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Receiving the Light

(June 26 to July 1, 2015)

How To Receive the Light

June 26, 2015


Each day the Church sets its direction.  Decisions are made in varying degrees of light and darkness, I offer the Church the fullness of my light.  I shine it brightly because only the Church can fully receive my light.  Let me explain.

Only the Catholic Church holds me in the fullest esteem.   It has proclaimed me as the Mother of God (Council of Ephesus).   Special saints have exalted me in their writings.  Many councils have defined my privileges.   The Rosary is deeply embedded in Catholic life.   With these great foundations the Church, more than any other institution can receive my light.   Most important, I was there at the beginning, when the Spirit descended on Pentecost and brought forth the Church.   I am the Mother of the Church.

In wanting to pour out my light upon all human history, I choose the Church as my instrument.  I want the whole world to love the Church which alone brings this heavenly light.

As the world moves quickly into darkness, it will need the Church’s light more than ever before.

The Church, however, remains free, since it too, is guided by human persons.   I offer the light.   I increase the light.   I multiply the light.   But the Church must receive the light.   This is where human persons must cooperate.  How does heavenly light become also earthly light?  Through the Church receiving the light fully.   By a total openness to the light.

This openness itself is a gift from heaven.   Human reason is not enough.   Heaven’s light is never adequately received unless the heart is touched and filled with faith.   These hearts must rejoice in my light.   They must cherish my words.   They must look forward to my continual guidance.

My words, my visitations, my apparitions are great sources of light which shine fully as they are fully received.   Only faith, not reason, can see the importance of my gift and place it on the lampstand to give light to all in the Church

Receiving the Light

June 27, 2015


What shall I say about this act of the Supreme Court which has so violated God’s teaching on the nature of marriage. I will speak of it in terms of light and darkness and all will understand. A nation is a group of people brought together by laws and structures. Those offices at the highest level speak and act in the name of that nation. Such is the power of the Supreme Court. The word it speaks is official. The decisions it makes set the country on its future path.

A nation chooses either to walk with God or away from God, to abide in his protection or to be like the Prodigal Son, leaving the Father’s house. These are the mysteries which I have been revealing for so long, mysteries so familiar to the Children of the Locutions. God only blesses but he leaves a nation free to choose. Now, the choice has been made, by the land’s highest court to reject God’s way and to walk away from Him, so, the nation must follow, away from the light and blessings into darkness and confusion. The timetable has been moved ahead.

The complete unraveling of America will take place much quicker. I am not speaking now just of the political effects. The problem is much much deeper. I am speaking of the soul of America, of the darkness with in the hearts of the people, of the complete twisting of right and wrong. I am speaking of the inner darkness that can bring forth only confusion, total confusion that makes the political system unworkable. I am speaking of divisions, confrontations and a complete inability of drawing people together for a common consensus. Consensus, unity, cooperation demand light and America has put out the light.

Only my light will remain. So, let this Supreme Court decision be a call to action. Dwell in my light. Form groups of light. Multiply your coming together. Take up your devotions. I have said this before. As all the lights go out I will shine my emergency lights brighter than ever but you must seek these lights. They are not in the mainstream of America; the mainstream is covered in darkness.

Releasing Waves of Darkness

June 28, 2015


No one realizes what waves of darkness have been released by the Supreme Court’s decision. Many will trust the wall of separation of Church and State but that is a flimsy wall, subject to so many different interpretations. For now it is just a decision written on paper and announced to the world. Soon, it will become a gigantic reality, which spreads and spreads, always looking for more ground to conquer. Again, I must say that no one realizes the powerful waves of darkness that have been unleashed.

I weep especially for the poor families who must live in this darkness while trying to cling to the light. These are my words; this darkness will respect no other light. If any light shines, even the light of these locutions, this darkness will attack. All the lights will be put out or, at least, dimmed or challenged.

More and More people will be drawn into the darkness, forced to cooperate and even spread the darkness. Pastors will be pressured in every way. Freedom of speech will be curtailed and constantly challenged. Everyone will be made to tow the mark. Demanding political correctness will be taken to a whole new level.

But these are only the external waves of darkness. It is the darkness in the soul of America that is most important. America speaks to the whole world. Ireland is just a tiny country. When it spoke only a few listened. When America speaks all the world hears the voice. Now, America has spoken and the words are heard around the world- in the hearts of world leaders and in the souls of all peoples. How many more hearts will be claimed by this darkness?
Still, I must come to the greatest evil, the great darkness of confusion placed in the hearts of all Americans, especially the young. A light has been stolen, the truth that God created marriage between a man and a woman no longer burns brightly. Every type of disorder will be set loose.

Have I no words of light? Must I end on a note of darkness? One light remains-the light of Fatima. As the darkness grows more and more of my people will clamor and shout and pray that Fatima be listened to.

The Deluge and the American Mainstream

June 29, 2015


First come the thunder, then the lightning and the gathering of clouds, and then comes the deluge. So it is with the Supreme Court decision. It is merely the thunder, lightning and gathering of clouds. America has placed itself under the deluge of its own making.
The Court has irreversibly moved America out of the sun and under the clouds. She has chosen, decided and stamped her decision with the seal of its highest court.

Who can rescue mainstream America, those children of mine who hear no other voice and see no other light? That mainstream will grow more and more powerful, just as any river does when a deluge happens. The river will overflow its banks and destroy the homes not built on solid ground. This river will even climb mountains. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is safe from its destructive power. Such will be the children of mainstream America.

Salvation from these waters comes only for my children of light. See the image clearly. If the mainstream plunges into the complete darkness, salvation comes only by removing from the mainstream, rescuing the children one by one, a constant daily ask.

So, I must begin to say radical things. I must begin to withdraw my children from all that is mainstream (for it will be the children who will be affected the most). I must create another stream, a parallel stream, a stream of light and truth. No one else can do this. No one else can create a stream within this stream, whereby people live in America but whose hearts are no longer given to America’s goals. I begin this work today. In fact, I have prepared for this day for years. I knew it would come and I foresaw all the consequences.

My words will change now because the atmosphere has changed. Like a mother who sees a new danger changes her words and asks her children to stay closer.

Comment: Only Our Lady can save us.

Setting America Aside

June 30, 2015


What cannot yet be seen will be the toll upon American life that had always enjoyed an innocence. The dark aspects of life, the intrigues and corruption of European life that had been left behind when the original pilgrims arrived, will now penetrate the soul pf America.
Gradually, the country placed like a light on the mainstream to the nations of the world, the country which I blessed and which I chose, has succumbed to the darkness. Instead of sending out lights, a message of darkness goes forth. All the world knows of this decision. All the world is deeply affected.

Decades ago, I held America up to all the nations. It was the nations of nations, the great source of light. How it has fallen. O America, will I hold you up now to all nations? What a fool I would be to point you out as a shining example of God’s truth put into practice. I cannot hold you up. I must put you aside until the time of your purification. You leave me no other choice. I will not destroy you. I have plans for you but not now. For now, you will just be set in darkness that you have created and chosen. You have made up rights that do not exist. You have given women the right to kill children and people to marry, when there is no marriage at all. You are in darkness and darkness you will stay until the time of repentance and purification. Right now, I cannot use you. I must seek another to be the light upon the mountain.

I have already made my choice and formulated my plan. I have prepared my table and sent out the invitations. Come to the wedding of the Lamb. Yes, it will be a religious leader whom I will raise up. As the light leaves the nations and as more and more take up this new darkness, I will transfer my light to the Church. She has been set aside, removed from her once exalted position away from the nations. Now, I must set aside America and the other nations and exalt my Church as the light of the nations.

The Great and Unconquerable Gulf

July 1, 2015


A great gulf has opened up, an ever-widening divide that will not close. There will be no efforts of unity. Each group will be satisfied to walk away with its rights intact. The good of the whole, the great enterprise of America will be quickly abandoned.

How can you stir a people to oneness when all think only of their own rights? How can unity exist when leaders think only of serving interest groups? Such is the political life of America, dividing into pieces and held together precariously by a Constitution that is politically interpreted.

The great divisions have not yet appeared but the unity of America has been sacrificed on the political altar. Only time is needed until people will see the great gulf that has opened up.

Life in America will never be the same. Inconceivable decisions will appear and the constant trust that the Constitution can provide the needed unity will be greatly tested. I will allow this to happen because America has chosen this path away from the heavenly Father’s plan. What lies ahead in the future which will bring forth good? The fountains of light will spring up?

First, people will become alarmed. America has been stolen from them by those who clearly part their political advantage. Many will reassess their choices. Much cannot be rolled back but delays in the timetable can result.

Much more important will be my initiatives. They will seem small but are more far lasting. If darkness has captured the heart of America, my light will command the heart of Americans. If darkness has captured the political life, my light will capture the spiritual life. America is shaking. Confidence in the Constitution and America’s future is ebbing away. “What will join us?” people will ask. I will come. I will shine my light. All will hear my name. All will know my promises; all will see how I gather. What was just a tiny white cloud upon the horizon will become a great deluge of my gifts. More important, the hearts of Americans will seek my gifts because their illusions have been shattered, that an America which is not under God can survive. To all I say, this is a new time, a new era, a new stage. America has never been here before. The Civil War at least was open conflict and could be resolved. This conflict goes much deeper and will not be resolved.

Comment: In this great darkness, some light will shine.

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