Preparing For the Events
(November 22 to November 26, 2012)
No Time to Waste
November 22, 2012
Do not tarry. Do not wait. The time is at hand. The forces of evil can no longer be kept back. Soon, so soon, there will be the gigantic breakthrough. The walls can no longer hold back these powerful forces that have found renewed energy as they have come together and intertwined.
Certain forces of evil were restricted because they were isolated from each other. Now, the evil of one movement joins with the evil of another. They feed and nourish each other, offering what the other needs to effectively unleash their evil. This is what is waiting in the wings, so soon to come into full view.
Do not wait. I will prepare you and shelter you. Run quickly into my Immaculate Heart. You, who do not say the rosary, take it up quickly. You, who do not use the sacrament of confession, go quickly to the priest. You, whose life is in disarray, return to mass. There I will give you an abundant and extraordinary grace of personal conversion.
You, who are at odds with your family, reconcile. You who are locked in an addiction, seek to be free. I will visit you with extraordinary graces and will send others who will help you. I speak to all whom these events will catch unawares. It is not too late. Even if you have only turned to me a few days before the events, even if it is just a very short time that you are on your new road, it will be enough. You will have found the right road before the events. When the events begin, it will be very, very difficult to choose the right road. Begin now.
The Events Will Speak for Themselves
November 23, 2012
I sound the alarm but no one listens. It is drowned out by a thousand other concerns. The buying and selling dominates. It is always the economy that matters, while heavenly riches are set aside. A time will come when I will be silent and allow the events to speak for themselves. People will listen then because everything will be hushed. I speak now, so that some will receive this seed of my word.
When the confusion begins, there is only one hope – that the children remember the words spoken by their mother. Every loving mother foresees situations that can affect her children. She speaks of them, describes them and tells her children ahead of time how they must act to be safe. These are the words which I speak right now.
My children, in the confusion that lies ahead, you must first remember that I am with you. Especially in these days, I offer you my light. I will continue to speak to you, both through these locutions and in your own hearts. As you read my words and hear my words within, you will know that I speaking. Follow those words and you will be safe.
The confusion will not lift immediately. It will grow stronger as people realize all of the effects of the events. You must not lose heart. Follow my words and gather your loved ones so they also walk in my light. You must believe that I am with you and will save you. Do not lose heart in the trials.
Preparing for An Emergency
November 24, 2012
I will speak now because when the events happen it will be too late. The conversion of hearts and the preparations must be done now, while everything is still in place. The plans must be laid and the light must be given ahead of time. Does not a family plan for an emergency? So, I give you my plan.
There must be some intimacy with God, a familiarity, a hope in God’s Providence and a capacity to see his loving care. During these days, stay close to the heavenly Father. Do not wander. Do not give yourselves to other cares. Take even a few minutes. Go to your room. Close the door and speak to the Father in secret. I will be there and I will bless your attempts, even though they seem so little to you.
My little children you must believe that whatever happens, I can keep you safe. The Evil One wants to use these events to bring you to despair. When you have no hope, then you easily fall into his hands.
Do not let this happen. By hope, remain in my hands. The Father has given me all the power needed to save all of my children. He has given me all the knowledge needed to know every difficulty and every solution. All you must do is come to me and abide with me. As you do that, I will enlighten you. I will show you exactly what you are to do when these events begin. I will continue to show you as the events continue. I will be with you from beginning to end.
I must speak now, before the events happen. When they begin, you will already have my word.
Extraordinary Events and Extraordinary Helps12
November 25, 2012
You must learn to hear my voice now. When the events come, I will speak to you and guide you. Before then, you must grow accustomed to my voice. Many would see this as extraordinary, but the events will be extraordinary and the helps that you will need must also be extraordinary.
I warn you. You cannot hear my voice if you remain in noise, confusion and entertainment. I am asking you to withdraw, to find some solitude. Yes, I want solitude. Go to your room if that is the only place you can find. Go to a church, if possible. Come before the Blessed Sacrament. Multiply these times of solitude. Go to daily mass. While Noah was building his Ark, the others were buying and selling, caught up in the usual activities. They were not prepared. It cannot be the same with you.
My words are clear. Certain events will happen that will shake the world. People without faith will be thrown into total confusion. People with faith will be tested. If their faith is shallow, they will despair. If their faith is built on rock, they will survive. Now is the time to build on rock. You must learn to speak to the Father. I will be there.
We always speak of the events, but we see these events so clearly on the horizon. Do not be curious. Do not ask, “When will this happen?” or “What are these events?” Curiosity is useless. Only faith is needed.
By faith, you will say, “Jesus and Mary are speaking to me. I must listen to their words and act upon them”. When I give my words, I also give inner light. Each person must ask me, “Mary, please show me what to do”. The light will come. The first steps will be clear. Take them and you will be on the right road. The important word is “now”. Ask now and take the steps now. The events are very close at hand.
Events That Change Earth
November 26, 2012
All who hear these words can put them into practice. They are not difficult. If you make a little effort, I can offer you the help that you will so much need.
No need to despair or to search in vain. I will come to you, wherever you are. I will offer you all the help that you will need in these events. I must speak in this way. I must constantly mention these events because they will change your life on earth. You will need these extraordinary helps that I am so ready to provide.
We have spoken enough about these events. By these repeated words, the message is very clear. The road ahead will not be the same as the road you are now walking. New and much greater difficulties will confront all of mankind. Each part of the world will experience these difficulties, each according to its circumstances.
Some parts will be at the very center of the events and these will experience the greatest sufferings. Other parts will be at the edge, somewhat protected. Yet, all will experience a new moment of darkness and confusion.
In these dark moments, we are ready to offer extraordinary helps to all who call upon us. That is why we speak so clearly, before the events happen. Do not wait. Do not postpone that special moment of turning to me. I will lead you to Jesus.
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