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Personal Spiritual Growth

(October 25 to October 30, 2014)

Having Your Own Locutions

October 25, 2014


In the midst of these problems, how do you find the way to peace? I will speak. Listen to my promptings. Where do I speak? In the quiet of your heart. I begin right now. Stop and listen. Do not fear if I chastise you. Some parts of your life might have to change. They are just obstacles that need to be swept away so you can see the road ahead.

I speak in these locutions but they are external words, general words of guidance for all the world. I promise to also speak to every heart. How do I speak? What words do I use? From reading the locutions, you know that I speak clearly and simply. I do not use big words but little words that even a child can understand.

You also know that I point out what needs to be changed but always with words of encouragement. You know that my words are filled with promises and hope. I speak gently and invite, so no one is scared away. This is how I will speak to you in your own heart.

Can I not pour out the gift of locutions upon the whole world? I do not mean that I will give you great words that should be published. I will give you little words to guide you on your path. Once in a while, I will give you words for others, for your family or your friends. At. times, I will want you to do a work for me. Then, I will speak more strongly in your heart, when you are better prepared.

How faithful you have been in reading these locutions. By doing so, you have learned to listen to my words spoken in your own heart. Be still. Pray. Go into your own heart. You will find me waiting there for you.

Comment: Our Lady, surprisingly, turns quickly from world events, to invite us to personal prayer and spiritual growth.

Places and Groups Dedicated to Mary

October 26, 2014


How many Churches are dedicated to me. How many shrines and groups bear my name. This is where I will begin because it will be so clear that I am acting. Every place and every group that bears my name and has been placed under my care will be a place where my blessings will begin to pour forth.

I will pour out my gifts at these special places so faith will grow. People will know that I have not abandoned them in these difficult hours. So, let this word go forth. I will visit every place that bears my name. When people enter that Church or shrine, I will be there to meet them.

Let them bring their sorrows and their pains. I will console everyone. Tears will flow and peace will come. Hearts will be strengthened and the signs and wonders can take place.

People will know that I have heard their prayers and listened to their sighs. Unexpected answers will be given. All of this is to stir up faith, to strengthen hearts and to give inner joy. As others learn that a place has become a great source of consolation, they, too, will come.

I do not point out one Church or shrine. The needs are too great. But the great shrines will grow even stronger because there my name has been constantly invoked. The crowds there will grow greater. I have planted this blessing on the very foundation of that Church or shrine.

Those who named it had faith in me. Now, I want to release the hidden stream contained in that faith.

O reader, where is there a Church or shrine or group dedicated to me? Go there often and I will release this hidden stream into your life.

Comment: We need Mary’s promises to stir our faith. Whenever you are in a Church or at a shrine dedicated to her, know that she will fulfill these promises.

Promises for Those Who Gather

October 27, 2014


All must gather. In the gathering I will manifest my presence and pour forth my gifts. Many will be converted. They will see what must be changed. I will call others to great works. All will be zealous for my name to be exalted.

In the gatherings, I will pour out great faith, an inner gift of peace filled with confidence, a belief that I am able to rescue all who trust in me. I will place many gifts within the person. These gifts will be oil for the lamps which cannot be purchased at the last minute.

I will be with you. I will dwell in your hearts and pour out my strength but these gifts must be received now. The strengthening is today and every day. The secret lies in the gatherings. Begin in the home. Gather for prayer. I will visit you. If groups of families are of one accord, then let them gather in larger numbers. I will raise up many and bless their efforts to gather even more people in public places. Here, too, I will be present.

This is my great promise. In this time of so many problems, I will bless, protect, guard and guide all who gather in my name. I will cover them with my mantle, protecting them in ways both hidden and seen. I will go with them wherever they go. I will guide their steps and keep them away from all that endangers them, in body or soul. These are my promises upon all who gather each day in my name.

Comment: Gatherings invite us. When we have another who shares in our prayer we have found a true friend.

Freeing From Drug Addictions

October 28, 2014


I open my heart and invite everyone to see flames of love which leap up within. These flames will purify any heart which decides to enter. Do not fear, the flames are gentle. The warmth that you feel will console you and free you. I am opening my heart in this new way because so many have become entangled in vices that have taken control. There is no other means available to bring about the cleansing.

I speak now to those addicted to drugs. Some are deeply involved in heroin. Others have become attached to prescription medications. Some believe that they need to use marijuana to relax. To all of these, I offer these flames of freedom.

As I remove the addiction, you will not panic. I will substitute a new confidence, a peace which fills you and assures you that you can live without these drugs. I will take you quickly, but step by step. I know your fears and the hold which the Evil One has upon you. I will break that hold. This will be the first gift. You will enjoy a newly discovered freedom.

Where will you find this gift? Go to a church or a shrine that is dedicated to me. That will give you a special faith that I am there. When you go there, think of only one thing, that your heavenly Mother waits for you. Come often. Stay even for just a few minutes. That is all I need to bring you into the flames in my heart. Use the title of that place to ask for these favors. The name is very important, chosen by Church authorities.

Comment: Personal spiritual growth always begins with freedom from evil powers.

New Chambers of Mary’s Heart

October 29, 2014


The great mysteries unfold and the power contained in these flames of my love comes forth, only when I enter into a person’s life. I must now reveal the great mysteries, hidden for all the ages and made known in this special time.

I speak now to those who love me and serve me. I know your fidelity. I know your longing for me. But I say to you. You do not yet know me because so many mysteries that have been hidden will be hidden no more. As they come forth, you will see how small was the light that you previously had, like the light of the stars compared with the sun.

I will be everywhere. I will consume your thoughts and fill your affections. What you received up to now was little. What you knew about me was quite small. All will multiply – your knowledge, your faith, your love, your surrender. This will prepare you for the multiplication of my blessings and protections.

I declare a new day. Those who know me will understand that they did not know me. All of this will happen in the new light that I am casting upon the world. Do not judge as you judged in the past. Do not think as you thought before. The new light will open unseen vistas, new mysteries and deeper understandings.

I invite the whole world into chambers of my heart that, up to now, have been accessible only to the great saints. Read the books of all those saints who wrote about me. Their gifts will be your gifts.

Comment: In these days of great darkness, Our Lady opens new gifts.

Pouring Out the Great Gifts

October 30, 2014


There are too many delays. Too much time passes. The great gifts are meant to flow out of my heart and into the hearts of all who believe. Instead, believers are caught up in other pursuits. They do not judge correctly. They do not see the coming collapse, when so much of what they now seek and hope for will be taken away from them.

Never have Jesus’ words been more important. “Do not seek what passes away. Lay up treasure in heaven.” The world you see will pass away so quickly. What existed will suddenly no longer exist. What stood so firm will stand no more.

This is not the time for buying and selling but for receiving the great gifts from above. These are stored deeply in my heart and are readily available. If I spoke of great penances or of long labor, I would understand your hesitancy. But I speak of gifts, of receiving, of being filled and blessed. I speak of the important gifts that you will need so badly. I will list them.

I will give to all the gifts of prayer, a constant attraction to come into my presence and to withdraw from the powers of the senses in order to enjoy the riches of the kingdom. I will give you love for your family and forgiveness towards those who have hurt you. I will give you great hope. You will enjoy holy desires to accomplish everything. I will give you friends who will accompany you in the difficult times that lie ahead.

Finally, I will give you my presence, an experience that I am with you at all times and that you enjoy my special protection. These are the important gifts. Do not search for any others. If you empty your heart, I will gladly fill it to the brim. Do not wait. The time is very short. Receive these gifts today.

Comment: What an invitation! Who should not want to receive heavenly gifts?

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