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Our Lady’s Deepest Feelings

(May 14 to May 21, 2015)

Three Thoughts of Our Lady’s Heart

May 14, 2015


I must move deeper into the feelings and hopes of my heart. I want all to join me there so that the darkness will not overcome. Much of the darkness is easy to see because it comes forth in violence but I must bring to light the hidden darkness which is more dangerous.

First, there are the alliances, the bonds between those dedicated to violence. They plan. They share resources. They march together (each for his own selfish end). I spoke before of this “coming together” that would move terrorism to the next level.

Second, I must speak of the West, with its economic prowess. Here, also, are alliances. Powerful and rich leaders are dedicated to their selfish interests. They control. They are always in charge. To manipulate wealth is to murder. When the poor are condemned to live their whole lifetime in squalor, without access to medicines that could save their lives, is this not murder from above? When poor nations are saddled with unpayable interest rates, do not many people die of starvation? These unholy alliances of the rich and powerful constitute just another form of violence – economic violence.

Finally, I come to my Church and a pope who tries to lead the Church to the margins, to the poor and the outcasts. Follow him. When the Church is aligned with the poor, it will become more and more a Church of my heart. No one else stands there. No one else goes thee. The poor are forgotten, an afterthought, given the worst scraps left over from the tables of the rich. Much can be done. If the poor are fed, I will provide a surprising abundance. If the world invites all the poor to the table, great calamities will be avoided.

Comment: Our Lady’s three thoughts are very crucial to world politics.

The Role of Pope Francis

May 15, 2015


I want to speak of the great mystery of the papacy and what is happening before your very eyes. World leaders are being plunged more and more into darkness because they, and their people, have abandoned the light of faith. Everything is secular and technological, while the human hearts desperate need of God is ignored.

However, there are many lights of faith, the strongest of which is the papacy. Pope Francis sees these many lights and tries to gather them together so they might shine as one. By reaching out and involving others, he is protecting himself. He does not try to stand as a lonely figure, but welcomes all the lights to join together.

He also knows the issues that are important to people of good will By addressing these issues, he also puts forth an invitation to faith. In this way, even more join him, sometimes in spectacular breakthroughs. All of this serves a purpose. The papacy is constantly lifted higher and higher and there accrues to the office greater and greater moral authority.

All of this is my plan which will culminate in the next pope who will be filled with an even greater wisdom and who will consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart.
You can see that all of these events are so very close. Everything will happen so quickly. You must know that I am with you and you must draw closer to me every day. There is so much more to say.

Comment: Amid the darkness of the world scene, we can see Our Lady’s plan unfolding in Pope Francis.

Father Gruner and the Wine of Fatima

May 16, 2015


Everything is locked up, awaiting its time.  Some forces (good and evil) are never released.  I want to explain these mysteries.

Every moment, graces flow from the Trinity to the world.  However, many graces lie unopened.  Their time comes and their time goes.  They never bless humanity.  This causes many other blessings also to be lost because one blessing is meant to prepare for another.

So that the blessing of Jesus would not be lost, the Holy Spirit perfectly prepared my heart, and I received the world’s Savior without any diminution of the gift.  The gift of Jesus came perfectly, both in its power and in its time – the fullness of time.  The Church was born on Pentecost at the right time.  After that, graces were always given at the right time, like Jesus’ appearance to Paul on the way to Damascus.  Every grace had its moment in God’s time and every generation was to accept its moment in history.

For this present generation, God has gifts, perfect gifts, at just the right moment.  Their time comes.  If accepted, the gifts open and bless.  If rejected, the gifts die, like withered grapes that have never been sent to the winepress.

The great gift for this time is Fatima and for so long it has remained on the vine.  The priest who spoke out so fearlessly has died, yet his message lives.  If only my gift had been received by willing hands, I would gladly have allowed it to be crushed and its blessings pour out like wine.  Now it withers.  A time will come when the wine of Fatima will flow into human history. 

Many will say that much time has been lost.  That is true.  However, during this century, many forces of evil have also not been opened.  Otherwise, there would be no humanity to receive the Fatima gift.  All is not lost.  The Father has many ways to bring about his plans.

Comment: Our Lady mentioned a priest who spoke out fearlessly.  This was Father Gruner.

The Key to Mary’s Heart

May 17, 2015


The piercing of my heart began when I presented Jesus in the temple. This piercing will continue until the end of time. I accept this suffering for the good of my children. Now, I reveal the great piercings caused by today’s world. Enter into my heart and see its piercings.

So many of my baptized children lay wounded along the wayside, unable to complete their journey and so in need of the Good Samaritan. So many cultures are bathed in darkness where the name of Jesus cannot be pronounced. So many weapons are waiting to fall into the hands of those who would use them quickly. So many leaders have hearts which I do not own.

So many of my children are deprived of my light and are unable to see clearly the right road.

So much money spent by the rich. So many poor shunted aside by false economic systems.
The list can go on. I could speak about each nation and the piercings which they cause. I could speak about each world leader or describe each of their failures.

I say all of this so you can see the innumerable piercings of my heart. All of these I would gladly accept a thousand times over if only my light was going forth to the world. My greatest suffering is that the light does not go forth. It is still locked in my heart. Has no one a key? Can no one open the door? Must I carry the light of God and realize that it will never light up the world?

I have given this key to my chosen son. I have guarded him and he has guarded the key. Someday, all the light in my heart will be released upon a world that has fallen into darkness. The whole world will know, beyond any doubt, that the triumph of my Immaculate Heart has begun.

Comment: Our Lady uses the powerful symbol of a pierced heart that carries light for the whole world, but most be opened.

The Financial Scandals

May 18, 2015


In the greatness of my sorrows, I pour out all that is upon my heart, the burdens which I carry. Come, share my sorrows and understand.

So many evil powers have found their way into human life. These powers, joined to the improved means of communication and the great destructive weapons that are now available, make for a deadly mix. They have brought the world to this point which most people can understand, the most dangerous moments in human history. Even this is not the greatest burden which I carry.

My greatest sorrow is the blindness that has entered my Church, coupled with intrigue and the joining of forces that has had its own agenda. Hearts unite around the selfish goals of a desire for power and a lifestyle not in keeping with the gospel. Yes, I must say it clearly. Networks of evil penetrated the Church. With their hearts consumed by these earthly goals, they formed groups which used the Church instead of serving the Church. All of this is not new. The headlines have revealed the financial scandals.

These networks were not devoted to me. These people carried no true devotion to my Immaculate Heart. While intent on their own financial security and funding their lifestyles, they set me aside and rejected my gifts.

Pope Francis is confronting these evils and bringing about financial responsibility. I will bless these efforts. When the darkness of greed is swept away, the Church will realize that the great gifts of my Immaculate Heart must be exalted.

Comment: Our Lady links the Church’s financial scandals with the setting aside of devotion to her Immaculate Heart.

A Door Still Open

May 19, 2015


From beginning to the end, from creation until the final coming, all of God’s mysteries pass through my Immaculate Heart because God’s Word became flesh within me. Those who find me, find life because Jesus is there.

Why die of thirst in a desert, when living waters are so easily available? How different would be the world’s history if only it passed fully through my heart instead of taking the tangled paths created by man. These are the mysteries I want to explain.

When the original creation descended into the darkness, the heavenly Father conceived of a new creation. When sin entered the world, the Father decided to create another world, a woman taken from the same soil, but sinless from the first moment of her conception.

Human history had a new path, a sinless path freed from corruption. That path, hidden for many ages, (as was the mystery of Jesus) was opened completely at Fatima. An invitation went forth, orchestrated by heaven itself. Great promises were made. Nothing has changed.

Nothing has been revoked. My Fatima heart remains wide open, a new creation formed in my sinless heart and freed from the sin of Eve. This is the path to world peace and personal peace.
How few have entered that door! Many have never heard the message. Fatima is seen as one of many doors, able to be chosen or left behind. It is called “optional” and “private revelation”.

All of that must change. These locutions will become the great voice of Fatima, making it so attractive that the whole Church will begin to realize all that God had done when He created me sinless.

Comment: Our Lady reveals two mysteries. When God created her free from sin, He began a new creation, which was opened completely at Fatima.

ISIS in Europe and America (Special Locution)

May 20, 2015


I want to speak about ISIS and especially the joining together of terrorist groups. Their oneness and the extent of their operations give them new power.

This terrorist fire is ready to jump to Europe, which is vulnerable to these arrows of fire because it is so close. Soon, so very soon, the fires of Middle East violence which have spread to Africa will leap over the Mediterranean Ocean and land in Europe, especially in Italy.

There are no walls to contain these fires and they will find little resistance. People are not mobilized or joined together for war the way ISIS is. The gains will be surprising, not just in isolated attacks but there will be the actual presence of ISIS on European soil.

America is kept in the dark. Much is hidden concerning the full threat from ISIS. All of this secrecy covers failed policies. This cover will soon be ripped away.

The ISIS attacks on America will confront the country much more than 9/11. At that time, Osama Bin Laden was heading a loosely-jointed coalition of terrorists. The situation has greatly changed, especially in the size, the sophistication and the unity of these forces.

Our Lady’s Judases

May 20, 2015


Now I come to the deepest wound. Has there been a Judas in my life like with Jesus? Has there been anyone whom I chose, whom I drew close to myself, to whom I have revealed my secrets and who, in turn, has betrayed me? Sold me out? Sadly, such people exist. They have been in high places. They have had important positions. They have set me aside to gain their goals. They have conspired with others.

I have been an embarrassment to them, a piety that seemed only for those who could not understand the theological truths. They did not want to be identified with Marian piety. They would write their books and give off their theories, as if the people needed their knowledge. But me you did not find among their thoughts. They betrayed me, shutting the doors and leading many on fruitless journeys that led to nowhere.

I do not say this to condemn, nor have I dared to mention names. That is not my purpose. I speak so that these blindfolds can be removed, and so that the sterility of their thinking no longer destroys the harvest that can come forth.

In these locutions, I place forth a deep and fruitful theology, one that goes far beyond the light of reason, even reason guided by ordinary faith. I open up great vistas of truths. I speak this way to attract everyone, both the simple soul who delights in my truths and the educated person who realizes that my teachings go far beyond the usual theology books.

I want to sweep away all obstacles to the Fatima messages, especially those that arise from any complaints about their theological depth. I am reopening Fatima. I am presenting it again, clothed in the deepest theology. I will not allow Fatima to be set aside, even if I must personally debate all those who dismiss it as merely personal piety. They are my Judases.

Comment: Fatima is not based upon some backwater theology that cannot hold its own with great thinkers.

The Silencing of Sister Lucy

May 21, 2015


The human heart is filled with so many feelings. Memories are stored there, often hidden and slow to come forth. For my children, I gladly bring them forth so they can share my thoughts.
What is it like to be shunted aside? During my lifetime, I lived in obscurity. This was the Father’s plan. I was to be His witness and keep everything in my heart. How faithfully I fulfilled that task.

For a witness, there is a time to observe and a time to testify, a time to store up the gifts and a time to pour them forth, a time to be hidden and a time to come forth so all the world can live in light and truth.

The time of my being hidden, of staying in the shadows and of being unknown is over. It no longer serves the Father’s plan. This complete hiddenness was definitively removed at Fatima. There, I was the Woman Clothed With the Sun. The great gifts were meant to flow forth and bless the whole world. Imagine the suffering of a witness whose words are set aside, who is not taken seriously, as if I had nothing of importance to say to the Church and to the world.

I chose the three children of Fatima. Two were meant to come soon to heaven. Lucia was to stay as my messenger, a living witness, able to explain and to bring forth new light. Instead, she was silenced. I will say this openly. She was silenced because her words did not agree with those who wielded power in the Church. I kept her on earth for decades. She was to speak out, to help, to guide, to be the living magisterium of the Fatima messages. There would be no going astray. Nothing would be derailed. She was there to offer authoritative guidance and she was silenced. When Lucy was silenced, I was silenced. She was my living voice. No wonder the Fatima gift fell into obscurity, seen as the apostolate of just a few.

Now I have raised up another living voice, these little locutions. They will not be silenced. They are my words to the world. Through them, Fatima will live again, the full Fatima, the Fatima that would have existed if the original messenger had been allowed to speak and to testify.

Comment: The sad history of Fatima is the silencing of Sister Lucy. In 2000 when the Fatima secret was supposedly revealed, Sister Lucy was not allowed to be present. Instead, others gave their opinions which destroyed the message. This false declaration is still a matter of record and has never been officially reversed. The false claim is that the Fatima vision of the pope, bishops, priests, sisters and many others being killed was fulfilled when Pope John Paul II was wounded (May 13, 1981). The people were told that the vision dealt with a past event and to forget about Fatima having anything to say about the future.

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