

The New Sacred Waters

April 16, 2015


The darkness grows. Fears increase. People wonder what lies ahead. So, I must continue to reveal the great mysteries.

Evil spreads quickly, but goodness takes time to build. Evil is like a fire which can destroy a lifetime’s work in one hour. These are the two opposing forces. Can a child be conceived and come to birth in one day? Does a little boy become a man in one year? Goodness, like growth, takes time. Yet, death can occur at any moment.

So, I must speak of this mystery of time, of which we have so little. For centuries, Satan has plotted to bring forth his fires. All see them now. Whole countries are torn apart. The fires of violence flare up unexpectedly. Governments are toppled. Civil wars rage. Cultures are torn apart. Millions of refugees have nowhere to go. How easy for a fire to consume quickly.

What will I do? What is my response? Can I restore civilizations in months, or even a few short years? Has all of this caught the Heavenly Father by surprise? Of course not. He foresaw every move of Satan and He prepared sacred waters (for the normal waters used by human leaders are only like oil that adds new weapons to the fires).
These sacred waters are new and different. They flow in the hearts of people of good will. They have been flowing for decades. How many I have called to prayer! How many, after the years of preparation in prayer, am I now calling to go forth in my name? These are the sacred waters which alone can quench the satanic fires. They are flowing in many hearts.

I will join these people. Many do not even know each other, as yet. As I join these streams of sacred waters, they will grow and become a mighty river, spreading my name. Let them work with hope, not allowing the great odds they face to deter them. All must work in the vineyard where I have placed them. Their little vineyards will grow and join with other vineyards. All will prepare for the great moment when the dam of these sacred waters breaks open and the world is flooded. This is my promise but all must pray and work and fast.

Comment: We easily see Satan’s destruction. We need Our Lady’s words to believe that God also has prepared for this moment.

The Bride Awakens

April 17, 2015


The time is short so I must speak a mighty word to awaken the nations. Can the world awaken in one day? Can the Church set up and take notice in one moment? Did this not happen at 9/11? Did not the whole earth awaken? If evil can awaken everyone, how much greater can God’s glory? These are the hidden mysteries.

I have already given great signs at Fatima that should have awakened the Church. At other apparition sites, I have promised permanent signs, to awaken the Church to God’s glory and power. These are special signs but words must prepare for them and words must explain these signs. Otherwise, the power of the sign will be lost. So, I must speak about these mysteries.

The whole Church must be awakened by powerful calls in many places and in many ways. Do not be surprised as these signs multiply and grow more powerful. The Church does not respond anymore to tiny whispers or gentle nudgings of the Spirit. Faith has grown cold. Ears no longer hear. Hearts no longer quickly respond.

How can I awaken the whole Church? How can I rouse its spirit? It is a sleeping bride, not conscious of the love of the Bridegroom or aware of its new destiny. At the very hour when it seems that evil will triumph and the Church can do little, when the powers of the world fail miserably to stem the tide, that is the very moment when the Bride will awaken, first to meet its bridegroom and, only after His kiss of love, to become what it has always been meant to be, the great light of the nations, the light for all the Churches to unite and the source of the healing of division between Christ’s Church and Israel. I speak so that many awaken now and do not wait for the signs.

Comment: Our Lady promises a Great Awakening, but we must prepare now.

The Inevitable War

April 18, 2015


All leads to a moment (both a place and a time) when the clash takes place, the great battle of the armies of heaven and hell, the decisive battle that turns the war in favor of the ultimate victor. Where and when all of this occurs is usually hidden, but I have already revealed that it will happen in Jerusalem. “Keep your eyes on Jerusalem” were the opening words of these locutions.

Can you not see the wisdom in these words? Look at what is happening in the Middle East. Every day Israel is threatened more and more. The security of neighboring nations is being ripped away. Its archenemy, Iran, gains greater hegemony and constantly expands its borders. The treaty moves ahead, just as I said, allowing Iran to feel relief from some sanctions. Its financial wounds are being healed, and its whole body experiences greater strength. Its leaders are more entrenched. Meanwhile, Israel is left to ponder its future, knowing that it stands more and more alone.

These events happen before your very eyes. All can see. But what are the mysteries behind these events? What forces bring them about? Where are they going? What is their purpose?
Armies try to choose their places and times. They use strategies so they gain the most favorable positions. Then, their forces can take maximum advantage. Satan always maneuvers. He deceives the West. He pretends to attack one place but really holds his great troops back for a better opportunity. He confuses, putting forth one group but holding a greater one in reserve. This is the intellect behind the events which cause such great confusion. The West does not even know who is the real enemy.

Now, I speak the great mystery of my heart to clarify the situation. A war with Israel is inevitable. All the evil is ultimately directed there. Israel holds Jesus’ treasures, the soil bathed in his blood and the places made holy by the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jerusalem also contains the mystery of Church unity that so many yearn for, and the union of the Church with Israel that Paul desired and prophesied. These are enormous blessings which God wants to pour out upon His Church and Israel. Satan understands God’s design and is preparing all his armies to destroy Israel before this happens. That is why I say that a war with Israel is inevitable. Everything else is just a preparation or a subterfuge. When this war breaks out, I want the whole world to know how great are the stakes.

Comment: Our Lady gets closer to the heart of the mystery – God’s plans for Israel.

The Great Call To Devotion

April 19, 2015


The time is short and the mysteries are many, so let us move quickly or else we will not reach the goal.

Many say that they follow me and indeed, they are of good will. However, their hearts are not firm and their eyes frequently wander from the goal. To these I speak mysteries so that, once they understand that the time is short, they will take their hearts away from worldly pursuits and give themselves to Jesus’ kingdom.

For these, especially, have I spoken about these mysteries. My words are not for the curious seekers. I speak for the devout souls and for those whom I can easily call to devotion. So, let me bring these teachings to a conclusion.

I have placed these mysteries before you and allowed you to see the forces which are shaping the world events. Enlightened by this wisdom, you must reorder your daily life and all your priorities. I did not speak so you could know the times and the seasons. I spoke so you would look into your heart and remove what is superficial and what wastes your time. I want you to cling to me with all your heart. I want you to put away what absorbs you. I call for a deeper response and a more extensive commitment. Enlarge your tent. Do not limit me. Do not give me the crumbs. For your own good, I want the whole loaf.

Are you ready for this total consecration? Are you willing to give yourself to me without reserve? Look at all these mysteries that I have just revealed. Do you believe that life will just go on with little change? Do you think that your devotion is deep enough to withstand the coming floods?
I reveal all these mysteries only so that you will act. My words are urgent. I speak now before all the events break forth. You must change. You must deepen your religious practices. You must heed my words. Come, let us set out in a new direction. I who invite you to walk, will also accompany your journey.

Comment: Our Lady ends this series on the mysteries with an urgent invitation for us to act on this revealed wisdom.

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