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Mankind’s True Enterprise

(October 20 to October 27, 2013)

The Heavenly Father’s Enterprise

October 20, 2013


Someone setting out on a journey tries to see the obstacles that he must overcome. However, no one can foresee the problems that lie ahead for mankind. The world is filled with problems, like little grains of wheat ready to become a harvest of destruction, changing parts of the world forever. This is the true state of mankind, which people cannot see.

When a fire burns fiercely, a mother gathers her children because she knows the path to safety. O readers, stay closer to me than ever before. Set aside your other enterprises. Let go of your schemes. This is a time for the deepest devotion to the heavenly Father’s enterprise.

You yourselves must say, “Come, let us give our hearts to Mary’s messages.” Then, you will give yourselves to what is truly important. This is the great enterprise that I will now explain.

Fulfilling God’s Enterprise

October 21, 2013


My heart overflows and I must continue to speak. No one knows the timetable of events between Satan and God but every human person plays a role. Billions of people are caught up in this great mystery of God’s plan.

O reader, do not think that you play a small role and that what you do is unimportant. You have a place in history, a call to the service of God. This is my message. Put aside the trivialities of life. Listen to the stirrings in your heart. Listen and you will hear my voice. I need you. I need your prayers. I need your sacrifices. I will train you. I will teach you. I will make your heart like mine and you will overflow with my thoughts and my desires. Then, we will fulfill the great enterprise of God’s plan.

The Shattered Vision

October 22, 2013


The heavenly Father created mankind so that every human person would live with him forever in heaven. This is mankind’s true goal. When mankind no longer believes, this vision is shattered into a thousand pieces. Mankind makes up its own goals. These compete with one another and divisions occur. Attempts at reconciliation fail. People do not see themselves as brothers and sisters on a common journey to heaven.

By losing sight of God’s goal, mankind sees no value in God’s commandments and rejects God’s wisdom. Society crumbles. The great enterprise of gaining life forever is abandoned. Mankind seeks earthly goals that can never answer the deepest human question, “Why do I exist?” Such is the state of mankind, which needs to regain the wisdom that comes only from faith. I will try to help by these words.

The Special Invitation

October 23, 2013


Every person in the world has an invitation to enter God’s kingdom and to live forever. My Son, Jesus Christ, issued this invitation and paid for every person to sit at the heavenly table. All is prepared. The banquet is ready.

Millions of people live in darkness, unaware of their invitation. Many others see no value in their invitation and never open it. Still others see this invitation as inconvenient and requiring a change to what they want to do. Some embrace the invitation and make all the sacrifices needed so they can attend Jesus’ banquet. Such is the state of the world.

You, O reader, have your invitation to Jesus’ kingdom. This invitation contains every blessing which God intends for you. Open it. Follow its directions. It will lead you by a new path where you will find all of God’s treasures. Reject it and you will lose everything.

Comment: The great decision for every human being is to accept or to reject God’s invitation. We make that decision every day.

New Heavens and a New Earth

October 24, 2013


Too many resources are given over to useless goals while the great enterprise of the heavenly Father is neglected. When man sees and accepts the plan of God, he will allocate these resources so the whole world can be fed, sustained and flourish.

Where will I begin in describing the world built without any vision of God’s plan? Men construct a world filled with the most destructive weapons and an economy that enriches a few. Whole continents are buried in poverty, while the natural resources are exploited by outsiders.

Do not say that in these locutions I speak only of heaven. The Father wants earth to flourish and for all to have what is needed. When earth becomes like hell, people lose faith. When earth becomes like heaven, all have hope. God promises, “I will create a new heaven and a new earth”. (2Pt., 3:13) It is those who do not believe in God’s plan who destroy the earth.

Comment: When mankind follows God’s plans, earth will flourish.

The Decline of America

October 25, 2013


What has happened to America which began as the great enterprise of God? How many came to your shores, the victims of religious persecutions. They sought this new world so they could freely practice their religious beliefs. Such were the beginnings of America, a seedbed for religious hopes that soon produced a devout nation which I blessed time and time again.

America is now a nation filled with bigotry against religion. A hatred fills its secular soul. Its hands are cupped to its ears, not wanting to hear a single religious message. Religious signs and displays are deliberately removed. Teachings that violate God’s commandments are propagated in the schools. I will not go on with this sordid list. America proclaims, “We will not be under God.” So, the great enterprise of heaven comes to a halt. The President, Congress and the Supreme Court all turn their backs.

You had a call, America, to lead the world to God and to be a model nation of religious belief. Now, you export your abortion pill, your pornography and your weapons. Still, you wonder why you have declined. You have declined, America, because you have rejected the heavenly enterprise for which I exalted you in the first place. Your fortunes will continue to decline until you say, “Let us return to our religious beginnings and become, once again, a nation under God.”

Comment: This locution perfectly describes America’s historical path and invites us to go back to the road we used to walk.

Removing Atheists From Power

October 26, 2013


People have plans and when plans converge, people join together in a common task. At times, these groups join with others because greater goals appear in their grasp. This is the how a society begins and how a culture evolves. Even after the foundation is placed and the goals are set, the dynamic elements of that society continue to form its existence (for better or for worse). Mankind, in each of his cultures, never stands still. All constantly changes, just as the human body grows, matures and declines. Such is the state of America.

In the beginning, I led religious people to come to America. Then, I led them to join together and to form a nation. They constructed a foundation, a people that was truly “under God” and guided by his wisdom. However, no nation is permanently settled and often the original road is abandoned.

Right now, America is in decline but this decline comes from its own hands. It is not the natural course of history, as some would declare. The decline results from deliberate choices, from Americans who are really enemies of America. They know nothing of its religious beginnings and desire only to rip America out of its original religious soil that nourished it so well.

I promise to topple them before they completely topple America. But first, I must awaken devout people who want a truly religious America. I say this, “These three years are extremely important. I have not abandoned America. I will provide a new opportunity, a surprising gift. You will be able to reverse the religious atheism that has gripped your nation. However, you must be aware of what I intend to do and take advantage of my actions.”

Begin now in hope. Do all you can to restore the spiritual life of your family, your parish, your community and your nation. Some will have the talent to form new groups and even to come to the attention of the news media. There must be in America, a religious revival to take advantage of what I am now doing to topple the atheists (that is what I must call them) who control America’s thinking.

Comment: Mary describes the destruction of America’s religious spirit but promises to take special actions to remove atheists from power. We must regain our own religious spirit to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Still Time

October 27, 2013


Some have grown discouraged and have abandoned the great plans of heaven. This is the time to take them up once again. Return to Church. Return to your prayers and devotions. Return to the duties of your state in life.

Return to that place of hope to which I had brought you. There is still time for all to be accomplished. I will speak clearly. Every single person has a role in heaven’s plan. No one is excluded. For this purpose, you were born into this world. Accomplishing heaven’s goal is all that really matters. The time is short and the goal is still far away. I must encourage you, so listen to me.

The whole world hangs in the balance. If you do what I ask of you, many will be saved and you will rejoice. I will multiply everything you do. If you do one act, I will make it like a hundred. If you do many acts, I will bring forth an enormous harvest. Sow the seeds in hope.

There will be a great harvest. The time is short but heaven’s plans can still be fulfilled.

Comment: Mary concludes this series on a great note of hope. However, we must act.

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