Mary and 2014
(December 28 to January 10, 2014)
Goodness Always Demands Some Light
December 28, 2013
I must bathe the whole world in light so mankind can choose to walk God’s path. Goodness always demands some light. Otherwise, the correct choices cannot be made. Satan is the father of lies. He hides and destroys light. Let us begin.
Every blessing flows from the Father’s hands and comes to the world through Jesus’ heart. His heart was pierced on the cross so these blessings would pour forth. At that moment, I stood at the cross and received all of these blessings into my heart. The Beloved Disciple represented the Church and Jesus told him to care for me. “From that hour, the disciple took her into his home.” (Jn. 19:27)
Since that moment, I have obediently abided in the Catholic Church. Jesus placed me there and the Church has, for centuries, taught about me. More and more has been revealed about me to the Church which has declared these to the world. I will begin to teach about these prerogatives, always applying them to the modern world.
Comment: To know God’s gifts in Mary’s heart is an essential grace.
The Father’s Perfect Creature
December 29, 2013
No one understands all that the heavenly Father has done within me and what he wishes to accomplish through me. After the fall from grace, the Father’s plan to redeem mankind centered totally on his Son, Jesus, coming to earth. To accomplish this, he chose a woman as Jesus’ mother.
Now, if you were God and you could create your own mother, would you not place in her every possible good? Would you not create the perfect creature? Would you not fill her with divine life and every possible gift?
Would you put her over in a corner? Would you limit her power and her role? Would you hide her or pretend that she was unimportant? If she was the chosen instrument of your plan to redeem the world, would she not be perfect in every aspect and powerful throughout your kingdom?
This is what the heavenly Father has done. Only by acknowledging the Father’s decision and accepting the fullness of my role in bringing about the Father’s plan in Jesus will the Church experience all that the Father intends. He has no other plan. He awaits the Church’s decision to accept what he has brought about.
Comment: Understanding the Father’s decision reveals how frail is our devotion to Mary.
A Feminine Reflection of God
December 30, 2013
Would the heavenly Father cheat the world? Would he hold back the greatest of his gifts? Not at all. He so loved the world that he sent his only Son, Jesus. Such is the full abundance of God’s love and I am the reflection of that love. He has made me the perfect mirror, and clothed me with femininity. I am a reflection of God, because he understands that mankind can only think in terms of masculine and feminine.
God has both the strength of man and the warmth of woman. However, human minds are limited, attributing certain qualities to the man and different qualities to the woman.
Jesus is the full and total expression of his Father but man’s limited intellect pictures him with masculine virtues. God uses me as the feminine image. I am not God. However, the Father has chosen me to reflect his glory and attract people to him by my femininity. Let the whole world come to me as their mother. Those who come will find only Jesus and the Father.
Comment: So many find in Mary a beautiful image of the motherly love of God.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
December 31, 2013
All the world must know what powers God has placed in my heart because mankind has the power to destroy the earth and all of human civilization. Satan envies these weapons of mass destruction. He covets them. He wants them placed in the hands of those whom he controls. This is his plan and, each year, he comes so much closer to gaining this goal. As soon as it happens, he will waste no time. How many hearts share his evil and would delight in destroying the whole world!
This is a serious message which I held back until this final day of the year. No progress to peace has been made. Look around. All is in turmoil. Civil wars rage within nations. They are contained for now, but destined to flow out to neighboring countries. This is not the final step. Only when one nation begins to war against another, will the final stage begin and the great weapons will be brought forth.
Can no one see the inevitability of this path? Where does any solution lie? This is my great revelation, my final message of the year. The heavenly Father has placed all of his powers for world peace in my Immaculate Heart. Search for peace elsewhere and you will not find it. Search in my heart, and all the gifts will pour out.
Another year has passed. Russia is still not consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. Only a few years exist before all that I have explained will begin.
Comment: On July 13, 1917, Our Lady told the three children of Fatima that, at some point, she would ask that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. This was the path to world peace. In an extraordinary vision and revelation on June 13, 1929, Our Lord and Our Lady told Lucy that this was the moment to have the Holy Father make this consecration, in union with all the bishops. As of December 2013, the consecration of Russia was not made.
The Year 2014
January 1, 2014
The door opens, the New Year begins. Who knows what the 12 months ahead hold in store for mankind? I will speak of the world that is hidden from view.
During this year, many forces will be released that will move mankind closer and closer to the darkness. These forces are already in place. The problems will not be new but their manifestations and powers will be greater, and, in some moments, very surprising to the whole world.
The shifting from light into darkness will accelerate. Places that now claim stability will suffer violence. The economic foundations will be shaken but will not yet collapse. The turmoil will grow, yet 2014 is not the year of the great chastisements.
Although I bring a warning, I also bring hope. There is still time. However, until the great powers placed in my Immaculate Heart are released, the tide toward evil is inevitable. The forces of darkness have the field all to themselves.
The consecration of Russia will not happen in 2014. Even so, I will do all in my power to limit the darkness and to hold back the inevitable. You, O reader, cherish my love for you and seek my blessings. I do not hold these favors back from anyone who invokes me.
Comment: Mary’s description of 2014 is very clear. Neither the chastisements nor the consecration of Russia will take place.
Mary’s Chosen Leaders
January 2, 2014
I will open up my heart. I do not need to wait to reveal these secrets. There are many people whom I hold in my heart. These are my chosen men and women, coming from all areas of life. I chose them and I want them to be a blessing to many.
I must awaken them. They must know my plans. They must realize that I want to lift them up.
First, they must come to know me and to know my ways.
I will lead some into the highest levels of leadership. I would lead one to the presidency. I would place others in positions of power so that America returns to the light. People must learn to support my choices. They must decide according to quite different values. They must ask, “Who is telling us the truth? Who will lead us into the light, even though the road is difficult? Who will insure a future America that has a solid foundation.
Pray. Ask me for these leaders and I will raise them up. The only hope for America lies in those whom I have chosen.
Comment: We get some idea of Mary’s intense activity to help America.
The Paradise Built By Man
January 3, 2014
Technology has opened up new frontiers and mankind can take many different roads. He can go to the moon or to the depths of the sea. In the beginning of all these discoveries, mankind dreamed of a new world, like a new Eden, a new paradise. This time the world would be created by his own hands. This would be a world of man come of age. The need for God and for religious faith would be put far away, a relic of the past.
Now, mankind is confronted by his own world. He sees what he has built. Look carefully, mankind; you are getting a glimpse of a world without the heavenly Father. You see the road that you have chosen. Not only do you see, but you fear. Not only do you fear, but you realize that you cannot turn back.
You must inevitably move along. New discoveries. New inventions. New entanglements. New opportunities for terrorism, destruction and chaos. Satan has entrapped you in your own discoveries. He has encouraged you to build your own world, independent of religious belief.
I cannot allow the final parts to be set in place. I cannot allow the great weapons of destruction to be rolled out. I want the whole world to realize, “If we but go to Mary, she will remove us from this path”. This is my promise.
Comment: When man builds a world without God, he inevitably traps himself.
My Deepest Secrets
January 4, 2014
I open wide the door of my heart and allow the whole world to see my deepest secrets. Only in this way can everyone be prepared. How can people understand the current events? How will they grasp what will happen, unless I spoke about those things? More than speak, I must instruct and teach time and again so they understand.
These locutions are so important. All who read them will gain the needed wisdom. They will not be caught by surprise. They will know exactly what is happening and how to respond.
My powers are still held back but my words go forth. I will not be silent. Even though I am on the sidelines, I can speak about what is happening. So, let these words go forth. Blessed are those who hear them. Even more blessed are those who speak of them to others.
To all who read these words, I will give a special light of hope. To all who live these words, I will dwell with you, abide with you, and pour out my greatest love because you allow me to be your heavenly mother.
Comment: Although her role is limited by human decisions, Mary is doing all she can to protect the world. She will not be silent.
The Pulpit of These Locutions
January 5, 2014
During the coming year, much will pour forth from my heart and the words will be recorded for all. I want the whole world to know my thoughts so that they become the thoughts of everyone.
By accepting my thoughts as their thoughts, the whole world can come to a new level of faith.
When filled with faith, people choose roads of light. They conquer. They overcome. They do not tire out. They build new worlds and preserve the good that they already have. Nothing can overcome a person of faith.
But how can they believe, unless someone preaches? How many faithful preachers speak my words!
Even this is not enough. I must become the world’s preacher. I must ascend this little pulpit of locutions.
Listen to your priests and to all who teach God’s word. Learn from them every day. Yet, in these extraordinary times, their word is not enough. In 2014, I promise that my word will go forth, like a surprising light in the great darkness. All who hear my word and act on it will have nothing to fear. All is safe. By these little locutions, I am able to be with my suffering children.
Comment: Mary promises to continue these locutions.
Mary’s Advice
January 6, 2014
I have tried to speak of the events that are ahead. Many do not listen. This is a warning to all. They have no interest. Others listen but do not act. They are not doers of the word. When the events pour forth, it will be too late. I speak now so my children will be prepared. This is what you must do.
First, stay close to the Church because only the Church can offer to you all the helps that you need.
Second, stay close to confession. Do not abandon that sacrament which has the power to cleanse and purge you.
Third, say the rosary. When you do, I will be with you. It is my special prayer.
Fourth, gather with others in small groups of prayer. You will encourage one another and offer each other protection. Does not the world tear down your faith? These groups will be a wall that isolates you from that influence.
Fifth, read my words, not only these locutions but all the words I have spoken at Fatima and Medjugorje. Study them slowly. Digest them and put them into practice.
Finally, always trust me. I never leave your side. I am always with you, not far away but close. My Joy, is to guide you as a mother leads her smallest child.
Comment: What Mary asks is easy to do. We must make the effort.
Mary Will Be Everywhere
January 7, 2014
Man searches and searches, always seeking new ways and new inventions, always hoping that the next new discovery will finally bring the unending happiness for which he yearns. Yet, he never finds and continues to search.
He needs a new wisdom which will show him where and how to search. He must understand his own inner desires which are made for God. He avoids these truths. He shoves the Almighty to the sidelines. He even outlaws him and restricts his name from being mentioned. He removes God from public life because so many have already removed him from their private life.
So, God will send a woman to entrap man’s hearts. God has appealed to man through his Son. Now, he will seek man through the woman. This is the Father’s secret plan.
I will be everywhere. Already, I am appearing in many places. I will take on new forms. There will be new devotions, new books, new understanding. I repeat. I will be everywhere. No one will think to exclude me. And when I come, I will always bring Jesus.
Changing the Future
January 8, 2014
I speak because I want everyone to see as I see and to understand the powers that are leading mankind into the darkness. Many will not care because they do not worry about the future.
Others will ask, “What can we do anyway? The world lies in the hands of the important people.”
I speak clearly because every single person is important. The most important are those whom I love and whom I choose as my instruments.
Come, all you who believe, all who daily read these locutions, we will change the course of world events. We will prevent disasters, overcome evil, and remove destructive leaders. All is possible.
I do not speak to discourage. I do not reveal a future that cannot be changed. I speak now so that the future will be quite different than if we did nothing.
Take up the task. The year is still young. Commit yourself to my cause and let the blessings flow from my heart. We will work together.
Comment: Mary has so often revealed future problems but these can be changed.
The Two Fires
January 9, 2014
The fires are already lit. These are the fires of war, terrorism and destruction. All the world watches. The news comes daily of more deaths, suicide bombers and of civil wars. Those who could put out these fires have withdrawn. Those still on the scene are inadequate.
The result is inevitable. The fires will grow. The West says, “They are not in my backyard”. O foolish West, as if this fire could be contained. Does it belong to just one country or to one people? Does it have limited geographical boundaries? Who can even draw the boundaries of terrorism? It has struck many countries. All feel its presence.
You need another fire, the fire of peace that burns so brightly in my heart. Yes, the two fires are already lit but only the fire of evil has gone forth. My fire is still captive, unable to go forth in battle.
This is my promise. Even though my fire has not yet been released on the world stage, I will gladly place this fire in any heart that asks. So ask and ask and ask. Every request will be granted. My fire of love is lit and wants to pour out.
Comment: Just ask, “Mary, please give me your fire”. The prayer will always be answered.
The 2014 Issues
January 10, 2014
As the bells ring out to announce a New Year, everything is not cleared away. It is not like turning to a new page. It is more like someone awakening in the morning. Soon, the good and the bad, the problems and the opportunities, come rushing back into consciousness.
I have already spoken partially of this year 2014, but I want to state clearly what lies ahead. First, terrorism will spread. No resisting force is present. The terrorists will be international. They will totally disregard national borders to create their own country, so to speak. There, they will operate free of any interference, focused totally on their goal of disrupting everything, of destabilizing governments and of throwing all into confusion, and even death.
Second, America will awaken, startled by the sharp discontinuity in its healthcare and wanting desperately to reverse the situation. But, it must awaken to much more. It must awaken to the moral evils in its midst, especially to the killing of the unborn. I say this again and again, as long as a woman, her husband, her boyfriend, her doctor are given by America, the right to kill the unborn child, then I must withhold my full blessings.
Those who seek public office are the most responsible. They cannot use the healthcare reform as a political tool and not stand fully with the unborn. I warn every politician. Do not cut off the rights of the unborn or I will cut you off from my blessings. I will reject you and raise up another. You are forewarned.
Third, I must speak of the Church and of Pope Francis. I rejoice that he is acclaimed and the papacy is seen by the world in a good light. Yes, let the Church remove whatever draws it away from simplicity. Yes, let the Church reach out, evangelize and be close to the disadvantaged.
I want to draw all humanity to my motherly embrace.
However, the biggest problems do not lie within the Church but in the growing power of the kingdom of darkness. This is not a usual time in history. This is the culmination of two centuries. Satan has regrouped from his defeat at the cross and the surprise victory of Jesus at the tomb. The Holy Father must realize this.
Who can destroy this darkness? Who can avoid the disasters which inevitably lie ahead? The heavenly Father has placed this power in my Immaculate Heart and, Holy Father, only you can release that power by deciding to consecrate Russia, in union with all the bishops, to my Immaculate Heart.
I have spoken plainly of the issues that will confront the world and the Church in 2014.
Comment: Our Lady highlights the three important issues.

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