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Our Lady of Fatima

(June 27 to July 8, 2013)

Explaining Fatima

June 27, 2013


Everything is at stake. Everything is on the table. Even though the fires burn in the Middle East, all the world will be drawn in. If a body is wounded, the whole person suffers. The Evil One wants to pierce the body and bring about a mortal wound that will not heal. This is a wound of untold suffering and tragic human loss.

I do not want this moment to ever happen. I am acting everywhere. I am appearing to some, speaking to others, encouraging and leading. I am opening up my heart and welcoming everyone.

These are the actions that I will begin to explain. You, reader, are the object of my actions and I want you to understand all that I am doing.

The New Garden

June 28, 2013


God created a garden of life which was meant to bring mankind every blessing. By human choice, it became a garden of death and disobedience. For man’s own good, he had to leave the garden.

At the same time, God promised another garden, a woman who would bring forth a son.

I am the new garden. However, all must find their way into my garden where there is life and obedience. This is the great mystery which is being revealed to the whole world.

Some already know this truth and in me they find life. However, many do not know me and many who do know me are unaware of this garden. In the future, I will manifest my presence, not just to Catholics but to all of good will, and I will invite all into my garden of new life.

Total Light in the Devout Souls

June 29, 2013


I have so much to say about the Fatima gift that has never been revealed or explained. Placing my light on the lampstand is just the beginning because everyone in the world, to some degree, is in darkness. Even the most devout souls have aspects of their personality and of their holiness that are touched with darkness.

To these I will offer a fullness of light. The final darkness will be thrown off. This will happen by a gift of joy. I will so fill them with my presence and their hearts will so rejoice that whatever darkness still lurks in the recesses of their hearts will be burned away by the greatest of joys. They will drink of a happiness that they could not imagine and they, too, will write of my wonders so all will know of this new age.

When the age of Fatima dawns, should it not begin with those who have been so faithful to me?

The Presence of God

June 30, 2013


In the original Garden, there was a presence of God, a familiarity between God and man, and a loving relationship. Today, in the midst of their sufferings, people ask “Where is God”.

People experience an absence of God because he seems so far away as if he is not interested in creation.

The Fatima gift contains this presence of God. People will sense that God is with them. They will see that he truly is a loving Father. The goal of Fatima is to restore what was present in the beginning, so all mankind, by experiencing a presence of God, is free to respond.

Now, just a handful have this experience of God’s presence which helps them to be faithful. In the new era, the age of Fatima, this gift will be offered to all. All will be invited into the new garden.

Preparing for the Consecration

July 1, 2013


Even the Church does not understand. I must explain even more deeply the gift of placing Fatima on the lampstand. This, of course, is a decision of the Holy Father but all the bishops and, all the Church with them, must be involved. All must know of this moment and all must prepare in the greatest of faith. Doubts and fears must be cast out. This moment will have great results.

A special day must be chosen and all will agree that this is the perfect choice. Of course, Satan will stir up the forces of nature all across the world. However, this will be a sign.

The physical light of the sun casts out the darkness and the seas will be stilled.

Then, will come the great moment. All the Church will have been praying fasting and expecting.

When the words of consecration are said, the gift will be sealed forever, totally protected because the whole Church has fully participated. How I look forward to that day.

The Unperceived Darkness

July 2, 2013


Darkness covers the whole earth. This darkness is not perceived because it lies in the heart of every person. This unperceived darkness also exists in the structures of human society. It governs the relationship between nations and the relationships between people, especially in the most important place of all, the family.

From this darkness comes every human problem and the inability to finding lasting solutions.

From this darkness comes the multiplication and the complication of these problems. Every problem of mankind flows from this darkness which has now led man on this road of destruction.

No human power can free him. Every human attempt only shares in this human darkness. A new light is needed, a light that has nothing in common with the darkness. When will the pure light of Fatima be released so the darkness can be overcome?

Blessed are those who work for this goal. Woe to those who speak against it.

The Heavenly Rain

July 3, 2013


Fatima is like heavenly rain that will dampen the whole world, extinguishing the fires that now blaze out of control. These are the great fires of anger and hatred that exist between people and cultures, the fires of greed and dishonesty in the hearts of leaders, the fires of passions and deceit in the hearts of individuals. All of these fires will begin to face a new enemy in the heavenly rains of Fatima.

Man cannot put out these fires. He does not even understand them. He is totally helpless in the face of the demonic destruction. However, Satan knows that his fires, no matter how powerful and widespread, are no match for the heavenly rain. That is why he fears so greatly the unleashing of the Fatima gift.

The Waves of Fatima

July 4, 2013


I will continue to speak of the hidden powers of the Fatima gift.

Mankind has suffered from the waves of iniquity which have continually washed upon its shores.

The first wave prepares for the second, which is always more powerful and more extensive. When one wave ceases, the other comes, extending the evil. Is not the shore helpless against the waves? Can the shore say to the ocean, “Send me no more”? Even if some resist the evil, yet another wave, and another, quickly follows, eroding every barrier. Such is the current state of mankind.

I promise you a new ocean, the ocean of Fatima blessings, which will constantly beat upon the shore, removing evil and giving hope, turning back the terrible gains of inequity and restoring religious life. I promise that these waves will not stop. Human efforts to block them will fail. I will gather a people purified in my ocean.

The Good Samaritan

July 5, 2013


Mankind is helpless and wounded. Like the man who fell in among robbers, he lays by the wayside and so many pass him by, until someone stops and bows down to see his plight. At Fatima, I have come down because I saw the state of mankind. Now, the wounds have multiplied and the helplessness spreads everywhere, like a growing infection.

Fatima is my pledge and my promise. I will continually come down. I will come down everywhere, especially when I am asked. I will come down to nations, to families and to all who are in need. I will come down in public manifestations and quietly within people’s hearts. The whole world will experience my care. Whatever the cost, I am ready to pay the innkeeper.

Mary’s Requests

July 6, 2013


What do I ask of you so that these Fatima blessings are received? First, you must believe in me and in all that I have promised. My name must be on your lips and in your heart. You must trust and be filled with confidence that my gifts are all you need for your eternal salvation and your earthly happiness.

Second, you must love one another and forgive what happens each day. You must be concerned that everyone knows and loves me. No one must be left behind.

Finally, you must keep God’s law. At this point, many falter because they fear. I will help you. I ask only a willing heart that tries each day to fulfill God’s will. Fulfill these three requests and the ocean of Fatima will fill your life.

To Church Leaders

July 8, 2013


I raise my voice strongly to Church leaders – bishops, priests, deacons, religious, laity in key positions. You must join me. You cannot sit on the sidelines. Your voices also must be raised. Where your heart is, there also should be your voice.

You must encourage the Holy Father. Let him know that you support him and want him to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. When he sees your overwhelming support, he will move much more quickly. He, too, will see the urgency and the fruitfulness. He will see that consecrating Russia will unite the Church, not divide it.

This, however, is not enough. Is there not a part of the Church, no matter how small, in which you hold some role of authority? Consecrate that part to my Immaculate Heart. Get your people to make their consecration. I will see their holy desires and I will come. I will make my presence known by signs and my power known by miracles. These graces I pour out upon all who openly profess their devotion to me.

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