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Path to Peace

(July 6 to July 16, 2014)

The Beginning Words

July 6, 2014


Is there no path to peace? All the exits from war and terrorism seem to be blocked. No safe haven exists. All can be set ablaze. Some would say, “The heavenly Father would never allow this to happen”, as if relief comes without any efforts or that the sins of mankind which have created this situation can be instantly removed.

Certainly, a path to peace exists and I will explain the steps which must be taken. However, I warn you that many will ignore my words (as if they are not from heaven). Others will not think they need my words (as if the world will just continue to be safe). Others will believe that mankind can find its own way to peace (as if mankind has no responsibility for what has happened). Others will hear my words and postpone taking these steps (as if the dangers are far away and will not happen in their lifetime).

Only some will rejoice, knowing that there is a path to peace and the beginning steps (Yes, I will reveal only the beginning steps.) are within their reach. I speak for the benefit of these good people whose hearts are already fixed upon me.

Comment: Having spoken so much of worldwide terrorism, Our Lady launches us on her road of peace.

A Blocked Path to Peace

July 7, 2014


The path to peace is hidden from your eyes and the words that I will speak will seem like foolishness to many. Even those who love me will not understand them fully. Yet, I must speak now so that the words are recorded. Later, as the events begin, people can return to these words as firm guidelines to peace.

The problems of gaining world peace are quite new and different because a new reality has emerged – worldwide terrorism. Formerly, the various groups could be brought together to resolve a conflict peacefully, in the interest of both sides. Terrorists have absolutely no interest in peace. Their very name reveals their goals – to spread terror. They exist for war and destruction. Therefore, the usual path to peace is blocked and, really, does not exist.

Formerly, an aggressor was met with force and, as the force increased, the aggressor could be led to the bargaining table. But this method is not effective with terrorists. They are not a nation with national interests. They have no citizens to feed, and no children to protect.

Their eyes are always upon what they can destroy, not what they need to protect. These are the difficulties in finding a path to peace.

Comment: Our Lady begins by outlining the new and unique difficulties.

Understanding the Evil of Terrorism

July 8, 2014


Regarding terrorism, world leaders are in great confusion about the path to peace. They do not understand the way the terrorists are joined together or the internal forces that suddenly explode into external acts.

Terrorism is like cancer. The number of cells is so few compared to the entire body, but the cells are so joined in their evil power that they can destroy the body.

Terrorists are not joined in seeking good for their members. They look outward at what exists and they plot to destroy. They are willing to postpone satisfaction and even, in some cases, to offer their own lives to destroy.

In these circumstances, the path to peace is not clear. I must outline the steps because they are not self-evident. My steps are different. They speak of a different world. They speak of faith, of God’s help, and of a new charity. Many will say that these steps are ineffective, but remember that I am outlining only the beginning steps to peace, the foundations that need to be restored. Terrorism feeds upon sins especially the sins of those who are fighting terrorism.

I ask the world leaders, “Are you ready to begin with your own sins?” If not, you cannot walk any path to peace.

Comment: Our Lady reveals what is different in the terrorist threat and where the path to peace begins – by acknowledging our own sins.

The Few Who Control the World

July 9, 2014


In seeking their own interests, people act immediately, but when thinking of others, action is postponed. Tomorrow seems acceptable. However, the time is short and the first step to peace is to pay attention to the great discrepancies between rich and poor.

I now cast my eyes to the greatest and to the most powerful evil in the world of economics. The entire world financial markets lie in the hands of a powerful few. For decades, they have tilted the world. Their money always increases because they control the rules and the regulations. Even elected leaders of great nations come under their control, unable to act without their consent.

From these few people come every kind of evil. They control world events for their own financial interests. They begin wars, destabilize legitimate governments and fund countless hidden, covert operations. These few people who control the finances of the world are the main obstacle to world peace. They want to bring about a one world order where their power is supreme. However, their fortress is not impregnable. There is a path to removing them from power.

Comment: Control of the world’s money lies in the hands of a small group of unbelievably wealthy and powerful people. They are the main obstacle to world peace.

The Terrorism of Abortion

July 10, 2014


I take you quickly into the very center of the darkness which has come over America, the great darkness of abortion. O foolish America, you build walls against terrorism while your own terrorists kill the unborn.

A darkness has been forced upon America, a darkness accepted and even canonized by your Supreme Court. A darkness that says a mother can kill her unborn son or daughter. I will say this clearly, “As long as you do not protect the unborn from your own terrorism, I will not protect you”. You have brought this evil upon yourself. You have opened the heart of America to the greatest darkness.

There is a path to peace but you have no desire to walk it. Even so, I will raise up a new stream of life. I want political leaders to protect all the unborn without any compromise (as if some unborn are less worthy of life than others). I make this truth so clear. Protect all of your unborn and I will protect you. Abandon the unborn and I will abandon you. Why should I protect you from terrorism when you allow terrorism to go unchecked in your abortion clinics? I outline the path to peace but who wants to walk that path?

Comment: Almost no one sees the connection between abortion and God taking away his protection over America.

The Personal Road to Peace

July 11, 2014


The more the world tries to find the path to peace the more confused it becomes. Its efforts bring forth few results and the darkness grows even greater. The heavenly Father has decreed that the path to peace must pass through my Immaculate Heart. He wants to exalt my Immaculate Heart and he wants all the world to understand the prerogatives and powers which he has placed there.

Although the path to peace cannot be walked overnight I must explain the beginning steps.

First, the world must understand how helpless it is, that it cannot even find the path to peace, let alone walk that road. Second, it must believe that there is a path to peace and it can be found in my Immaculate Heart.

Peace begins with repentance. Each person must realize that they have caused division. Let each person examine their own conscience. Let them remove anger and dissension within their own heart. Let them always seek peace in their home and in their relationships. This seems such a small a step, compared to the long road to world peace, but the person who chooses to walk this road of peace, will be constantly lifted higher, be given greater power and authority and will become a great instrument of peace to many. These are the beginning steps.

Comment: Do not wait. You begin to bring world peace by deliberately walking your personal road of peace.

The Long Difficult Path to Peace

July 14, 2014


Many set out on the path to peace but are quickly diverted by selfish interests. Seeing advantages that they can gain, they forget the goal. This only hinders peace. When one nation or group takes advantage over another, this becomes an issue, an obstacle to peace.

No, you cannot take your eyes away from the goal. You cannot allow short-term gains to divert you. You must sacrifice all that is selfish to bring others to the vision of peace. All selfish interests which jeopardize peace must be set aside.

You can see the road to peace is not of one day or of one year. It might not even be of one lifetime. It is a long and arduous road, walked only by those whose hearts are firmly set upon peace. This is a path of sacrifice, of thinking of others and of seeking their good.

In this light, look at your weapons. This has been the false path to peace. Weapons, weapons, weapons. They are everywhere, even in the hands of children. This is my promise. If even just a handful take up this road of peace, if they do not abandon it, if they truly try to bless others, if they seek no self-interest, I will bless their work. All will see the great results. Even if only a small portion of the world walks this path to peace, I will keep them safe.

Some might even lay down their lives for peace.

Comment: Our Lady speaks honestly that the path to peace is long and difficult.

American Arms Sales

July 15, 2014


The diplomats get on planes. They travel here and they travel there. They talk and discuss.

However, how many nations are ready to change their own hearts? To them, peace is like a chessboard.

Is world peace a series of moves and counter-moves? This is called a manipulative peace, as if peace could be engineered or manufactured.

The path to peace is much deeper than diplomatic travels because the causes of war lie in a nation’s decisions. World peace cannot be pulled out of a hat like a magician’s rabbit and it cannot be brokered by astute diplomacy and clever moves.

People have memories. The sins of the past remain alive, powerful and uncontrollable forces which constantly boil over.

The world is now faced with intelligent, powerful, coordinated and growing forces. Satan has placed these in the hearts of millions. The fires you have witnessed are as nothing compared with the fires that are still hidden and these fires cannot be extinguished by flying diplomats. They are only fought by a complete turning back to my Son Jesus, the Prince of Peace. But nations do not want to hear these words. They do not want to hear about their own sins, their own fires and their own dishonesty.

Let me end with one single question. I ask everyone who reads these locutions to demand an answer. In the past 40 years, “How many billions of dollars has accrued to America by selling weapons to other nations?” Your greed, America, has fueled the fires and your weapons that are used everywhere. You sell weapons and then send your diplomats to play their chess games.

Comment: Every year, America leads the world in selling weapons abroad. For decades, America has armed the whole world.

The Path to War

July 16, 2014


It is too late when the fires of war break out. The task of peace is when there are no wars. This demands vigilant hearts, nations that are sensitive to justice, and leaders who are filled with charity.

If human life is always a clash of interests, a domination of rich over poor and control by the powerful, then wars are inevitable. These wars destroy valuable resources. The victor claims what he wants. The vanquished are worse off and the seeds of future wars are sown deeper into people’s memories. Such is the cycle of war.

When I propose a different path to peace, people and nations cry out “unrealistic”. As they reject my path of peace, only the path to war remains. The world travels this path so quickly these days.

Comment: Our Lady’s plan is not superficial. It demands changed hearts and changed policies.

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