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Mary’s Deepest Sorrows

(April 30 to May 6, 2013)

The Age of Mary

April 30, 2013


The world must come to know me. Even many Catholics do not know all that the heavenly Father has placed within me. So, I must reveal these riches. I must pull back the veil so all can see. This time will be called “The Age of Mary”. This is not just a fancy title but a new reality in the relationship of heaven and earth.

This new age began with the miraculous medal revealed to St. Catherine Laboure which highlighted my Immaculate Conception by the prayer, “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”. Then Blessed Pope Pius IX officially declared that I was conceived without sin. This dogma is the foundation for this Age of Mary.

Quickly I appeared in many places, always bringing protections and blessings. Finally, I appeared to the three children at Fatima with the startling revelations that are still to unfold in modern times. All of this is just the beginning. Each day, I will open for you the treasures which the heavenly Father has given me to disperse to all the world.

Note: The beginning of the Age of Mary took place when Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Laboure (1806-1876). The apparitions took place in her convent of the Sisters of Charity (of St. Vincent at Rue de Bac, Paris) where she had entered in 1830. In the principal and visions, Our Lady showed her the design for the miraculous medal, containing the prayer “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”.

The medal and the accompanying miracles led to great popular devotion to Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Blessed Pope Pius IX declared the dogma on February 11, 1854. (At Lourdes in 1858, Our Lady told St. Bernadette Soubirous, “I am the Immaculate Conception”.) After that, all of Mary’s appearances have stressed her Immaculate Heart.

The Apparition Sites

May 1, 2013


I speak now from my motherly heart. The words will flow quite freely and with great strength because the message is urgent and my heart is broken. My complaint is this. I have appeared and spoken to many of my chosen ones – at LaSalette, Fatima, Medjugorje, Akita, (Japan) Rwanda, (Africa) Betania, (Venezuela) and many other places. Many of these have received official approval of the Church. Yet, who listens to my words? Who acts upon my words? Who even knows my words?

So, I must raise up a new voice – these little locutions that come each day. These locutions are not a great voice, a thundering voice, nor do they even enjoy the gift of an apparition or a vision. They are words which I speak in the heart of a special soul. Yet, I will use this little voice to speak of the important apparition sites. This will be like a “voice crying in the desert”. It will alert many people and they will say, “We have never even heard of some of these places”. They will go and research these treasures of my words and much light will come upon the world.

On the Horizon

May 2, 2013


A mother has many sorrows in her heart, but today I speak of a burning pain that will not go away and which grows greater with each day. I have appeared to many and continue to appear every day. I have given teachings and messages that have been faithfully recorded by the visionaries. Some have even been officially accepted by the Church.

Yet, these apparition sites and, especially, the words that have been given are unknown to most Catholics. They are ignorant of my messages and they walk in darkness.

Why have I appeared and why have I given these directions? Because I see what is ahead, what looms on the horizon. My messages are warnings and also teachings of what people should do.

Beginning with Catherine Laboure and then at Lourdes, LaSalette, Fatima, Akita, Medjugorje, Rwanda, Betania and elsewhere, I have pleaded and many times I have wept (the visionaries recorded only a few of these times because they were many).

Whom must I blame for this? Why do so many Catholics remain in ignorance? How many even know about my request for the first Saturday devotion? Who is at fault? I will speak about this later.

Destruction Need Not Happen

May 3, 2013


I speak from a mother’s heart that is broken from sadness. A deterioration of earth is taking place which leads to tragedies of many kinds, but especially to a great loss of souls.

Tragedies do not lead to faith. The heavenly Father allows them only to avoid greater tragedies, just as a doctor amputates a leg to save a life.

My heart is broken because I am trying to help, but few listen. I speak of devotions but these are set aside. I ask for public displays of love but these do not happen. People question the visions and the promises and see no reason to respond as I ask. So, I will explain.

Every moment, the power of sin corrupts human life. This eventually leads to tragedies and, after a longer period, to great problems and even to wide scale destruction. All of these are so evident in the modern world. The corruption, the tragedies, the problems and the wide scale destruction rip apart the fabric of society. As this happens, faith in God is destroyed and many souls are lost for all eternity.

In all of my apparitions, I have spoken of these problems and given clear directions. If people listened and called on my name (especially in a public way), I would remedy these problems. People would see that I had acted. They would regain their faith and save their souls. Can I speak any more clearly than this? I sorrow because the destruction of earth need not happen.

Pushed Into the Background

May 4, 2013


Too many voices are raised against me. Some speak against people who supposedly trust me too much or have too much devotion to me. Others speak against those who openly profess their love and devotion to me. I must say this clearly. I am not where I should be in the hearts of many Catholics. The Church would not be experiencing its problems or seeing its numbers decrease so dramatically if I had been properly exalted and placed firmly in people’s hearts.

Formerly, I was spoken of highly, but now I have been shoved into the background, hidden from view, as if I am an embarrassment. I ask you. Do those who follow me stop coming to Church?

Do they disobey the bishops? Do they break the Ten Commandments? Not at all because I teach them devotion, obedience and truth.

The Church would not have fallen upon these sad times if only she had followed my path. Yet, those who speak of me and promote devotions that I have specifically asked for (like the Five First Saturdays) are set aside and ignored. If you set my followers aside, then you set me aside. If you set me aside, I cannot help you. That is what has happened.

I could continue speaking. Today is a First Saturday and many Catholics are asleep, unawakened to my urgent requests made at Fatima.

Note: At Fatima, Mary introduced the First Saturday devotions asking all Catholics to do five things on the First Saturday of each month:

  1. Receive Holy Communion. (If this is impossible, then receive on Sunday.)
  2. Go to Confession (eight days before or eight days after).
  3. Say five decades of the rosary.
  4. Meditate (pray) on a mystery of the rosary for 15 minutes.
  5. Have the intention of making reparation for the sins against Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

The Fires of Syria

May 5, 2013


Now a word from the deepest part of my heart, a burning word which I must speak as the prophets of old.

The time is shorter than most can imagine. No one knows the series of events, one triggering the next one. First, one country is drawn in and then another, all because the fires of Syria were not quenched at the very beginning.

These fires have burned and burned, melting away the fragile security that did exist in the region. Now, little is left.

Nations face each other, opposing nations who so much want to strike.

In all of this, I am on the sidelines, not looked to and not invoked, not preached as the Mother of Peace nor, in any way, considered an important part of the peace. I have this to say.

Does not Israel belong to me? Did I not purchase the ground with the price of my Son’s blood? Am I not the owner of Jerusalem? Will I not use my city to bring peace to all the world?

These are my clear plans that I have spoken about often, but my plans are on hold until the Holy Father openly consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Then, the events of peace will unfold, one after another. Presently, it is the events of war that unfold, one after another, with no end in sight. What do you want – war or peace? A path of destruction or a path of salvation?

A World Without Sunlight

May 6, 2013


Let me bring these words to a conclusion. When people build a wall, close a door or cover over a window, then the sun cannot shine into that house. So, when people exclude me and push me aside, they are building walls, closing doors and covering the windows of their soul.

Without the sunlight, inevitably the germs multiply and soon sickness enters. The air grows stale and no one is refreshed.

I speak these words so that all obstacles are removed and my light can shine. If people would only call on me, I would come. My heart is broken and, from this deep sorrow, I speak.

The illnesses of the modern world will continue to multiply until the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart takes place. Then, the wall will come down, the door will be opened, the window thrown open and my healing rays can begin to restore the world to health. How I await that moment!

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