Our Lady’s Special Helps
(August 16 to August 26, 2015)
A Mother’s Milk
August 16, 2015
All the veils must part and all the future must be revealed. This is the gift which the heavenly Father has given to me and which I share with my children. These are precious words, always given to help, to enlighten and to console. They are not meant for the curious who hope to know events ahead of time. I speak them for devout souls so their fervor can be nourished.
How many look forward to these daily words and find much consolation. For them I continue to speak. I see each one. I see their desire for these words. I see the helps and the consolations which each receives. This encourages me to continue to speak and reveal.
How I would like to take each one into my arms right now and lift them to heaven. But, that is not the Father’s plan. Each person has a purpose, a task to fulfill on earth. Naturally, I will take some before others and I will leave some much longer (just as I left Sr. Lucy for so many years). All will be safe. I will not abandon any one of my children. My words are solid promises and are accompanied by the graces needed to fulfill.
Let me end with these words, “Those who are wise love my words. They know that they come from a mother’s love. They drink them in like a newborn infant seeks its mother’s milk. These are all the nourishment that they need.” Be content with my words. I will provide all that you need. There will always be fresh milk to feed on each day.
Comment: Each day, Our Lady provides the best nourishment.
Using the Chaos for God’s Purposes
August 17, 2015
Great power goes forth when little words reveal my heart where the heavenly Father has placed all of human history. Everything is there. All the human decisions, all the world events, all that is past and future. All come together in my heart and all are revealed by my words.
I must speak quickly. The time is very short and there is need for great clarity. I do not speak for the curious so they can plot the times and the events. I speak so that the devout can be prepared and filled with confidence.
Deep troubles lie ahead that cannot be avoided because too many things are clashing. Opposites cannot be reconciled. They struggle for supremacy. Chaos and order. Heaven and hell. Good and evil. These forces shape human history in the constant daily struggle.
Soon, the great battle will come to the surface, breaking through the established order and pouring forth its chaos. It will seem like a great victory for evil but my children, trained by my words, will understand. From my teachings, they all know that this first step belongs to evil. They will know God’s plan of which I have spoken clearly.
There will be a series of events that reveal the deep disorders which lie beneath the surface. Mankind will awaken and many will realize that they have walked away from faith.
More important, the Church will be deeply shaken. Doors that have been closed will reopen. Light will penetrate the prevailing darkness. It will be a new moment. I will use the chaos for my purposes and will begin to position the Church for the role I have always intended her to have – the light of the nations.
Comment: Satan brings about the chaos. The chaos is not God’s will but He can use it for his purposes.
The Turmoil
August 18, 2015
Why the delay? Why do I not just pour out my gifts? Why do I not intervene in extraordinary ways to bring the world to great faith? I have already taken these steps. I have appeared and spoken to many. I have given the greatest promises and spoken about world events. But my actions and my words are set aside.
I do not give up. I press on. Too much is at stake. The whole world hangs in the balance. Many nations are endangered and the lives of millions hang in the balance. I will continue to speak so all can understand.
I have spoken about events, but I will now use the word “turmoil” because the events are so close. The turmoil has not yet begun. It will be triggered by a single event that is obvious to all. This will not be the only event. It will be followed by another event and yet another, with some time intervening between them. Gradually, the world will realize that this situation is so new.
God will not cause this turmoil but He will use it for His purpose. Gradually, people will realize that they falsely chose material prosperity. Some will just be crushed because their dreams are destroyed. Others, however, who kept alive the light of faith, will experience my touch upon their souls. They will breathe the air of divine hope and find themselves stirred to return to their religious roots.
I will come to the aid of the Church because great new burdens will have fallen upon her. In this darkness, I will be her light. In this turmoil, I will be the safe harbor. This is the secret I want to reveal. The Church must lift me up as the Mother of all nations and the guiding star. If so, the great helps stored in my heart will begin to flow forth.
Comment: As always, Our Lady offers great hope in the midst of turmoil.
The Deluge and the Ark
August 19, 2015
The rain, the flood, the deluge. Is there no safety amid all that will happen soon? Is the tide of evil just to sweep away everything in sight and claim the whole world? That is Satan’s plan for this generation, the hope that he has always cherished and the goal of all his actions.
This is Satan’s scenario, the desires flowing from his evil heart. He has raised up his world leaders who act as his instruments. He has united the terror groups. He has weakened the West and covered over their light of faith. So many parts of his plan are set in place. Yet, he waits. It is not yet the time. The clouds gather but do not yet send down the rain.
Should I stop here as if there is no response from heaven? Instead, let me pause and ask, “What if there were no heavenly gifts? What hope would exist for mankind? What would be its future?” This pause is filled with light. All my children realize that earth without heaven has little chance against such powerful forces. How important is the Father’s plan. How important are all my apparitions and all my promises. How even more important will be my actions, my helps, my lights and all my heavenly favors. These words today are my clearest invitation.
I spread before your eyes the great deluge and the great Ark of hope, my heart. So many are willing to stay outside, believing that there is no need to enter this ark. My children know better. Come, I will gather you up quickly and when the rains begin you will not be caught outside.
Comment: In the past, Our Lady has often spoken of her heart as the Ark. Now, her invitation is much more urgent.
Will Doors Be Opened or Closed?
August 20, 2015
When the doors fly open, the wind enters and no one controls where it goes or what it does. Mankind has opened forbidden doors and now forces are released which he cannot understand or keep in check. Is it too late? Is there a path to security and peace?
This is mankind’s current dilemma, although he does not yet grasp this truth. He moves along with no great sense of his need for heavenly help, or of the crossroads that he will come to.
I speak to awaken, so mankind sees now and acts as quickly as possible. I have many topics on my heart.
The Iran treaty is a massive door that should never be opened. Benefits are already accruing to Iran but if the treaty is accepted, the door will open completely and there will be no turning back even if later attempts are made. How foolish this action. It is the work of darkness and deceit.
The process of the presidential election is also filled with the greatest darkness. Candidates come forth for their own selfish interests. Here, too, the Evil One has his goals and chooses his candidates. How important is this process and these months leading up to the election.
Pray that I might place my hand upon those who should lead America.
The months ahead will see two important moments for Pope Francis, his coming to America and the October Synod. The first event is on the surface, filled with publicity and the glare of cameras. The second lies at the heart of the Church, in the very center of its approach to the family. How delicate are the discussions and how important are its final decisions.
All of these issues are immanent, right at hand. All have a definite time frame known to all.
All are vitally important. Will the doors be kept open or closed? Will winds be allowed to blow that cannot be controlled?
Comment: Our Lady comments on human decisions that will soon be made.
The Moments Decreed by God
August 21, 2015
Each day comes exactly on time, as decreed by the heavenly Father. No one is surprised. The sun has always been faithful to its task of rising at the correct moment.
Such is not the case with human history. However, some moments exist which the heavenly Father has decreed and these events happen at his exact time. They are pre-ordained and they are so important that all else must cede to them. Even if mankind is not fully prepared, the heavenly event must go forth.
Such were the mysteries of Jesus’ birth and death, events fulfilled at the exact moment of God’s decree. Such were the apparitions at Fatima and such will also be the great events of my gifts to the Church.
Even among all the human failures and all the human mistakes, even among all of Satan’s deceits and wiles, still, in the middle of all this stands the decree of the Father that, in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I say this now so that my children never lose hope and never believe, for even one moment, that I have forsaken them. Let them cling to my words, spoken with such great certainty. Satan will control much because mankind has yielded so much to him but the ultimate victory lies in my hands.
What more can I say now? I want to give you as much light as possible because you will need all my words in the darkness. I have already placed in my Church all the needed gifts. I protect these gifts and have already anointed those who safeguard them and will bring them to the surface. I prepare all the events so that they will not be set aside or overlooked. Let me put it this way. When Satan shakes the world, he will also shake loose the Fatima gifts and these will rise to the surface. Just as at the cross, what looked like defeat was really a victory.
Comment: Our Lady tries to reveal to us mysteries that we need to understand.
The Fatima Gift Rises to the Surface
August 22, 2015
Each day, I open to your eyes new gifts so you can see that, amid all the darkness, there is a road of light. First, I give you words of light, followed by my promises. Then, I give words of direction, followed by my actions. I am at work in my Church, preparing its heart for the great Fatima gift that will suddenly (and soon) break open. Just as pangs precede a birth, so there will be struggles, difficulties and even events. But all my children must see these as the birth pangs of Fatima. Fatima is the great gift, containing all that the Church needs to be the Light of the Nations.
I will try to describe for you all that will occur. Even with many threats, there is still security. Life goes on as usual. Danger signals appear but nothing happens that seriously disturbs human life. In this atmosphere of contentment, the Fatima gift is forgotten, as if not needed. Fatima is the devotion of the few who choose to follow the messages. However, as human life is halted, as structures are shaken, the promises of Fatima will grow in importance. As world leaders fail to calm the storms, the Church will cry out to the heavenly Father for respites.
As this point, through those whom I have chosen, I will act more boldly. These little locutions given now for years, will take on a new power. Their credibility will have been established. Even more, the words that I will give will be clearer and sharper.
I will also begin to touch people in high places. They will come to believe. In this way, the Fatima gift, now unopened, will begin to rise to the surface. All of this is preparation for the greater events that will happen until the Fatima gift is broken open and its graces flood the Church.
Comment: On this feast, the Queenship of Mary, Our Lady reveals how the Fatima gift will come into prominence in the Church.
An Economic Event
August 23, 2015
I know that I speak of great events which will happen soon but this must not overwhelm you. Each person will receive the heavenly grace which they need. Let us begin.
Society contains many structures which have been weakened by sinful decisions. The safeguards against collapse have been greatly weakened. Those who should have protected the economic system, have totally failed their responsibilities, thus leaving huge gaps which anyone can see. These gaps are papered over, with money printed without any true resources. How long this blasphemy has taken place and how false is the true value of the dollar upon which the world system relies.
The dollar will not hold the world systems together. It is extended and stretched too far. The beginning events will be economic and a breakdown of trust and confidence which undergirds the economic system.
Fortunately, there is some inner strength and some integrity which will limit the slide and provide some protection. All will not be lost but the first jolt will be clearly felt.
None of this comes from God. It is not a divine chastisement. It results completely from the foolish and sinful decisions of man. Steps will be taken. Adjustments will be made. The system will be patched together so people can move on.
However, the great issues will not be faced. Repentance, change of heart and the need for America to turn to the living God will be set aside for another day. It will be the same road, with a few cautions. However, anyone with wisdom will know that greater problems lie ahead.
In God’s plan, this event will be the beginning of a shaking of the Church, an awakening to the need for the Fatima gift. So, all has a purpose.
Comment: In very simple words, Our Lady speaks about the near future.
The New Pentecost of Fatima
August 24, 2015
Because no one sees or understands the events that lie ahead, few steps are taken to avoid the darkness. Mankind is like a train whose course is pre-determined by his past choices. I begin this way to open up new possibilities. Mankind has another option only because of the Fatima gift. Today, I speak of heaven’s path to world peace.
The heavenly Father knew that mankind would fall into this darkness. He knew that mankind would foolishly build structures that were bound to collapse. He knew that mankind would be tricked by Satan and plunged into a darkness that he could not dispel.
He knew that these factors would bring about inevitability, a culmination and a gathering together of all the elements of darkness. He foresaw this historical moment, the great convergence of evils sown into human history. He saw, too, the inevitability if some special gift were not made available.
Such is the great Fatima gift, the culmination of all that is good, filled with the greatest blessings ready to be poured forth. These are the mysteries I am revealing. Without Fatima, mankind would have no hope. With Fatima, all can lead to victory and the pouring forth of world peace. How will this take place?
The mystery of Jesus’ birth, the Word becoming flesh, was a total surprise, but it was known by a few — Joseph, Elizabeth, Zechariah and myself. Soon, others came to see— the shepherds, the Magi, Simeon and Anna. Eventually, the mystery was revealed to the disciples. With Jesus’ death and resurrection, followed by the sending of the Spirit, the mystery burst forth upon the world.
So it will be with the Fatima gift. It is already known by a few and understood by them. By these locutions, the mystery is being revealed to more. Soon, Fatima will come into greater and greater prominence. Finally, it will break forth upon the world, like a new Pentecost. The world will be surprised but the battle will just be beginning. As at the first Pentecost, the Spirit’s work will begin in Jerusalem and go forth from there.
I do not reveal these truths so people can sit back passively and wait. I speak to encourage faith and action. Take up your rosaries and begin. Change your lives. Help those in need. Fill your lives with the works of the gospel. Then you will be prepared for the new Pentecost coming from Fatima.
Comment: The world without Fatima would have no hope.
The Surprise Visitor
August 25, 2015
Mankind is helpless and cannot survive without the gifts of heaven. Man needs all of heaven’s natural gifts, sun, air and water provided by his Creator. Even these, he takes without any thought of giving thanks.
He also needs greater gifts because God has given him intellect and free will. Because of these powers, mankind is able to build a world and to bring creation to its highest level. Has that happened? Has mankind brought the world to its highest level where peace reigns and everyone enjoys a fullness of what God has abundantly provided?
Instead, the twin evils of violence and poverty dominate the world, twin paths that reflect the evil over which man has no control. Mankind has fallen victim to robbers, and lies by the wayside. As time passes, and one person after another walks by, hopelessness sets in. Will no one be kind enough to bend over fallen humanity, dress its wounds, and bring it to safe refuge?
Suddenly, someone comes. Who is this surprise visitor? A foreigner, someone despised, a Samaritan who has been set aside. Why should he stop for a Jew? Why should he bend over and wash the wounds? Why should he lift him up and take him to an inn?
Cannot these same questions be asked about Jesus? Has not society despised him, pulled down his images, and subjected him to ridicule? Yet, these are my words. Jesus will be your surprise visitor. At the moment you lie helpless by the wayside, He will come, pour His graces into your wounds and bring you to a safe place. Then, the eyes of all the world will open.
Jesus will again be exalted. This is my path to lasting peace.
Comment: As mankind becomes more and more wounded, Jesus will bend over suffering humanity.
Financial Crisis
August 26, 2015
There are so many clouds on the horizon that it is difficult to speak of a future filled with such darkness. Yet, if I do not speak, the darkness will still come and my children will not have the light of my words.
By now, it is evident to all that the great darkness has begun. The economic evils lying beneath the surface have broken through and have begun to shake the markets. This comes as no surprise to my children who have listened to these words because I have spoken so often of the sins which have weakened the structures and made them ready for a collapse.
Now, I must come to the heart of the matter. Efforts are being made right now as I speak to shore up the markets and to spread out the failures so that the shock is lessened. This, too, just postpones the day of reckoning. The deeper evils have not yet surfaced; the complete dishonesty that has prevailed for years and the constant pushing off of the day of truth. What looks like evil is really truth. What is the money truly worth? Who have been good stewards and who have been dishonest?
What words can I give to my children? How can I offer light in the midst of so much darkness?
First, I will be with each of you in a personal way, giving you greater faith and greater love for each other. Amid the difficulties, I will also extend an invitation to many to return to the Catholic faith.
During this financial crisis, I will provide families with a great light, so correct decisions are made. I will not allow despair to control your hearts nor will I allow you to choose paths of darkness. I will be with you. I speak of this darkness ahead of time only so you can believe my promise.
Comment: Our Lady prophesies the darkness so we believe her promises of divine help.

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