Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Preaching to America

(January 23 to January 26, 2013)

Same Sex Relationships

January 23, 2013


What more need I recount? How can I awaken this people from their slumber? They do not know me and they have no interest in knowing my ways.  They are a people content with darkness, for whom the light holds no attraction.  They have forgotten the former days, when men and women married to bring about children and a family.  These core values are now twisted beyond recognition.  My young are confused and are invited to seek same-sex relationships that are like clouds that hold no rain, sterile relationships that bring forth no children.  How did America wander so far so quickly? This is what I will explain for those interested in the truth.


It is difficult to understand this path that leads away from true love in accord with God’s plan into a love that distorts the image of man and woman.  People will speak of emotions, sexual drives, impulses and attractions.  Do these constitute the human person? Is the person just a bundle of inner sensations gathered together by the memory? The person is a creature, formed by God in his own image and likeness, deliberately made male and female in the body.

The body determines man and woman, male and female.  The body is the norm not the emotions.

Otherwise, nothing is stable and man has no clear goal.  Grace cannot lead a person on when he is not clear whether to live as a man or a woman.  Society is much to blame in this confusion.

You who struggle with this difficulty, come to me and I will pour true love into your heart.

Abandoning the Guiding Stars of Religious Beliefs

January 24, 2013


America has taken its eyes off the stars that so carefully guided its ship.  Instead, those eyes feasted upon the calm waters and the beautiful weather of its prosperity.  “We do not need those stars anymore”, they claimed.  “The light that guided our forefathers has accomplished its task.  We, ourselves, can take over the helm.  We will guide this ship by the light of reason”.  America, you have set aside the guiding stars of religious beliefs and have substituted your secular beliefs.  You abandoned the faith that brought your forefathers to America and substituted your secular religion to guide this nation.

O, America, I ask you, “Where are the calm seas now?” Where is your prosperity? You cannot find them.  They also have become part of your past.  Can the light of reason lead you back to the calm sea? Not at all.  Your sea will be so chaotic that many will despair.  Your economy will worsen.  Your divisions will deepen.  Your wise men will continue to mouth truths that give no light.  Deeper and deeper into the chaos you will go because you have forsaken the stars of religious faith that your forefathers used to found America.


Never turn aside from the light of belief, a light that is buried deeply within.  To reject this light is to reject yourself.  These beliefs unite you with God.  God gave you these truths to invite you.  When you reject beliefs you tear up your invitation and you forget that you are invited to a heavenly wedding.  Amnesia sets in.  The past is forgotten and strange paths are taken, paths which the Ages of Faith would have quickly seen as immoral and would quickly reject.

You have lost your soul, America.  You have lost the faith that guided you.  For that reason I speak.  I will raise up a new America, an America of faith, much smaller than the whole because the whole is now controlled by the darkness not by faith.

The Sickness of Toleration

January 25, 2013


Now I come to the heart of the issue with America.  A false truth entered your culture and has been embraced by many as the only truth – tolerance.  Your highest, most prized virtue is to tolerate everything except religious truths.  You cast nothing out.  You do not cut away infections.  You allow truth and lies to have equal standing.  You have become vulnerable to everything.

Does not the human body have an immune system that safeguards it against infection.  Does it not create anti-bodies when attacked by enemies? You are a dying, sickly body because you tolerate everything.  You reject nothing.  You allow evil to flourish.  “Toleration” you say.

Learn this truth.  Some things are good and other things are evil.  A healthy nation refuses to tolerate the evil.  It casts out the evil.  It destroys the evil.  You now lie sick and dying on your bed of toleration.


As the new world was discovered and religious pilgrims came, seeds of faith were sown and quickly grew.  America was born in faith and flourished in faith.  Its institutions came forth as the fruits of faith.  The people set out on a definite road.  This would be a nation under God and guided by God’s light.  Light flooded America and the waves of immigrants found rich soil for their religious beliefs.  This was my dream for America.  Now my dream is stolen.  Those with no faith lead America down their atheistic road.  “Come this way”, they say.  We will have a tolerant America.  All beliefs are equal and must be placed on equal footing.  The only sin is to claim that you know what is good and others do not.

America, what do you have now? A country filled with confusion which rejects God’s commandments.  You have destroyed the very foundation of America.  Listen to my words, “Hold your leaders to the highest levels of morality.  Make your laws according to God’s laws.  Rebuild your moral foundations.  Reject evil.  Do not tolerate sins, especially in your leaders and your laws”.

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