Marian Cross - Transparent Background
Part IV: My Soldier

My Mission and Yours

My Ideal, Jesus Son of Mary
Madonna and Child - Bartolome Esteban Murillo - 1670


My child, listen attentively to what I am going to say and try to understand it well.
I have a mystery to reveal to you, a mystery concerning both of us.

2. At the same time that Gabriel announced to me that the Son of God desired to be born of me, he announced that this Son of God, become my Son, would be called Jesus, which means Saviour, and I realized that this Saviour wanted to associate me in His work of redemption. I saw that by consenting to co-operate with the divine offer, I would be consenting to co-operate not only in the mystery of the Incarnation, but also in that of the Redemption. I gave my consent. From that moment until the last sigh of Jesus, I worked with Him in the redemption of man: I furnished the substance of the Victim and nurtured Him with a view to the final sacrifice; I united my prayers and sufferings with His; my will with His will; I offered my Son to the Heavenly Father for the supreme immolation. Jesus was the Redeemer and I was the Co-Redemptrix.

3. Now, understand this well: the calls and the gifts of God are irrevocable. The co-operation which I gave my Son at Nazareth and on Calvary, I must give until the end of time. Having given Jesus to the entire world on the day of the Incarnation, I must give him to every human being in particular throughout the ages. Being Co-operatrix with Jesus in the work of the Redemption, I must remain His Co-operatrix in the application of the Redemption to each individual soul. For the Redemption is not yet fully accomplished: the grace of salvation merited for all on Calvary must still be applied to each man as he comes into this world. Such is my mission until the end of time. With Jesus I worked at the general redemption of men; with Jesus I must work at their conversion and sanctification.

4. In fact, could it be otherwise? By becoming the Mother of Jesus, I became the Mother of all those who are destined to be His brothers. Should I not, therefore, like a true mother, watch over the life and the salvation of those to whom I have given birth?

5. As you see, on the day of my entry into heaven God confided an apostolic mission to me, an apostolic mission that is universal even as was my action as Co-Redemptrix and as is my spiritual Motherhood.

6. I am the Queen of Apostles, not only because I watched over the first Apostles with maternal affection; not only because I obtain fecundity for the work of their successors, who, without my intervention, would be powerless to do the least good to souls; but also because their apostolate is only a limited participation in the universal apostolate first confided to me.

7. This apostolate is a struggle. I must snatch each soul from Satan in order to lead it to Jesus and to the Father. At the moment of the Tempter’s triumph over our first parents, God foretold him his defeat: “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy posterity and her posterity: she shall crush thy head.” I crushed his head already at the first moment of my Immaculate Conception. But that victory was only the first of an infinite series of victories. Even to the end of time I must crush his head. I am his irreconcilable adversary, “more terrible than an army in battle array.”

8. In the struggle for souls, I already defeated him while the Church was in its infancy. Since then I have destroyed every heresy in the entire world and have brought innumerable sinners back to the path of salvation. Now, God has decreed that from century to century, my conquering action should become more and more manifest. In these later times, He wishes it to appear before the eyes of all with unprecedented clearness.

9. Satan seems to be triumphing in the world today. But fear not: precisely because his power is growing, God wishes me to appear more openly in order to crush his head. A tremendous victory is reserved for me. My kingdom must be established throughout the world so that the kingdom of my Son may come more fully. Have you not noticed that Jesus is much better known, loved, and served since the proclamation of my Immaculate Conception? that His Person, His Eucharist, His Sacred Heart, His Kingship are more ardently and loyally honored than they were for centuries? “Of His kingdom there shall be no end,” said the Archangel Gabriel to me. But now, as then, it is I who must give the world its King. The last age of the Church shall be more my age than any other. You shall see marvels operated by and for me. You shall see Satan crushed to the earth by the heel of a woman—crushed as he never was before. You shall see the Church displaying a fecundity and a conquering power above all that she has ever known. You shall see Jesus reigning over ever increasing multitudes and acclaimed by the very ones who opposed Him most bitterly.

10. Such is my part in the mystery which I wished to reveal to you. And now here is your part: God decided to associate men, and especially certain men, in the execution of His works of love, and to make the success of these works depend upon the fidelity of these men to their vocation. In order to continue on earth the mission which He had received from His Father, Jesus willed to rely upon the assistance of the Apostles and their successors. In the same way, in order to carry out my mission of conquest in the world, I need auxiliaries and soldiers.
When will men see the marvels which I have foretold? Only when my children understand my apostolic role and consent to battle under my orders and at my side.

11. You have understood this role. Do you wish to be my soldier? Do you wish to aid me in rescuing my children from Satan and leading them to Jesus? Do you wish to share in the victory reserved for me? Following the example of your divine Model, you have given yourself entirely to me. You have consecrated to me your body and soul, your thoughts, words, and deeds. Now that you understand how I wish to use your person and your powers, are you going to retract your consecration?

12. In the idea of filial love for me, you at first saw only the attitude of the child on His Mother’s lap. And here I am, leading you onto a battlefield. Still, was Jesus my Child only in the sheltered home of Nazareth? Was He not just as truly mine while He was destroying the empire of the prince of this world and redeeming the human race? Did He not become my Son precisely because He wished to be the Saviour of men? He has likewise called you to be my child of predilection, so that you, too, may become a saviour of souls. You must either become an apostle therefore, or renounce the honor of being my child of predilection.

The Faithful Soul:
O Mary, I am entirely yours, and everything I possess belongs to you. For you and under your orders I wish to work, fight, suffer, and die. My battle cry will be “Maria duce! Under Mary’s leadership!”

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