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Preparing for the Worldwide Events

(October 31 to November 5, 2014)

The Path of Hope

October 31, 2014


I am the Mother of Holy Hope and anyone who enters my heart finds themselves filled with hope. They can give no reason for this hope because all the signs point to despair and ruin. Yet, this great feeling, that no matter what happens I will guide them through, permeates their being. They cannot account for this gift, nor even know how to bring it about but they are clothed in a hope that overcomes all despair.

Right now, people place their hopes in all that they have stored up. They watch their financial investments very closely and keep an eye on their assets. They calculate their income and weigh it against their debts. This is the normal course of human hope. But when the financial markets collapse, when fortunes are wiped away, when currency is devalued, when the foundations of the American economy are shaken and topple, where will be their hope?

Because of these problems, I speak now and say prepare! Yes, steps must be taken, but what steps. Without divine hope, you take the wrong steps. Let me teach you what to do.

First, stop putting your trust in material wealth. Jesus says that it is easily stolen away. Go to a church dedicated to me. I will be waiting for you. Present to me all of your financial responsibilities and I will give you very simple wisdom. Slowly, your attitude toward material wealth will change. You will place more emphasis on love for others and strong personal relationships. You will see where you have neglected these important foundations of security.

You will see that you and your loved ones need a much deeper practice of your faith. I will rekindle the religious spirit that alone can truly bind a family. You will dedicate less time to storing up material wealth and more time in seeking first the kingdom of God. Only then, will you be walking my path of true hope.

Comment: The financial future is very questionable. Our Lady provides the true secrets of security and hope.

The Weakness of the Economic System

November 1, 2014


Whatever is in my heart will be saved. Whatever is not in my heart will be lost. It will be like the days of Noah when only those in the ark did survive.

People will say that this is not fair. Why should they be swept away? But it is fair. God has spoken. His word goes forth. The word tells everyone to repent and to seek the kingdom of God. Yet, the world sets aside that word, having no interest in responding to Jesus’ pleas.

That is why I must speak out about this need to repent and to do so now.

O reader, in the following locutions, I will put before you every possible teaching, filled with images, with words of warnings and of encouragement. If you open your heart to these words, I will fill you with light to see what you can do to prepare for the future events. I speak these words because I foresee what is ahead, just as the heavenly Father instructed Noah because He foresaw the great flood.

Indeed, a great flood is coming that will cover the whole earth, not with water but with collapses, especially economic collapses that will trigger widespread breakdowns. These economic systems have been built on the shakiest of foundations. Many are quite aware that everything could topple triggering world-wide events. I want to prepare you for these events just as the Father prepared Noah.

Comment: Our economic foundations have been weakened for decades. No one knows the future.

Loss of Confidence

November 2, 2014


I will not hold back any of my sorrows, because I see the afflictions that will soon come upon the face of the world. Mankind plunges ahead, totally unaware of the path it has chosen.

For decades, countries have lived beyond their means with an ever expanding use of credit. The money supply has increased to feed the appetites, but with no foundation in reality. All is based upon a false confidence that this will just continue and that life will not be interrupted. The system is weak and as the money flows, leaks will appear. Nothing will be done and the leaks will be papered over – yes papered over by false money, guaranteed by absolutely nothing.

All of this can only go on for a limited time. Inevitably, somewhere the gigantic leak happens and the false confidence in the economic system is destroyed. As the system collapses, everything comes to a halt and efforts to revive the economy are of no avail.

Many see this scenario on the horizon, but, they have no answers because governments cannot respond politically to what is needed. This is the present road of mankind and no one can tell when or where the collapse will take place.

The collapse will inevitably come but if a person, a family, a community, even a nation accepts my gifts they will survive. It is not the wealthy who will survive nor those who hold power. Only the man of faith, the family of faith, the community or nation of faith will make the long term commitment needed to ride out the storm.

Comment: Our Lady continues to speak of the difficulties present in our economic system.

The Steps to Collapse

November 3, 2014


The events will begin with a jolt, a partial collapse from economic difficulties in one part of the world. All will view this with alarm but no one will see this as the beginning of a series of events.

In the beginning, there will be enough resources to paper over the damage so that confidence is restored. Many however, will see this as a sign to move their assets. This will hasten the events as other parts of the economic structure are exposed as weak and unstable. The economic world is volatile, based so much on trust and confidence in the system itself. As these weaknesses are exposed, the confidence will slowly evaporate and even the strongest structures will come under assault.

The world has built an economic system which will not stand the test of its sins, of its margins of profit, of its false foundation and of the burden it has put upon the poor nations. Fairness and equity have long since been discarded. Systems have been built around conference tables making decisions that favor those who sit at those tables.

Now comes the time of reckoning. The bills are long overdue. The economic system cannot continue. It does not need God’s chastising hand. It will collapse from its own frailty.

A time of a complete reassessment will begin. Many will focus on economics. Few will focus on a change of heart, of repentance, of a return to God and religious practice. I speak now for those who will listen to my voice. These days are precious. Do not waste them. Return now to God. Reorder your day. Pray from your heart. I will help you with extraordinary graces. Much will be prepared. New beginnings. Deeper peace. Fresh faith and hope. Deeper love for your family. All must share my new gifts. Do not wait. Do not wait.

Comment: In spite of the darkened future, Our Lady always speaks of action and hope.

We Will Begin Again

November 4, 2014


When all the events culminate and the economic systems are in ruins, man will see what he has brought about. Almighty God created the universe, but mankind constructed his economies.

When mankind sees what has happened, he will remember the former glory when he bought and sold and traded with great glee. Man will say, “Let us rebuild”. What fools! You know only how to rebuild a system that has collapsed. You know only how to build on the backs of the poor.

You know only how to rebuild for your own advantage. But I have stripped you and exposed you to public view. Your sins are evident to all.

Repentance must set in, accompanied by a turning to God. “We will rebuild” is the wrong approach. You must say, “We will worship God and he will help us”. The economic collapse will allow the religious spirit to be released upon the world. Many will be in despair, not knowing what they must do. However, those whom I have trained, who read these words and put them into practice will survive these events because their lives are built on faith and not on the “almighty” dollar. Such will be the state of the world after the economic collapse.

For many, it will be too late. Long ago they set aside their faith, and will be unable to find any inner strength to survive these events. Others will be confused, not knowing what to do. They will cling to their families and loves ones to survive. But others will discover new powers in their Catholic faith. They will find others who also are returned to faith.

We will begin again. This is my promise. We will not seek to rebuild. We will seek rather to begin again. Even in the midst of destruction, I will give new life. I promise, “We will begin again” and the religious spirit will once more call America back to life.

Comment: Our Lady continues to describe the economic collapse and its aftermath.

The Next President

November 5, 2014


The washing, the cleansing, the purifying, and the stripping away come only with great pain and hardship. All of this is needed for an economic system that is built on poor foundations.

The market forces will be violent and unforgiving. No one will be able to chart the correct course. How important is the choice of the next president. So, let me speak to this choice that lies two years ahead.

The problem with America lies not primarily in its economy but in it morality and loss of faith. Its economy runs like a wild horse with a government paying no attention to the realities. However, this is just a symptom of an America run wild, with no restraints upon its desires and instincts, and little relationship to Almighty God. The economic collapse is tied directly to its secularism. Moving away from God has deceived America into moving away from economic restraints.

Everything is coming to a head and nothing can prevent the economic collapse. So, who will lead America through these troubled times? That will be the task of the next president. How important is this choice. The next president will need the greatest skills and the trust of everyone, on both sides of the aisle. The person must be a believer, with a heart rooted deeply in faith and a life that is exemplary. The next president must do what is right and make the difficult decisions. The American people must not look at superficial qualities, like oratorical skills. They must look to the heart of the candidates, to their truth and their goodness because the next president must inspire a country that will be going through devastating times.

Comment: With the mid-term elections completed, America turns to the 2016 elections. Our Lady prophesies extraordinary difficulties and the need for a president with great integrity.

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